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  • We deployed CTD sensors on five of the SIPEX 2 ice stations for collecting temperature and salinity of the water column under the sea ice. This dataset contains the raw data as outputted from the CTD in Excel format, in English. The dates that the CTD were deployed are in the file names (i.e. 20121023 is October 23, 2012).

  • Oceanographic measurements conducted on voyage 1 of the Aurora Australis of the 1999-2000 season. These data comprise CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data. These data were collected by Mark Rosenberg. This metadata record was completed by AADC staff when the data were discovered bundled with acoustics data during a data cleaning exercise. Basic information about voyage 1: Polynya study off Mertz Glacier at about 145 deg E. The vessel departed from Port Arthur for the polynya study site without returning to Hobart. The voyage also deployed moorings and delivered biologists (for seal and penguin programs) and a small quantity of essential supplies and mail to Macquarie Island. Leader: Dr Ian Allison Deputy Leader: Dr Tony Worby Cargo Supervisor: Dr Vicky Lytle See the readme files in the downloads for more information.

  • Oceanographic measurements conducted on voyage 7 of the Aurora Australis of the 2001-2002 season. These data comprise CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data. These data were collected by Mark Rosenberg. This metadata record was completed by AADC staff when the data were discovered bundled with acoustics data during a data cleaning exercise. Basic information about voyage 7: Subject to ice conditions, the voyage will undertake a range of Marine Science activities in the Prydz Bay area and will retrieve summer personnel, helicopters and limited RTA cargo from Davis station. Leader: Mr Rob Easther Deputy Leader: Ms Gerry Nash See the readme files in the downloads for more information.

  • This indicator is no longer maintained, and is considered OBSOLETE. INDICATOR DEFINITION Measurements of sea surface salinity in the Southern Ocean. Measurements are averaged over latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent. TYPE OF INDICATOR There are three types of indicators used in this report: 1.Describes the CONDITION of important elements of a system; 2.Show the extent of the major PRESSURES exerted on a system; 3.Determine RESPONSES to either condition or changes in the condition of a system. This indicator is one of: CONDITION RATIONALE FOR INDICATOR SELECTION Australian and Antarctic climate and marine living resources are sensitive to the distribution of ocean salinity. Sea surface values are relatively easy to monitor, and therefore can be used as a relevant indicator of the state of the ocean environment. The information provided by long records of sea surface salinity is needed to detect changes in the Southern Ocean resulting from climate change; to test climate model predictions; to develop an understanding of links between the Ocean and climate variability in Australia; and for sustainable development of marine resources. DESIGN AND STRATEGY FOR INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAM Spatial scale: Southern Ocean: 40 deg S to the Antarctic continent Frequency: Monthly averages over summer Measurement technique: Measurements of sea surface salinity from Antarctic supply ships. RESEARCH ISSUES Sea surface salinity has not been previously used as a spatially averaged environmental indicator. Some experimentation with past data are required to define the most appropriate averaging strategy. New technologies like profiling Argo floats need to be exploited to provide better spatial and temporal coverage of salinity in the Southern Ocean. LINKS TO OTHER INDICATORS Sea surface temperature Sea ice extent and concentration Chlorophyll concentrations concentrations

  • Multiple CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts were deployed during the SIPEX II AAD Marine Science voyage in September-November 2012. The system uses a descending rosette capable of holding up to 24 CTD bottles. During this voyage the CTD rosette also housed two krill traps (using controllable lights) and two GoPro cameras contained in pressurised, waterproof containers that were used to monitor the krill traps and view objects both on the sea bed and in the water column. Some functions of the GoPro cameras could be controlled from within the ship using the same transmission cable used by the CTD system. These functions included being able to change the focus setting of the cameras or start/stop recording. More information about the krill traps and cameras is contained in the SIPEX II Bottom Krill dataset. When a bottle is 'fired' from the ship it briefly opens, draws in water samples and closes again. It is not reopened until it is brought on board the ship. Bottles are opened at different depths to obtain samples from these depths. The depths vary from cast to cast and so are recorded in the CTD Log sheets (contained in this dataset as PDF files). Only raw data is contained in this dataset. The raw data was used by a variety of experiments during the SIPEX II voyage to produce results applicable to each experiment. Thanks go to the P and O crew of the RV Aurora Australis for their assistance during CTD operations.

  • Current meter data from the SAZ project - Sub-Antarctic zone mooring study of interannual variability in particulate carbon export. These data have been collected on cruises from 1997 to 2009. Each folder in the download file contains the data as well as a readme providing further information about data capture and quality for that year. See the parent record for further information.

