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  • Fieldwork was undertaken on Voyage 7 of 1997/98 season (April/May 1998) aboard Aurora Australis. The plan was to repeat the transect sampled in September 1996 to investigate seasonal differences between Spring and Autumn. We anticipated being able to sample further south on this voyage because the ice would be at close to its minimum extent. Sixteen stations were successfully sampled with the MIDOC multiple opening/closing net at 1000-750m, 750-500m, 500-250m and 250-0m depth ranges. The stations were at the following approximate positions: 47o14S:145o43E, 47o57S:145o14E, 49o54S:144o28E, 50o28S:144o15E, 51o15S:144o45E, 52o04S:144o24E, 52o59S:144o52E, 54o00S:145o01E, 53o59S:145o56E, 53o37S:144o32E, 57o00S:145o08E, 59o00S:144o56E, 58o12S:145o44E, 63o41S:139o03E, 64o17S:140o41E, 61o03S:139o40E. It was originally intended to sample 18 stations, some of which during both day and night, for a total of 26 samples, but consistently bad weather and the necessity to divert to Davis to pick up helicopters prevented the full programme being completed. However, data for the transect sampled in September of 1996 are available as a collection in the biodiversity database at the provided URL - MIDOC Fish catch from 1996/97 Voyage 1 WASTE (WOCE Antarctic Southern Transect Expedition).

  • This dataset is a description of the shallow coastal marine fauna found in the Vestfold Hills and Rauer Island area, Antarctica. The results are from various surveys in this region over a 12 month period in 1981-82, and a full listing of species (with photographs) is given in the documentation. It includes benthic, pelagic and planktonic organisms of the coast as well as those that inhabit the ice-water interface.

  • 2018-08-10 - these data have been superseded by a new metadata record and dataset - see the provided URL for more details. This record describes a compilation of trophic data from across the Southern Ocean. Data have been drawn from published literature, existing trophic data collections, AADC data sets, and unpublished collections. The database comprises two principal tables. The first table relates to direct sampling methods of dietary assessment, including gut, scat, and bolus content analyses, stomach flushing, and observed feeding. The second table is a compilation of stable isotope values. Each record in these two tables includes details such as the location and date of sampling, predator size and mass, prey size and mass, and estimates of dietary importance. Names have been validated against the World Register of Marine Species ( The schemas of these tables are described below, and a list of the sources used to populate the tables is provided with the data. A range of manual and automated checks were used to ensure that the entered data were as accurate as possible. These included visual checking of transcribed values, checking of row or column sums against known totals, and checking for values outside of allowed ranges. Suspicious entries were re-checked against original source. Apparent errors that could not be resolved were marked as such in the QUALITY_FLAG column, with the reason in the NOTES column. Notes on names 'Sp.' indicates unidentified members of a genus (e.g. 'Pachyptila sp.'). For unidentified taxa at other taxonomic levels, the taxonomic name has been used (e.g. Amphipoda, Myctophidae, Decapoda). Uncertain species identifications (e.g. 'Notothenia rossii?' or 'Gymnoscopelus cf. piabilis') were assigned the genus name (e.g. 'Notothenia sp.'). Original names were retained in a separate column to allow future cross-checking. WoRMS identifiers (APHIA_ID numbers) were recorded with each matched taxon. Grouped prey data in the diet sample table need to be handled with a bit of care. Papers commonly report prey statistics aggregated over groups of prey - e.g. one might give the diet composition by individual cephalopod prey species, and then an overall record for all cephalopod prey. The prey_is_aggregate column identifies such records. This allows us to differentiate grouped data like this from unidentified prey items from a certain prey group - for example, an unidentifiable cephalopod record would be entered as Cephalopoda (the scientific name), with 0 in the prey_is_aggregate column. A record that groups together a number of cephalopod records, possibly including some unidentifiable cephalopods, would also be entered as Cephalopoda, but with a 1 in the prey_is_aggregate column. See the notes on prey_is_aggregate, below. Schema: Diet sample table - LINK_ID: The unique