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During the Antarctic Division BIOMASS Experiment III (ADBEX III) cruise of the Nella Dan (Oct - Dec 1985), sea ice cores were drilled at 13 stations. Stratigraphy of the cores recorded, along with borehole temperatures. In addition to visual notes, photographs for each of the cores were taken - the negatives of these pictures are archived with the notes made. Physical records are archived at the Australian Antarctic Division.
General overview The following datasets are described by this metadata record, and are available for download from the provided URL. - Raw log files, physical parameters raw log files - Raw excel files, respiration/PAM chamber raw excel spreadsheets - Processed and cleaned excel files, respiration chamber biomass data - Raw rapid light curve excel files (this is duplicated from Raw log files), combined dataset pH, temperature, oxygen, salinity, velocity for experiment - Associated R script file for pump cycles of respirations chambers #### Physical parameters raw log files Raw log files 1) DATE= 2) Time= UTC+11 3) PROG=Automated program to control sensors and collect data 4) BAT=Amount of battery remaining 5) STEP=check aquation manual 6) SPIES=check aquation manual 7) PAR=Photoactive radiation 8) Levels=check aquation manual 9) Pumps= program for pumps 10) WQM=check aquation manual #### Respiration/PAM chamber raw excel spreadsheets Abbreviations in headers of datasets Note: Two data sets are provided in different formats. Raw and cleaned (adj). These are the same data with the PAR column moved over to PAR.all for analysis. All headers are the same. The cleaned (adj) dataframe will work with the R syntax below, alternative add code to do cleaning in R. Date: ISO 1986 - Check Time:UTC+11 unless otherwise stated DATETIME: UTC+11 unless otherwise stated ID (of instrument in respiration chambers) ID43=Pulse amplitude fluoresence measurement of control ID44=Pulse amplitude fluoresence measurement of acidified chamber ID=1 Dissolved oxygen ID=2 Dissolved oxygen ID3= PAR ID4= PAR PAR=Photo active radiation umols F0=minimal florescence from PAM Fm=Maximum fluorescence from PAM Yield=(F0 – Fm)/Fm rChl=an estimate of chlorophyll (Note this is uncalibrated and is an estimate only) Temp=Temperature degrees C PAR=Photo active radiation PAR2= Photo active radiation2 DO=Dissolved oxygen %Sat= Saturation of dissolved oxygen Notes=This is the program of the underwater submersible logger with the following abreviations: Notes-1) PAM= Notes-2) PAM=Gain level set (see aquation manual for more detail) Notes-3) Acclimatisation= Program of slowly introducing treatment water into chamber Notes-4) Shutter start up 2 sensors+sample…= Shutter PAMs automatic set up procedure (see aquation manual) Notes-5) Yield step 2=PAM yield measurement and calculation of control Notes-6) Yield step 5= PAM yield measurement and calculation of acidified Notes-7) Abatus respiration DO and PAR step 1= Program to measure dissolved oxygen and PAR (see aquation manual). Steps 1-4 are different stages of this program including pump cycles, DO and PAR measurements. 8) Rapid light curve data Pre LC: A yield measurement prior to the following measurement After 10.0 sec at 0.5% to 8%: Level of each of the 8 steps of the rapid light curve Odessey PAR (only in some deployments): An extra measure of PAR (umols) using an Odessey data logger Dataflow PAR: An extra measure of PAR (umols) using a Dataflow sensor. PAM PAR: This is copied from the PAR or PAR2 column PAR all: This is the complete PAR file and should be used Deployment: Identifying which deployment the data came from #### Respiration chamber biomass data The data is chlorophyll a biomass from cores from the respiration chambers. The headers are: Depth (mm) Treat (Acidified or control) Chl a (pigment and indicator of biomass) Core (5 cores were collected from each chamber, three were analysed for chl a), these are psudoreplicates/subsamples from the chambers and should not be treated as replicates. #### Associated R script file for pump cycles of respirations chambers Associated respiration chamber data to determine the times when respiration chamber pumps delivered treatment water to chambers. Determined from Aquation log files (see associated files). Use the chamber cut times to determine net production rates. Note: Users need to avoid the times when the respiration chambers are delivering water as this will give incorrect results. The headers that get used in the attached/associated R file are start regression and end regression. The remaining headers are not used unless called for in the associated R script. The last columns of these datasets (intercept, ElapsedTimeMincoef) are determined from the linear regressions described below. To determine the rate of change of net production, coefficients of the regression of oxygen consumption in discrete 180 minute data blocks were determined. R squared values for fitted regressions of these coefficients were consistently high (greater than 0.9). We make two assumptions with calculation of net production rates: the first is that heterotrophic community members do not change their metabolism under OA; and the second is that the heterotrophic communities are similar between treatments. #### Combined dataset pH, temperature, oxygen, salinity, velocity for experiment This data is rapid light curve data generated from a Shutter PAM fluorimeter. There are eight steps in each rapid light curve. Note: The software component of the Shutter PAM fluorimeter for sensor 44 appeared to be damaged and would not cycle through the PAR cycles. Therefore the rapid light curves and recovery curves should only be used for the control chambers (sensor ID43). The headers are PAR: Photoactive radiation relETR: F0/Fm x PAR Notes: Stage/step of light curve Treatment: Acidified or control The associated light treatments in each stage. Each actinic light intensity is held for 10 seconds, then a saturating pulse is taken (see PAM methods). After 10.0 sec at 0.5% = 1 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 0.7% = 1 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 1.1% = 0.96 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 1.6% = 4.32 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 2.4% = 4.32 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 3.6% = 8.31 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 5.3% =15.78 umols PAR After 10.0 sec at 8.0% = 25.75 umols PAR This dataset appears to be missing data, note D5 rows potentially not useable information See the word document in the download file for more information.
