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  • The dataset contains raster files (.grd) for food-availability and predicted distribution of suspension feeder abundances averaged across a five year time-period before (2005-2009) and after (2011-2016) the calving of the Mertz Glacier Tongue in 2010. The following data are included: - sinking, settling and horizontal flux of food-particles along the seafloor - suspension feeder abundances and standard deviation of the predicted distribution All data has been generated as part of the paper: Jansen et al. (2018) Mapping Antarctic suspension feeder abundances and seafloor-food availability, and modelling their change after a major glacier calving. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

  • Gross Primary Production Six depths were sampled per CTD station ranging from near-surface to 125 m. Sample depths were based on downward fluorescence profiles and two of six samples always included both near-surface (approximately 5-10 m) and the depth of the chlorophyll maximum where applicable. Photosynthetic rates were determined using radioactive NaH14CO3. Incubations were conducted according to the method of Westwood et al. (2011). Cells were incubated for 1 hour at 21 light intensities ranging from 0 to 1200 µmol m-2 s-1 (CT Blue filter centred on 435 nm). Carbon uptake rates were corrected for in situ chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations (µg L-1) measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Wright et al. 2010), and for total dissolved inorganic carbon availability, analysed according to Dickson et al. (2007). Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationships were then plotted in R and the equation of Platt et al. (1980) used to fit curves to data using robust least squares non-linear regression. Photosynthetic parameters determined included light-saturated photosynthetic rate [Pmax, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1], initial slope of the light-limited section of the P-I curve [α, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (µmol m-2 s-1)-1], light intensity at which carbon-uptake became maximal (calculated as Pmax/ α = Ek, µmol m-2 s-1), intercept of the P-I curve with the carbon uptake axis [c, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1] , and the rate of photoinhibition where applicable [β, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (µmol m-2 s-1)-1]. Gross primary production rates were modelled using R. Depth interval profiles (1 m) of chl a from the surface to 200 m were constructed through the conversion of up-cast fluorometry data measured at each CTD station. For conversions, pooled fluorometry burst data from all sites and depths was linearly regressed against in situ chl a determined using HPLC. Gross daily depth-integrated water-column production was then calculated using chl a depth profiles, photosynthetic parameters (Pmax, α , β, see above), incoming climatological PAR, vertical light attenuation (Kd), and mixed layer depth. Climatological PAR was based on spatially averaged (49 pixels, approx. 2 degrees) 8 day composite Aqua MODIS data (level 3, 2004-2017) obtained for Julian day 34. Summed incoming light intensities throughout the day equated to mean total PAR provided by Aqua MODIS. Kd for each station was calculated through robust linear regression of natural logarithm-transformed PAR data with depth. In cases where CTD stations were conducted at night, Kd was calculated from a linear relationship established between pooled chlorophyll a concentrations and Kd’s determined at CTD stations conducted during the day (Kd = -0.0421 chl a * -0.0476). Mixed layer depths were calculated as the depth where density (sigma) changed by 0.05 from a 10 m reference point. Gross primary production was calculated at 0.1 time steps throughout the day (10 points per hour) and summed.

  • Three experiments were performed at Davis Station, East Antarctica, 77 degrees 58' E, 68 degrees 35' S to determine the effects of ocean acidification on natural assemblages of Antarctica marine microbes (bacteria, viruses, phytoplankton and protozoa). Incubation tanks (6 * 650 L minicosms) were filled on the 30/12/08, 20/01/09 and 09/02/09 with sea water that was filtered through 200 microns mesh to remove metazoan grazers. The pH of each tank was adjusted by adding calculated amounts of CO2 saturated sea water. Treatment concentrations were maintained daily and microbial communities incubated for up to 12 days. The three experiments spanned early-, mid- and late-summer, with CO2 treatments ranging from pre-industrial to post-2100. The Excel spreadsheet contains 3 tabs: Experiment 1 - Early Summer Experiment 2 - Mid Summer Experiment 3 - Late Summer Within each tab there are measurements for: pCO2, dissolved inorganic carbon, Pmax, alpha, Ek, chl a, gross primary production (14C), bacterial production (14C), cell-specific bacterial productivity, bacterial abundance, dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, nitrate+nitrite, phosphate, silicate, ammonium, net community production, respiration, gross primary production (O2), photosynthesis:respiration ratios. Units for each measurement supplied within. Please see the following paper for interpretation of this data: Westwood, K.J., Thomson, P.G., van den Enden, R., Maher, L., Wright, S.W., Davidson, A.T. (2018). Ocean acidification impacts primary and bacterial production in Antarctic coastal waters during austral summer. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 498: 46-60, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2017.11.003.

