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  • These are the scanned electronic copies of field and lab books used at Davis Station and Kingston between 2009 and 2012 as part of ASAC (AAS) project 3134 - Vulnerability of Antarctic marine benthos to increased temperatures and ocean acidification associated with climate change.

  • The present data set corresponds to the genotypes for seven microsatellite markers for three Antarctic sea urchin species of the genus Abatus. Sea urchin individuals were collected in five sites separated by up to 5 km in the near-shore area surrounding Davis Station in the Vestfold Hills Region, East Antarctica. For each microsatellite loci, the size of each allele was scored (in base pairs) using the CEQ 8000 Genetic Analysis System software v.8.0. Fragments were separated on an automated sequencer (CEQ 8000, Beckman Coulter) in the Central Science Laboratory at University of Tasmania.

  • Population connectivity and gene flow in near shore Antarctic Echinoids (Sterechinus neumayeri, Abatus nimrodi and Abatus ingens) was investigated in East Antarctica. This data set consists of microsatellite genotype data from 11 novel loci and mitochondrial DNA sequences from two gene region, COI and 16S. In addition, to determine if changes in temperature and salinity impacted fertilisation success in S. neumayeri, and to determine the appropriate sperm to egg ratio for this type of experiment, a fertilisation experiment was completed using various combinations of temperature, salinity and sperm to egg ratio. Samples were collected near two Australian Antarctic research stations, Casey and Davis, during the 08/09 and 09/10 summer field seasons. To generate the microsatellite data set, a total of 545 adults, nuemayeri and 26 echinoplutei were collected. Spatial replication was achieved by comparing adult populations between two regions (Casey and Davis). These two regions are separated by approximately 1400 km. Sampling in the Casey region was done at two locations 9 km apart and in the Davis region at five locations separated by 5 - 30 km. Within each location 25-50 individuals were collected from up to three sites approximately 0.5 km apart. Within each site, all individuals were collected within an area less than 50 m2. Adult urchins were collected by dip nets, snorkel or scuba depending on location. Echinoplutei were collected from the water column in two locations in the Davis region using a purpose built plankton net. DNA was extracted using QiagenDNeasy Blood and Tissue extraction kits as per the manufacturer's protocols. PCR amplification was carried out in four multiplex reactions and analysis of the PCR product was carried out on a CEQ 8000 (Beckman Coulter) automated sequencer by capillary separation, and alleles scored as fragment size using CEQ 8000 Genetic Analysis System software (ver. 8.0). Data available: Data consists of 571 individual genotypes at 11 loci in an excel spreadsheet following the GenAlEx v 6.41 layout. Sites from the Davis region are; Old Wallow 1 (OW1), Old Wallow 2 (OW2), Boyd Island (BO1), Ellis Fjord 1 (EL1), Ellis Fjord 2 (EL2), Ellis Fjord 3 (EL3), Trigwell Island 1 (TR1), Trigwell Island 2 (TR2), Trigwell Island 3 (TR3), Zappit Point 1 (ZP1), Zappit Point 2 (ZP2), Zappit Point 3 (ZP3). Sites from the Casey region are; Browning Peninsula 1 (CB1), Browning Peninsula 2 (CB2), Browning Peninsula 3 (CB3), Sparkes Bay 1 (CS1), Sparkes Bay 2 (CS2).Echinoplutei samples are Hawker Island (D1); Kazak Island 1 (K1); Kazak Island 2 (K2) Data is coded as fragment length, with a zero value representing no data. To generate the mtDNA sequence data, a total of 24 S. neumayeri individuals were sequenced for the COI gene region with two haplotypes found. For the 16S gene region, 25 individuals were sequenced with three haplotypes founds. For Abatusingens, 51 individuals were sequenced with six CO1 haplotypes and five 16S haplotypes. For Abatus nimrodi (n = 48) there were two CO1 haplotypes and eight 16S haplotypes. In addition, eight A. shackeltoni, four A. philippii and one A. cavernosus sample were included from the Davis region. Data available: data are available in four FASTA text format files, one for Abatus COI data, one forAbatus 16S data, one for Sterechinus COI data. Individuals are coded with the first two letters representing species (SN = S. neumayeri, AN = A. nimrodi, AI = A. ingens, AS = A. shackletoni, AC= A. cavernosus) the next two representing gene region (CO = COI, 16 = 16S) and either three or four more digits for Davis region samples or five digits beginning with 41 for Casey region samples. To generate the fertilisation data set, S. neumayeri were