identifier of this record - SOURCE_ID: The reference number of the source of this data record. The list of references is provided with the database and also kept at: - LOCATION: The name of the location at which the data was collected. - WEST: The westernmost longitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate western hemisphere longitudes) - EAST: The easternmost longitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate western hemisphere longitudes) - SOUTH: The southernmost latitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate southern hemisphere latitudes) - NORTH: The northernmost latitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate southern hemisphere latitudes) - OBSERVATION_DATE_START: The start of the sampling period (UTC) - OBSERVATION_DATE_END: The end of the sampling period (UTC). If sampling was carried out over multiple seasons (e.g. during January of 2002 and January of 2003), these dates will indicate the first and last dates (as if the sampling was carried out from 1-Jan-2002 to 31-Jan-2003) - ALTITUDE_MIN: The minimum altitude of the sampling region, in metres (if applicable) - ALTITUDE_MAX: The maximum altitude of the sampling region, in metres (if applicable) - DEPTH_MIN: The shallowest depth of the sampling, in metres (if applicable) - DEPTH_MAX: The deepest depth of the sampling, in metres (if applicable) - PREDATOR_NAME_ORIGINAL: The name of the predator, as it appeared in the original source - PREDATOR_NAME: The scientific name of the predator (corrected, if necessary). - PREDATOR_COMMON_NAME: The common name of the predator (from the WoRMS taxonomic register) - PREDATOR_APHIA_ID: The numeric identifier of the predator in the WoRMS taxonomic register - PREDATOR_LIFE_STAGE: Life stage of the predator. e.g. 'adult', 'chick', 'larva'. Values 'C1'-'C3' refer to calyptopis larval stages of euphausiids. 'F1'-'F6' refer to furcilia larval stages of euphausiids. 'N1'-'N6' refer to nauplius stages of crustaceans. 'Copepodite 1'-'Copepodite 6' refer to developmental stages of copepodites - PREDATOR_BREEDING_STAGE: Stage of the breeding season of the predator, if applicable. e.g. 'brooding', 'chick rearing', 'nonbreeding', 'posthatching' - PREDATOR_SEX: Sex of the predator. 'male', 'female', 'both', or 'unknown' - PREDATOR_SAMPLE_COUNT: The number of predators for which data are given. If (say) 50 predators were caught but only 20 analysed, this column will contain 20. - PREDATOR_TOTAL_COUNT: The total number of predators sampled. If (say) 50 predators were caught but only 20 analysed, this column will contain 50. - PREDATOR_SAMPLE_COUNT: The identifier of this predator sample. PREDATOR_SAMPLE_ID values are unique within a source (i.e. - SOURCE_ID, PREDATOR_SAMPLE_ID pairs are globally unique). Rows with the same SOURCE_ID and PREDATOR_SAMPLE_ID values relate to the same predator individual or population, and so can be combined (e.g. for prey diversity analyses). Subsamples are indicated by a decimal number S.nnn, where S is the parent PREDATOR_SAMPLE_ID, and nnn (001-999) is the subsample number. Studies will often report detailed prey information for a large sample, and also report prey information for various subsamples of that sample (e.g. broken down by predator sex, or sampling season). - PREDATOR_SIZE_MIN: The minimum size of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_SIZE_MAX: The maximum size of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_SIZE_MEAN: The mean size of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_SIZE_SD: The standard deviation of the size of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_SIZE_UNITS: The units of size. Current values 'mm', 'cm', 'm' - PREDATOR_SIZE_NOTES: Notes on the predator size information, including a definition of what the size value represents (e.g. 'total length', 'standard length') - PREDATOR_MASS_MIN: The minimum mass of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_MASS_MAX: The maximum mass of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_MASS_MEAN: The mean mass of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_MASS_SD: The standard deviation of the mass of the predators in the sample - PREDATOR_MASS_UNITS: The units of mass (e.g. 