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Gross Primary Production Six depths were sampled per CTD station ranging from near-surface to 125 m. Sample depths were based on downward fluorescence profiles and two of six samples always included both near-surface (approximately 5-10 m) and the depth of the chlorophyll maximum where applicable. Photosynthetic rates were determined using radioactive NaH14CO3. Incubations were conducted according to the method of Westwood et al. (2011). Cells were incubated for 1 hour at 21 light intensities ranging from 0 to 1200 µmol m-2 s-1 (CT Blue filter centred on 435 nm). Carbon uptake rates were corrected for in situ chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations (µg L-1) measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Wright et al. 2010), and for total dissolved inorganic carbon availability, analysed according to Dickson et al. (2007). Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationships were then plotted in R and the equation of Platt et al. (1980) used to fit curves to data using robust least squares non-linear regression. Photosynthetic parameters determined included light-saturated photosynthetic rate [Pmax, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1], initial slope of the light-limited section of the P-I curve [α, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (µmol m-2 s-1)-1], light intensity at which carbon-uptake became maximal (calculated as Pmax/ α = Ek, µmol m-2 s-1), intercept of the P-I curve with the carbon uptake axis [c, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1] , and the rate of photoinhibition where applicable [β, mg C (mg chl a)-1 h-1 (µmol m-2 s-1)-1]. Gross primary production rates were modelled using R. Depth interval profiles (1 m) of chl a from the surface to 200 m were constructed through the conversion of up-cast fluorometry data measured at each CTD station. For conversions, pooled fluorometry burst data from all sites and depths was linearly regressed against in situ chl a determined using HPLC. Gross daily depth-integrated water-column production was then calculated using chl a depth profiles, photosynthetic parameters (Pmax, α , β, see above), incoming climatological PAR, vertical light attenuation (Kd), and mixed layer depth. Climatological PAR was based on spatially averaged (49 pixels, approx. 2 degrees) 8 day composite Aqua MODIS data (level 3, 2004-2017) obtained for Julian day 34. Summed incoming light intensities throughout the day equated to mean total PAR provided by Aqua MODIS. Kd for each station was calculated through robust linear regression of natural logarithm-transformed PAR data with depth. In cases where CTD stations were conducted at night, Kd was calculated from a linear relationship established between pooled chlorophyll a concentrations and Kd’s determined at CTD stations conducted during the day (Kd = -0.0421 chl a * -0.0476). Mixed layer depths were calculated as the depth where density (sigma) changed by 0.05 from a 10 m reference point. Gross primary production was calculated at 0.1 time steps throughout the day (10 points per hour) and summed.
Samples were collected using a prototype basket sampler that concentrated phytoplankton from the underway water supply in the OG lab onboard Aurora Australis. The sampler filtered water during transit, and the distance travelled and the approximate volume of water sampled was recorded. A phytoplankton net tow was collected at each station. The majority of imaging was undertaken using a Leica DMLB2 microscope with phase contrastand Leica ICC50 digital in body camera. Samples were preserved with either glutaraldhyde or Lugols iodine for later examination as well. Details of sample collected are included in the Voyage sample log.
This dataset contains presence-absence records of the demersal fish sampled during the 2006, 2010 and 2013 Random Stratified Trawl Surveys surrounding Heard and MacDonald Islands on the Kerguelen Plateau. It also contains spatially matched climatological variables from satellite and modelled data that represent sea floor and sea surface conditions likely to affect the distribution of demersal fish. KP_Fish_Env.csv: contains the data used in the bioregionalisation analyses KP_Fish_Field_Descriptions.xlxs: contains descriptions of field headers in KP_Fish_Env.csv and details about the matched environmental data.
Water samples of 1 to 2L from Niskin bottles filled close to the surface, mid mixed layer depth and bottom of the mixed layer were drawn cleanly through a 210um mesh to exclude zooplankton. All samples were filtered as two size fractions, 1.2 to 20um (larger particles excluded by 20um Nitex mesh) and a separate 1.2 to 210um total sample. The filters were 1.2um silver membranes (Sterlitech) 13mm diameter. The samples were preserved by drying at 60C in a dedicated clean oven. Prior to encapsulation, a 5mm diameter subsample was taken for biogenic silica analysis, which is delayed until there has been evaluation of the particle data from the flow cam and UVP. Samples were encapsulated in silver (Sercon sc0037) after acidification and drying. The decarbonated encapsulated POC samples were analysed by elemental analyser at the CSL UTAS by Dr Thomas Rodemann (EA TCD 960C, single point standardisation every 12 samples). EA detection limit 0.001umol POC. POC and PON are presented as molar units. Blanks were process blanks (seawater) and 7% of the average for the combined data n=177. 1sd=0.12uM. The ctd casts were all given the prefix K, so K001, K002 etc. Not all stations were sampled due to budget constraints. Niskin is the Niskin bottle number.
All-sky images taken from the Cloud-Cam instrument on the RSV Aurora Australis during the K-Axis campaign between 22-Jan-2016 and 16-Feb-2016 [days 22 to 47]. Images were acquired at 1-minute cadence, and are presented as timelapse movies analysed for cloud fraction, and keograms (obtained by horizontally accumulating a vertical slice through the zenith pixel of each image).