collected from Ellis Fjord prior to ice breakout. A total of 12 individuals were screened for the fertilisation experiment, seven males and five females to ensure a suitable cross where greater than 90% fertilisation success was achievable. Sperm were activated with FSW at -1.8 degrees C and sperm concentration determined using a haemocytometer. Three temperature treatments, (-1.8 degrees C, 1 degrees C and 3 degrees C), three salinity treatments (35ppt, 30ppt and 25ppt), and five sperm to egg ratios (50:1, 100:1, 500:1, 1500:1 and 2500:1) were used during fertilisation, with four replicates at each temperature:salinity:sperm to egg ratio combination. After 30 min, three to five drops of 10% formalin were added to each vial to fix eggs and to prevent further fertilisation from occurring. To determine percentage fertilisation, the first 100 eggs encountered from each vial were scored as either fertilised or unfertilised based on the presence or absence of an elevated fertilisation membrane. Data available: Data are available as an excel file, with three spreadsheets, one for each temperature treatment. Each spreadsheet consists of three tables, one for each salinity treatment. Each salinity treatment table consists of five columns. From left to right these are; sperm : egg ratio - Sperm to egg ratio, rep. No. - replicate number, Fert. - number of fertilised eggs counted Unfert. - number of unfertilised eggs counted Mean- mean number of fertilised eggs counted

  • This metadata record contains the results from bioassays conducted to show the response of larval Antarctic Sterechinus neumayeri sea urchins to contamination from combinations if IFO 180 fuel and the fuel dispersant Slickgone NS. AAS project 4142. Experiments used an intermediate grade Fuel Oil (IFO 180) and an internationally approved fuel dispersant, Slickgone NS, produced by Dasic International LTD. Treatments included a physically dispersed treatment of IFO 180 only, a chemically dispersed treatment of IFO 180 treated with Slickgone NS and a Slickgone NS only treatment to determine the toxicity of the dispersant. Treatments were experimentally mixed using a magnetic stirrer to combine treatment substances and filtered seawater (FSW) in temperature-controlled cabinets at 0oC to create a Water Accommodated Fraction (WAF). WAFs were produced in 2 L and 5 L glass aspirator bottles following the methods of Singer, Aurand et al. (2000) with adaptations by Barron and Ka'aihue (2003) and Kostzakoulakis (chemistry section, project 4142) stirring for 42 h with a settling time of 6 h. WAF treatments used concentrations of 100%, 50%, 20% and 10%, CEWAF and dispersant only treatments used concentrations of 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1%. Toxicity tests were conducted in temperature-controlled cabinets at 0 oC using uncapped, forty-millilitre glass headspace vials, each containing 15.5 ml of test solution and 0.5 ml of embryo suspension. Fertilisation methods followed standard procedures for Sterechinus neumayeri. Two tests were conducted to determine the effect of a single pollution event (test 1) compared with a recurring repeated pulse pollution event (test 2). Test 1 required no water changes, while test 2 required renewal of the test treatments on a 4-day basis. Three endpoints were used, un-hatched blastula (48 h to 48.5 h) to represent the embryonic phase, gastrula (10 d) and 4-armed pluteus (16 d to 18 d). At the termination of each endpoint, 1 ml of 10% buffered formalin was added to each relevant vial and recapped. At the conclusion of the experiments, preserved embryos were observed under a dissecting microscope to determine the number of normal, abnormal and unfertilised embryos relative to controls. Samples for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbon content were taken throughout the 2 experiments to determine the actual concentrations to which embryos and larvae were exposed. The measured concentrations were integrated following the methods of Payne et al. (2014) to obtain a profile of hydrocarbon content over each test period. Two spreadsheets are included in this metadata record detailing survival data and results of hydrocarbon analysis. The survival data file includes test condition details on the first tab, with data for tests 1 and 2 on the second and third tabs. Test treatment and concentration are listed on the left of each data block and count categories are defined in the top left panel. Development stage, date preserved and age of organism is defined for each data block, representing the three endpoints included in the experiments: unhatched blastula, gastrula and 4-armed pluteus. The hydrocarbon analysis, TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) file details chemical analysis results produced by K. Kotzakoulais at Macquarie University as part of project 4142. Row terminology explanations are as follows: TPH metadata Test name- indicates the tested species Exp number-indicates whether the data belongs to test 1 or test 2 Water change- details the identification of the sample in relation to the 4-day water change regime. Start samples represent the beginning of the experiment. Pre samples are taken at the end of the corresponding 4-day period, before the water is changed. 