From the abstract and introduction of ANARE Research Notes 44 - ADBEX I cruise to the Prydz Bay region, 1982: nutrient data. Nitrate, phosphate and silicate concentrations obtained during the ADBEX I cruise to the Prydz Bay region in November and December 1982 are plotted with depth and the raw data are tabulated. Location of the sampling stations and the average concentration of each nutrient in the top 100 m of the water column is mapped. The ADBEX I (Antarctic Division BIOMASS Experiment) cruise is part of a long-term, national program of field surveys aimed at fulfilling the objectives of the BIOMASS (Biological Investigation of Marine Antarctic Systems and Stocks) program. The ADBEX I cruise on MV Nella Dan to the Prydz Bay region between 19 November and 17 December 1982, is the second Antarctic Division cruise to contribute to BIOMASS, the first being FIBEX (First International Biomass Experiment) in 1981. Nutrient data were collected at twenty-eight of the seventy-nine hydrographic stations to provide information for the interpretation of phytoplankton distribution and abundance. The sampling locations and depths were not selected, therefore, on the basis of nutrient-related considerations. The concentration of nitrate, phosphate and silicate is plotted to 600 m for each station and where casts were much deeper or much shallower, a second plot is shown. To show water column structure at the time of sampling, sigma-t values were also plotted, unless data for a cast were unavailable. In addition to the depth profiles, the average concentration to 100 m of each nutrient species is mapped to give a first-order approximation of the horizontal pattern of nutrient distribution in the upper layers.
A times series of data was collected from coastal (land-fast) sea ice at Davis Station, Eastern Antarctica (68 degrees 34' 36" S, 77 degrees 58' 03" E; Figure 1) from November 16 to December 2, 2015. Sea ice temperature and salinity, as well as macro-nutrients (nitrate NO3-, nitrite NO2-, ammonium NH4+, phosphate PO43- and DSi), particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (Chla) in the sea ice were measured six times in 16 days of austral spring and early summer (Nov. 16, Nov. 20, Nov. 23, Nov. 26, Nov. 29, and Dec. 2; in days of the year, 320, 325, 327, 330, 333, and 336). Depths were measured from the top of the ice cores. Seawater below the ice was also sampled for comparison. Samples of snow, sea ice, brine and under-ice seawater were collected under trace metal clean conditions near Davis station during the transition of sea ice from winter to spring conditions (October 2015), on a regular basis (every 4 days) for 3 weeks. 6 sampling events were successfully achieved. The list of parameters collected during the fast ice study include in situ temperature, ice texture, pH, oxygen, iron and Chla, Br/I, carbonate, nutrients and POC, incubations with stable N and C isotopes. Samples are currently returning on V3 and will be analysed in the US, Belgium and Australia in the coming months. The biogeochemical observations will allow us to determine the roles of light versus iron in the initiation of the spring bloom in this region, and the role of the melting fast ice in fertilising the spring time primary production.
This dataset contains CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) and nutrient (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) data obtained from the Antarctic Division BIOMASS Experiment I (ADBEX I) cruise of the Nella Dan, during Nov - Dec 1982. This cruise is the second in a series of six, conducting a long term field survey of krill and other zooplankton. 79 CTD casts were taken in the Prydz Bay region, and nutrient data were collected at 28 out of the 79 CTD stations. Casts within the shelf zone were made to the bottom and down to 2000 m offshore. Oceanographic sampling was subordinate to other programs such as the phytoplankton survey, hence the locations of the CTD stations were not always ideal for oceanographic purposes. Nutrient samples were collected to provide information for the interpretation of phytoplankton distribution and abundance. The fields in this dataset are: Pressure temperature salinity volume geopotential samples deviation conductivity