'g' or 'kg') - PREDATOR_MASS_NOTES: Notes on the predator mass information, including a definition of what the mass value represents (blank implies total body weight). Current values 'g', 'kg', 't' - PREY_NAME_ORIGINAL: The name of the prey item, as it appeared in the original source. - PREY_NAME: The scientific name of the prey item (corrected, if necessary). - PREY_COMMON_NAME: The common name of the prey item (from the WoRMS taxonomic register) - PREY_APHIA_ID: The numeric identifier of the prey in the WoRMS taxonomic register - PREY_IS_AGGREGATE: 'Y' indicates that this row is an aggregation of other rows in this data source. For example, a study might give a number of individual squid species records, and then an overall squid record that encompasses the individual records. Use the PREY_IS_AGGREGATE information to avoid double-counting during analyses. If there no entry in this column, it means that this information is not included anywhere else in the database and can be used freely when aggregating over taxonomic groups, for example - PREY_LIFE_STAGE: Life stage of the prey. e.g. 'adult', 'chick', 'larva' - PREY_SAMPLE_COUNT: The number of prey individuals from which size and mass measurements were made (note: NOT the total number of individuals of this prey type, unless all individuals in the sample were measured) - PREY_SIZE_MIN: The minimum size of the prey in the sample - PREY_SIZE_MAX: The maximum size of the prey in the sample - PREY_SIZE_MEAN: The mean size of the prey in the sample - PREY_SIZE_SD: The standard deviation of the size of the prey in the sample - PREY_SIZE_UNITS: The units of size. Current values 'mm', 'cm', 'm' - PREY_SIZE_NOTES: Notes on the prey size information, including a definition of what the size value represents (e.g. 'total length', 'standard length') - PREY_MASS_MIN: The minimum mass of the prey in the sample - PREY_MASS_MAX: The maximum mass of the prey in the sample - PREY_MASS_MEAN: The mean mass of the prey in the sample - PREY_MASS_SD: The standard deviation of the mass of the prey in the sample - PREY_MASS_UNITS: The units of mass. Current values 'mg', 'g', 'kg' - PREY_MASS_NOTES: Notes on the prey mass information, including a definition of what the mass value represents (blank implies total body weight) - FRACTION_DIET_BY_WEIGHT: The fraction (by weight) of the predator diet that this prey type made up (e.g. if Euphausia superba contributed 50% of the total mass of prey items, this value would be 0.5). Many papers represent very small dietary contributions as 'trace' or sometimes 'less than 0.1%'. These have been entered as -999 - FRACTION_DIET_BY_PREY_ITEMS: The fraction (by number) of prey items that this prey type made up (e.g. if 1000 Euphausia superba were found out of a total of 2000 prey items, this value would be 0.5). Note: many papers represent very small dietary contributions as 'trace' or sometimes 'less than 0.1%'. These have been entered as -999 - FRACTION_OCCURRENCE: The number of times this prey item occurred in a predator sample, as a fraction of the number of non-empty samples (e.g. if Euphausia superba occurred in half of the non-empty stomachs examined, this value would be 0.5). Empty stomachs are ignored for the purposes of calculating fraction of occurrence. For gut content analyses (and any other study types where 'no prey' can occur in a sample), the fraction of empty stomachs is also given (using prey_name 'None' - e.g. if predator_total_count was 10 and 3 stomachs were empty, this will be 0.3). Note: many papers represent very small dietary contributions as 'trace' or sometimes 'less than 0.1%'. These have been entered as -999 - QUALITATIVE_DIETARY_IMPORTANCE: Qualitative description of the dietary importance of this prey item (e.g. from comments about certain prey in the discussion text of an article), if numeric values have not been given. Current values are 'none', 'incidental', 'minor', 'major', 'almost exclusive', 'exclusive' - CONSUMPTION_RATE_MIN: The minimum consumption rate of this prey item - CONSUMPTION_RATE_MAX: The maximum consumption rate of this prey item - CONSUMPTION_RATE_MEAN: The mean consumption rate of this prey item - CONSUMPTION_RATE_SD: The standard deviation of the consumption rate of this prey item - CONSUMPTION_RATE_UNITS: The units of consumption rate (e.g. 'kg/day') - CONSUMPTION_RATE_NOTES: Notes about the consumption rate estimates - IDENTIFICATION_METHOD: How this dietary information was gathered. Multiple values can potentially be entered (separated by commas). Current values include 'scat content' (contents of scats), 'stomach flushing' (physical sampling of the stomach contents by flushing the contents out with water), 'stomach content' (physical sampling of the stomach contents from a dead animal), 'regurgitate content' (physical sampling of the contents of forced or spontaneous regurgitations), 'observed predation', 'bolus content' (physical sampling of the contents of boluses), 'nest detritus', 'unknown' - QUALITY_FLAG: An indicator of the quality of this record. 