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This dataset is a climatological summer chlorophyll-a layer for the Southern Ocean south of 40S, following the OC3M algorithm of Johnson et al. (2013). The climatology was calculated from level-3 binned MODISA RRS products spanning the 2002/03 to 2015/16 austral summer seasons (summer taken as day 355 to day 80).
This dataset contains chlorophyll a data collected by the Aurora Australis on Voyage 7 1992-93, taken in the Prydz Bay region between January and February 1993. These data were collected as part of ASAC project 40 (The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms).
Chlorophyll data was used to measure growth rates of sea ice algae in CO2 incubations. Sea ice brine microalgae was collected from sackholes. Replicate samples were incubated in ambient air (~0.04% CO2), 0.1% CO2, 1.0% CO2 and 2.0% CO2 concentrations. AT the end of the incubations the 50 ml samples were filtered through a 25 mm GF/F filter using vacuum filtration. The filters were placed in 15 ml plastic falcon tubes containing 10 ml of methanol, covered in aluminium foil and kept in the dark at 4 degrees C for 12 hours. Chl a concentration was measured using a 10AU Turner fluorometer following the acidification method of Strickland and Parsons (1972). Data in spread sheet shows the extracted chl + phaeophytin, phaeophytin and chlorophyll concentrations (micro grams l-1) for each of the three experiments. Data were collected at SIPEX Ice Stations 1-8 and SIPEX CTD stations 2-5
The ASPeCt - Bio dataset is a compilation of currently available sea ice chlorophyll a (chl-a) data from pack ice (i.e., excluding fast ice) cores collected during 32 cruises to the Southern Ocean sea ice zone from 1983 to 2008 (Table S1). Data come from peer-reviewed publications, cruise reports, data repositories and direct contributions by field-research teams. During all cruises the chl-a concentration (in micrograms per litre) was measured from melted ice core sections, using standard procedures, e.g., by melting the ice at less than 5 degrees C in the dark; filtering samples onto glassfibre filters; and fluorometric analysis according to standard protocols [Holm-Hansen et al., 1965; Evans et al., 1987]. Ice samples were melted either directly or in filtered sea water, which does not yield significant differences in chl-a concentration [Dieckmann et al., 1998]. The dataset consists of 1300 geo-referenced ice cores, consisting of 8247 individual ice core sections, and including 990 vertical profiles with a minimum of three sections. An updated dataset was provided in 2017-12-15, which included a compilation Net CDF file.
This dataset contains chlorophyll a data collected by the Aurora Australis on Voyage 2, 1997-1998 - the ONICE cruise. Samples were collected from September-November of 1997. These data were collected as part of ASAC project 40 (The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms).
This dataset contains chlorophyll a data obtained from the Antarctic Division BIOMASS Experiment I (ADBEX I) cruise of the Nella Dan, during Nov - Dec 1982. This cruise is the second in a series of six, conducting a long term field survey of krill and other zooplankton. Chlorophyll a samples were not collected at every station (see the download file). The data fields are: Station Date GMT Latitude Longitude Bottle Depth Chlorophyll a NO3 PO4 SiO3
This is a scanned copy of the report written by Simon Townsend on work undertaken at Davis Station during the wintering year of 1989. The report covers the following topics: - Tierny Drainage System - The hypersaline density current hypothesis tested - Ellis Fjord temperature and salinity data - Ellis Fjord long-term instrument deployment - Water tracer experiment - Organic Lake - Ellis Fjord in-situ chlorophyll-a profiles - Appendices: Platypus notes, Platypus software, Seabird instrument notes, assessment of Chelsea suspended solids meter, winches for biological use, advise under-ice instrument deployment.
Chlorophyll a data collected on the AAMBER II cruise of the Aurora Australis from January to March of 1991. The voyage traveled to the Prydz Bay region, and data were collected en route and in the area.
Chloropyll a data were collected on voyage 4 of the Aurora Australis, during the 1991-1992 season. These data were collected as part of ASAC project 40 (ASAC_40) (The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms).
This dataset contains chlorophyll a data collected by the Aurora Australis on Voyage 6, 1997-1998 - the SAZ (Subantarctic Zone) cruise. Samples were collected in March of 1998. These data were collected as part of ASAC project 40 (The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms).