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  • AM01 borehole drilled January 2002 at a height of 65 metres above sea level. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 5 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad.

  • This dataset contains hydroacoustic results from the Antarctic Division Biomass Experiment II (ADBEX II) cruise of the Nella Dan. This cruise is the third in a series of six cruises, performing a long term survey of krill and other zooplankton distribution and abundance. Australia was to have participated in the Second International Biomass Experiment I (SIBEX I), but withdrew due to resupply problems. ADBEX II is a reduced sampling program of what was to have been sampled during SIBEX I. Three transects were made off Antarctica in the Mawson region of the Australian sector, in January to March 1984, covering a survey area of 70,000 square kilometers. Quantitative and geographic krill distribution, abundance, mean and variance of the krill weight density, and total krill biomass were obtained. Biomass estimates for ADBEX II are given as 3.5 million tonnes, obtained by extrapolating over the survey area used on the SIBEX II cruise (1.28x10^6 square kilometers). Temperature, nutrient and salinty data were also obtained, as well as trawl results. Summary results are listed in the documentation. The fields in this dataset are: pressure temperature salinity volume geopotential samples deviation

  • AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 5 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad.

  • AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad. New information added: July 2006, September 2009.

  • This dataset contains CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) data obtained from the Krill and Rock (KROCK) 92/93 cruise of the Aurora Australis, during Jan - Mar 1993. 62 CTD casts were taken in the Prydz Bay region, as a supplement to the krill and geology research program. Casts were made about 200 m except for one off the shelf. This dataset is a subset of the whole cruise data. The fields in this dataset are: Pressure Temperature Sigma-T Salinity Geopotential Anomaly Specific volume Anomaly samples deviation conduction

  • AM06 borehole drilled January 2010. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad.

  • AM06 borehole drilled January 2010. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad. 2012-2013 data may be final data from the unit owing to battery failure. The original project for this dataset was ASAC 1164, but recent data fall under the auspices of project AAS 4096.

  • This dataset contains CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) data obtained from the Big ANtarctic Geological and Seismic Survey (BANGSS) 94/95 cruise of the Aurora Australis, during Feb - Apr 1995. 24 CTD casts were taken in the Prydz Bay region, as a supplement to the geology research program. This dataset is a subset of the whole cruise data. The fields in this dataset are: Pressure Temperature Sigma-T Salinity Geopotential ANomaly Specific volume Anomaly samples deviation conduction

  • AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 4 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats. A word document providing further information is also available as part of the download. All of the .dat files of data can be viewed with a text editor such as Wordpad.

  • This dataset contains CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) data obtained from the Australian Antarctic Marine Biological Ecosystem Research (AAMBER) 86/87 cruise of the Nella Dan, during Feb - Apr 1987. This cruise is the last out of a series of six, conducting a long term field survey on krill, fish and zooplankton. 94 CTD casts were taken in the Prydz Bay region, as a supplement to the krill and fish research program. Casts were made to the bottom over the continental shelf, and to either 200 m or 1000 m off the shelf. This dataset is a subset of the whole cruise data. The fields in this dataset are: Pressure Temperature Sigma-T Salinity Geopotential Anomaly Specific volume Anomaly samples deviation conduction