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  • This indicator is no longer maintained, and is considered OBSOLETE. INDICATOR DEFINITION Measurements of sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean. Measurements are averaged over latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent. TYPE OF INDICATOR There are three types of indicators used in this report: 1.Describes the CONDITION of important elements of a system; 2.Show the extent of the major PRESSURES exerted on a system; 3.Determine RESPONSES to either condition or changes in the condition of a system. This indicator is one of: CONDITION RATIONALE FOR INDICATOR SELECTION Australian and Antarctic climate and marine living resources are sensitive to the distribution of ocean temperature. Sea surface values are relatively easy to monitor, and therefore can be used as a relevant indicator of the state of the ocean environment. The information provided by long records of sea surface temperature is needed to detect changes in the Southern Ocean resulting from climate change; to test climate model predictions; to develop an understanding of links between the Ocean and climate variability in Australia; and for sustainable development of marine resources. DESIGN AND STRATEGY FOR INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAM Spatial scale: Southern Ocean: 40 deg S to the Antarctic continent Frequency: Monthly averages over summer Measurement technique: Measurements of sea surface temperature from Antarctic supply ships. The best spatial coverage of sea surface temperature is provided by satellites, due to extensive cloud cover in the Southern Ocean and biases in the satellite measurement, in situ observations of sea surface temperature are necessary. RESEARCH ISSUES Sea surface temperature has not been previously used as a spatially averaged environmental indicator. Some experimentation with past data are required to define the most appropriate averaging strategy. New technologies like profiling Argo floats need to be exploited to provide better spatial and temporal coverage of temperature in the Southern Ocean. LINKS TO OTHER INDICATORS Sea ice extent and concentration Chlorophyll concentrations Sea surface salinity

  • This dataset contains iceberg observations collected routinely on Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) by Antarctic expeditioners on a volunteer basis. The observations were made each austral summer from the 1978/1979 season until the 2000/2001 season. Data included voyage number, date, time, latitude, longitude, sea ice concentration, water temperature, total icebergs, number of icebergs in each width category, the width to height ratio of selected larger tabular icebergs. It was been compiled and presented on the web by the Glaciology program of the Antarctic CRC (now ACE CRC).

  • Refer to antFOCE report section 2.3 for deployment, sampling and analysis details. The download file contains an Excel workbook with a series of data spreadsheets - one for each of the Onset Hoboware Tidbit v2 (UTBI-001) temperature loggers that were attached to the outside of various pieces of the underwater experimental infrastructure across the antFOCE site. A Notes spreadsheet is also included with information relevant to the data. Background The antFOCE experimental system was deployed in O'Brien Bay, approximately 5 kilometres south of Casey station, East Antarctica, in the austral summer of 2014/15. Surface and sub-surface (in water below the sea ice) infrastructure allowed controlled manipulation of seawater pH levels (reduced by 0.4 pH units below ambient) in 2 chambers placed on the sea floor over natural benthic communities. Two control chambers (no pH manipulation) and two open plots (no chambers, no pH manipulation) were also sampled to compare to the pH manipulated (acidified) treatment chambers. Details of the antFOCE experiment can be found in the report – "antFOCE 2014/15 – Experimental System, Deployment, Sampling and Analysis". This report and a diagram indicating how the various antFOCE data sets relate to each other are available at:

  • This dataset is a collection of marine environmental data layers suitable for use in Southern Ocean species distribution modelling. All environmental layers have been generated at a spatial resolution of 0.1 degrees, covering the Southern Ocean extent (80 degrees S - 45 degrees S, -180 - 180 degrees). The layers include information relating to bathymetry, sea ice, ocean currents, primary production, particulate organic carbon, and other oceanographic data. An example of reading and using these data layers in R can be found at The following layers are provided: 1. Layer name: depth Description: Bathymetry. Downloaded from GEBCO 2014 (0.0083 degrees = 30sec arcmin resolution) and set at resolution 0.1 degrees. Then completed with the bathymetry layer manually corrected and provided in Fabri-Ruiz et al. (2017) Value range: -8038.722 - 0 Units: m Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO URL: Citation: Fabri-Ruiz S, Saucede T, Danis B and David B (2017). Southern Ocean Echinoids database_An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database. ZooKeys, (697), 1. 2. Layer name: geomorphology Description: Last update on portal. Derived from O'Brien et al. (2009) seafloor geomorphic feature dataset. Mapping based on GEBCO contours, ETOPO2, seismic lines). 27 categories Value range: 27 categories Units: categorical Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre URL: Citation: O'Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., and Romeyn, R. (2009) Antarctic-wide geomorphology as an aid to habitat mapping and locating vulnerable marine ecosystems. CCAMLR VME Workshop 2009. Document WS-VME-09/10 3. Layer name: sediments Description: Sediment features Value range: 14 categories Units: categorical Source: Griffiths 2014 (unpublished) URL: 4. Layer name: slope Description: Seafloor slope derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Computation according to Horn (1981), ie option neighbor=8. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees. Unit set at degrees. Value range: 0.000252378 - 16.94809 Units: degrees Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO URL: Citation: Horn, B.K.P., 1981. Hill shading and the reflectance map. Proceedings of the IEEE 69:14-47 5. Layer name: roughness Description: Seafloor roughness derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Roughness is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of a cell and its 8 surrounding cells. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees. Value range: 0 - 5171.278 Units: unitless Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO URL: 6. Layer name: mixed layer depth Description: Summer mixed layer depth climatology from ARGOS data. Regridded from 2-degree grid using nearest neighbour interpolation Value range: 13.79615 - 461.5424 Units: m Source: 7. Layer name: seasurface_current_speed Description: Current speed near the surface (2.5m depth), derived from the CAISOM model (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS model) Value range: 1.50E-04 - 1.7 Units: m/s Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre URL: Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031., 8. Layer name: seafloor_current_speed Description: Current speed near the sea floor, derived from the CAISOM model (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS) Value range: 3.40E-04 - 0.53 Units: m/s Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre URL: Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031., 9. Layer name: distance_antarctica Description: Distance to the nearest part of the Antarctic continent Value range: 0 - 3445 Units: km Source: 10. Layer name: distance_canyon Description: Distance to the axis of the nearest canyon Value range: 0 - 3117 Units: km Source: 11. Layer name: distance_max_ice_edge Description: Distance to the mean maximum winter sea ice extent (derived from daily estimates of sea ice concentration) Value range: -2614.008 - 2314.433 Units: km Source: 12. Layer name: distance_shelf Description: Distance to nearest area of seafloor of depth 500m or shallower Value range: -1296 - 1750 Units: km Source: 13. Layer name: ice_cover_max Description: Ice concentration fraction, maximum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 1 Units: unitless Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 14. Layer name: ice_cover_mean Description: Ice concentration fraction, mean on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 0.9708595 Units: unitless Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 15. Layer name: ice_cover_min Description: Ice concentration fraction, minimum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 0.8536261 Units: unitless Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 16. Layer name: ice_cover_range Description: Ice concentration fraction, difference maximum-minimum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 1 Units: unitless Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 17. Layer name: ice_thickness_max Description: Ice thickness, maximum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 3.471811 Units: m Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 18. Layer name: ice_thickness_mean Description: Ice thickness, mean on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 1.614133 Units: m Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 19. Layer name: ice_thickness_min Description: Ice thickness, minimum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 0.7602701 Units: m Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 20. Layer name: ice_thickness_range Description: Ice thickness, difference maximum-minimum on [1957-2017] time period Value range: 0 - 3.471811 Units: m Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018) URL: Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also 21. Layer name: chla_ampli_alltime_2005_2012 Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Amplitude of pixel values (difference between maximal and minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]) Value range: 0 - 77.15122 Units: mg/m^3 Source: URL: 22. Layer name: chla_max_alltime_2005_2012 Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Maximal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012] Value range: 0 - 77.28562 Units: mg/m^3 Source: URL: 23. Layer name: chla_mean_alltime_2005_2012 Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Mean value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012] Value range: 0 - 30.42691 Units: mg/m^3 Source: URL: 24. Layer name: chla_min_alltime_2005_2012 Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012] Value range: 0 - 29.02929 Units: mg/m^3 Source: URL: 25. Layer name: chla_sd_alltime_2005_2012 Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Standard deviation value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012] Value range: 0 - 27.9877 Units: mg/m^3 Source: URL: 26. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_ampli Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Amplitude value (difference maximal and minimal value, see previous layers) all seasonal layers [2005-2012] Value range: 0 - 1.31761 Units: g/m^2/d Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007) URL: Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10). 27. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_max Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Maximal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012] Value range: 0.00332562 - 1.376601 Units: g/m^2/d Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007) URL: Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10). 28. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_mean Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Mean all seasonal layers [2005-2012] Value range: 0.003184335 - 0.5031364 Units: g/m^2/d Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007) URL: Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10). 29. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_min Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Minimal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012] Value range: 0.003116508 - 0.1313119 Units: g/m^2/d Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007) URL: Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10). 30. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_sd Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Standard deviation all seasonal layers [2005-2012] Value range: 3.85E-08 - 0.4417001 Units: g/m^2/d Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007) URL: Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10). 31. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_ampli Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 0.001755714 - 5.285187 Units: mL/L Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 32. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_max Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 3.059685 - 11.52433 Units: mL/L Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 33. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_mean Description: Mean seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: 2.836582 - 8.858084 Units: mL/L Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 34. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_min Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 0.4315577 - 8.350794 Units: mL/L Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 35. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_sd Description: Standard deviation seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: 0.000427063 - 1.588707 Units: mL/L Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 36. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_ampli Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 0.000801086 - 4.249901 Units: PSU Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 37. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_max Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 32.90105 - 35.3997 Units: PSU Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 38. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_mean Description: Mean seafloor salinity over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: 32.51107 - 35.03207 Units: PSU Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 39. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_min Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 29.8904 - 34.97735 Units: PSU Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 40. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_sd Description: Standard deviation seafloor salinity over [2005-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: 0.000251834 - 1.36245 Units: PSU Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 41. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_ampli Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: 0.0086 - 8.625669 Units: degrees C Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 42. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_max Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: -2.021455 - 15.93171 Units: degrees C Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 43. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_mean Description: Mean seafloor temperature over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: -2.085796 - 13.23161 Units: degrees C Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 44. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_min Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE Value range: -2.1 - 11.6431 Units: degrees C Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 45. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_sd Description: Standard deviation seafloor temperature over [2005-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE Value range: 0.002843571 - 2.877084 Units: degrees C Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013 URL: 46. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_ampli Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 3 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 47. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_max Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 5 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 48. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_mean Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: 0 - 3.875 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 49. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_min Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 5 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 50. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_ampli Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 9 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 51. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_max Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 11 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 52. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_mean Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: 0 - 11 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 53. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_min Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012 Value range: integer values 0 - 11 Units: unitless Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers 54. Layer name: extreme_event_min_oxy_1955_2012_nb Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor oxygen concentration records) that happened between January and December of the year Value range: integer values 0 - 12 Units: per year Source: derived from seafloor oxygen concentration layers 55. Layer name: extreme_event_max_sali_2005_2012_nb Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor salinity records) that happened between January and December of the year Value range: integer values 0 - 12 Units: per year Source: derived from seafloor salinity layers 56. Layer name: extreme_event_min_sali_2005_2012_nb Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor salinity records) that happened between January and December of the year Value range: integer values 0 - 12 Units: per year Source: derived from seafloor salinity layers 57. Layer name: extreme_event_max_temp_2005_2012_nb Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year Value range: integer values 0 - 12 Units: per year Source: derived from seafloor temperature layers 58. Layer name: extreme_event_min_temp_2005_2012_nb Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year Value range: integer values 0 - 12 Units: per year Source: derived from seafloor temperature layers