'Post' samples are taken of newly made test solutions. The chronological order of sampling is therefore: Start, pre4d, post4d, pre8d, post 8d etc. Only 'pre' samples were taken for test 1, as there were no water changes. less than C9 - greater than C28- Hydrocarbon content of samples was broken down into four compound size classes detailed for each analysis. Contamination- contamination was detected in samples, the source of contamination remains unclear, however it was established that contamination occurred during the sampling process and therefore did not come into contact with organisms. Contamination was therefore excluded from calculations. The hydrocarbon content of 0.1% dilutions was unable to be reliably analysed due to accuracy of the equipment and interfering contamination. Control data indicates spot checks to confirm the presence or absence of fuel. Very small amounts of hydrocarbons were detected as lighter fuel components evaporated and dissolved into control water within the cabinet. These very small amounts are negligible. Abnormality metadata Tab 1 details test conditions Tab 2 'Test 1' includes the data for test 1 Tab 2 'Test 2' includes the data for test 2. All observational categories are defined within the spreadsheet.

  • This dataset contains results of toxicity tests with early life stages of the sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri as part of the AAS Project 3054 'Ecological risks from oil products used in Antarctica: characterising hydrocarbon behaviour and assessing toxicity on sensitive early life stages of Antarctic marine invertebrates.' Dataset consists of excel spreadsheets with separate spreadsheets for each test. Test details are outlined on worksheets 'Test conditions' and results of test in worksheet 'Counts'. This metadata record contains the results of toxicity tests conducted to characterise the response of Antarctic nearshore marine invertebrates to hydrocarbon contaminants in fuels commonly used in Antarctica as part of AAS Project 3054. This dataset contains results of toxicity tests conducted at Davis Station in 2010/11 summer season to test the sensitivity of fertilisation and early life stages of the sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri to fuels in seawater. The three fuel types used were: Special Antarctic Blend diesel (SAB), Marine Gas Oil diesel (MGO) and an intermediate grade (180) of marine bunker Fuel Oil (IFO). Test treatments were obtained by experimentally mixing fuel and seawater in temperature controlled cabinets at -1 degrees C to prepare a mixture of fuel hydrocarbons in filtered seawater (FSW) termed the water accommodated fraction (WAF). WAF was produced by adding fuel to seawater in Pyrex glass bottles using a ratio of 1:25 fuel : FSW. This mixture was stirred at slow speed with minimal vortex for 18 h on a magnetic stirrer then settled for 6 h before the water portion was drawn from beneath the fuel. Mature S. neumayeri were collected from the outlet of Ellis Fjord, East Antarctica (68.62°S, 77.99°E) in December and early January 2010/11. Sea urchins were collected from shallow nearshore waters less than 1m deep, placed in 20 L buckets of seawater and transported to Davis station. They were held for 1–2 d in a flow-through aquarium at -1 plus or minus 1°C, with macroalgae from the collection site as a food source, before being used for testing. Seawater for experiments was collected ~20 m from the shoreline north of Davis station (68°34’ S, 77°57’ E). Collected seawater was filtered to 0.45 µm (FSW) and stored in 30 L polyethylene containers at 0°C. Fertilisation and early embryo toxicity tests. Effects of WAFs on fertilisation and on development to the 2 cell stage were determined in static tests in which both eggs and sperm were pre-exposed to SAB, MGO and IFO 180 WAFs, fertilised within treatments and developed to the 2 cell stage (G1, G2, G3). Gamete exposure and fertilisation was done in a temperature controlled room at 0°C. Test vessels were 22 mL borosilicate glass vials with foil lined lids holding 20 mL of test