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  • This metadata record contains the results from bioassays conducted to show the response of the Antarctic gastropod, Skenella palludinoides to contamination from combinations of Special Antarctic Blend (SAB) diesel, chemically dispersed with fuel dispersant Ardrox 6120. Fuel only water accommodated fractions (WAF), chemically enhanced water accommodated fractions (CEWAF) and dispersant only treatments were prepared following the methods in Singer et al. (2000) with adaptations from Barron and Ka’aihue (2003). WAF was made using the ratio of 1: 25 (v/v), fuel to filtered seawater (FSW) following the methods of Brown et al. (2017). Ratios for chemically dispersed treatments were 1: 100 (v/v), fuel to FSW and 1: 20 (v/v) dispersant to fuel. Dispersant only treatments were made using ratios for CEWAF, substituting the fuel component with FSW. Mixes were made in 5 L or 10 L glass aspirator bottles using a magnetic stirrer to achieve a vortex of approximately 20% in the FSW before the addition of test media. The same mixing energy was used to prepare all WAFs for enhanced reproducibility and comparability of results (Barron and Ka’aihue, 2003). Mixes were stirred in darkness to prevent bacterial growth for 18 h with an additional settling time of 6 h at 0 plus or minus 1 oC. A dilution series of four concentrations were made from the full strength aqueous phase of each mix using serial dilution. WAF test concentrations were 100%, 50%, 20% and 10% while CEWAF concentrations were 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1%. These concentrations were chosen in order to quantify the mortality curve and allow statistical calculation of LC50 values. To facilitate comparisons of dispersant toxicity in the presence and absence of fuel, dispersant only test concentrations reflected those of CEWAF treatments. WAF was sealed in airtight glass bottles stored at 0 plus or minus 1 oC for a maximum of 3 h before use. Fresh test solutions were prepared every four days to ensure consistent water quality and replace hydrocarbons that adsorbed or evaporated into the atmosphere. Each test concentration was represented by five replicates with five FSW control beakers, with approximately 10 S.palludinoides individuals per replicate. The healthiest and most active individuals were chosen. Beakers were filled to 200 ml and were left open to allow the natural evaporation of lighter monoaromatic hydrocarbon components that would occur during a real spill. Animals were not fed during experiments to prevent hydrocarbons being ingested, thereby introducing an additional exposure pathway. Experiments ran for a total of 35 d exposure duration for WAF and CEWAF experiments and 15 d for dispersant only experiments. Experiments were run in cold temperature-controlled cabinets set at a temperature of 0 plus or minus 1 oC, fluorescent lights in the cabinets were set to a light regime of 18 h light, 6 h darkness, following the methods in Brown et al. (2017) to reflect Antarctic summer environmental conditions. Lethal and sublethal observations were made at test times of: 24 h, 48 h, 96 h, 7 d, 8 d, 10 d and 12 d, 14 d, 16 d, 20 d, 21 d, 28 d and 35 d for SAB + Ardrox 6120 experiments and 24 h, 48 h, 96 h, 7 d, 8 d, 10 d and 12 d, 14 d, 15 d for Ardrox 6120 only experiments. The health status of each individual was classified as per the criteria listed below: - Attached to the vial with horns in or out - Unattached (often upside down), horns out, will reattach if flipped over - Not attached but if touched, will retract - Closed but attached and out of water - Operculum closed - Dead, operculum open a little (muscles no longer working), if touched, operculum will not move and tissues might disintegrate Dead animals were removed and preserved in 80% ethanol at each observation period. In order to simulate a repeated pulse pollutant, 90 to 100% of the test solution volume of each beaker was renewed with freshly made test concentrations every four days to replenish hydrocarbons lost through evaporation and adsorption and ensure consistent water quality. Beakers were topped up to 200 ml between water changes with deionised water to maintain water quality parameters. Duplicate 25 ml aliquots of test concentrations were taken at the beginning and end of each experiment in addition to pre and post water change samples. Samples were immediately extracted with 0.7 μm of dichloromethane spiked with an internal standard of BrC20 (1-bromoeicosane) and cyclooctane. Samples were analysed using Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionisation Detection (GC-FID) and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Brown, K.E., King, C.K., Harrison, P.L., 2017. Lethal and behavioural impacts of diesel and fuel oil on the Antarctic amphipod Paramoera walkeri. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Animal collection, 2013 experiments: animals sourced from AAD aquarium, collected in previous seasons. Animal collection, 2014 experiments: January and February 2014 Experiments were conducted at the Marine Research Facility at the Australian Antarctic Division in Kingston, Tasmania. Experiments using SAB fuel and the fuel dispersant Ardrox 6120 were conducted in August and September 2013, with additional experiments conducted in May 2014 using Ardrox 6120 only.

