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  • This dataset contains samples collected at O'Gorman Rocks and Ellis Fjord near Davis station from December 1997 to March 1998. Depth-stratified zooplankton samples were obtained for determination of zooplankton abundance and biomass. Water samples were collected for the determination of chlorophyll a concentration, protist identification and abundance, and the concentration of particulate and dissolved organic carbon. Sediment trap material was collected for the analysis of faecal pellets (identification and CHN analyses), protist identification and abundance, and the measurement of particulate organic carbon concentration. Zooplankton grazing experiments were performed in the laboratory at Davis station and zooplankton were also collected for CHN analyses. Data from this project arose from projects ASAC 963 and ASAC 2229.

  • The data set includes information relevant for the study and description of sea-ice bacteria contains the following dataset subgroups and is organised by REFERENCE number. 1) Isolation data: strain designations (e.g. culture collection names are indicated for type cultures); media used for isolation and routine cultivation; temperature used for incubation; any special conditions (e.g. enrichment conditions) used for isolation; isolation site and type (e.g. sea-ice); availability of the indicated strain from the chief investigator (J. Bowman) 2) Phenotypic data: Includes morphological, physiological and biochemical tests performed. Details on how these were performed are indicated in the relevant reference. 3) Growth/temperature data: data for temperature related growth curves are given where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 4) Fatty acid/chemotaxonomy data: fatty acid and other related data are given where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 5) Genotypic data: data for DNA-guanosine/cytosine-content and genomic DNA:DNA hybridization are shown where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 6) Phylogenetic data: data for sequences are cross-referenced to the GenBank database. In some cases, aligned sequence datasets are available in FASTA format and can be viewed in the programs BIOEDIT ( or CLUSTAL W ( 7) Other related published references which are useful or relevant to the dataset e.g. related sequences published subsequent to the ASAC study