solution. There were 10 vials for each treatment; 5 replicates for fertilisation and 5 replicates for the 2 cell endpoint. To pre-expose eggs, 5 mL of prepared egg solution was added to vials that contained 5 mL of 2, 20 and 100% WAFs and FSW controls, to give final treatment concentrations of 1, 10 and 50% WAF dilutions and FSW controls. Vials were sealed, swirled gently to mix and left standing for 20 min. To pre-expose sperm, pooled sperm were activated by dilution in FSW to the density required for a sperm to egg ratio of 800:1. One µL of sperm solution was added to vials containing 5 mL of FSW and gently mixed. Five mL of this solution was then added to vials containing 5 mL of 2%, 20% and 100% WAFs (final treatments of 1, 10 and 50% WAF dilutions) and FSW controls. The vials were sealed, swirled gently to mix and left for 15 mins. After the gamete exposure period was complete, for each treatment the contents of the sperm vials were added to the egg vials with a final target concentration of ~10 eggs per mL. Vials were sealed and placed into temperature-controlled cabinets set at -1 plus or minus 1°C. Temperature was recorded at 10 min intervals using a data logger (Maxim ibutton) and averaged -1.3 plus or minus 0.5°C. Tests were terminated at 4 h for the fertilisation endpoint, and at 11 h for the 2 cell endpoint by the addition of 1 mL of 2.5% (v/v) buffered glutaraldehyde. Samples were viewed in a Sedgewick Rafter counting cell under a compound microscope at 10 times magnification. Fertilisation was assessed according to the presence or absence of a fertilisation membrane in the first 100 eggs counted, to obtain the percentage of eggs fertilised in each replicate. The 2 cell endpoint was assessed in the first 100 embryos counted, as the percentage of embryos in each replicate with normal first cleavage. Embryonic and larval toxicity tests. Effects of fuel WAFs on embryonic and larval development were tested with 1, 10, and 100% WAFs of SAB, MGO and IFO 180 and FSW control, with 5 replicates per treatment. Eggs and sperm were collected and density of solutions adjusted as described above to obtain the optimal sperm to egg ratio of 800:1. Two semi-static tests (EL1, EL2) were done to test effects of WAFs on embryos and larvae when first exposed as zygotes (eggs fertilised in FSW then exposed to treatments before the first cleavage). To fertilise eggs, sperm were activated by their addition to 10 mL of FSW, and 1 µL of this sperm solution was added to beakers containing 700 mL of egg solution and gently mixed. After two hours, the mixture was stirred with a glass rod to maintain a homogeneous suspension while aliquots were transferred into 100 mL glass vials filled with 80 mL of test treatment, to a final density of ~10 zygotes per mL. Three tests (GL1, GL2, GLP) were done to test effects of WAFs on larval development with exposure commencing as gametes. One mL aliquots of egg mixture were added to vials containing 80 mL of test solution (to a density of ~10 eggs per mL) and left for 20 min. Sperm were activated in 10 mL of FSW and 0.1 mL aliquots added to the vials to fertilise eggs within treatments at a sperm to egg ratio of 800:1. Two exposure regimes were used; continuous semi-static WAF renewal (GL1 and GL2) and a single static pulse of WAF exposure up to the 4 d unhatched blastula stage, followed by post exposure recovery in FSW up to the 21 d pluteus stage (GLP). Vials were left uncovered and placed in a temperature controlled cabinet at -1 plus or minus 1°C with an 18 h light, 6 h dark photoperiod. Tests were under semi-static conditions, with test solutions renewed every 4 d. Water quality data was collected at each water change. Treatment renewals were done by removing and replacing approximately 90% of test solution. Disposable syringes with silicon tubing attached to the nozzle, and with the end of the tubing covered with plankton mesh, were used to withdraw test solution while preventing embryos/larvae from being removed. The vials were then refilled to the 80 mL mark with fresh test solutions. Treatment renewals for tests EL1, EL2 and GL1, GL2 were with freshly made WAFs every 4 d. For the single pulse WAF exposure test (GLP) on the first treatment renewal at 4 d, treatment solutions were removed as described above, and replaced with FSW. All subsequent 4 d renewals for test GLP were with FSW. To maintain the volume and salinity of test treatments a small volume of purified and deionised (Milli-Q) water at -1°C was stirred into the vials to the 80 mL mark every 2 d between water changes. Water quality measurements were made at the start of tests and pre and post treatment renewals. Mean water quality