  • AM01b borehole site Samples collected during drilling and scientific sampling phases of work. AWS continuing to operate (not a new station, but ongoing AM01 station).

  • ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Heard Island offers scientists a unique subantarctic laboratory for investigating climate change. We will establish a reference set of microalgal floras from lakes and lagoons and ultimately use the microalgal floras of today to investigate changes in fossil microalgal communities of Heard Island lake and lagoonal ecosystems to better understand regional subantarctic climate changes. Sediments were sampled with hand corers. Water samples were collected with a Niskin bottle. The dataset contains a summary of the locations data were sampled from, as well as average isotope concentrations from each sampling location. The fields in this dataset are: Date Location Salinity pH GPS Isotopes Concentration (ppb)

  • This entry contains: Locations for sampling sites for ASAC project 2596 on voyage 3 of the Aurora Australis in the 2004/5 season, collected between December and February of 2004/5; CTD bottle-derived seawater viscosity data and CTD bottle-derived in vivo fluorescence data. Note: ASAC project 2596 operates in direct collaboration with ASAC project 2382 (Impact of viscosity on the morphology and swimming behaviour of motile bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and protozooplankton). There are four spreadsheet files in this entry. Each spreadsheet file contains several worksheets. 1) Transect 1 (CLIVAR I9 = 'I9') station and sampling details: CTD stations, CTD profiles, Surface samples. 2) Transect 2 (Kerguelen Plateau and Princess Elizabeth Trough = 'PET') station and sampling details: CTD stations, CTD profiles. 3) 10 x 10 Flow Cytometry (FCM) data, derived from a two-dimensional microscale sampling device. 4) FluoroMAP profiles. These files contain the following data: Count Date Time Pressure (milliVolts)/Depth Chlo Depth - is the pressure in milli-Volts (mV) which is can be converted to depth in meters using the manufacturers calibration, Where, depth (m) = 0.00149 * (depth (mV)) -7.5 Chlo= is short for chlorophyll fluorescence and has arbitrary units (a.u.) For all files -999 entry = missing data A word document details the sampling protocols for FCM, 10 x 10 samples and FluoroMAP profiles. See the link below for public details on this project.

