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  • The AADC (Australian Antarctic Data Centre) is in the process of converting all internally held spatial datasets to the ITRF2000 horizontal datum. This consolidated dataset consists of surveys HI623_alatB_gg, HI625_alatB_GG, HI632_alat_B_gg, HI632_alat_C_gg, LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029052_op, LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029053_op, LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029054_op converted to ITRF2000 horizontal datum with Z conversion values for multiple height datums. The data was provided to the AAD by Paul Digney of Jacobs consulting in March 2021. Included survey datasets: • HI623_alatB_gg • HI625_alatB_GG • HI632_alat_B_gg • HI632_alat_C_gg • LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029052_op • LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029053_op • LADSII_MMI20756_HSDB_T0001_SD_100029054_op All data are in horizontal datum ITRF2000 and have been combined into a single ESRI geodatabase feature class titled AHS_Surveys_Macca_ITRF2000. Attribute data shows quality information, conversion factors (shift in metres) for multiple datums and the MSL orthometric height: Column Name Alias Meaning Easting Easting Easting ITRF2000 Northing Northing Northing ITRF2000 LAT_to_GRS LAT_to_GRS LAT (Chart Datum) to GSR80 LAT_to_Mac LAT_to_Mac LAT to Macca MSL Z_To_GRS80 Z_To_GRS80 Height to the Ellipsoid Z_To_Macca Z_To_Macca Local MSL orthometric height Vertical_U Vertical_U How good is the Vertical Position Horizontal Horizontal How good is the Horizontal Position Uncertaint Uncertaint Uncertainty Comments Depth_Comm Depth_Comments Vertical uncertainty ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 m and horizontal uncertainty ranges from 2 to 5.5 m. Null values indicate unknown uncertainty. See the attached document ‘Metadata_Record_Macqaurie Island Final.xlsx’ for further details.

  • A summation of survey tasks conducted within the Davis Station surrounds is as follows: • Priority 1 – Wharf Area: Feature survey of a designated area surrounding the Davis wharf at a 10m grid spacing. However, due to the small area of the wharf, a 10m external buffer was applied to ensure there are no data gaps on completion of the survey and a 5m natural surface grid was collected including all services that were joined or contained within the region. • Priority 2 – Feature survey of a designated area to the North East of the Bureau of Meteorology and General Science buildings. A region approximately 150m x 380m. A detailed pickup of the existing electrical, optic fiber, telecommunication lines, high frequency radio mast and guide wires were collected including the location of the BoM instruments. Natural surface collection was collected at a 10m grid spacing.

  • This GIS dataset includes soundings, bathymetric contours and bathymetric areas. The spatial extent of the data ranges from the coast of Kemp Land to the western end of the West Ice Shelf. The data have been formatted according to the SCAR Feature Catalogue (see Related URL). Some of the data are displayed in the map 'Prydz Bay', a 1:1000000 bathymetric map published in September 1997, map number 7 in the SCAR Map Catalogue (see Related URL). Does not conform to Australian Antarctic Spatial Model.