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The dynamics of carbonate system of a coastal coral reef system under the influence of submarine groundwater discharge in Sanya Bay in the northern South China Sea were investigated using time-series observation.
This study considered a range of water-column and sediment (benthos) based variables commonly used to monitor estuaries,utilising estuaries on the North-West Coast of Tasmania (Duck, Montagu, Detention, and Black River). These included: salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nutrient and chlorophyll a levels for the water-column; and sediment redox, organic carbon content, chlorophyll a and macroinvertebrate community structure amongst the benthos. In addition to comparing reference with impacted estuaries, comparisons were also made across seasons, commensurate with seasonal changes in freshwater river input, and between regions within estuaries (upper and lower reaches) - previously identified in Hirst et al. (2005). This design enabled us to examine whether the detection of impacts (i.e. differences between reference and impacted systems) was contingent on the time and location of sampling or independent of these factors. The data represented by this record was collected in the Duck Bay.
We implemented a monitoring program developed by Crawford and White (2006), which was designed to assess the current condition of six key estuaries in NW Tasmania: Port Sorell, the Leven, Inglis, Black, Montagu and Arthur River estuaries. This study considered a range of water quality and ecological indictors commonly used to monitor estuaries. These included: salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, nutrients (nitrate + nitrite, dissolved reactive phosphorus and ammonia), silica molybdate reactive and chlorophyll a for the water column; chlorophyll a and macroinvertebrate community structure amongst the sediments. The data represented by this record was collected in Arthur River.
DC Electrical: In order to relate the fluid permeability to the electrical properties of sea ice, we also took measurements of the vertical component of the DC electrical conductivity tensor of sea ice. Cores extending to the bottom of an ice floe were taken and laid out holder. With the exception of sites 7 and 8 where we encountered a slush layer below the hard ice and could not core down to the ocean. The core bottom was determined at sites 7 and 8 to be the ice slush interface. Immediately upon extraction, holes that fit our thermistor probes were drilled every ten centimetres and a temperature profile was taken. Subsequently, slightly larger holes were drilled which fit our electrical probes (stainless steel nails). An AEMC Earth Resistivity Meter was then used to measure the resistance over 10 cm sections of the core (usually offset by 5 cm so that the measured temperature was in the centre of the section where electrical resistance was measured). The cores used in resistance measurements were taken very close to where the crystallographic cores were taken. In almost all cases the cores extracted for electrical measurements were also used for crystallographic analysis, so that there was an exact match of electrical properties with crystal structure. In such cases the DC electrical cores were then moved to a -20 degree C cold room for further processing immediately after measurements in the field. A thin vertical section, approximately 3mm thick, was taken from each of the cores stored for analysis. These sections were placed between a pair of cross polarized plates and photographed. Each photo was labelled with the core and date it was taken, and was photographed with a meter stick alongside for scale. After the thin sections were photographed, the remaining samples were melted to measure salinity. Some of the melted sea ice was saved for later O18 analysis to distinguish samples containing snow ice from those containing marine granular ice. The temperature and salinities we are then used to calculate brine volume fractions along the 10 cm sections of the core. The DC conductivity data collected can be found in the Electrical tab of the Master_Core_List.xls Excel file. The raw data can be found in the scans of our field note books located in the folder named notebooks. In the spread sheet the measured resistances of the 10 cm sections, temperatures, salinities and corresponding brine volume fractions are listed per core. For each core the supporting crystallography core number can be found in the crystallography column of the spread sheet. The photos of the crystallography cores can be found in the crystallography folder, separated into subfolders labelled with the site and core number, Each photo also contains a tag indicating the core number , site taken , date, and what depth range this covers. Tags may not contain a depth range for cores less than 1 meter. Please see the meter stick in each photo for scale.
ASPeCt is an expert group on multi-disciplinary Antarctic sea ice zone research within the SCAR Physical Sciences program. Established in 1996, ASPeCt has the key objective of improving our understanding of the Antarctic sea ice zone through focussed and ongoing field programs, remote sensing and numerical modelling. The program is designed to complement, and contribute to, other international science programs in Antarctica as well as existing and proposed research programs within national Antarctic programs. ASPeCt also includes a component of data rescue of valuable historical sea ice zone information. The overall aim of ASPeCt is to understand and model the role of Antarctic sea ice in the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system. This requires an understanding of key processes, and the determination of physical, chemical, and biological properties of the sea ice zone. These are addressed by objectives which are: 1) To establish the distribution of the basic physical properties of sea ice that are important to air-sea interaction and to biological processes within the Antarctic sea-ice zone (ice and snow cover thickness distributions; structural, chemical and thermal properties of the snow and ice; upper ocean hydrography; floe size and lead distribution). These data are required to derive forcing and validation fields for climate models and to determine factors controlling the biology and ecology of the sea ice-associated biota. 2) To understand the key sea-ice zone processes necessary for improved parameterization of these processes in coupled models. These ASPeCt measurements were taken onboard the Aurora Australis during the SIPEX voyage in the 2007-2008 summer season.
Water quality and biological data was collected from four tide-dominated river estuaries indicative of catchments with varying levels of human impacts to: 1) assess draft indicator levels for water quality, and 2) investigate biological indicators of estuarine health in NW Tasmania. The data represented by this record was collected in the Black River.