  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2784 See the link below for public details on this project. This project utilised an existing 55 year model reanalysis (SODA) - so no new models were developed. The methodologies/data used are described in the referenced publications. Modelling investigations of the shoaling of iron-rich upper circumpolar deep water (UCDW) and its role in the regulation of primary production at 60-65S. Taken from the project application: We intend to utilise a number of existing data sources to study the factors leading to spatiotemporal variability in the upwelling of iron-rich UCDW in the 60-65S zone, which, as discussed above, seems critical to regional ecosystem function, and the carbon and sulphur budgets of the SO. As sea-ice extent appears to have declined in the Southern Ocean since the 1950s (Curran et al., 2003) it will also be extremely interesting to examine whether this has had any affect on the upwelling of the UCDW. Given the restricted spatial domain of in situ field data in the Southern Ocean, satellite products provide us with one of the few means to investigate coherent variability over large spatial and temporal scales. This study takes advantage of our previous AAS funded work (Projects: 2584, 2319), where we have gained considerable experience in the coupling of biogeochemical and climate models and where we have already assembled satellite data sets on wind speed, sea-ice, SST, aerosols and chlorophyll-a concentration. This previous experience will allow us to examine the relationship between the physical forcings, the dynamics of the UCDW and the biological response on seasonal and interannual timescales over the period 1950-2000. The key scientific questions we seek to answer include: - What is the range of interannual and interdecadal variability in upwelling of the UCDW and how does this relate to variability in primary production? - Is there a connection between interannual/decadal variability in sea-ice extent and the strength or location of upwelling of UCDW and hence the character of regional primary production? - Is there a relation between the seasonal production of DMS and associated S-aerosols and the dynamics of UCDW? Details from previous years are available for download from the provided URL. Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: This three-year project has been investigating the nexus between the large-scale meridional circulation patterns in the SO, in particular UCDW upwelling, and concomitant iron delivery to surface waters and the phytoplankton. Key Scientific Questions to be considered by the project What is the range of interannual and inter-decadal variability in upwelling of the UCDW and how does this relate to variability in primary production? This study initially focussed on the Australian region of the Southern Ocean (110-160 degrees S, 40-70 degrees E) and the physical oceanographic data for the project came from monthly Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) reanalysis data, which covers the period 1958-2007 over the global ocean. Decadal-scale trends in upper ocean structure and meridional circulation were analysed, including the upwelling of nutrient-rich UCDW, and these results were initially documented in presentation (3) below and will shortly be published in publication (1) listed below. The project identified UCDW in SODA using temperature and density criteria and, using this, a number of variables were developed to characterise UCDW and its upwelling: UCDW vertical velocity, temperature, density and salinity, UCDW top depth (the shallowest depth at which UCDW is found) and UCDW southern-most position. Climatological values were found for each of the 5-degree strips in the sector and, in addition, trends were found over the period 1958-2005. Later work involved comparing these results with those of two more Southern Ocean sectors - one in the Pacific (130-80 degrees W) and one in the Indian Ocean (20-60 degrees E). These results were presented at the AMOS conference in January 2010 (see Presentation (1) below) and are also the subject of a paper in the Proceedings of that conference (see Publication (2) below). It was found that during 1958-2005: (1) UCDW top depth varies seasonally, peaking in March, and displays considerable interannual variability; (2) Climatological properties for UCDW variables such as temperature, vertical velocity and upwelling depth vary between the three ocean sectors, as