
ICP-AES > Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer

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  • This metadata record contains observed and predicted toxicity data from bioassays with two species of Antarctic marine microalgae: Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) and Cryothecomonas armigera (Cercoza). Bioassay exposures were of mixtures of 5 metals at two ratios, an Environmental (ENV) and Equitoxic (EC) mixture. The measured dissolved metal concentrations were used in two mixture reference models, Independent Action (IA) and Concentration Addition (CA), to predict toxicity as population growth rate inhibition. A Flow Cytometer (BD-FACSVerse) was used to measure the density of microalgae over time, which was then converted to a growth rate. An inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; Varian 730-ES), was used to measure metal concentrations. Data for each microalga is provided in individual excel spreadsheets, identified by the species tested. A word document is provided that contains the R code used to predict toxicity to the two microalgae by the reference models Independent Action and Concentration Addition. The R code also includes the steps required to extend the models to include a deviation parameter “a” that allows for departure from model additivity. A nested F-test then tests for significance between the fit of each test to observed toxicities. This R code has been adapted to use EC10 as parameter estimates, rather than EC50s. The code was adapted from the approach outlined in Hochmuth, J. D.; Asselman, J.; De, S. Are Interactive Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms and Copper Pollution a Concern for Water Quality Management? Water Res. 2014, 60, 41–53. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.03.041. Single-metal toxicity data and experimental protocols for P. antarctica from the following paper: and C. armigera used in this study can be found in the following papers: A robust bioassay to assess the toxicity of metals to the Antarctic marine microalga Phaeocyctis antarctica. Francesca Gissi, Merrin S. Adams, Catherine K. King, Dianne F. Jolley (2015). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2015 Feb 20. doi: 10.1002/etc.2949. Chronic toxicity of five metals to the polar marine microalga Cryothecomonas armigera – Application of a new bioassay. Darren J. Koppel, Francesca Gissi, Merrin S. Adams, Catherine K. King, and Dianne F. Jolley, (2017). Environmental Pollution, Volume 228, 2017, Pages 211-221,

  • This data describes the cellular metal concentrations of Phaeocystis antarctica and Cryothecomonas armigera following exposure to metals singly and in mixtures in laboratory studies. Microalgae were cultured in 80 mL of filtered (less than 0.45 um) seawater and low concentrations of nutrients supplemented with metal stocks to give a range of single and mixture exposures to the metals cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc. The cellular accumulation and partitioning are used to explain the metal's toxicity (cellular metal fractions are compared to the toxicity data provided in 10.4225/15/5ae93ff723ff8) and assess the risk bioaccumulation of metals to Antarctic marine microalgae may pose in the Southern Ocean food web.

  • Two toxicity tests were conducted in the Davis station laboratories in December 2010. Tests used locally collected amphipods of the species Orchomenella pinguides. The tests were conducted by Bianca Sfiligoj, as part of her PhD research (Sfiligoj 2013), with results published in (Sfiligoj et al. 2015). Field and laboratory work was conducted under project AAS 2933, with analysis and write-up completed under AAS 4100 (both projects CI: King). Details are fully described in the published manuscript provided with this data record; file name: Sfiligoj et al 2015_Ecotoxicology.pdf. A subset of the data is also used in Candy et al. 2015 (Filename: Candy et al 2015_Ecotoxicology.pdf). Data files: Test data are provided in the .xlsx file: 'Orchomenella-Tests-Dec 2010.xlsx'. Each worksheet includes a "This worksheet provides…" description in cell A1. Laboratory notebook records are provided in the scanned file: Sfiligoj-LabBookScan-Davis10-11.pdf. In this notebook, tests are labelled LT1 and LT2 (referred to as: amphipod lentil test 1 and 2); with results recorded on pages: 1-19 and 26-28. Data associated with this record has also been presented at: - Candy SG, Sfiligoj BJ, King CK, Mondon JA (2013) Modelling interval-censored survival times in toxicological studies using generalized additive models, The International Biometric Society Australasian Region Conference 2013, Mandurah, Australia, 1-5 December 2013. - Sfiligoj BJ, King CK, Candy SG, Mondon JA (2012) Development of appropriate bioassay and statistical methods for determining survival sensitivities of Antarctic marine biota to metal exposure, 2nd Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Australasia Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 4-6 July 2012. - Sfiligoj BJ, King CK, Candy SG, Mondon JA (2012) Development of appropriate bioassay and statistical methods for determining survival sensitivities of Antarctic marine biota to metal exposure, Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 20-24 May 2012.

  • These data describe the field deployments of the trace-metal passive sampling tools, diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT). Deployments occurred over the summer 2017/2018 season in the coastal region adjacent to Casey and Wilkes stations. Deployments of DGT to the nearshore marine environment was achieved with small watercraft and shallow (less than 5m deep) moorings, which were left in situ for 21-37 days, depending on the site.