parameter measurements were pH 8.08 plus or minus 0.10, salinity 36.6 plus or minus 0.9‰ and dissolved oxygen 11.1 plus or minus 0.61 mg/L. Temperature was recorded at 10 min intervals using a data logger (Maxim ibutton) and averaged -1.0 plus or minus 1.0°C. In tests where exposure commenced as zygotes, endpoints were the embryonic 4-8 cell (20 h) and unhatched blastula (48 h) stages, and the larval blastula (6–7 d) and gastrula (14–15 d) stages. In tests with exposure commencing as gametes, endpoints were the larval blastula, gastrula and early 4-arm pluteus (21–24 d) stages. At each endpoint a sample was taken from each replicate by drawing an aliquot with a glass pipette and transferring it to a vial, to which 1 mL of 2.5% (v/v) buffered glutaraldehyde was added. Embryo and larvae were viewed in a Sedgewick Rafter counting cell under a compound microscope at 10 times magnification. The first 30 individuals in each sample at the 4-8 cell and unhatched blastula endpoints, and the first 100 individuals at the blastula, gastrula and pluteus endpoints, were assessed for normality. Test EL1 ended at the blastula stage and tests EL2 and GL2 at the gastrula stage as there were insufficient numbers of larvae remaining to continue the test beyond these stages. All remaining larvae were counted at the final endpoint. Chemical analysis of water accommodated fractions Total hydrocarbon content (THC) in WAFs were derived from replicate tests conducted under the same conditions but without test organisms. In these tests at 0°C, the concentrations of freshly made WAFs of each of the three fuels, and the depletion of hydrocarbons from 100%, 50%, 10% and 1% WAFs at multiple time points over 7 d were measured. Extracts were analysed for THC with GC-FID. Total hydrocarbon content was reported as the sum of hydrocarbons (µg/L) in the range less than n-C9 to C28 (Dataset AAS_3054_THC_WAF). For fertilisation, and 2 cell embryonic development assays that were done in sealed vials, measured values in freshly decanted 50% and 10% WAF dilutions were used as the exposure concentrations. For the embryonic and larval toxicity tests that were done in open vials, the exposure concentrations of THC in WAFs were modelled from the measured concentrations in WAF depletion tests. Exposure concentrations used to model sensitivity estimates were derived by calculating the time weighted mean THC between pairs of successive measurements in the 100% WAFs and dilutions to give overall exposure concentrations for each time point. These modelled concentrations integrated the loss of hydrocarbons over time, and renewal of test solutions at 4 d intervals.

  • Public Ocean acidification and warming are global phenomena that will impact marine biota through the 21st century. This project will provide urgently needed predictive information on the likely survivorship of benthic invertebrates in near shore Antarctic environments that is crucial for risk assessment of potential future changes to oceans. As oceans acidify carbonate saturation decreases, reducing the material required to produce marine skeletons. By examining the effects of increased ocean temperature and acidification on planktonic and benthic life stages of both calcifying and non-calcifying ecologically important organisms, predictions can be made on the potential vulnerability of marine biota to climatic change. Project Objectives: This project aims to deliver one of the first assessments of the impacts that ocean warming and acidification through rising CO2 levels will have on Antarctic benthic marine invertebrates and of the adaptive capacity of common Antarctic biota to climate change. The developmental success of species that have a skeleton will be compared to those that do not under controlled conditions of increased sea water temperature and CO2. A comparison of the responses and sensitivity of developmental stages of calcifiers (echinoids, bivalves) and non-calcifiers (asteroids) to elevated CO2 and temperature will generate much needed empirical data for assessment of risk and adaptive capacity of Antarctica's marine biota and will enable predictions of how benthic invertebrates will fare with respect to climate change scenarios. This dataset addresses objective 3, and part of objective 5: 3 - compare the dynamics of biomineralisation with respect to the elemental composition in response to increased temperature and CO2 in species with aragonite and calcite exoskeletons (bivalves) and porous high magnesium calcite endoskeletons (echinoids) to assess the potential for an in-built adaptive response in calcification 5 - compare biomineralisation and elemental signatures in skeletons in larvae of Antarctic molluscs and echinoderms under climate change scenarios with that determined for related species at lower latitudes to assess the relative sensitivity and vulnerability of Antarctic biota. These data are XRD - x-ray diffractometry of the skeleton to provide data on the element content of the calcite mineral. The Mg2+ level is of interest because the higher the Mg content the more vulnerable the skeleton is to ocean acidification. Wt% MgCO3 in the calcite sample - for each category; test (- "shell"); Spines (-= lg primary spines) and secondary spines