do trends (1958-2005) in the UCDW variables; (3) UCDW vertical velocity (ie. upwelling) appears to be increasing with time in most intermediate and deep waters of the three ocean sectors; (4) UCDW temperature is increasing in intermediate waters in the Pacific sector, at all depths in the Indian sector and at shallow depths in the Australian sector, but is decreasing in intermediate and deep waters in the Australian sector; (5) UCDW southern-most position is moving south in the Australian and Pacific sectors; (6) UCDW is upwelling closer to the surface in the Australian and Indian sectors and, in the case of the Australian sector, this translates into an increase in the number of times that UCDW can be detected in the mixed layer (a finding of possible importance for primary production); (7) UCDW trends in the Australian sector do not appear to be affected by trends in the winds, but by forcings acting on longer than decadal time-scales. This is not the case, however, for the other two sectors, leading to the speculation that these variables may be affected by the re-entry into UCDW of recirculated waters from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, which may themselves be affected by winds. (8) The Australian sector of the SO has been shown to have its own unique characteristics, distinct from either the Pacific or Indian sectors. More recent work has involved looking at the initial Australian sector considered above, over the period of the high resolution satellite data capture era (1997-2007), with the aim of using satellite data on chlorophyll a (chl a), sea-ice concentration and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as modelled data for primary production (PP), in addition to the reanalysis data, to look at factors that influence chl a and PP over that time period. Initial work was presented at the AMOS conference in January 2009 (see Presentation (2) below) and final work is reported in Publication (3) listed below, which is almost ready for submission. It was found that in the Australian sector during 1997-2007: (1) The most important controls on chl a in spring are sea-ice concentration and PAR in the southern-most zones (and mixed layer depth, SST, stratification and PAR in zones further north); (2) The situation is more complex in summer, especially in the southern-most zones (the areas of highest production, excluding the most northerly zone near Tasmania). In particular, in the 60-65 degrees S zone in summer, a variety of inter-acting controls affect chl a (and PP), including SST, stratification and UCDW top depth; (3) The number of times that UCDW is detected in the mixed layer is decreasing in summer during 1997-2007; (4) It is difficult to identify trends that are statistically significant over such a short time period and trends that are found are often opposite in sign to those for 1958-2005 and up to an order of magnitude larger. Thus care needs to be taken with trends found for chl a, PP and hydrodynamic variables over the short period of the satellite era, since there is a large range of such ten-year trends in the period 1958-2005. Is there a connection between interannual/decadal variability in sea-ice extent and the strength or location of upwelling of UCDW and hence the character of regional primary production? Given that UCDW upwells south of the Polar Front and no further south than the Southern Boundary of the ACC (approximately 65 degrees S in this sector), then UCDW, as identified here in its pure form, is not able to affect the 65-70 degrees S zone (although this is possible in its modified form, which is not studied here). It was found that, for the period 1997-2007 in the Australian sector of the SO, the southern-most position of UCDW is not correlated with sea-ice concentration, but that there are weak (90% level) correlations in 60-65 degrees S between UCDW top depth and sea-ice concentration in autumn (positive), the temperature of UCDW and sea-ice concentration in summer (positive) and northward Ekman transport and sea-ice concentration in summer (negative). It was found that, for 1997-2007 in the Australian sector of the SO, sea-ice concentration has a significant (inverse) relationship with chl a and PP in 60-70 degrees S in spring and 65-70 degrees S in summer. In addition, UCDW top depth and northward Ekman transport (ie. how quickly the UCDW nutrients are transported northwards and away from the zone) have a minor effect on chl a in 60-65 degrees S in summer.

  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2518 See the link below for public details on this project. Global climate change will lead to a reduction in the duration and thickness of sea ice in coastal areas. We will determine whether this will lead to a decrease in primary production and food value to higher predators. Project objectives: Our primary objective is to determine what effect will declining sea ice cover have on Antarctic coastal primary production? Hypotheses to be tested - A decrease in sea ice algal production will lead to a net reduction in total primary production. - A decrease in sea ice will result in less water column stratification which will reduce the significance of phytoplankton blooms. - Less sea ice will lead to a change in phytoplankton bloom composition away from diatoms towards un-nutritious nuisance blooms such as Phaeocystis - Benthic microalgal production will increase - Seaweed production will increase slightly - A decrease in sea ice thickness will increase ice algal production (as they are generally light limited) - Ice algae, benthic microalgae, and phytoplankton will acclimate to an elevated light climates by changing their photosynthetic efficiency and capacity - Ice algae, benthic microalgae, and phytoplankton will acclimate to an altered light quality. To answer these questions we will also need to determine: - What is the total annual primary production at coastal Antarctic sites; this consists of the contributions from the sea ice algal mats, benthic microalgal, seaweed and phytoplankton? - What is the effect of major environmental variables, such as UV, salinity, currents oxygen toxicity, cloud cover, nutrient availability and temperature on production. - What is the inter-annual variability in primary production? A broader scale issue that our data will contribute to providing answers to is the question - What effect will changing primary production have on higher trophic levels? Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: The 2009/10 field and laboratory season focused on the second of our primary questions, i.e. 'What is the effect of major environmental variables, such as UV, salinity, currents oxygen toxicity, cloud cover, nutrient availability and temperature on production'. In particular we focused on light and light transmission though the sea ice. The science program AAS2518 was executed at Casey station from 11 Nov to 5 Dec 2009. The project was split into a field and a lab-based component. In situ spectral light transmission data were collected on first year sea ice within the vicinity of Jack's Hut. Ice cores were collected and transported to the laboratory at Casey station for spectral attenuation profiles within sea ice, and for measurements of spectral absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter. Overall, the program was successful: in situ sea-ice spectral transmission data was collected in combination with vertical profiles of absorption coefficients of particulate (algae and detritus) and dissolved organic matter. Samples for analysis of photosynthetic pigments were collected and shipped to Sydney. Their analysis is underway. Due to logistical issues associated with the collection and transport of sea ice cores, the protocol for vertical profiling of spectral attenuation was modified (see below) and analysis of the data is currently underway. The field component of the program was successful as spectral transmission data was collected for first year sea-ice, and the chosen site contained a thriving sea ice algal community for bio-optical measurements. It was initially planned to sample multiple sites offering a range of varying sea-ice thickness, but this was not possible during this campaign. Many sites in the vicinity of Casey station had already started to melt and break up, so that for logistical and safety reasons the area around Jack's hut was the only workable option. The field period instead spanned ~ 20 days during the melt period at Jack's, during which the porosity of sea ice increased but thickness remained constant. Ice cores destined for spectral transmission profiles were to be collected whole and intact, but due to the presence of fractures in the sea ice, drilling (manual as well as motor powered) resulted in fractured core samples. The protocol was therefore modified: cores were sectioned in 20 cm sections and spectral transmission measured for each section. Spectral transmission profiles across the entire thickness of sea ice are to be re-constructed from the discrete data points. The accuracy of the approach will be assessed against the in situ spectral transmission data. The download file contains three spreadsheets (two of them are csv files), and a readme document which provides detailed information about the three spreadsheets.

