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    A 12-month program was developed and implemented in order to obtain baseline information on water quality (salinity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, dissolved nutrients, silica), ecological condition as shown by Chlorophyll a, benthic macroinvertebrates, pathogens, and habitat extent determined from habitat mapping. Five key estuaries and coastal waters were assessed in the Southern NRM Region of Tasmania. The data represented by this record was collected in Little Swanport.

  • These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Ice Bird Dates in ice: 19 Mar 1988 - 29 Mar 1989 Observers: Jeff Wilson Summary of voyage track: 19/3 Observations started at Davis station 68d11mS 76d23mE 19-25/3 Steamed west from Davis to Mawson 27/3 Some observations north of Mawson toward ice edge The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS

  • A mathematical model (Bennetts and Meylan, 2021, has been used to make predictions of ocean wave transfer to Ross Ice Shelf flexure. The transfer is considered along transects of the Ross Ice Shelf and adjoining open ocean, where the ice shelf thickness and seabed profiles along the transects are sampled from the Bedmap2 dataset (Fretwell et al, 2013, Our dataset consists of MAT-files, where each file is for a particular transect and holds two structures: 'data_I' as input data and 'data_o' for the model output data. The input data are the profiles from Bedmap2: 'thick' is the shelf thickness, 'draft' is the shelf draught; and 'bed' is the seabed elevation. They are all in vector form with 2001 sample points along the shelf, which was found to give model outputs accurate to 95%. The input data also contains: a 1x2 vector 'L_vec', for which the first entry is the shelf length, and the second entry is the length of the adjoining open ocean, where both values are in metres; and a 1x2 vector 'Int_vec', for which the first entry is the total number of sample points (ocean + shelf) and the second entry is the number of points in the shelf only. The output date are the three matrices where the rows correspond to different wave period and columns are distances along the transect: 'eta_w' is the water displacement (dimensionless); 'eta_s' is the shelf displacement (dimensionless); and 'str' is the flexural shelf strain (1/metres). All three outputs are normalised by the incident amplitude, noting that the model is linear. The output data also contains: a 1x300 vector containing the wave periods 'T', which are log-spaced between 10s and 1000s. The data are divided into two folders: validation/ and transects/. The first group (validation/) are used to validate the model predictions against the observations of Chen et al (Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, close to 2 km away from the shelf front, where the results of Chen et al (2019) have been digitised and are contained in 'Chen_paper.mat'. The second group (transects/) can be used to study transfer over a 500km wide region of the Ross Ice Shelf. There are 101 transects with 5 km spacing. We also analysed the shelf displacement and strain over different wave periods at 10 km away from shelf front for all transects to investigate the relations between strain and wave period, these data have stored in 'Transfer_function_x_10km.mat'. Three MATLAB scripts (Fig1.m, Fig2.m, Fig3.m) are included to recreate results from Bennetts et al (submitted). Fig1.m produces plots from observation (Chen et al) and our models. Fig2.m performs strain transfer function analysis for different profiles and Fig3.m generate the strain map and selected region of Ross Ice Shelf for given incident ocean wave. For Fig1.m, it requires “Bedmap2 Toolbox for Matlab” to access the bedmap2 for producing Ross Ice Shelf on the Antarctica map. A link to download this software will be stated in the MATLAB scripts. An updated dataset was provided on 2022-10-25.

  • The data processing was done by the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN) Deployable Geospatial Support Team (DGST) and was provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre by the Australian Hydrographic Office. The dataset is titled HI513. The data was processed was collected on the following voyages: 1997/98 V2, V4, V6 1998/99 V1, V4, V5 2003/04 V1, V3, V7, V9 2004/05 V4, V5 2005/06 V2, V5 2006/07 V1, V2 2007/08 V1, V2, V3, V5, V6 2010/11 V3, V4, V5 2011/12 V1, V2, V3, VE1 The data has not been through the verification process for use in charts.

  • The GEBCO_2021 Grid provides global coverage of elevation data in meters on a 15 arc-second grid of 43200 rows x 86400 columns, giving 3,732,480,000 data points. The GEBCO 2021 grid is reformatted as a Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF suitable for online requests and republished for use by science software. Original GEBCO grid was obtained from

  • Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements from a hull mounted 150 kHz narrow band ADCP unit were collected in the Southern Ocean from 1994 to 1999, on the following cruises: au9404, au9501, au9604, au9601, au9701, au9706, au9807 and au9901. The fields in this dataset are: Currents bottom depth cruise number ship speed time velocity GPS

  • These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: United States Vessel: Endurance Dates in ice: 17 Jan 1998 - 13 Feb 1998 Observers: Steve Ackley, Elizabeth Hunke Summary of voyage track: 17/1 Ice edge at approx. 57S, 31W 17-20/1 South along approx 30W 21/1-2/2 West in toward Antarctic peninsula 3-13/2 East along ice shelf to approx. 8W 13/3 North to ice edge at approx. 68S, 12W The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS

  • An image correlation technique has been applied to RADARSAT ScanSAR images from November in 1997, and November 1999, to create the first detailed maps of fast ice around East Antarctica (75E-170E). This method is based upon searching for, and distinguishing, correlated regions of the ice-covered ocean which remain stationary, in contrast to adjacent moving pack ice. Within the overlapping longitudinal range of ~86E-150.6E, the total fast-ice area is 141,450 km2 in 1997 and 152,216 km2 in 1999. Calibrated radar backscatter data are also used to determine the distribution of two fast-ice classes based on their surface roughness characteristics. The outer boundaries of the determined fast-ice area for November in 1997 and 1999 are contained in the data files for this record. This work has been allocated to ASAC project 3024.

  • Tides were measured using a portable pressure transducer secured just below low water line. A 30 day record was obtained. Numerous manual water level measurements were made to connect the tide gauge to the local benchmark. From these observations a local mean sea level was obtained. Documentation dated 2001-03-07 Beaver Lake and the Stillwell Hills In Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 a temporary pressure type tide gauge was deployed at Beaver Lake and the Stillwell Hills in open water. Timed water level measurements were made over this period. From these data a value for MSL was found for Beaver Lake and the Stillwell Hills.

  • Two components. The first component is an even log for all station and instrument deployements. The second component is a log where start and end bottom times need to be recorded for instruments for example the benthic trawl. There is one file for each of the logs. Both logs need to be ideally merged into one to have one data source of event information. The start and end bottom times need to ideally go into the event logging system on the ship. 1) Event log for stations and all instrument deployments Stations and instrument deployments were recorded (including failures) over the progress of the voyage to provide a summary of all work carried out over voyage and and assigned an Event ID number for referencing data associated with these events. Data_Format Data was initially recorded in the ship board PostgreSQL database. Data was exported as a comma delimited file 'events.csv' at the end of the voyage. Column 1 - Setcode (voyage identifier of the form 200708030 meaning year 2007-08, voyage 3) Column 2 - Voyage Code (text voyage identifier) Column 3 - Transect ID (transect identifier, no transects were identified this voyage) Column 4 - Station ID (Station identifier, blank for events not associated with a station, CEAMARC project stations are pre-pended with 'CEAMARC', CASo stations are pre-pended with 'CASO', sampling near icebergs for trace metals pre-pended with 'ICEBERG', woCE SR3 transect sampling pre-pended with 'SR3'). Column 5 - Event ID (unique ID across voyage for individual events) Column 6 - Event Type (usually the instrument deployed, self explanatory. One event type 'Plankton Water Sample' refers to mass water sampling undertaken for genomics work). Column 7 - User Reference (id used by individual scientists to reference their data for this event. If left blank they are using the auto assigned event id from this table). Column 8 - Start Timestamp (start timestamp of the event in UTC). Column 9 - Start Latitude (start latitude of the event from the ship gps) Column 10 - Start Longitude (start longitude of the event from the ship gps) Column 11 - Start Bottom Depth (bottom depth at the start time of the event in metres from EK60 sounder bathymetry export) Column 12 - End Timestamp (end timestamp of the event in UTC) Column 13 - End Latitude (end latitude of the event from the ship gps) Column 14 - End Longitude (end longitude of the event from the ship gps) Column 15 - Duration (duration of the event in hours) Column 16 - End Bottom Depth (bottom depth at the end time of the event in metres from EK60 sounder bathymetry export) Column 17 - Min bottom Depth (minimum bottom depth encountered over event period from EK60 sounder bathymetry export) Column 17 - Avg Bottom Depth (average bottom depth encountered over event period from EK60 sounder bathymetry export) Column 18 - Max Bottom Depth (maximum bottom depth encountered over event period from EK60 sounder bathymetry export) Column 19 - Author (person who entered event details into logging system) Column 20 - Notes (notes peculiar to the event, may be blank) 2) Log of instrument bottom times. Excel spreadsheet 'Trawl_log_18_Jan_08_final.xls' Column A - Station number, these are all CEAMARC station numbers, matching stations in the event log pre-pended by 'CEAMARC'. Column B - Event ID (matching event log, sometimes blank as this log an contain entries on intended events that did not get carried out for some reason or another) Column C - Trawl Name (labelled trawl name, actually event type as the log started off with just trawl start/end bottom times, but was expanded to encompass other event types like grabs etc.) Column D - Date of the event. Column E - Ship Speed (in knots from displays of gps speed). Column F - Time instrument hit the water in utc Column G - Time instrument reached the bottom in utc. Column H - Time instrument left the bottom (i.e. hauling started) in utc. Column I - Time instrument on the deck (ie out of the water) Column J - Depth in meters read of EK60 sounder display (could be any time during event). Column K - Comments pertaining to the event.