  • Data on the morphological and reproductive responses of 4 species of wild caught Abatus heart urchins (A. nimrodi, A. shackletoni, A. ingens, and A. philippii) to sewage effluent from the Davis station sewage outfall. Between 19 and 21 individuals of each species were collected from three sites close to the station. The Sewage outfall site, which acted as the impacted site for the study, and two reference sites, one at Airport Beach, and a second and Heidemann Bay. Morphological measurements taken from each individual were length, width, height, anterior length, and posterior length. A qualitative assessment of the calcareous test of each individual was conducted to determine the presence of any abnormalities (as per Land 2005, PhD thesis) in the individuals morphology. Reproductive data collected were a gonadosotic index (calculated by dividing the gonal mass of a individual by the total mass of that individual). And for females morphological measurements (length and width) of each brood pouch were taken, and the type and number of juveniles in each pouch was counted. Data available: In the spreadsheet provided a description of measurements is given in the first tab. All morphological and reproductive data is presented in the second tab. In full these are; Parent Barcode (for tracking purposes) Individual Barcode (for tracking purposes), date collected (date the animal was collected) date processed (date data were collected) site (site the animal came from) species (nimrodi, shackletoni, ingens, or philippii) sex (male or female) samples taken for other projects (morphology, genetics, histology) Morphological measurements (length, width, height, posterior length, anterior length, all recorded in millimetres) Any of a possible 6 abnormalities observed. Brood pouch morphometrics (length and width in millimeters of each of the 4 brood pouches for a female) Reproductive fitness, being the number of young at any of 3 stages in each of the 4 brood pouches and the total number of juveniles produced by the adult female. Total Wet Mass (mass of the entire animal recorded in grams) Gonad Wet Mass (mass of the gonad of an individual) Gonadosmotic Index (measure of reproductive fitness, and is the Gonad Wet Mass divided by the Total Wet Mass of each individual) A blank datasheet used to record the data is contained within the third tab. The two final tabs are appendices used to aid the qualitative assessments. The first (Appendix 1) gives photo descriptions of each of the known abnormalities in Abatus sp (Adapted from Lane (2005) PhD thesis). The second (Appendix 2) gives photo descriptions of each of the developmental stages of juveniles in Abatus sp.

  • Ecotoxicological tests were done at Davis and Casey Stations in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 summer seasons under AAS Project 3054 to test the sensitivity of near-shore marine invertebrates to fuels in seawater. The three fuel types used in this project were: Special Antarctic Blend diesel (SAB), Marine Gas Oil diesel (MGO) and an intermediate grade (180) of marine bunker fuel oil (IFO). This dataset contains the results of tests with the near-shore amphipod species Paramoera walkeri exposed to WAFs of SAB, MGO and IFO 180 (specified below) conducted at Davis Station in 2009/10 summer (Season 1). Test treatments were obtained by experimentally mixing fuel and seawater in temperature control cabinets at -1°C to prepare a mixture of fuel hydrocarbons in filtered seawater (FSW) termed the water accommodated fraction (WAF). WAF was produced by adding fuel to seawater in 5 L or 10 L Pyrex glass bottles using a ratio of 1:40 fuel : FSW. This mixture was stirred at slow speed with minimal vortex on a magnetic stirrer. The water portion was then drawn from beneath the fuel. Test treatments consisted of undiluted 100% WAF and dilutions of 10% and 1% of WAFs in FSW. Toxicity tests were conducted in open glass vessels in temperature controlled cabinets. Mortality and/or sub-lethal effects were observed at endpoints of 24 h, 48 h, 96 h, 7 d, 14 d, and 21 d. Treatments were renewed at 7 d