  • This data set contains primary productivity, pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry, and nutrient drawdown numbers associated with the abstract presented below. 14C Primary Productivity Gross column-integrated primary productivity determined through measurement of NaH14CO3 uptake by phytoplankton (1 hour incubations). Primary productivity was modelled from photosynthesis v irradiance curves, chlorophyll profiles, photosynthetically active radiation, and vertical light attenuation. Data for these parameters are also shown. Nutrient Draw-down Data Seasonal depletion of oxidised inorganic nitrogen and silicate in the mixed layer, and production of oxygen. Data was calculated by the subtraction of mixed layer concentrations (uM) from values below the mixed layer. Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry Data Fv/Fm values determined using pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry (PAM). Samples were dark-adapted prior to measurement so that non-photochemical quenching was relaxed. Values provide an indication of cell health. Abstract Primary productivity was measured in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean (30 degrees to 80 degrees E) as part of a multi-disciplinary study during austral summer; Baseline Research on Oceanography, Krill and the Environment, West (BROKE-West Survey, 2006). Gross integrated (0-150 m) productivity rates within the marginal ice zone (MIZ) were significantly higher than within the open ocean, with averages of 2110.2 plus or minus 1347.1 and 595.0 plus or minus 283.0 mg C m-2 d-1, respectively. In the MIZ, high productivity was associated with shallow mixed layer depths and increased Pmax up to 5.158 mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1. High Si:N drawdown ratios in the open ocean (4.1 plus or minus 1.5) compared to the MIZ (2.2 plus or minus 0.79) also suggested that iron limitation was important for the control of productivity. This was supported by higher Fv/Fm ratios in the MIZ (0.50 plus or minus 0.11 above 40 m) compared to the open ocean (0.36 plus or minus 0.08). As well, in the open ocean there were regions of elevated productivity associated with the seasonal pycnocline where iron availability was possibly increased. High silicate drawdown in the north-eastern section of the BROKE-West survey area suggested significant diatom growth and was linked to the presence of the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current front (sACCF). However, low assimilation numbers (12.8 to 23.2 mg C mg chl a-1 d-1) and Fv/Fm ratios indicated that cells were senescent with initial growth occurring earlier in the season. In the western section of the survey area within the MIZ, high NO3 drawdown but relatively low silicate drawdown were associated with a Phaeocystis bloom. NO3 concentrations were strongly negatively correlated with column-integrated productivity and chlorophyll biomass which was expected given the requirement for this nutrient by all phytoplankton groups. Regardless, concentrations of both NO3 and silicate were above limiting levels within the entire BROKE-West survey area (N greater than 15.7 micro M, Si greater than 18.3 micro M) supporting the high nutrient low chlorophyll status of the Southern Ocean.

  • This indicator is no longer maintained, and is considered OBSOLETE. INDICATOR DEFINITION The fecundity (pupping rates) of female fur seals and the growth rates of their pups relative to changes in sea surface temperatures (local primary production) in the vicinity of Macquarie Island. TYPE OF INDICATOR There are three types of indicators used in this report: 1.Describes the CONDITION of important elements of a system; 2.Show the extent of the major PRESSURES exerted on a system; 3.Determine RESPONSES to either condition or changes in the condition of a system. This indicator is one of: CONDITION RATIONALE FOR INDICATOR SELECTION A highly negative correlation has been detected between sea surface temperatures in the vicinity of Macquarie Island and fur seal fecundity and pup growth. A dataset of over ten years has shown that autumn sea-surface temperatures are highly negatively correlated with female fecundity in the following breeding season. Rather than the reproductive success in terms of fecundity and pup growth being seen simply as a correlate of SST and presumably ocean productivity, the measure is much more than this. What the dataset from the Macquarie Island fur seal populations is rather more unique, in that they indicate how environmental variability effects the reproductive success of animals at annual and lifetime scales. This is especially important as we can now show what impacts environmental/climatic phenomena such as the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave, and global warming will have on fur seals, and how changes in the environment may impact on the viability of populations. In this situation, the data clearly suggest that warmer ocean temperatures significantly effect the reproductive success of fur seals. Sustained warmer temperatures would therefore impose demographic constraints on populations. DESIGN AND STRATEGY FOR INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAM Spatial scale: SST data are obtained from a 1 degree square just north of the island that represents the region in which most females obtain food throughout their lactation period. Frequency: Data on the reproductive success of fur seals is to be collected annually. Measurement technique: Each breeding season (November-January), the reproductive success of tagged females is monitored, including their pupping success, and the growth rates of their pups. RESEARCH ISSUES LINKS TO OTHER INDICATORS

  • These POC export flux maps (units of g C. m-2 day-1) were compiled from Lutz et al. (2007) algorithm, following Woolley et al. (2016) procedure. They were produced after calculation of the Seasonal Variation Index of Net Primary Production layers (NPP, g C. m-2 day-1, see Lutz et al. 2007 for the methodology) available on a monthly basis at (accessed on April 05, 2017). NPP layers are derivates of the Carbon-based Productivity Model that integrates several compounds such as satellite data color measurements, photosynthetically active radiation values or mix layer and nitrocline depth estimations (Westberry et al. 2008). Bathymetric layers used for the calculation were derived from Fabry-Ruiz et al. (submitted paper).