  • This study assessed the performance of diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) with a binding resin that used Chelex-100 (iminodiacetic acid functional groups) to measure cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc contaminants in Antarctic marine conditions. To do this, three sets of experiments were done: (I) the uptake of metals to DGT samplers was assessed over time when deployed to three metal mixtures of known concentrations (DGT performance page). This allowed for the determination of metal diffusion coefficients in Antarctic marine conditions and demonstrated when metal competition for binding sites were likely to occur. (II) the DGT were deployed in the presence of the microalga Phaeocystis antarctica at a concentration of 1000-3000 cells/mL to investigate how environmentally realistic concentrations of an Antarctic marine microalgae affect the uptake of metals (DGT uptake with algae page). Finally, the DGT-labile concentrations from part (II) were used in reference toxicity mixture models to predict toxicity to the microalgae so they could be compared to a previous study that investigated the toxicity of metal mixtures to Phaeocystis antarctica and Cryothecomonas armigera (DGT toxicity modelling page).

  • A number of toxicity tests have been conducted using the marine microgastropod, Skenella paludionoides, between the years 2006 and 2010. Tests have determined sensitivity of this species to the a range of common metals contaminants; cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc. Test biota were collected from Casey and Davis, with tests conducted either at Antarctic station laboratories or in AAD Kingston laboratories (after transport of animals back to Australia). See the child records for access to the data.

  • This metadata record covers ASAC projects 113, 191 and 625. (ASAC_113, ASAC_191, ASAC_625). The total lipid, fatty acid, sterol and pigment composition of water column particulates collected near the Australian Antarctic Base, Davis Station, were analysed over five summer seasons (1988-93) using capillary GC, GC-MS, TLC-FID and HPLC. Polar lipids were the dominant lipid class. Maximum lipid concentrations usually occurred in samples collected in December and January and corresponded with increased algal biomass. Both lipid profiles and microscopic observations showed significant variation in algal biomass and community structure in the water column during each season and on an interannual basis. During the period of diatom blooms (predominantly Nitzschia species) the dominant sterol and fatty acid were trans-22-dehydrocholesterol and 20:5w3, accompanied by a high 16:1w7 to 16:0 ratio. Very high polyunsaturated fatty acid and total lipid concentrations were associated with diatom blooms in the area. Bacterial markers increased late in all seasons after the summer algal blooms. Long chain C30 sterols also increased during the latter half of all seasons. Fjord samples collected in the area reflected greater biomass and diversity in algal and bacterial makers than coastal sites. Signature lipids for the alga Phaeocystis pouchetii, thought to be a major alga in Antarctic waters, were identified in field samples over the five summer seasons studied. Methods Study site Davis Base is situated on the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica and incorporates numerous lakes and fjords (Fig. 1). Samples of water column particulate matter were collected during five summer seasons (1988-93), 500 meters off-shore from Magnetic Island, situated 5 km NW of Davis. Three other sampling areas were situated in the fjords of the Vestfold hills and include two sites in Ellis Fjord, one midway along Ellis Fjord and one near Ellis Fjord mouth and one sample midway along Long Fjord (Fig. 1). These fjords are protected from the marine environment, but are both marine fjords. Davis Station and Magnetic Island were used for the weekly sample sites. The mouth of Long Fjord, the mouth of Ellis Fjord, midway down Long Fjord, the deep basin in Ellis Fjord, O'Gorman Rocks and Hawker island (ocean side) were used for monthly samples. Field collection There was an initial pilot season in 1988-89, which was followed by two more detailed studies in the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. Four samples was also analysed from the 1991-92 and five from the 1992-93 summer seasons. During the initial pilot study at Magnetic Island in the 1988-89 summer, three water column particle samples were taken for lipid analyses. The 1989-90 and 1990-91 summer field seasons incorporated weekly sampling of the water column particulates at Magnetic Island. The phytoplankton in the fjords were studied during the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. The three sites that were chosen were all sampled three times in each season. Samples were also collected during the 1989-90 and 1990-91 seasons from the Magnetic Island and Fjord site s for pigment analyses. Three and five samples were collected respectively in the 1991-92 and 1992-93 seasons. Samples were also taken for microscopic analyses. For lipid analyses 30-40 liter water column particulate samples were collected at a depth of 10 m. A Seastar or INFILTREX water sampler was used in situ to filter the water through a 14.2 cm Schleicher and Schuell glass fibre filter over a three to four hour period. All filters used during sampling were preheated in a muffle furnace at 500 degrees C overnight to minimise contamination. For pigment analyses 2 to 4 litres were filtered through glass fibre filters (4.7 cm GF/F, nominal pore size 0.7 micro meters). The samples were frozen at -20 degrees C until extraction.