Water quality and biological data was collected from four tide-dominated river estuaries indicative of catchments with varying levels of human impacts to: 1) assess draft indicator levels for water quality, and 2) investigate biological indicators of estuarine health in NW Tasmania. The data represented by this record was collected in the Detention River.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1101 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Most of our knowledge of the Antarctic marine ecosystems comes from summer surveys. There are very few observations of this ecosystem in winter and there is a fundamental lack of knowledge of understanding of even basic questions such as 'what is there?' and 'what's it doing?'. The proposed visit to the sea ice zone in winter is a rare opportunity to conduct observations on phytoplankton, krill, birds, seals and whales, so that we can begin to understand the biological processes that go on in winter. Data for this project were intended to be collected on a 1998 winter voyage of the Aurora Australis, but a fire on board meant that the voyage had to return to port before work could be carried out. Data were then collected the following year during a 1999 winter voyage of the Aurora Australis (IDIOTS), which ran from July to September. Data attached to this metadata record, include zooplankton and CTD data collected from the Mertz Glacier region. The data have been compiled by Angela McGaffin, and can be found in the "processed" folder of the download file. Original datasets are also available in the "Original Datasets" folder.
This dataset contains numerical simulation results of the wave fields in the Davis Sea from end of December 2019 to start of February 2020. Hindcasts were obtained through the third-generation spectral wave model WAVEWATCH-III (hereafter WW3). A high resolution Davis Sea regional grid (resolution 0.1 degree, 60-80E longitude, 70-60S latitude) was nested into global grid domain (resolution 0.5 degree, 80S-80N latitude). The global model is forced with 0.5 degree sea ice concentration and 10m-wind fields from ECMWF's ERA5 reanalysis. The Davis sea model is forced with 0.1 degree 10m-wind fields from ECMWF's archived forecasts, and high-resolution (3.125km) AMSR2 satellite data for sea ice concentration (Beitsch et al., 2013 updated). Ice-induced wave attenuation is parameterized following Sutherland et al. (2019, doi:10.1016/j.apor.2019.03.023) whilst the break-up of sea ice is parameterized as 'broken' or 'unbroken' based on the break-up parameter of Voermans et al.(2020, doi:10.5194/tc-14-4265-2020). The numerical simulations have been calibrated using the buoy-observations of Voermans (2022, dataset, doi:10.26179/cdmx-n995). Sensitivity of the simulations to sea ice properties was tested and all results are provided in the dataset. The data tree: * global: model outputs for the global domain - ncfield: gridded wave and ice data for this domain in netCDF-4 format - nests: binary data used by WW3 for boundary conditions for the Davis Sea grid - restarts: binary data used by WW3 for restarting this domain * davis_sea: model outputs for the Davis Sea domain - ncfield: gridded wave and ice data for this domain in netCDF-4 format - ncpoint: spectral wave data for a few points in the Davis Sea in netCDF-4 format - nctrack: spectral wave data following the wave buoys of Voermans et al (2022) in the Davis Sea in netCDF-4 format - restarts: binary data used by WW3 for restarting this domain - IHOT: binary text field of broken and unbroken ice for restarting this domain File naming convention (by example): ww3.20200101_20200103_M3D_IHOT_H0P0325_A0P01_YY9P0_SS0P1_HH0P55.nc * 20200101_20200103 identifies the datespan of the simulation in YYYYMMDD format * A0P01 refers to the attenuation coefficient of the model (where P stands for 'point'), in this case, A=0.01 * YY is the Young's Modulus timed 10^9, here, Y-9.0e9 Pa * SS is the ice strength 'sigma' times 10^6, here sigma=0.1e6 * HH is the ice thickness, here h=0.55 m * H0P0325 is proportional to the epsilon calibration coefficient (H=0.5*ice_thickness*epsilon). * M3D refers to the 3rd instantiation of the model * IHOT refers to hot start using the ice breakup field from the previous week. ww3.*_M3D_IHOT_H0P065_A0P05_YY6P0_SS0P55.nc is considered the baseline file (note, this simulation only covers the first two weeks of the study period). Reference: Beitsch, A., Kaleschke, L. and Kern, S. (2013). "AMSR2 ASI 3.125 km Sea Ice Concentration Data, V0.1", Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Germany, digital media
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2946. Public Shallow nearshore marine habitats are rare in the Antarctic but human activities have led to their contamination. Preliminary studies suggest the characteristics of Antarctica nearshore sediments are different to elsewhere and that contaminant partitioning and absorption, and hence bioavailability, will also be very different. Predictive exposure-dose-response (effects) models need to be established to provide the theoretical basis for the development of sediment quality guidelines to guide remediation activities. Such a model will be possible through the development of an artificial 'living' sediment, which can be used to understand physical and chemical properties that control partitioning and absorption of contaminants. Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Project objectives: 1. Collate and review existing knowledge on sediment properties in nearshore marine sediments in Antarctica to determine their physical, chemical and microbiological properties and identify gaps in our knowledge of sediment characteristics 2. Construct a range of artificial sterile sediments taking into account characteristics of naturally occurring nearshore sediments in the Antarctic. Examine physical and chemical properties of these sediments and understand the properties that control partitioning of contaminants by manipulation of bulk sediment composition and measuring the adsorption isotherms of important metal contaminants (Cu, Cd, Pb, As, Sn, Sb) in these artificial sediments 3. Produce 'living' sediments by inoculation of sterile sediments with Antarctic bacteria and diatoms that will support natural microbial communities. Examine physical and chemical properties of these sediments and understand the properties that control the partitioning and absorption of contaminants by manipulation of the bulk sediment composition and spiking metal contaminants into these artificial sediments. Progress against objectives: Using published literature the approximate composition of Antarctic sediments was determined. Representative sediment phases were collected form a uncontaminated environment, the chemical composition measured and absorption capacities of Cd and Pb established. The download file contains several excel spreadsheets. Some information about them is provided below: My =ref is reference in thesis EN =is endnote reference Nearby station = is closest known reference point to where samples collected TOC = total organic carbon TOM = Total organic matter BPC =biogenic particulate carbon TN = total nitrogen TP = Total phosphorus BSi = biogenic silica Ci = initial aqueous phase concentration qe = solid phase equilibrium concentration