  • Australian fishing vessels involved in exploratory fishing for Antarctic toothfish in East Antarctica under the auspices of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) collected data required under their exploratory fishing permit. Conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) loggers were attached to bottom longlines sets to collect data while fishing for Antarctic toothfish in Antarctic waters. The data relates to Objective 2 of the research work required: Collect and utilise environmental data to inform spatial management approaches for the conservation of toothfish, bycatch species and representative areas of benthic biodiversity (CCAMLR 2016). Data were collected on two fishing vessels during the austral summers (December to February) of 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 in CCAMLR Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. The data were collected with DST CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth Recorder) from Star-Oddi (Conductivity: 13-50 mS/cm, maximum depth: 2400 m). Files were then downloaded with SeaStar and are available in the original data format. Recordings were made at 5 or 10 second intervals for the duration of up to around 24h, recording data throughout the water column while setting the longline and then while stationary on the sea floor. Each deployment has data on time, temperature (degrees C), salinity (psu), conductivity (mS/cm) and depth (m), and is linked to geographical coordinates. Number of deployments: 2015/16: 34 2016/17: 31 2017/18: 75 CCAMLR (2016) Joint research proposal for the Dissostichus spp. exploratory fishery in East Antarctica (Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2) by Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain. Delegations of Australia, France, Japan, Republic of Korea and Spain. Report to Fish Stock Assessment Working Group, WG-FSA-16/29, CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia. Dates and times in the data files are recorded in UTC. Further information is provided in a pdf document in the download file.