  • The Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) in the Southern Ocean provides a significant sink for atmospheric CO2 and quantification of this sink is therefore important in models of climate change. During the SAZ-Sense (Sub-Antarctic Sensitivity to Environmental Change) survey conducted during austral summer 2007, we examined CO2 sequestration through measurement of gross primary production rates using 14C. Sampling was conducted in the SAZ to the south-west and south-east of Tasmania, and in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) directly south of Tasmania. Despite higher chlorophyll biomass off the south-east of Tasmania, production measurements were similar to the south-west with rates of 986.2 plus or minus 500.4 and 1304.3 plus or minus 300.1 mg C m-2 d-1, respectively. Assimilation numbers suggested the onset of cell senescence by the time of sampling in the south-east, with healthy phytoplankton populations to the south-west sampled three week earlier. Production in the PFZ (475.4 plus or minus 168.7 mg C m-2 d-1) was lower than the SAZ, though not significantly. The PFZ was characterised by a defined deep chlorophyll maximum near the euphotic depth (75 m) with low production due to significant light limitation. A healthy and less light-limited phytoplankton population occupied the mixed layer of the PFZ, allowing more notable production there despite lower chlorophyll. A hypothesis that iron availability would enhance gross primary production in the SAZ was not supported due to the seasonal effect that masked possible responses. However, highest production (2572.5 mg C m-2 d-1) was measured nearby in the Sub-Tropical Zone off south-east Tasmania in a region where iron was likely to be non-limiting (Bowie et al., 2009). Table 1:Gross primary production at each CTD station and associated data; Mixed layer depth (Zm, m), incoming PAR (mol m-2 d-1), vertical light attenuation (Kd, m-1), euphotic depth (Zeu, m), differences between euphotic depth and mixed layer depth (Zeu-Zm, m), column-integrated chlorophyll a (0 to 150 m, mg m-2), column-integrated production (0 to 150 m, mg C m-2 d-1), production within the mixed layer (mg C m-2 d-1), production below the mixed layer (mg C m-2 d-1), production within the euphotic zone (1% PAR, mg C m-2 d-1), production below the euphotic zone (mg C m-2 d-1). Kd values that were calculated from chlorophyll a v PAR regressions are marked with an asterisk. At some stations there was a surface mixed layer as well as a secondary mixed layer and both depths are indicated. Table 2:Photosynthetic attributes of phytoplankton with depth at each CTD station; Mixed layer depth (m), euphotic depth (Zeu, m), maximum photosynthetic rate [Pmax, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1], maximum photosynthetic rate corrected for photoinhibition [Pmaxb, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1], initial slope of the light-limited section of the P-I curve [alpha, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (micro-mol m-2 s-1)-1], rate of photoinhibition [beta, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (micro-mol m-2 s-1)-1], intercept of the P-I curve with the carbon uptake axis [c, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1], light intensity at which carbon-uptake became saturated (Ek, micro-mol m-2 s-1), and chlorophyll a measured using HPLC (mg m-3).

