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  • An occupancy survey on 26 January 2012 found 1 island (70166) along the coast between 111 degrees 00'E - 111 degrees 10'E had populations of breeding Adelie penguins. The survey was conducted from a fixed wing aircraft and oblique aerial photographs were taken of the occupied site. The aerial photographs were geo-referenced to the coastline shapefile from the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA, tile E158) and the boundaries of penguin colonies were digitised from the geo-referenced photos with not intentional buffer. Note the quality of the aerial photos was poor and so the resultant boundary mapping will not be very accurate. Also in the Balaena Islands there is a historic record from the 50s of penguins nesting on Thompson Islet (70166). When aerial photos were taken of this island penguins could not be detected. Please refer to the Seabird Conservation Team Data Sharing Policy for use, acknowledgement and availability of data prior to downloading data.

  • This data describe a set of sea-ice and seawater physical and biochemical parameters obtained from seawater samples and ice cores drilled from land fast sea ice in the vicinity of Davis Station, East Antarctica at six different dates (stations 1-6) during late Spring 2016. Stations 1: 16 Nov. 2016 Stations 2: 21 Nov. 2016 Stations 3: 23 Nov. 2016 Stations 4: 26 Nov. 2016 Stations 5: 29 Nov. 2016 Stations 6: 02 Dec. 2016 Parameters measured: - Temperature, salinity; - Iron: Dissolved (less than 0.2um), soluble (less than 0.02um) colloidal (between 0.02 and 0.2um) and Particulate fractions (greater than 0.2um); - Macronutrients: Nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), silicate (Si), phosfate (PO4) and ammonium (NH4); - Chlorophyll-a (Chla); - Particulate Organic Matter: Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Particulate Organic Nitrogen (PON) SW0: seawater collected at the surface SW3: seawater collected at 3m depth SW10: seawater collected at 10m depth

  • These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 3 Dec 1990 - 5 Dec 1990 Observers: Ian Allison Summary of voyage track: 3/12 Ice edge at 63d52mS, 79d56mE 3-5/12 Vessel steamed from ice edge to Mawson The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS

  • This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 (FISHOG) 1991-92 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Heard Island area in January and February 1992. The data contains temperature and salinity data from a CTD survey and the results from demersal fish trawl surveys. The major species were Dissostichjus eleginoides, Channichthys rhinoceratus, Channichthys gunnari, Lepidonotothen squamifrons, Gymnoscopelus nicholsi and Paradiplospinus gracilis. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. The objectives of the fish program were: to assess the distribution and abundance of demersal fish on the shelf in the AFZ around Heard Island; to investigate the biology of the more important species. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family

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    The main aim of this research program was to determine the potential for reducing the density of urchins to encourage the return of seaweeds and an improvement in urchin roe quality and quantity from remaining urchins. Tasmanian Sea Urchin Developments used two widely-separated sub-tidal experimental lease areas. One of these areas was at Meredith Point, on the east coast, and the other at Hope Island, on the south coast. Both sites had been subject to some overgrazing by urchins. At Meredith Point, the study area was divided into plots containing urchins at three densities: artificially enhanced, continually harvested and control (undisturbed). At Hope Island, controlled clearings of urchins and limpets from barrens areas were conducted. Recovery of vegetation was monitored as well as urchin roe quality and quantity. The data represented by this record was collected at Meredith Point.

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    Community assembly in macrofauna communities developed in artificial kelp holdfasts was monitored at 1-month intervals over a 13 month period using a sampling design that used systematic patterns of temporal overlap and changes in start and collection dates. The hierarchical nature of the experimental design allowed several different approaches to analysis; by date of deployment and by date of collection of the artificial habitats, which enabled comparison of community assembly with and without the seasonal effects of the date of collection, and by community age to test whether there were alternative end-states to assembly depending on season or recruitment history.

  • These data tables were scanned by Fiona Gleadow. The data relate to diving petrels (Pelecanoides) from Heard Island, and generally appear to be measurements of body parts (weight, wing, tail, beak, tarsus, toe) on males and females, as well as measurements of eggs (weight, length and width).

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    The spatial extent of C. rodgersii "barrens" was estimated by surveying rocky reef habitat with a towed underwater video system. Sampling took place at 13 regions along the east coast of Tasmania, each comprising 3 subsites, this dataset refers to the Bicheno region, and its 3 subsites: Denison, Governor Island and Lodi.

  • Adelie colony boundaries at Bechervaise Island were mapped by Matthew Pauza on the 21 Dec 2016. Subcolonies were mapped by circumnavigating the perimeter on foot while carrying a Garmin GPS (Etrex30) to record the track. When mapping the perimeter of the subcolonies a buffer distance of approximately 2.5 meters was maintained between the mapper and the breeding birds. This buffer distance was reduced by .5m to between 2m in the final shapefiles. Please refer to the Seabird Conservation Team Data Sharing Policy for use, acknowledgement and availability of data prior to downloading data.

  • Six colonies with breeding Adelie colonies were mapped this season in the Rookery Island group in conjunction with colony counts. Islands 74814 and the main Rookery Island 74721 were not mapped this season. Subcolonies were mapped by circumnavigating the perimeter of sub-colonies on foot while carrying a Garmin GPS (Legend Cx) to log the track taken. The person walking the perimeter of the sub-colonies maintained a buffer distance of approximately 2.5m between themselves and the breeding birds along the sub-colony boundary. This buffer distance was reduced to approximately 2m in the final shapefiles. Please refer to the Seabird Conservation Team Data Sharing Policy for use, acknowledgement and availability of data prior to downloading data.