'Q' indicates that the data are known to be questionable for some reason. The reason should be in the notes column. 'G' indicates good data - IS_SECONDARY_DATA: An indicator of whether this record was entered from its primary source, or from a secondary citation. 'Y' here indicates that the data actually came from another paper and were being reported in this paper as secondary data. Secondary data records are likely to be removed at a later date and replaced with information from the original source. - NOTES: Any other notes - LAST_MODIFIED: The date of last modification of this record Schema: Isotope data table - RECORD_ID: The unique identifier of this record - SOURCE_ID: The reference number of the source of this data record. The list of references is provided with the database and also kept at: - LOCATION: The name of the location at which the data was collected. - WEST: The westernmost longitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate western hemisphere longitudes) - EAST: The easternmost longitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate western hemisphere longitudes) - SOUTH: The southernmost latitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate southern hemisphere latitudes) - NORTH: The northernmost latitude of the sampling region, in decimal degrees (negative values indicate southern hemisphere latitudes) - OBSERVATION_DATE_START: The start of the sampling period (UTC) - OBSERVATION_DATE_END: The end of the sampling period (UTC). If sampling was carried out over multiple seasons (e.g. during January of 2002 and January of 2003), these dates will indicate the first and last dates (as if the sampling was carried out from 1-Jan-2002 to 31-Jan-2003) - ALTITUDE_MIN: The minimum altitude of the sampling region, in metres (if applicable) - ALTITUDE_MAX: The maximum altitude of the sampling region, in metres (if applicable) - DEPTH_MIN: The shallowest depth of the sampling, in metres (if applicable) - DEPTH_MAX: The deepest depth of the sampling, in metres (if applicable) - TAXON_NAME_ORIGINAL: The name of the taxon, as it appeared in the original source. - TAXON_NAME: The scientific name of the taxon (corrected, if necessary). - TAXON_COMMON_NAME: The common name of the taxon (from the WoRMS taxonomic register) - TAXON_APHIA_ID: The numeric identifier of the taxon in the WoRMS taxonomic register - TAXON_LIFE_STAGE: Life stage of the taxon. e.g. 'adult', 'chick', 'larva'. Values 'C1'-'C3' refer to calyptopis larval stages of euphausiids. 'F1'-'F6' refer to furcilia larval stages of euphausiids. 'N1'-'N6' refer to nauplius stages of crustaceans. 'Copepodite 1'-'Copepodite 6' refer to developmental stages of copepodites - TAXON_BREEDING_STAGE: Stage of the breeding season of the taxon, if applicable. e.g. 'lactating', 'weaning', 'chick rearing' - TAXON_SEX: Sex of the taxon. 'male', 'female', 'both', or 'unknown' - TAXON_SAMPLE_COUNT: The number of samples from which size and stable isotope measurements were made - TAXON_SIZE_MIN: The minimum size of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_SIZE_MAX: The maximum size of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_SIZE_MEAN: The mean size of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_SIZE_SD: The standard deviation of the size of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_SIZE_UNITS: The units of size. Current values 'mm', 'm' - TAXON_SIZE_NOTES: Notes on the size information, including a definition of what the size value represents (e.g. 'total length', 'standard length') - TAXON_MASS_MIN: The minimum mass of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_MASS_MAX: The maximum mass of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_MASS_MEAN: The mean mass of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_MASS_SD: The standard deviation of the mass of the individuals in the sample - TAXON_MASS_UNITS: The units of mass. e.g. 