  • Metadata record for data from AAS (ASAC) project 3132. Public This research will determine variability in the influx and mineralogy of cosmic dust to the Southern Ocean during the Holocene from peat bog cores. Cosmic dust contains significant quantities of soluble iron, a micronutrient required for photosynthesis. Therefore, variations in the deposition of cosmic dust could significantly affect primary production in the Southern Ocean. This may also play an important role in global climate due to its influence on carbon dioxide draw-down from, and emission of volatile sulphur compounds to, the atmosphere. The download file contain a csv spreadsheet of carbon dating from geochemical peat cores collected from Green Gorge on Macquarie Island. Project objectives: This project will sample peat bogs on Macquarie Island to: 1. Quantify and develop a high-temporal resolution record of the variability in cosmic dust deposition during the Holocene; 2. Determine the mineralogy and quantify the solubility of iron contained in the cosmic dust; Iron is a micronutrient required for photosynthetic reactions within chloroplasts. Martin [1990] proposed that many oceanic phytoplankton, especially those in the high nutrient - low chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of the world's oceans (such as the Southern Ocean) were limited by the availability of iron. Martin et al. [1991] demonstrated that nanomolar increases in dissolved iron stimulated phytoplankton blooms in the North and Equatorial Pacific and Southern Oceans. Several large-scale field experiments (see de Baar et al [2005] for a summary) demonstrated that the addition of iron stimulated phytoplankton productivity significantly. Eleven further experiments have confirmed these results in many other regions [Boyd, et al., 2007] and models of the cellular processes by which iron fertilisation stimulates phytoplankton blooms are now available [Fasham, et al., 2006]. The response of phytoplankton to iron fertilisation has attracted much research effort because phytoplankton blooms increase the draw-down of carbon from the atmosphere and ultimately export a fraction to the deep ocean where it is stored as particulate organic carbon [Watson, et al., 2000] and hence may play an important role in climate. Cosmic and terrestrial dust can both contain significant quantities of soluble, bio-available iron [Fung, et al., 2000; Plane, 2003]. The potential for iron contained in aeolian terrestrial dust to affect climate was recently assessed by Kohfeld et al. [2005], who concluded that dust-induced iron-fertilisation of ocean ecosystems might account for 30 - 50 ppm of atmospheric CO2 draw-down during the last glacial period. Satellite data provide support for these hypotheses at the regional scales at which terrestrial dust deposition events occur [Cropp, et al., 2003; Gabric, et al., 2002]. The influx of cosmic dust to the oceans could be significantly different to terrestrial dust inputs as it is likely to be uniformly distributed around the globe [Johnson, 2001], vary on longer time scales (although this is not well understood [Winckler and Fischer, 2006]), and is expected to be of finer particle-size and contrasting mineralogy [Plane, 2003]. Ice cores provide excellent long-term records of terrestrial and cosmic dust deposition, however, cores from ombrotrophic peat bogs, that receive their inputs exclusively from the atmosphere, can provide high temporal resolution records of cosmic and terrestrial dust during the Holocene [Cortizas and Gayoso, 2002]. Data from ice cores in Greenland and ocean sediment cores in the tropical Pacific have revealed variations in cosmic dust influx between glacial and inter-glacial periods, with increases in cosmic dust influx associated with cooler temperatures [Dalai, et al., 2006; Gabrielli, et al., 2004; Karner, et al., 2003]. Johnson [2001] calculated that the current background cosmic dust deposition of about 40,000 tonnes per annum delivered 30-300% of the aeolian iron flux due to terrestrial dust and about 20% of the upwelled iron flux in the Southern Ocean. Ombrotrophic peatlands, such as those found on Macquarie Island, which receive inputs of material solely from the atmosphere, provide especially useful records of cosmic dust deposition over the Holocene. Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: Peat core samples were collected on Macquarie Island in April 2010. These samples will be analysed over the coming year.