  • Particulates in the water were concentrated onto 25mm glass fibre filters. Light transmission and reflection through the filters was measured using a spectrophotometer to yield spectral absorption coefficients. Data Acquisition: Water samples were taken from Niskin bottles mounted on the CTD rosette. Two or three depths were selected at each station, using the CTD fluorometer profile to identify the depth of maximum fluorescence and below the fluorescence maximum. One sample was always taken at 10m, provided water was available, as a reference depth for comparisons with satellite data (remote sensing international standard). Water sampling was carried out after other groups, leading to a considerable time delay of between half an hour and 3 hours, during which particulates are likely to have sedimented within the Niskin bottle, and algae photoadapted to the dark. In order to minimise problems of sedimentation, as large a sample as practical was taken. Often so little water remained in the Niskin bottle that the entire remnant was taken. Where less than one litre remained, leftover sample water was taken from the HPLC group. Water samples were filtered through 25mm diameter GF/F filters under a low vacuum (less than 5mmHg), in the dark. Filters were stored in tissue capsules in liquid nitrogen and transported to the lab for analysis after the cruise. Three water samples were filtered through GF/F filters under gravity, with 2 30ml pre-rinses to remove organic substances from the filter, and brought to the laboratory for further filtration through 0.2micron membrane filters. Filters were analysed in batches of 3 to 7, with all depths at each station being analysed within the same batch to ensure comparability. Filters were removed one batch at a time and place on ice in the dark. Once defrosted, the filters were placed upon a drop of filtered seawater in a clean petri dish and returned to cold, dark conditions. One by one, the filters were placed on a clean glass plate and scanned from 200 to 900nm in a spectrophotometer equipped with an integrating sphere. A fresh baseline was taken with each new batch using 2 blank filters from the same batch as the sample filters, soaked in filtered seawater. After scanning, the filters were placed on a filtration manifold, soaked in methanol for between 1 and 2 hours to extract pigments, and rinsed with filtered seawater. They were then scanned again against blanks soaked in methanol and rinsed in filtered seawater. Data Processing: The initial scan of total particulate matter, ap, and the second scan of non-pigmented particles, anp, were corrected for baseline wandering by setting the near-infrared absorption to zero. This technique requires correction for enhanced scattering within the filter, which has been reported to vary with species. One dilution series was carried out at station 118 to allow calculation of the correction (beta-factor). Since it is debatable whether this factor will be applicable to all samples, no correction has been applied to the dataset. Potential users should contact JSchwarz for advice on this matter when using the data quantitatively. Not yet complete: Comparison of the beta-factor calculated for station 118 with the literature values. Comparison of phytoplankton populations from station 118 with those found at other stations to evaluate the applicability of the beta-factor. Dataset Format: Two files: phyto_absorp_brokew.txt and phyto_absorp_brokew_2.txt: covering stations 4 to 90 and 91 to 118, respectively. Note that not every station was sampled. File format: Matlab-readable ascii text with 3 'header' lines: Row 1: col.1=-999, col.2 to end = ctd number Row 2: col.1=-999, col.2 to end = sample depth in metres Row 3: col.1=-999, col.2 to end = 1 for total absorption by particulates, 2 for absorption by non-pigmented particles Row 4 to end: col.1=wavelength in nanometres, col.2 to end = absorption coefficient corresponding to station, depth and type given in rows 1 to 3 of the same column. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 2655 and 2679 (ASAC_2655, ASAC_2679).

  • This metadata record covers ASAC projects 113, 191 and 625. (ASAC_113, ASAC_191, ASAC_625). The total lipid, fatty acid, sterol and pigment composition of water column particulates collected near the Australian Antarctic Base, Davis Station, were analysed over five summer seasons (1988-93) using capillary GC, GC-MS, TLC-FID and HPLC. Polar lipids were the dominant lipid class. Maximum lipid concentrations usually occurred in samples collected in December and January and corresponded with increased algal biomass. Both lipid profiles and microscopic observations showed significant variation in algal biomass and community structure in the water column during each season and on an interannual basis. During the period of diatom blooms (predominantly Nitzschia species) the dominant sterol and fatty acid were trans-22-dehydrocholesterol and 20:5w3, accompanied by a high 16:1w7 to 16:0 ratio. Very high polyunsaturated fatty acid and total lipid concentrations were associated with diatom blooms in the area. Bacterial markers increased late in all seasons after the summer algal blooms. Long chain C30 sterols also increased during the latter half of all seasons. Fjord samples collected in the area reflected greater biomass and diversity in algal and bacterial makers than coastal sites. Signature lipids for the alga Phaeocystis pouchetii, thought to be a major alga in Antarctic waters, were identified in field samples over the five summer seasons studied. Methods Study site Davis Base is situated on the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica and incorporates numerous lakes and fjords (Fig. 1). Samples of water column particulate matter were collected during five summer seasons (1988-93), 500 meters off-shore from Magnetic Island, situated 5 km NW of Davis. Three other sampling areas were situated in the fjords of the Vestfold hills and include two sites in Ellis Fjord, one midway along Ellis Fjord and one near Ellis Fjord mouth and one sample midway along Long Fjord (Fig. 1). These fjords are protected from the marine environment, but are both marine fjords. Davis Station and Magnetic Island were used for the weekly sample sites. The mouth of Long Fjord, the mouth of Ellis Fjord, midway down Long Fjord, the deep basin in Ellis Fjord, O'Gorman Rocks and Hawker island (ocean side) were used for monthly samples. Field collection There was an initial pilot season in 1988-89, which was followed by two more detailed studies in the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. Four samples was also analysed from the 1991-92 and five from the 1992-93 summer seasons. During the initial pilot study at Magnetic Island in the 1988-89 summer, three water column particle samples were taken for lipid analyses. The 1989-90 and 1990-91 summer field seasons incorporated weekly sampling of the water column particulates at Magnetic Island. The phytoplankton in the fjords were studied during the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. The three sites that were chosen were all sampled three times in each season. Samples were also collected during the 1989-90 and 1990-91 seasons from the Magnetic Island and Fjord site s for pigment analyses. Three and five samples were collected respectively in the 1991-92 and 1992-93 seasons. Samples were also taken for microscopic analyses. For lipid analyses 30-40 liter water column particulate samples were collected at a depth of 10 m. A Seastar or INFILTREX water sampler was used in situ to filter the water through a 14.2 cm Schleicher and Schuell glass fibre filter over a three to four hour period. All filters used during sampling were preheated in a muffle furnace at 500 degrees C overnight to minimise contamination. For pigment analyses 2 to 4 litres were filtered through glass fibre filters (4.7 cm GF/F, nominal pore size 0.7 micro meters). The samples were frozen at -20 degrees C until extraction.