'g', 'kg' - TAXON_MASS_NOTES: Notes on the taxon mass information, including a definition of what the mass value represents (blank implies total body weight) - DELTA_13C_MEAN: The mean of the d13C values from the sample (permil;) - DELTA_13C_VARIABILITY_VALUE: The variability of the d13C values from the sample - DELTA_13C_VARIABILITY_TYPE: The variability type that the DELTA_13C_VARIABILITY_VALUE represents (currently 'SD' standard deviation, or 'SE' standard error) - DELTA_15N_MEAN: The mean of the d15N values from the sample (permil;) - DELTA_15N_VARIABILITY_VALUE: The variability of the d15N values from the sample - DELTA_15N_VARIABILITY_TYPE: The variability type that the DELTA_15N_VARIABILITY_VALUE represents (currently 'SD' standard deviation, or 'SE' standard error) - C_N_RATIO_MEAN: The mean of the C:N ratio values from the sample, expressed as a molar percentage - C_N_RATIO_VARIABILITY_VALUE: The variability of the C:N ratio values from the sample - C_N_RATIO_VARIABILITY_TYPE: The variability type that the C_N_RATIO_VARIABILITY_VALUE represents (currently 'SD' standard deviation, or 'SE' standard error) - ISOTOPES_CARBONATES_EXTRACTED: Were carbonates extracted from the samples prior to isotope analyses? 'Y', 'N', or 'U' (unknown) - ISOTOPES_LIPIDS_EXTRACTED: Were lipids extracted from the samples prior to isotope analyses? 'Y', 'N', or 'U' (unknown) - ISOTOPES_BODY_PART_USED: Which part of the organism was sampled? - QUALITY_FLAG: An indicator of the quality of this record. 'Q' indicates that the data are known to be questionable for some reason. The reason should be in the notes column. 'G' indicates good data - IS_SECONDARY_DATA: An indicator of whether this record was entered from its primary source, or from a secondary citation. 'Y' here indicates that the data actually came from another paper and were being reported in this paper as secondary data. Secondary data records are likely to be removed at a later date and replaced with information from the original source. - NOTES: Any other notes - LAST_MODIFIED: The date of last modification of this record

  • The British Australian (and) New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) was a research expedition into Antarctica between 1929 and 1931, involving two voyages over consecutive Austral summers. This document describes the ship's log and station list taken from Biological Organisation and Station List by T. Harvey Johnston, BANZARE Reports, Series B, Vol I, Part 1, pages 1-48 Data are stored in an Access database. The 5 tables are banzare_noon_log_1929_1930 and banzare_noon_log_1930_1931 noon positions from page 46-47 - assumed log_date is local noon, latitude and longitude in decimals. banzare_stations_1929_1930 and banzare_stations_1930_1931 odate is station date (no time is given) depth is echo depth (metres) latg and long is refined positions using Google Earth and Kerguelen map on page 14 full_speed_nets_1930_1931 log of full sped nets - see pages 40-44; time is possibly UTC distance is travel of ship when net is deployed depth is possible depth of net in fathoms tow_speed is ship speed in knots

  • Season whale catch records for austral summers from 1931/32 to 1979/80. Data have been aggregated into one degree cells centered on the reported position. The dataset covers five whale species - Blue, Fin, Sei, Minke and Humpback. These data have been exposed as an OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) resource via DiGIR (Distributed Generic Information Retrieval (DiGIR)).

  • This dataset is a census of penguin colony counts from the year 1900 in the Antarctic region. It forms part of the Inventory of Antarctic seabird breeding sites within the Antarctic and subantarctic islands. The Antarctic and subantarctic fauna database (seabirds) is a database detailing the distribution and abundance of breeding localities for Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds. Each species' compilation was produced by members of the SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee. This separate metadata record has been created beacause it represents only the penguin colony counts that have been published to OBIS. Note: The Year (not day or month) date is only relevent in this dataset. The positions that have been published to OBIS include latitude and longitude positions that were not included within the original dataset. The latitude and longitude positions that were not noted by the observer have been created from the locality given by the observer using the Antarctic Composite Gazetteer. Two spreadsheets are available for download, from the URL given below. The original, unmodified spreadsheet is available, as well as a corrected spreadsheet. In the corrected spreadsheet, the AADC has attempted to reconcile the poorly presented localities into a single column. It is possible that some of these localities may not be correct. The fields in this dataset are: SCAR Number Species Region Locality Longitude Latitude Number of Colonies Number of Pairs Type and accuracy of count Data Date References Remarks These data are further referenced in ANARE Research Notes 9 - see reference below.