intervals. Water quality data was collected at each water change. Hydrocarbon concentrations in WAFs were determined from replicate experiments to measure THC in WAFs over time (Dataset AAS_3054_THC_WAF). WAF exposure concentrations for each test endpoint were derived from these hydrocarbon tests to account for depletion of hydrocarbons from test treatments and any renewal of treatments. An integrated concentration was calculated from measured hydrocarbon concentrations weighted to time. These integrated THC concentrations for endpoints from 24h to 21d are contained in dataset AAS_3054_THC_WAF_integrated_conc_09_10 and are the exposure concentrations used for analysis of sensitivity. Species tested; Paramoera walkeri amphipod; adults This dataset consists of Excel spreadsheets. The file name code for invertebrate tests is; Project number_Season_Taxa_Test name Eg AAS_3054_09_10_amphipod_1PWA1 Project number : AAS_3054 Season : 2009/10 season Taxa: amphipod Test name: 1 for Season 1, PW for genus and species, A for adult, 1 for Test 1 Spreadsheets contain the results of tests with this species. Where replicate tests were conducted, each experiment is on a separate spreadsheet. The worksheet labelled 'Test conditions' shows details of Test name, dates, animal collection details, laboratory holding conditions, details of water accommodated fractions (WAF), test conditions, scoring criteria and water quality data. The worksheet labelled 'Counts' has columns for Replicate number and columns with the Score for all the animals in that replicate at every time endpoint. A full description of the scoring criteria is on the 'Test conditions' worksheet. Totals, means and standard deviations are calculated for each treatment. The worksheet labelled 'Totals, means, percent, StDev' has calculations of Survival, Unaffected, including mean and standard deviation, Percent Survival and Unaffected including means and standard deviation. Amphipod tests also show the Total number of moults in each treatment. Samples were collected at the following locations: - Airport Beach, Davis, Vestfold Hills

  • Human impacts threaten not only species, but also entire ecosystems. Ecosystems under stress can collapse or transition into different states, potentially reducing biodiversity at a variety of scales. Here we examine the vulnerability of shallow invertebrate-dominated ecosystems on polar seabeds, which may be threatened for several reasons. These unique communities consist of dark-adapted animals that rely on almost year-round sea-ice cover to create low-light shallow marine environments. Climate change is likely to cause early sea-ice break-out in some parts of Antarctica, which will dramatically increase the amount of light reaching the seabed. This will potentially result in ecological regime shifts, where invertebrate-dominated communities are replaced by macroalgal beds. Habitat for these endemic invertebrate ecosystems is globally rare, and the fragmented nature of their distribution along Antarctic coast increases their sensitivity to change. At the same time, human activities in Antarctica are concentrated in areas where these habitats occur, compounding potential impacts. While there are clear mechanisms for these threats, lack of knowledge about the current spatial distribution of these ecosystems makes it difficult to predict the extent of ecosystem loss, and the potential for recovery. In this paper we describe shallow ice-covered ecosystems, their association with the environment, and the reasons for their vulnerability. We estimate their spatial distribution around Antarctica using sea-ice and bathymetric data, and apply the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems criteria to formally assess their vulnerability. We conclude that shallow ice-covered ecosystems should be considered near threatened to vulnerable in places, although the magnitude of risk is spatially variable. This dataset comprises two files. Both are provided in netCDF format in polar stereographic project (see nc file for projection details). : this gives the estimated annual light budget (in mol photons/m^2/year) at the surface of the water column, having been adjusted for sea ice cover (see paper for details). This is calculated on the 6.25km grid associated with the sea ice concentration data. : this gives the estimated annual light budget (in mol photons/m^2/year) at the sea floor, having been further adjusted for water depth. It is provided on a 500m grid (as per the IBCSO bathymetry used). Areas deeper than 200m are given no-data values, and areas outside of the coverage of the sea ice grid are assigned a value of -999. See paper for details.