  • 3 CTD casts were conducted during a limited marine science voyage by the Nella Dan to Prydz Bay during the 1985-1986 summer Antarctic season. The voyage leaser was Tom Maggs, and the deputy leader was Peter Heyward. The ship followed the schedule listed out below: Hobart 29-Dec-1985 04-Jan-1986 Edgeworth David 13-Jan-1986 17-Jan-1986 Shackleton Ice Shelf Davis 21-Jan-1986 21-Jan-1986 Marine Science 22-Jan-1986 23-Jan-1986 Marine Science Prydz Bay Davis 24-Jan-1986 26-Jan-1986 Marine Science 27-Jan-1986 27-Jan-1986 Marine Science Prydz Bay Mawson 29-Jan-1986 01-Feb-1986 Davis 03-Feb-1986 04-Feb-1986 Mawson 06-Feb-1986 06-Feb-1986 Davis 09-Feb-1986 09-Feb-1986 Edgeworth David 13-Feb-1986 13-Feb-1986 Shackleton Ice Shelf Casey 14-Feb-1986 14-Feb-1986 Hobart 22-Feb-1986 24-Feb-1986

  • CTD casts were taken through holes in the ice floe at various locations during ice stations 3, 4, 6 and 7. Two Seabird 37M microcats were used. One microcat did not log time, whereas the other did. An Idronaut Ocean Seven 304 CTD (manufactured in Italy) was used during ice stations 7 and 8. CSV files are provided. A single file represents a set of casts at a single location. The files are organised in columns as: Column 1: Temperature (C) Column 2: Conductivity Column 3: Pressure Column 4: Salinity (ppt) Column 5: Date (DD MMM YYYY), UTC Column 6: Time (HH:MM:SS), UTC For the Seabird 37M (2006 model) belonging to Dr Hutchings, time on the microcat is set to UTC, to the second. For the AWI Seabird 37M (1999 model), time is not output. This microcat dribbled data to a laptop at 1Hz. Ice Station 3: A microcat was placed at about 7m below the surface (5m below the ice) at Ridge site 1. Salinity sensor was iced up on this cast Ice Station 4: Cast 1: 100m cast through the ROV hole on Oct 6th 10:30 UTC. Cast 2: 10m cast at the trace gas site, on Oct 8th 06 UTC. Cast 3: 100m cast at the trace gas site, on Oct 8th 09:30 UTC. Ice Station 6: Cast 1: 100m at ridge site 1 , on Oct 13th 03 UTC. Cast 2: 10m casts at Trace Gas site, on Oct 13th 04:30 UTC. F Note that salinity sensor was iced on 10m cast at trace gas site. Cast 3: Deployment at 7m depth at ridge site 1, on Oct 13th 06UTC. Cast 4: 100m cast at ridge site 1, on Oct 14th 23 UTC. Note that microcat stopped recording at about 65m in downcast. Ice Station 7: - CTD casts with Seabird 37M microcat: Cast 1: 100m cast, Transducer Hole A, at active ridge. 20th Oct 03:00Z. Power failed 60m into downcast. Cast 2: 30m cast, Y-axis 50m core hole. 20th Oct 05:15Z Cast 3: 40m cast followed by 100m cast. Y-axis 100m ADCP hole. 21st Oct 00:00Z. Power failed at 60m. Cast 4: 15m casts. Y-axis 50m core hole. 21st Oct 05:15Z Cast 5: ROV Hole. With Polly's pinger. 21 Oct 09:30Z. Power failure at 86m. - CTD casts with Gerhard Dieckman's Seabird microcat. Note this microcat does not output time, but dribbles 1Hz data. Cast 6: Transponder Hole near new ridge. 23rd Oct 06:30Z. Cast 7: Trace Metal / Bio site. 23rd Oct 07:30Z. Cast 8: At ROV Hole Ice Station 8: Synoptic (3 hourly) CTD casts Roster of CTD casts is contained in file 'CTD_time.xls'. This table is pasted below. Please note that the names of excel files containing the raw data are presented in this table. Filenames: Ice Station 3: Filename: 20121004/20121004_IceStation3_microcat_all.dat. Ice Station 4: Cast 1: Filename: 20121006_IceStation4_microcat_cast1.dat Cast 2: Filename: 20121008_IceStation4_microcat_cast2_gerhard.dat Cast 3: Filename: 20121008_IceStation4_microcat_cast3_gerhard.dat Ice Station 6: Cast 1: Filename: 20121013_IceStation6_microcat_cast1_ridge.dat Cast 2: Filename: 20121013_IceStation6_microcat_cast2_gerhard.dat Cast 3: Filename: 20121013_IceStation6_gerhardCat_ridge_052700.dat Cast 4: Filename: 20121014_IceStation6_microcat_ridge.dat Ice Station 7: CTD casts with Seabird 37M microcat: Cast 1: Filename: 20121020_IceStation7_microcat_transponder_newRidge.dat Cast 2: Filename: 20121020_IceStation7_microcat_50m.dat Cast 3: Filename: 20121021_Station7_100m.dat Cast 4: Filename: 20121021_Station7_50m.dat Cast 5: Filename: 20121021_Station7_ROVhole_plusPolly2_tryagain.dat CTD casts with the AWI Seabird microcat: Cast 6: Filename: 20121023_gerhardCat.dat Cast 7: Filename: 20121023_gerhardCat_hole2.dat Cast 8: Filename: CTD_jenny_20121023.xls Ice Station 8: Synoptic (3 hourly) CTD casts: The data files are: CTD_jenny_20121023.xls CTD_jenny_20121028.xls CTD_jenny_20121030.xls CTD_jenny_20121031.xls CTD_jenny_20121101(1).xls CTD_jenny_20121101(2).xls CTD_jenny_20121102.xls CTD_jenny_20121103.xls CTD_jenny_20121104.xls

  • Multiple CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts were deployed during the SIPEX II AAD Marine Science voyage in September-November 2012. The system uses a descending rosette capable of holding up to 24 CTD bottles. During this voyage the CTD rosette also housed two krill traps (using controllable lights) and two GoPro cameras contained in pressurised, waterproof containers that were used to monitor the krill traps and view objects both on the sea bed and in the water column. Some functions of the GoPro cameras could be controlled from within the ship using the same transmission cable used by the CTD system. These functions included being able to change the focus setting of the cameras or start/stop recording. More information about the krill traps and cameras is contained in the SIPEX II Bottom Krill dataset. When a bottle is 'fired' from the ship it briefly opens, draws in water samples and closes again. It is not reopened until it is brought on board the ship. Bottles are opened at different depths to obtain samples from these depths. The depths vary from cast to cast and so are recorded in the CTD Log sheets (contained in this dataset as PDF files). Only raw data is contained in this dataset. The raw data was used by a variety of experiments during the SIPEX II voyage to produce results applicable to each experiment. Thanks go to the P and O crew of the RV Aurora Australis for their assistance during CTD operations.

  • Thermosalinograph data - one text file per day has been collected. Data include date, time, temperature, conductivity, salinity, location. Measurements were made on the CEAMARC voyage of the Aurora Australis - voyage 3 of the 2008-2008 summer season. See other CEAMARC metadata records for more information.

  • We deployed CTD sensors on five of the SIPEX 2 ice stations for collecting temperature and salinity of the water column under the sea ice. This dataset contains the raw data as outputted from the CTD in Excel format, in English. The dates that the CTD were deployed are in the file names (i.e. 20121023 is October 23, 2012).