Australian vessels fishing in the Commonwealth managed fishery for Patagonian Toothfish and mackerel icefish in the Heard Island and MacDonald Island area deployed conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) loggers attached to their fishing gear. In most cases CTDs were deployed on demersal longlines but in some cases they were attached to trawl nets and traps. Data were collected on five fishing vessels during the fishing seasons of 2019/20 and 2020/21 The data were collected with a CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth Recorder) from the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU) at St Andrew’s University Scotland. Files were downloaded with their TagConfig software in text (.txt) format. Recordings were made at (typically) 1 second intervals for the duration of the fishing event, recording data throughout the water column while setting the gear, then while fishing on the sea floor and again through the water column when the gear was retrieved. Each data file has data on date/time, pressure referenced to surface pressure (dbar), absolute pressure (dbar), temperature (°C), conductivity *mS/cm) and salinity (psu). The data are currently not linked to geographical coordinates which are confidential, but these may be able to be released on contact with the data owner and subject to appropriate confidentiality arrangements. Number of deployments: 2019/20: 25 2020/21: 27
This data features stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of co-occurring Southern Ocean pteropods in order to estimate and compare their Bayesian isotopic niches. Other data includes station number, latitude and longitude, species names and sample ID. Details for each column are as follows: A: "species" - Species analysed including, "clio" = Clio pyramidata f. sulcata; "clione" = Clione limacina antarctica; "spongio" = Spongiobranchaea australis; "Large-fraction POM" = large-fraction particulate organic matter; "Small-fraction POM" = small-fraction particulate organic matter B: "speciesID" - Sample ID = unique identifier from Central Science Laboratory, University of Tasmania C: "station" = CTD number (KAxis research voyage) D: "date" = Date of sample (RMT-8 net trawl, KAxis research voyage) E: "lat" = Latitude (degS) F: "long" = Longitude (degE) G: "%C" = percent carbon (no unit) H: "%N" = percent nitrogen (no unit) I: "C:N (bulk)" = uncorrected (raw) carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (no unit) J: "delta 13C (bulk)" = uncorrected (raw) stable carbon isotope values (‰) H: "delta 15N (bulk)" = uncorrected (raw) stable nitrogen isotope values (‰) L: "notes" = samples may be duplicated or triplicated M: "atomic C:N" = C:N (bulk) x 14/12 (no unit) N: "atomic L" = 93/(1+ (1/((0.246 x atomic C:N) - 0.775))) O: "L" = 93/(1+(1/((0.246 x C:N (bulk) - 0.775))) P: "delta 13C (Kiljunen)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Kiljunen et al. 2006 Q: "delta 13C (atomic Kiljunen)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Kiljunen et al. 2006 and atomic L value (column N) R: "delta 13C (Post)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Post et al. 2007 S: "delta 13C (Weldrick)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Weldrick et al. 2019 T: "delta 13C (atomic Smyntek)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Smyntek et al. 2007 and atomic L value (column N) U: "delta 13C (Smyntek)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Smyntek et al. 2007 V: "delta 13C (Logan)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Logan et al. 2008 W: "delta 13C (Syvaranta)" = delta 13C (bulk) corrected using formula by Syvaranta and Rautio 2010 The analysis is featured within a recently accepted paper titled "Trophodynamics of Southern Ocean pteropods on the southern Kerguelen Plateau" peer-reviewed for Ecology and Evolution (2019). It is based on samples collected during the KAxis research voyage, 2015/16.
This dataset contains environmental layers used to model the predicted distribution of demersal fish bioregions for the paper: Hill et al. (2020) Determining Marine Bioregions: A comparison of quantitative approaches, Methods in Ecology and Evolution. It contains climatological variables from satellite and modelled data that represent sea floor and sea surface conditions likely to affect the distribution of demersal fish including: depth, slope, seafloor temperatures, seafloor current, seafloor nitrate, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a standard deviation and sea surface height standard deviation. Layers are presented at 0.1 degree resolution. "prediction_space" is a Rda file for R that consists of two objects: env_raster: a raster stack of the environmental layers pred_sp: a data.frame version of the env_raster where some variables have been transformed for statistical analysis and bioregion prediction. "Env_data_sources.xlsx" contains a description of each environmental variable and it's source.
Water samples were collected from the seawater line on the Aurora Australis during the K-Axis voyage. They were filtered so that two fractions of each sample were collected: a fraction that was between 1.2 and 210 um and a fraction that was between 210 and 1000 um. A 47 mm diameter 1000 um mesh was placed upstream of all samples, and this prevented larger particles (e.g. zooplankton) from entering the samples. The underway water was taken from the pCO2 rig at 1.4 to 1.5 atmospheres. All samples were collected on 25 mm diameter 1.2um Sterlitech silver membrane filters. The greater than 210 samples were collected on mesh and refiltered onto silver filters. The filters were stored frozen until they were processed in Hobart. Subsamples of the filters were analysed at the Central Science Laboratories, University of Tasmania to determine elemental N and C. The remainder of the filters were analysed by ANSTO (NSW) to determine delta15N and delta13C. Volumes are in litres, and the values for the nitrogen isotopes are presented as ratios.
Krill, salps and pteropods were collected with an RMT8 net during the K-Axis cruise. Specimens were removed from the samples, measured and frozen at -20C until ready for analysis in Hobart. Individuals of known species were dried at -60C, ground to a fine powder, encapsulated into tin cups and analysed with an ICP-MS in the Central Science Laboratories, University of Tasmania. Samples were analysed for delta15N and delta13C. The salp was the common Southern Ocean species Salpa thompsoni and the krill were Euphausia superba, E. triacantha, E. frigida and Thysanoessa macrura. A small number (2) of the siphonphore Diphyes antarctica were also analysed. Pteropods analysed included both shelled (thecosomes) and naked (gymnosomes) pteropods. Columns E-O in the Pteropods worksheet in the spreadsheet are expressed as ratios.