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The dataset comprises records of crossings by Adelie penguins of a weighbridge and gateway established on Bechervaise Island. The weighbridge and gateway are positioned so that most or all of the penguins breeding in a set of sub-colonies on the island cross the weighbridge when they leave the colony to forage and when they return from foraging. The gateway records the time of each crossing, the dynamic weight of the penguin as it crosses, and the identity of penguins that have been sub-cutaneously tagged. The weighbridge and gateway operate continuously throughout the austral breeding season. The data are currently in an unprocessed form.
This dataset comprises of an Access Database of compiled historical fish data from the following voyages and field surveys: Fish biological and stomach contents data - Casey 1988 Inshore Marine Fish of the Vestfold Hills Antarctica, 1983-1984 Macquarie Island Fisheries, 1994-1995 Aurora Australis Voyage 7.2 (HIMS) 1989-90 Heard Island Fish Data Aurora Australis Voyage 6 (AAMBER2) 1990-91 Pelagic Fish Data Aurora Australis Voyage 6 (FISHOG) 1991-92 Heard Island Fish Data Aurora Australis Voyage 1 (THIRST) 1993-94 Demersal Fish Data See the child records for more details about the individual voyages or field surveys.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1242 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- This project will undertake preliminary assessment of Southern Ocean squid stocks. Squids will be collected by jigging and light trapping off research vessels in the region of Macquarie Island and other selected locations where the opportunity arises. Little is known about squid biology in the Pacific and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. This project will help to provide initial basic biological data on the squid species present. 18 squid we caught on-board the Aurora Australis in November, 2001. All were caught 200-300 kms south of Tasmania, by a hand-held squid jig, at latitude 47 South at a depth of 1m. All samples caught on the 5/11/01 have the code QA/AA/80/01. There was no code written for others caught on 3/11/01. The fields in this dataset are: Species Date Mantle length (mm) Weight (g) Sex Maturity Gonad weight (g) See also the metadata record for ASAC project 1340 (ASAC_1340), Squid in the antarctic and subantarctic, their biology and ecology.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1336 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Antarctica is considered the most remote ecosystem in the world and yet recent studies have discovered high infection rates for some common poultry diseases in penguins. Because of the increase in human presence in Antarctica from station personnel and tourism there is concern that humans are introducing the diseases to Antarctic wildlife. Alternatively, migratory birds such as the South Polar skua may act as the primary agent bringing exotic diseases to Antarctic penguins. This study will investigate the role of South Polar skuas in the introduction and transmission of diseases to Antarctic penguins. To do this we will assess the normal viral, bacterial and parasitic flora of skuas. In addition we will monitor the effects diseases have on the growth and survivorship of skua chicks. Finally, through radio tracking, we will investigate the local and migratory movements of skuas to determine the scope of their influence. By understanding the role that skuas play in the dynamics of diseases in Antarctica we will be able to define the role of humans more clearly. The download file attached to this metadata record contains a number of excel spreadsheets, and corresponding work documents. Each spreadsheet is paired with a word document (of the same name), which explains each column, etc in detail. This project is related to ASAC project 953 (ASAC_953), Investigations of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in Antarctic penguins, and the development of a standardised monitoring scheme. The fields in this dataset are: Skuas Adults Chicks Disease Date Mate Band number Weight Length Blood Haematology Latitude Longtiude Cloacal swabs Head Tarsus Culmen Bill South Polar Skua Adelie Penguin Viral swab bacterial swab
The objectives for this project were: The project aims to quantify the patterns of dispersal and survival of newly weaned southern elephant seal pups to provide information on position at sea and foraging behaviour of the pups once they leave Macquarie Island, and to examine how this is related to position at sea and foraging behaviour in the second year. This information will be used to test the hypothesis that first year survival is a consequence of the young animals exploiting different foraging grounds to adults, and that fishing activity on the Campbell Plateau may be a contributing factor. In addition, stable isotope analysis and fatty acid signature analysis will be used to examine differences in foraging behaviour from animals while they are at sea. The raw data from this project is added to the long term database described by the metadata records 'Macquarie Island Elephant Seal Populations 1950-1965', and 'Macquarie Island Elephant Seal Populations 1985 Onwards'. This database has been taken offline, however. A snapshot of the database was taken in January, 1995, and is linked at the provided URL. For access, contact the Australian Antarctic Data Centre. A number of papers have been produced from this project. Some of these papers are included in the reference section below. The data collected for the database is as follows: Seal Number Status (new or resight) Date Location Age Class Status (cow, beachmaster, pregnant cow, dead etc) Sex Weight Length Size Back Fat Flipper Body Water Time Depth Recorder
2000/2001 season 31 quad based surveys were conducted along the pack-ice edge to identify where leopard seals could be accessed. 31 one hour aerial surveys were also conducted to identify the position and number of seals in the region. 36 boat based surveys were conducted to identify the size and sex of leopard seals, whether they were a resight and the possibility of sedating seals. There were a total of 23 leopard seal captures. Resights from the 1999/2000 season were made of 5 known seals. Samples were collected from a total of 19 known and 20 unknown leopards seals. Samples were also collected from 14 known weddell seals. All blood, fur, whisker, scat, and morphmetric measurements were collected. Three satellite tracking units were deployed following the moult on adult leopard seals, and one crittercam unit. 14 blood samples were taken from leopard seals, 13 blood samples from weddell seals. 6 blubber samples from leopard seals, 17 fur samples from leopard seals and 7 whiskers from leopard seals and 2 from weddell seals 32 scats from leopard seals, 50 urine and 30 scat samples from weddell seals. Voucher samples for stable isotope analysis from 2 weddell seals, 26 penguins and 64 fish were collected. Spatial movements and haul out data from 11 leopard seals has been analysed. The blood, skin muscle, whisker, fat and fur has been prepared for later analysis. 42 separate scats have been analysed to determine diet composition. The captive feeding trials have been performed using two captive leopard seals. For each seal the following tests have been conducted, biochemical analysis of fresh serum, manual packed cell volme and white cell counts and differential white cell counts from blood smears and all haematological analysis. The refinement of the anaesthetic protocol of Zolazepam/ Tiletamine in leopard seals has been continued and this combination appears to provide a deeper and more reliable level of immobilisation compared with other anaesthetic combinations to date. 2001/2002 season In the Prydz Bay area, 28 one-hour aerial surveys were conducted by Squirrel helicopter, 23 quad based surveys and 12 boat based surveys were conducted between latitudes 68 degrees 20'S and 68 degrees 40'S along the fast ice edge to identify the position and number of leopard seals in the region. 110 leopard seals were sighted overall and of those 5 were positively identified as resight animals, tagged during previous seasons. Five leopard seal capture procedures were performed and postmortem samples, blood fur, blubber, skin, whiskers, scats, urine and morphometric measurements were collected from two leopard seals. 6 urine and 15 scat samples collected from known and unknown leopard seals and 7 fur samples including 2 from resight animals tagged during the previous two seasons. Three Weddell seal capture procedures were performed and blood samples were collected from each seal. 125 weddell seal urine and 112 weddell seal scat samples were also collected. For stable isotope and signature fatty acid analysis, the following samples were collected as voucher samples; 1 weddell seal muscle sample, 3 adelie penguin muscle samples, 1 elephant seal whisker, muscle and skin sample, 73 Antarctic cod muscle samples, 23 ice fish and 20 krill. Foraging Information Scats collected from 20 seals and will be analysed for diet information. Stable isotope analysis involved fur, blood and whiskers collected from 35 animals. A key to the stable isotopes is provided in the download file. Fatty acid analysis involved collection of blubber from 35 animals. The fields in this dataset are: Spatial Data Seal Id: adult female Ptt tag number Date: date data collected Time: time data collected Location Class: ARGOS location classes 3 (0-150m), 2 (150-350m) and 1 (350-1000m). South: latitude decimal degrees East: longitude decimal degrees Amphipods ID = ID of seal from which scat sample collected Length = length of amphipod Wt = weight of amphipod Species = species of amphipod broken specimens = not whole specimens. Otolith data; No = number collected Species = species of fish identified from otolith Length/breadth/width = measurements of otolith in mm Eqn = calculation used to determine Standard length of fish from otolith size Mass = mass calculation of fish from otolith measurements Age and Length classes = size of mass of fish classified into groups Fatty acids Ret Time = retention time of individual fatty acid Area counts = TBA Area % = TBA LS Scat ID refers to the Identification number we gave to each seal. U refers to a unknown seal Date = date sample collected Sex = sex of seal Age = juvenile, sub adult or adult Seal = seal fur found in scat penguin = penguin remains found in scat and so on for each other column including fish, otolith, krill rocks, amphipod and seaweed. St weight refers to stomach weight.
Marine soft-sediment assemblages were sampled from shallow (5 - 35m) nearshore regions around Casey Station, Windmill Islands, East Antarctica in late summer (Feb-March) 1997, using a van-Veen grab (surface area 20 x 25 cm). Samples were sieved through a 1 mm mesh and sorted to species where possible. A hierarchical, spatially nested sampling design was used with locations (km's apart), sites (100s of metres apart), and plots (10s of m). Two potentially impacted, polluted locations (adjacent to a sewage outfall and an old garbage tip) were compared with two control locations. Data was analysed using both multivariate and univariate statistical methods. Significant differences in assemblages were found between locations and between sites within locations. Significant differences in the abundances of taxa at several taxonomic levels (species, family, order, phylum) were found at all three spatial scales. Significant differences were also detected between the polluted and control locations. Compared with other Antarctic locations, the assemblages were dominated by crustaceans (90 to 97 % of individuals) and there was a paucity of polychaete fauna at the locations sampled. This study represents the first description of benthic assemblages from this region. A total of 70 samples are included in this data set. Also links to ASAC 1100. The fields in this dataset are: Location Site Plot/replicate Weight Volume Species
Blood samples from 35 seals have been collected for serum biochemistry analysis. Scats from 20 animals have been collected for parasitology. Estimated weights and morphometric measurements from 35 animals have been collected. The data for this project are presented in a number of excel worksheets. In addition, a word document is also included in the download file which fully explains each spreadsheet. A precis of that word document is copied below. Haematology Data from haematological analysis performed on fresh whole blood collected from leopard seals between 27.12.1999-22.01.2002 and Weddell seals between 02.01.2001-21.01.2002 off Davis Station in the Austral summer seasons of 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. Serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) Data from SPE analysis performed on serum (stored at -80 degrees C) collected from leopard seals between 27.12.1999-22.01.2002 and Weddell seals between 02.01.2001-21.01.2002 off Davis Station in the Austral summer seasons of 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. Serum Biochemistry Data from biochemistry analysis performed on serum (stored at -80 degrees C) collected from leopard seals between 27.12.1999-22.01.2002 and Weddell seals between 02.01.2001-21.01.2002 off Davis Station in the Austral summer seasons of 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. Trace element and heavy metal analysis Data from trace element and heavy metal analysis performed on serum (-80 degrees C), fur, frozen (-20 degrees C) and formalin (10%) fixed tissues, plasma (-80 degrees C), EDTA plasma (-80 degrees C), washed red blood cells (-80 degrees C) and urine (-20 degrees C) collected from leopard seals between 27.12.1999-17.02.2002 and Weddell seals between 02.01.2001-21.01.2002 off Davis Station in the Austral summer seasons of 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 using inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The spreadsheet is organised into six worksheets: 1.Serum (micro g/L) 2.Fur (micro g/g dry weight) 3.Frozen tissues (micro g/g dry weight) 4.Plasma and RBC (red blood cells) (micro g/L) 5.Urine (micro g/L) 6.Formalin tissues (micro g/g dry weight) Faecal Parasites Data from faecal flotation in saturated salt solution performed on fresh and frozen (- 20 degrees C) scats collected from leopard seals between 23.11.1999-17.02.2002 and Weddell seals between 06.12.2000-16.01.2002 off Davis Station in the Austral summer seasons of 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. The fields in this dataset are: Glucose Urea Creatinine Fibrinogen Protein Albumin Globulin Bilirubin ALP AST ALT Creatinine Kinase Cholesterol Calcium Phosphate Sodium Potassium Chloride Bicarbonate Anion Gap Amylase Lipase Date Faeces Cestode eggs Ascarid Eggs PCV WCC Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil Lymphocyte Monocyte Band Neutrophil Serum Magnesium Aluminium Vandium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Arsenic Selenium Cadmium Mercury Lead Bismuth Date
APIS data were collected between 1994 and 1999. This dataset also includes some historical data collected between 1985 and 1987. Both aerial and ship-board surveys were conducted. Studies on the behaviour of Pack-ice or Crabeater Seal (Lobodon carcinophagus) in the Southern Ocean and in the Australian Sector of Antarctica were also conducted as part of this study. Satellite tracking was used to determine their movement, durations on land and at sea, dive depths and dive duration etc. The four species of Antarctic pack ice seals (crabeater, leopard, Weddell, and Ross seals) are thought to comprise up to 50% or more of the world's total biomass of seals. As long-lived, top level predators in Southern Ocean ecosystems, pack ice seals are scientifically interesting because they can assist in monitoring shifts in ecosystem structure and function, especially changes that occur in sensitive polar areas in response to global climate changes. The APIS Program focuses on the ecological importance of pack ice seals and their interactions with physical and biotic features of their environment. This program is a collaborative, multi-disciplinary research initiative whose planning and implementation has involved scientists from more than a dozen countries. It is being developed and coordinated by the Group of Specialists on Seals of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), and represents an important contribution to SCAR's Antarctic Global Change Program. Australian researchers have undertaken an ambitious science program studying the distribution and abundance of pack ice seals in support of the APIS Program. An excellent overview of this work is provided at the Australian Antarctic Division's web site. The following paragraphs provide a brief progress report of some of that work through 1998. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four years of developmental work have now been completed in preparation for the Australian contribution to the circumpolar survey that will take place in December 1998. Until recently the main effort has been directed towards designing and building a system for automatic data logging of line transect data by double observers. Two systems identical in concept have been designed for aerial survey and shipboard survey. The systems consist of a number of sighting guns and keypads linked to a central computer. The sightings guns are used to measure the exact time and angle of declination from the horizon of seals passing abeam of the survey platform. Also logged regularly (10 second intervals) are GPS position and altitude (aerial survey only). The aerial survey system also has an audio backup. The aerial survey system has been trialled over three seasons and the shipboard system over one season. Preliminary analysis of aerial data indicates that the essential assumption of the line transect method is badly violated, reinforcing the need for double observers. Assumption violation is likely to be less in shipboard survey, but assessment of the assumption of perfect sightability on the line is still important. User manuals have been written for both the aerial and shipboard systems. An aerial survey system is being constructed for use by BAS in the coming season. A backup manual system for aerial and shipboard survey has also been developed in the event of the automatic system failing. The aerial backup system uses the perspex sighting frame developed by the US. A database has been designed for storage and analysis of aerial and shipboard data. Importing of data is fast and easy, allowing post-survey analysis and review immediately after each day's survey effort. Aides for training observers have been developed. A video on species identification has been produced. A Powerpoint slide show has been designed to simulate aerial survey conditions and use of the automatic data logging system. Currently effort has been directed toward developing an optimal survey design. While a general survey plan is necessary, it must be flexible to deal with unpredictable ice and weather conditions. It is planned to use both the ship and two Sikorsky 76 helicopters as survey platforms. The ship will be used to survey into and out from stations, and inwards from the ice edge for approximately 60 miles. The helicopters will be used to survey southwards from the ship for distances up to 140 miles in favourable weather. Helicopters will fly in tandem, with transects 10 miles apart. Studies of crabeater seal haul-out behaviour have been conducted over the past four seasons. Twenty SLTDRs have been deployed in the breeding season (September-October). The length of deployments varies from a few days to 3 months. No transmissions have been received after mid-January, probably due to loss of instruments during the moult. Most instruments have transmitted data through the survey period of November-December. Haul-out behaviour is consistent between animals and years. However, five more instruments will be deployed in the survey season to ensure there is haul-out data concurrent with the survey effort. Some observations of penguins and whales were also made. The accompanying dataset includes three Microsoft Access databases (stored in both Access 97 and Access 2002 formats), as well as two Microsoft Word documents, which provide additional information about these data. The fields in this dataset are: Date Time Time since previous sighting Side (of aircraft/ship) Seen by (observer) Latitude Longitude Number of adults Number of pups Species (LPD - Leopard Seal, WED - Weddell Seal, SES - Southern Elephant Seal, CBE - Crabeater Seal, UNS - Unknown Seal, ADE - Adelie Penguin, ROS - Ross Seal, EMP - Emperor Penguin, MKE - Minke Whale, ORC - Orca Whale, UNP - Unknown Penguin, UNW - Unknown Whale) SpCert - How certain the observer was of correct identification - a tick indicates certainty Distance from Observer (metres) Movement Categories - N: no data, S: stationary, MB: moved body, MBP: moved body and position, movement distance: -99 no data, negative values moved towards flight line, positive distance moved away from flight line Distance dart gun fired from animal (in metres) Approach method (S = ship, H = helicopter, Z = unknown) Approach distance (metres) Group (S = single, P = pair, F = family (male, female and pup)) Sex Guessed Weight (kg) Drugs used Maximum Sedation Level (CS = Colin Southwell, MT = Mark Tahmidjis) Time to maximum sedation level Time to return to normal Heart rate (maximum, minimum) Respiration rate (maximum, minimum, resting) Arousal Level (1 = calm, 2 = slight, 3 = strong) Arousal Level Cat1 (1 = calm, 2 = 2+3 from above) Apnoea (maximum length of apnoea in minutes) Comments Time at depth - reading taken every 10 seconds, and whichever depth incremented upwards by 1. Time period (NT - 21:00-03:00, MN - 03:00-09:00, MD - 09:00-15:00, AF - 15:00-21:00) Seal Age - (A = Adult, SA = sub-Adult) WCId - Wildlife Computers Identification Number for SLTDR Length, width, girth (body, head, flippers) (cm) Blood, blubber, skin, hair, tooth, scat, nasal swab - sample taken, yes or no. In general, Y = Yes, N = No, ND = No Data This work was also completed as part of ASAC projects 775 and 2263.