  • Mineralogy data collected from the CEAMARC-CASO voyage of the Aurora Australis during the 2007-2008 summer season. The data consist of a large number of images, plus documents detailing analysis methods and file descriptions. Taken from the "Methods" document in the download file: CEAMARC MINERALOGY METHODS Margaret Lindsay August 2009 Mineralogy sampling method: (numbers in brackets refer to image below) Individual bags containing the samples taken during the CEAMARC 2007/08 voyage (1) were emptied in to a sorting tray and slightly defrosted to enable the biota to be separated and sorted in to like biota (2). Taxonomic samples were selected to represent different species. The taxonomy sample was moved onto the bench and allocated a STD barcode, a photo was taken (3) and the image number, barcode and 'identification' of the biota was recorded. From the taxonomy sample a small (larger than 0.05g) sample of the individual was dissected, weighed (4) and bagged separately, this sub-sample became the 'mineralogy sample' that were sent to Damien Gore at Macquarie University on 21/05/2009 for mineralogy analysis by Damien Gore and Peter Johnston. Samples were tracked using the Sample Tracking Database (located \\\files\HIRP\new-shared-hirp\30 Samples tracking + LIMS (Lab Inf Management Sys)\Sample Tracking Database\HIRP STD Working). The key barcodes are: The nally bin's containing the CEAMARC samples are located in reefer 1 (-20 C) (barcode 11919). The original CEAMARC samples (parent container) are in nally bins 14762 and 14759. The taxonomy samples are in a nally barcoded as 70469 (contains 10 bags). The mineralogy samples are in a nally bin barcoded 70472 (contains three bags) and are currently at Macquarie University for mineralogy analysis. Data was entered during the lab process into the spreadsheet file - Sub sampling taxonomy and mineralogy.xls the details of the spreadsheets contents; The list below describes each column in the 'Taxonomy and Mineralogy', 'bamboo coral' and 'other analyses' sheets from the excel file - Sub sampling taxonomy and mineralogy.xls (location described in G:\CEAMARC\CEAMARC MINERALOGY FILE DESCRIPTIONS.doc) Date sampled Date that the taxonomic samples were dissected to obtain the mineralogy samples Parent barcode STD barcode for the nally bin that the samples are located in Site barcode STD barcode for the CEAMARC site and deployment CEAMARC site number CEAMARC voyage sample site number CEAMARC event number The CEAMARC voyage event number is the sampling devices deployment number, related to CEAMARC site number Taxonomy bag barcode STD barcode for the bag that contains the taxonomy samples Image number The image number of the taxonomy sample in it's entirety before dissected to obtain the mineralogy sample. Image contains the label from the initial sample and the sub sample barcode (for taxonomy) Sub sample barcode (for taxonomy) The STD barcode allocated to the taxonomy sample Analyses label for mineralogy The number (identical to sub sample barcode number) that identifies the mineralogy sample and links it back to the taxonomic sample. Analysis sample weight The weight in grams of the dissected part that is the mineralogy sample. Mineralogy bag barcode STD barcode for the bag that contains the mineralogy samples Identification Biota sample identification eg. Gorgonian, bryozoan, ophiuroids Mineralogy sample size Relative size of sample sent off for mineralogy analysis; small sample, medium sample or large sample. Taxonomy sample size Relative size of sample small sample; medium sample or large sample (suitable for further analysis). The 'KRILL' sheet in the above excel file has the following columns; Date sub sampled Date that the taxonomic samples were dissected to obtain the mineralogy samples Sample details Sample code used to label the krill sample Taxonomy bag barcode STD barcode for the bag that contains the taxonomy samples Image number The image number of the taxonomy sample in it's entirety before dissected to obtain the mineralogy sample. Image contains the label from the initial sample and the sub sample barcode (for taxonomy) Sub sample barcode (for taxonomy) The STD barcode allocated to the taxonomy sample Analyses label for mineralogy The number (identical to sub sample barcode number) that identifies the mineralogy sample and links it back to the taxonomic sample. Analysis sample weight The weight in grams of the dissected part that is the mineralogy sample. Mineralogy bag barcode STD barcode for the bag that contains the mineralogy samples Identification Biota sample identification eg. Gorgonian, bryozoan, ophiuroids Mineralogy sample size Relative size of sample sent off for mineralogy analysis; small sample, medium sample or large sample. Taxonomy sample size Relative size of sample small sample; medium sample or large sample (suitable for further analysis). Voyage The ANARE Voyage number and year is expressed as V4 02/03 Station Station number that the samples were obtained from Date Date that the samples were taken during the voyage Time Time that the samples were taken during the voyage Location Location that the samples were taken from during the voyage Net The RMT 8 and 1 were used to collect the krill Depth The depth that the samples were obtained from (25 meters) Total mineralogy samples 1033 mineralogy samples + 15 bamboo coral samples (+ 12 krill samples) = 1060 samples