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Adelie penguin breeding success records for Bechervaise Island, Mawson since 1990-91. Data include counts of occupied nests and chick counts when either 2/3 of the nests have creched or when all nests have creched. Breeding success values are calculated as the number of chicks per occupied nest. Breeding Success = the number of chicks raised to fledging per nest with eggs Breeding success is calculated from four different whole island counts: 1) the number of incubating nests (i.e. the number of nest with eggs) - 'incubating nest count' 2) the number of brooding nests (i.e. the number of nests brooding chicks) - 'brooding chick count' 3) the number of chicks present when 2/3 of the nests have creched their chicks - '2/3-creche count' 4) the number of chicks present when all the nests have creche their chicks - 'fully-creche count' Each colony on the island is manually counted by field observers, using 'counters', three times each. Counts within 10% of each other are used to average the number of nests or chicks for each colony and then in later calculations to determine breeding success. Incubating nest counts are conducted on or about 2nd December; Brooding chick counts are conducted on or about the 7th January; 2/3-creche counts on or about the 19th January; and Fully-creche chick counts on or about 26th January. Whole island 2/3-creche and fully-creche chick count dates are determined from calculating when 2/3 and all study nests in the census area (study colonies) have creche their chicks. This work was completed as part of ASAC Project 2205, Adelie penguin research and monitoring in support of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Project. The fields in this dataset are: Year Breeding success Occupied nests
Southern Ocean Seabirds Bibliography compiled by SCAR Bird Biology Subgroup contains 1,112 records. The fields in this dataset are: year author title journal
Adelie penguin foraging trip duration records for Bechervaise Island, Mawson since 1991-92. Data include average male and female foraging trip durations for both the guard and creche stages of the breeding season. Data based on records of tagged birds crossing the APMS for in and out crossings. Durations determined from difference between out and in crossings in conjunction with nest census records. Data included only for birds which were known to be foraging for a live chick. This work was completed as part of ASAC Project 2205, Adelie penguin research and monitoring in support of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Project. The fields in this dataset are: Year trip duration (hours) Mean , standard error, count and standard deviation for male and female foraging trips during guard and creche stages of the breeding season.
Antarctic Petrels Bibliography compiled by Jan Van Franeker of the SCAR Bird Biology Subgroup contains 176 records. The fields in this dataset are: year author title journal petrel
Metadata record for data expected from ASAC Project 1003 Further investigations of the effects of the Nella Dan oil spill on intertidal benthic communities at Macquarie Island: continued recovery of kelp holdfast communities. See the link below for public details on this project. The project investigated spatial variation in kelp holdfast macrofaunal communities 7 years after the initial oil spill. The project was expanded to cover more sites than were sampled in projects 250 (ASAC_250) and 672 (ASAC_672). Results indicated that an impact was still detectable at one of the 3 oiled sites. This dataset contains the 1988 and 1994 data. Holdfast data from the 1994/1995 season is also included (comparing east versus west). The numbers are total individuals of each species that were found in each holdfast sample. This is a basic, though standard, species-abundance matrix. The site codes used in this project are: SB = Sandy Bay SEC = Secluded Bay BB = Buckles Bay GC = Garden Cove GG = Green Gorge GB = Goat Bay HMB = Half Moon Bay BAUER = Bauer Bay Other codes as for oil spill data The first number given after the site code is the site number at that sampling location. The second number is the replicate at that site. Thus sb(1)3 is Sandy Bay site 1, replicate 3. The fields in this dataset are: Species Year Site
Giant Petrels Bibliography compiled by Donna Patterson of the SCAR Bird Biology Subgroup, contains 113 records. The fields in this dataset are: year author title journal petrel
Metadata record for data expected from ASAC Project 250 See the link below for public details on this project. The study investigated the impacts of oiling on the biota of rocky shores. Five shore zones were evaluated and kelp holdfasts were collected (but not evaluated as part of this project). Data were collected using quadrat and line transect methods using counts and percentage cover as variables. Data for this work was also used in ASAC projects 672 and 1003 (ASAC_672, ASAC_1003). This dataset contains the 1988 data only. The site codes used in this project are: SB = Sandy Bay SEC = Secluded Bay BB = Buckles Bay GC = Garden Cove GG = Green Gorge GB = Goat Bay The first number given after the site code is the site number at that sampling location. The second number is the replicate at that site. Thus sb(1)3 is Sandy Bay site 1, replicate 3. The numbers are total individuals of each species that were found in each holdfast sample. This is a basic, though standard, species-abundance matrix. The fields in this dataset are: Species Year Site
Snow Petrels Bibliography compiled by John Croxall of the SCAR Bird Biology Subgroup contains 146 records. The fields in this dataset are: year author title journal petrel
Metadata record for data expected from ASAC Project 996 See the link below for public details on this project. The study investigated the effects of the small sewage outfall on algal epifauna in the isthmus area. No impacts were detected and patterns of community structure were tentatively explained by local differences in wave exposure gradients. From the abstract to the referenced paper: As part of a wider programme investigating the effects of human presence on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic ecosystems, this study evaluated the impact of the small sewage outfall at Macquarie Island on the epifauna living within turfs of the intertidal red alga Chaetangium fastigiatum. Sampling was conducted during early December (austral summer) in both 1996 and 1997 at six sites, two sites within each of three adjacent bays. The site closest to the outfall was 3m from the point of discharge. Data analyses at the population and community levels failed to demonstrate a significant effect of the outfall. Small scale spatial patterns, probably related to wave exposure, and inter-annual variation in recruitment, are suggested as the main causes of variation in patterns of epifaunal dominance during the study. The site codes used in this dataset are: GCS - Garden Cove South GCN - Garden Cove North GBS - Bay 1 South GBN - Bay 1 North CS - Bay 2 North CN - Bay 2 South At each site 5 replicates were taken. The numbers are total individuals of each species that were found in each Chaetangium sample. This is a basic, though standard, species-abundance matrix. The fields in this dataset are: Species Site Year
Intermittent Adelie penguin population counts for Bechervaise, Verner and Petersen Islands, Mawson since 1971. Data include counts of occupied nests for the post 1990/91 data conducted on or about 2nd December. Data collected prior to this were obtained from ANARE Research Notes or field note books. These counts may not have been performed at the 'optimal' time for occupied nests counts, and when this is the case have been adjusted according to a 'correction' factor. The post 1990/91 data were completed as part of ASAC Project 2205, Adelie penguin research and monitoring in support of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Project. The fields in this dataset are: Year Bechervaise Island Counts Verner Island Counts Petersen Island Counts Date Season occ nests (occupied nests)