  • Metadata record for data expected ASAC Project 11 See the link below for public details on this project. From the abstract of the referenced paper: The Australian Antarctic Division carried out an extensive sampling program for pelagic and benthic fauna in Prydz Bay, Antarctica (Indian Ocean sector) in January to March 1991. A total of 341 cephalopod specimens comprising 256 squids and 85 octopods were captured for study. This preliminary report presents capture records of eight species of squids: Brachioteuthis sp., Kondakovia longimena, Bathyteuthis abyssicola, Mastigoteuthis psychophila, Psychroteuthis glacialis, Alluroteuthis antarcticus, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni and Galiteuthis glacialis. The Octopods captured are Megalehedone senei and several species of Pareledone. Psychoteuthis glacialis is reported to congregate on the bottom near the shelf edge at the depth of 400-600 metres. No distinctive pattern in diel vertical movement was found for any of the species captured. Evidence suggests the existence of ontogenetic descent in Galiteuthis glacialis. Cephalopod catches from the extensive sampling program for fishes and zooplankton were studied. For the pelagic fauna, half-hour duration IYGPT hauls were taken at three depths at 63 stations evenly distributed over Prydz Bay area. The three depths fished by the IYGPT at each station were near the surface, near the bottom or 800 m whichever was less, and the midpoint between those two depths. The 63 stations coincided with most of the stations used in the zooplankton sampling program which employed an RMT 1 + 8 net and sampled from 0-200 metres. Additionally 21 benthic samples were taken using bottom trawl, fished for half hour duration on the shelf of Prydz Bay.

  • This dataset gives an overview of the fish (larvae) caught in the RMT 8+1 (Rectangular Midwater Trawl composed of nets with an 8 square metre and 1 square metre net opening surface area respectivly). For correct deployment procedure please see the'krill catches' document available for download at the URL given below. Columns 'sheet' : 'Samples' Station number: Station number as attributed by Krill group Trawl type: Routine or Target Trawl Start Latitude: Latitudinal position at start of trawl (decimal notation) Start Longitude: Longitudinal position at start of trawl (decimal notation) Start Date: Date at the start of the trawl Start Time: Time (UTC) at start of the trawl End Latitude: Latitudinal position at end of trawl (decimal notation) End Longitude: Longitudinal position at end of trawl (decimal notation) End Date: Date at the end of the trawl End Time: Time (UTC) at the end of the trawl Net Size: Size of the net from which the sample was collected Sample number: Individual Sample code as Used by anton van de Putte Bar Code: bar code as used by AAD Family: Taxonomic family to which the sample belongs Species: Name of species Species short: abbrivation of speciesname, format Genus species==Gen_spe example Electrona antarctica=Ele_ant SL:Standarlength of the specimen (mm) TL: Total length of the specimen (mm) Preservation: preservaion method of sample: Ethanol (sample stored in 100% ethanol), Formalin (sample stored in 4% formalin solution) -80 degrees (sample stored in deep frezer at -80 degrees C). This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 2655 and 2679 (ASAC_2655, ASAC_2679).

  • This dataset contains the results from studies of the Weddell Seal (Lepotonychotes weddellii) in the Vestfold Hills region, Antarctica. Results from tagging surveys, photographs and aerial surveys since 1973 are reported. Numbers, life stage, sex, moult stage and migration patterns have been reported. Fecal samples have been collected and from the otoliths, vertebrae, cephalopod beaks and crustacean remains, the diets and feeding habits have been investigated. Many of the results are reported in the document. This metadata record encompasses ASAC projects 89, 95 and 199 (ASAC_89, ASAC_95, ASAC_199).

