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  • In this data set we examined whether eDNA samples can detect similar numbers of species and community compositions as genetic continuous plankton recorder (CPR) samples. On the V4 voyage 2018 from Hobart to Macquarie island, small and large volume eDNA samples as well as genetic CPR samples were collected. All samples were sequenced with a metazoan specific cytochrome c oxidase I marker (folder "2018_08_28 eDNA V4 COI" contains all genetic CPR and small volume eDNA samples, folder "2019_05_08_eDNA_V4_CBR_Repeats_COI" contains some repeated small volume eDNA samples and all large volume eDNA samples (also called CBR samples)). Additionally, all eDNA samples were sequenced using an 18S rRNA marker (folder "2018_09_19 eDNA V4 18s Ramaciotti") to assess overall biodiversity. Each folder contains the raw sequencing data (fastq format) as well as data indexes and readme files. Please contact us if you are planning on using this data ( More information about these datasets are contained in the readme files in the dataset.