  • Australian vessels fishing in the Commonwealth managed fishery for Patagonian Toothfish and mackerel icefish in the Heard Island and MacDonald Island area deployed conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) loggers attached to their fishing gear. In most cases CTDs were deployed on demersal longlines but in some cases they were attached to trawl nets and traps. Data were collected on five fishing vessels during the fishing seasons of 2019/20 and 2020/21 The data were collected with a CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth Recorder) from the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) at St Andrew’s University Scotland. Files were downloaded with their TagConfig software in text (.txt) format. Recordings were made at (typically) 1 second intervals for the duration of the fishing event, recording data throughout the water column while setting the gear, then while fishing on the sea floor and again through the water column when the gear was retrieved. Each data file has data on date/time, pressure referenced to surface pressure (dbar), absolute pressure (dbar), temperature (°C), conductivity *mS/cm) and salinity (psu). The data are currently not linked to geographical coordinates which are confidential, but these may be able to be released on contact with the data owner and subject to appropriate confidentiality arrangements. Number of deployments: 2019/20: 25 2020/21: 27

  • Oceanographic measurements conducted on voyage 6 of the Aurora Australis of the 2000-2001 season. These data comprise CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data. These data were collected by Mark Rosenberg. This metadata record was completed by AADC staff when the data were discovered bundled with acoustics data during a data cleaning exercise. Basic information about voyage 6: The voyage will complete a range of Marine Science activities off the Mawson Coast, and off the Amery Ice Shelf before calling at Davis to retrieve summer personnel and helicopters prior to returning to Hobart. Science equipment calibration will be undertaken at Mawson. (Marine Science activities were interrupted when the Aurora Australis was required to provide assistance in the Polar Bird's attempt to reach Casey, complete the station resupply and return to open water.) Leader: Dr Graham Hosie Deputy Leader: Mr Andrew McEldowney See the readme files in the downloads for more information.

  • 3 CTD casts were conducted during a limited marine science voyage by the Nella Dan to Prydz Bay during the 1985-1986 summer Antarctic season. The voyage leaser was Tom Maggs, and the deputy leader was Peter Heyward. The ship followed the schedule listed out below: Hobart 29-Dec-1985 04-Jan-1986 Edgeworth David 13-Jan-1986 17-Jan-1986 Shackleton Ice Shelf Davis 21-Jan-1986 21-Jan-1986 Marine Science 22-Jan-1986 23-Jan-1986 Marine Science Prydz Bay Davis 24-Jan-1986 26-Jan-1986 Marine Science 27-Jan-1986 27-Jan-1986 Marine Science Prydz Bay Mawson 29-Jan-1986 01-Feb-1986 Davis 03-Feb-1986 04-Feb-1986 Mawson 06-Feb-1986 06-Feb-1986 Davis 09-Feb-1986 09-Feb-1986 Edgeworth David 13-Feb-1986 13-Feb-1986 Shackleton Ice Shelf Casey 14-Feb-1986 14-Feb-1986 Hobart 22-Feb-1986 24-Feb-1986

  • Data were collected during the 1997-1998 austral summer on voyages by the Aurora Australis and Southern Surveyor. Taken from the abstract of the referenced paper: Oceanographic processes in the subantarctic region contribute crucially to the physical and biogeochemical aspects of the global climate system. To explore and quantify these contributions, the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) organised the SAZ Project, a multidisciplinary, multiship investigation carried out south of Australia in the austral summer of 1997-1998. Here we present a brief overview of the SAZ Project and some of its major results, as detailed in the 16 papers that follow in this special section. The Southern Ocean plays an important role in the global oceanic overturning circulation and its influence on the carbon dioxide contents of the atmosphere. Deep waters upwelled to the surface are rich in nutrients and carbon dioxide. Air-sea interaction modifies the upwelled deep waters to form bottom, intermediate, and mode waters, which transport freshwater, oxygen, and carbon dioxide into the ocean interior. The overall effect on atmospheric carbon dioxide is a balance between outgassing from upwelled deep waters and uptake via both dissolution in newly formed waters (sometimes referred to as the solubility pump) and the transport of photosynthetically formed organic carbon to depth in settling particles (referred to as the biological pump). Determining the variations in the overturning circulation and the associated carbon fluxes in the past and their response to increased anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide in the future is essential to a full understanding of the controls on global climate. At present the upwelled nutrients are incompletely used. Low light in deep wind-mixed surface layers, lack of the micronutrient iron, and other factors restrict phtyoplankton production so that Southern Ocean surface waters represent the largest high-nutrient, low chlorophyll (HNLC) region in the world.