  • Untreated, macerated wastewater effluent has been discharged to the sea at Davis Station since 2005, when the old wastewater treatment infrastructure was removed. This environmental assessment was instigated to guide the choice of the most suitable wastewater treatment facility at Davis. The assessment will support decisions that enable Australia to meet the standards set for the discharge of wastewaters in Antarctica in national legislation (Waste Management Regulations of the Antarctic Treaty Environmental Protection Act - ATEP) and to meet international commitments (the Madrid Protocol) and to meet Australia's aspirations to be a leader in Antarctic environmental protection. The overall objective was to provide environmental information in support of an operational infrastructure project to upgrade wastewater treatment at Davis. This information is required to ensure that the upgrade satisfies national legislation (ATEP/Waste Management Regulations), international commitments (the Madrid Protocol) and maintain the AAD's status as an international leader in environmental management. The specific objectives were to: 1. Wastewater properties: Determine the properties of discharged wastewater (contaminant levels, toxicity, microbiological hazards) as the basis for recommendations on the required level of treatment and provide further consideration of what might constitute adequate dilution and dispersal for discharge to the nearshore marine environment 2. Dispersal and dilution characteristics of marine environment: Assess the dispersing characteristics of the immediate nearshore marine environment in the vicinity of Davis Station to determine whether conditions at the existing site of effluent discharge are adequate to meet the ATEP requirement of initial dilution and rapid dispersal. 3. Environmental impacts: Describe the nature and extent of impacts to the marine environment associated with present wastewater discharge practices at Davis and determine whether wastewater discharge practices have adversely affected the local environment. 4. Evaluate treatment options: Evaluate the different levels of treatment required to mitigate and/or prevent various environmental impacts and reduce environmental risks.

  • Untreated, macerated wastewater effluent has been discharged to the sea at Davis Station since 2005, when the old wastewater treatment infrastructure was removed. This environmental assessment was instigated to guide the choice of the most suitable wastewater treatment facility at Davis. The assessment will support decisions that enable Australia to meet the standards set for the discharge of wastewaters in Antarctica in national legislation (Waste Management Regulations of the Antarctic Treaty Environmental Protection Act - ATEP) and to meet international commitments (the Madrid Protocol) and to meet Australia's aspirations to be a leader in Antarctic environmental protection. The overall objective was to provide environmental information in support of an operational infrastructure project to upgrade wastewater treatment at Davis. This information is required to ensure that the upgrade satisfies national legislation (ATEP/Waste Management Regulations), international commitments (the Madrid Protocol) and maintain the AAD's status as an international leader in environmental management. The specific objectives were to: 1. Wastewater properties: Determine the properties of discharged wastewater (contaminant levels, toxicity, microbiological hazards) as the basis for recommendations on the required level of treatment and provide further consideration of what might constitute adequate dilution and dispersal for discharge to the nearshore marine environment 2. Dispersal and dilution characteristics of marine environment: Assess the dispersing characteristics of the immediate nearshore marine environment in the vicinity of Davis Station to determine whether conditions at the existing site of effluent discharge are adequate to meet the ATEP requirement of initial dilution and rapid dispersal. 3. Environmental impacts: Describe the nature and extent of impacts to the marine environment associated with present wastewater discharge practices at Davis and determine whether wastewater discharge practices have adversely affected the local environment. 4. Evaluate treatment options: Evaluate the different levels of treatment required to mitigate and/or prevent various environmental impacts and reduce environmental risks.