  • This dataset comprises data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the Southern Indian Ocean. A database of seal, whale and bird observations made from ships since the 1978/1979 austral summer shipping season. Observations are typically made from the bridge out one side of the ship. Data held in this database greater than two years old are publicly available. This work forms part of ASAC project 1219 (ASAC_1219). Initial datasets were from the BIOMASS cruises (ADBEX1,ADBEX2,ADBEX3, SIBEX, FIBEX). This work was completed as part of ASAC project 2208 (ASAC 2208). This project also incorporates several other ASAC projects. These are: ASAC_533 - The Distribution and Abundance of Seabirds at Sea in Prydz Bay in Relation to Physical and Biological Parameters ASAC_657 - Prey Consumption by Seabirds around Heard Island in Relation to Physical and Biological Oceanographic Parameters ASAC_725 - The role of the marginal ice zone in the consumption of marine resources by Antarctic seabirds in the Southern Indian Ocean ASAC_1219 - Monitoring for long-term or cumulative impacts in Southern Ocean seabirds Data from these projects were fed directly into project 2208. The fields in the csv file are: wov_data_id (the internal identifier of the record) observation_date (the date of observation, in ISO8601 format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ. This information is also separated into the year, month, day, etc components) observation_date_year (the year of the observation date) observation_date_month (the month of the observation date) observation_date_day (the day of the observation date) observation_date_hour (the hour of the observation date) observation_date_minute (the minute of the observation date) observation_date_second (the second of the observation date) observation_date_time_zone (the time zone of the observation date) latitude (the latitude of the observation, in decimal degrees) longitude (the longitude of the observation, in decimal degrees) ship_speed (knots) ship_course (degrees) seastate (scale of wave conditions, from "calm-glassy" to "phenomenal (over 14 m)") sea_temperature (sea surface temperature from the ship's instrumentation, in degrees C) seaice (tenths of sea ice cover) visibility (the limit of effective visibility, from "less than 300 m" to "Unrestricted visibility") salinity (sea surface salinity from the ship's instrumentation, in practical salinity units PSU) depth (water depth in metres) cloud_cover (oktas) precipitation (description of precipitation conditions, from "No precipitation/ clear" to "Thunderstorms") windforce (scale of wind conditions with speed range in knots, from "Calm (0-0.9)" to "Hurricane (109-112)") wind_direction (the direction the wind is blowing from, in degrees [north=0, east=90]) air_temperature (degrees C) air_pressure (hectopascals) ship_activity (short description of the ship activity at the time of the observation) species_type (Bird, Seal, Whale) taxon_id (internal identification code for the species observed) bird_age (juvenile, subadult, or adult) distance (distance of observed animal from the ship: "Near (0-300m)", "Middle 300-1000 m", or "Far + 1000 m" ) species_count (the number of individuals observed in total) feeding_count (the number of individuals observed that were feeding) sitting_on_water_count (the number of individuals observed that were sitting on water) sitting_on_ice_count (the number of individuals observed that were sitting on ice) sitting_on_ship_count (the number of individuals observed that were sitting on the ship) in_hand_count (the number of individuals observed that were held in the hand) flying_past_count (the number of individuals observed that were flying past) accompanying_count (the number of individuals observed that were accompanying the vessel) following_wake_count (the number of individuals observed that were following the wake of the vessel) bird_direction (direction of travel of observed individuals, in degrees [northwards travel=0, eastwards travel=90]) observation_code (the type of observation activity being conducted, e.g. "Stern count", "Forward Quadrant", or "null observation - no birds seen") swimming_past_count (the number of individuals observed that were swimming past the vessel) float_in_water_count (the number of individuals observed that were floating in the water) porpoising_count (the number of individuals observed that were porpoising) following_count (the number of individuals observed that were following the vessel) surfacing_count (the number of individuals observed that were surfacing) breaching_count (the number of individuals observed that were breaching) blowing_count (the number of individuals observed that were blowing) move_thru_ice_count (the number of individuals observed that were moving through ice) frolicking_count (the number of individuals observed that were frolicking) voyage_id (the internal identifier of the voyage) notes (other notes recorded during the observation) date_created (the date the observation record was created, in ISO8601 format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ) date_revised (the date the observation record was last revised, in ISO8601 format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ) husky_code (the species code used in the husky data logging system) identification_status (status of the species identification: "Confirmed" or "Unconfirmed") wind_speed (wind speed, in knots) data_notes (notes about the data associated with the observation) genus (genus name of the observed species) species (specific epithet of the observed species) common_name (common name of the observed species) subspecies (subspecies name of the observed species) aphia_id (the taxonomic identifier of the observed species, from the Register of Antarctic Marine Species and the World Register of Marine Species,