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  • This dataset contains bathymetry (water depth), ship's heading, ship's speed and position data collected during the Nella Dan Voyage 1 1985-86. This was a marine science voyage departing Hobart, visiting Heard Island, beset at Amundsen Bay and returning to Hobart. Data are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL given below). For further information, see the Marine Science Support Voyage Report at the Related URL below.

  • A polygonised bathymetric dataset covering the Southern Ocean. The dataset was compiled from data sourced from the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Digital Atlas, 2003 edition, and the Antarctic Digital Database, version 4.

  • This dataset contains the coastline of Macquarie Island and adjacent islands in WGS84 lat/long coordinates. The coastline was constructed from a variety of sources including SPOT satellite imagery, the Royal Australian Navy's AUS604 hydrographic chart, and photogrammetry using aerial photographs.

  • The RAN Australian Hydrographic Service have conducted hydrographic surveys near the coasts of the Australian Antarctic Territory and Heard Island and Macquarie Island. Data and metadata for hydrographic surveys by the RAN Australian Hydrographic Service in Antarctica and at Heard Island and Macquarie Island has been provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre by the Australian Hydrographic Office. The survey locations in Antarctica were Mawson, Davis, Casey and Commonwealth Bay. The surveys were conducted since December 1993. Generally the surveys are denoted by a Hydrographic Instruction (HI) eg HI176. There is a metadata record for each survey from which the survey data and metadata can be obtained. The metadata records for the individual surveys are linked to this metadata record. The Australian Antarctic Data Centre has also had the soundings digitised from the fair sheets produced from earlier hydrographic surveys by the RAN Australian Hydrographic Service at Casey, Davis and Mawson. Metadata records describe the digitised soundings are also linked to this metadata record.

  • The RAN Australian Hydrographic Service conducted hydrographic survey HI242 at Macquarie Island in November and December 1996. The main survey areas were Buckles Bay and Hasselborough Bay. Survey lines were also followed from Elliott Reef down the west coast to Langdon Bay and down the east coast to Buckles Bay. The survey dataset, which includes metadata, was provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre by the Australian Hydrographic Office and is available for download from a Related URL in this metadata record. The survey was lead by LT M.A.R.Matthews. The data are not suitable for navigation.

  • A database containing sounding data around Macquarie Island. Track line data for each data source is included.

  • The RAN Australian Hydrographic Service conducted hydrographic survey HI176 at Macquarie Island in December 1993. The main survey area was adjacent to the north-east coast between North Head and The Nuggets. Survey lines were also followed part way down the west coast of the island and in the vicinity of Judge and Clerk Islets and Bishop and Clerk Islets. The survey dataset, which includes metadata, was provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre by the Australian Hydrographic Office and is available for download from a Related URL in this metadata record. The survey was lead by LT A.J.Withers. The data are not suitable for navigation.

  • This consolidated dataset consists of Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) surveys HI621C, 5135 (Terrestrial), HI364, HI514, and HI607 converted to International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 (ITRF2000) horizontal datum with Z conversion values for multiple height datums. The data was provided to the AAD by Paul Digney of Jacobs consulting in February 2021. Included survey datasets: • HI621C_MAWSON_merged.shp • HI621C_MAWSON_merged.shp • Terrestrial_Data_5135 • HI364_HSDB_T0001_SD_100035029_op_soundings • QC_HI 514 HDCS_FDD_appraised (Mawson Approches) • HI607.Shp All data are in horizontal datum ITRF2000 and have been combined into a single ESRI geodatabase feature class titled AHS_Surveys_Mawson_ITRF2000. Attribute data shows quality information, conversion factors (shift in metres) for multiple datums and the MSL orthometric height: Column Name, Alias, Meaning Easting, Easting, Easting ITRF2000 Northing, Northing, Northing ITRF2000 CD_To_GRS8, CD_To_GRS80, LAT (Chart Datum) to the Ellipsoid LAT_to_GRS80, LAT_to_GRS80, LAT (Chart Datum) to GSR80 LAT_to_MSL_Mawson, LAT_to_MSL_Mawson, LAT to Mawson MSL Z_To_GRS80, Z_To_GRS80, Height to the Ellipsoid Z_To_MSL_Mawson, Z_To_MSL_Mawson, Local MSL orthometric height Vertical_U, Vertical_Uncertainty, How good is the Vertical Position Horizontal, Horizontal Uncertainty, How good is the Horizontal Position Uncertaint, Uncertainty Comments, Depth_Comm, Depth_Comments, Vertical uncertainty ranges from 0.05 to 0.64 m and horizontal uncertainty ranges from 0.05 to 1.0 m See the attached document ‘Metadata_Record_Mawson Final REV2.xlsx’ for further details.

  • Bathymetric Contours and height range polygons of approaches to Davis Station, derived from RAN Fair sheet, Aurora Australis and GEBCO soundings.

  • Bathymetric contours and height range polygons of approaches to Mawson Station, derived from RAN Fair sheet, Aurora Australis and GEBCO soundings.