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During the ice stations, sea ice, brine/slush, snow and under-ice water sampling were collected for oxygen isotopic ratio. Ice cores were collected using a Kovacs 9 cm diameter ice corer. The ice core for oxygen isotopic ratio was cut directly after retrieval with a stainless steel folded saw. The core was cut generally into 10 cm sections (20 cm when ice cores were higher than 200 cm) and put into zip-lock polyethylene bags. Care was taken to use laboratory gloves when collecting the cores. For brine sampling, partial core holes were drilled into the ice (so called sackholes), usually to a depth of 25 cm and 50 cm. At site with flooding, brine collection was not possible, and samples of the surface slush were collected instead. Slush was collected by plastic shovel. Snow samples were also collected. Under-ice water was collected with a Teflon water sampler (GL Science Inc., Japan) 1, 3, 5 m below the bottom of the sea ice. In addition, CTD water sampling was examined at each station. The cores were taken back to the ship, and transferred to the gas tight bag (GL Science Inc., Japan), and then ice was melted at about +4 degrees C in a refrigerator. Melted samples were sub-sampled for each component. The snow samples were treated in the same manner as the sea ice samples for further analysis. Oxygen isotopic ratio was determined with a mass spectrometer (DELTA plus; Finnigan MAT, USA) in Hokkaido University. Oxygen isotopic ratio in per mil (parts per thousand) was defined as the deviation of H2 18O/H2 16O ratio of the measured sample to that of the standard mean ocean water (SMOW). The precision of oxygen isotopic ratio analysis from duplicate determinations is plus or minus 0.02 parts per thousand (Toyota et al., 2007). Data available: excel files containing sampling station name, dates, and oxygen isotopic ratio.
This dataset contains routine measurements of snow and ice thickness, and snow-ice interface temperature, at 1m intervals along standard transects; snow property characterisation in snow pits measured at 0m, 50m and 100m along the transects; and sea ice cores acquired at various locations both along the transects and elsewhere on ice station floes during the 2012 SIPEX 2 marine science voyage. Ice temperature information is acquired from the cores, which are taken on-board for further analysis. The latter includes thin-section analysis of sea-ice stratigraphy and crystallography at -20C within the freezer lab on-board the ship. The cores are then cut up into 5cm sections and melted for analysis of salinity and stable oxygen isotopes. Observation items: Snow: - Thickness - Temperature profile (every 3 cm) - Snow-ice interface temperature at 1m intervals along the 100m transects - Grain size - Grain shape - Density - Hardness - Salinity - Stable oxygen isotope Ice: - Thickness - Freeboard - Draft - Temperature - Salinity - Stable oxygen isotope - Crystallography and texture - Density Instruments: Snow: Folding scales, Spatula, Thermometer, Snow sampler, Magnifying glass, Salinometer, Temperature and thickness probes, scales Ice: Drills, corers, ice-thickness tape measures, thermometer, salinometer, band-saw, cross-polarising filter, scales The data are recorded in log books (scanned copies are included in this dataset) and have been transferred into the standard AAD sea-ice database templates (in excel format) for each station.
The Holocene sea-ice project brings together for the first time, records from the Antarctic continent and deep sea sediments that will allow us to calibrate three sea-ice extent surrogates, validate their use in contrast to satellite observations and explore climatic influence on the physio-ecological environment over the last 10,000 years. Spreadsheet 1 (appendix A): Complete list of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dating completed on E27-23 from various identified sources with original 14CAge and reported error. Three dates identified as Burckle pers comm. here were provided by Dr Lloyd Burckle (LDEO) to Dr L. Armand for this work. Outlier attributions are identified; the term Averaged identifies the two samples where final calibrated dates were averaged in this work. All remaining AMS dates were converted to calendar ages using the linear-based CALIB07 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993) with calibration to the Marine13 dataset (Reimer et al., 2013) at 95% confidence (sigma 2) and included a correction for the surface water reservoir age of ~752 years at the site of core E27-23 resolved from the marine radiocarbon reservoir correction database and software available from (Butzin et al., 2005). The percent Marine Carbon relative attribution is provided. The Median age (Cal Yr BP) used as the final age at each respective (mid) depth is provided. In Appendix A the dates are all ages in years, however some are uncalibrated ages and others are Cal yr BP (= calendar years before present). So in terms of headings in Table A: Raw 14C age yr BP - is the raw age provided by radiocarbon dating without any corrections applied. It is in years before present. Corrected raw age (RA=752) - is the raw age with a local RA (Reservoir Age) correction applied and is still in years before present. The remaining ages are calendar years before present having been calibrated. All formats follow recommendations for reporting raw 14C dates and their calibration ages. Spreadsheet 2 (appendix B): Comparison of calibration output from the input of accepted 14C dates using OXCAL 4.2 (Bronk Ramsey 2009; Blaauw 2010), and CALIB07 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), both using the Marine13 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2013) at 95.4% confidence (sigma 2) and including a correction for the surface water reservoir age of ~752 years at the site of core E27-23. The calibration output difference between the median Cal Yr BP, regardless of calibration method employed, was greater than or equal to 40 Cal Yr BP. Calibration data from the output of CALIB07 has been used in this paper to determine chronostratigraphy. Spreadsheet 3 (appendix C): The foraminiferal stable isotope data from E27-23. Ratios of oxygen (delta 18O) measured from the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral (greater than 150 microns). Isotope values are reported as per mil (%) deviations relative to the Vienna Peedee Belemnite (VPDB). Spreadsheet 4 (appendix D): The paleo winter sea-ice concentration (wSIC) estimates for marine sediment core SO136-111. The calendar ages, in thousands of years before present (kyr BP), are provided for each sample from core SO136-111. For each of the samples in core SO136-111, we have provided the estimates winter sea-ice concentration (%), along with the associated lower and upper bounds for the 95% confidence interval around the estimated winter sea-ice concentration (%), for both GAM/WSI/13 and GAM/WSI/ETS. The final two columns provide the estimated average annual monthly sea-ice cover for each sample within core SO136-111, originally estimated using the Modern Analogue Technique, by Crosta et al. (2004). Finally, we provide the estimated summer sea surface temperature, again using the Modern Analogue Technique, from Crosta et al. 2004. Spreadsheet 5 (appendix E): The paleo wSIC estimates for marine sediment core E27-23. The calendar ages, in thousands of years before present are provided for each sample from core E27-23. For each of the samples in core E27-23, we have provided the estimated winter sea-ice concentration (%), along with the associated lower and upper bounds for the 95% confidence interval around the estimates for winter sea-ice concentration (%).
This work was completed as part of the SIPEX - Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem eXperiment - voyage. Adapted from the SIPEX website: During SIPEX we investigated the biogeochemistry of iron (Fe), including a comprehensive examination of its distribution, speciation (i.e. the different forms of Fe), cycling and its role in fuelling sea ice-based and pelagic algal communities. A major part of this research concentrated on the influence of organic exopolysaccharides (EPS) on Fe solubility and its bio-availability. The distribution of other bioactive trace elements was also examined as a means of fingerprinting the source(s) of Fe, as well as indicating their biological requirements. ######### Data on the small- to medium scale (0.1-1000 m) spatial and temporal distribution of Fe and EPS in sea ice cores, surface snow, brine and underlying seawater were determined in each sampled medium by the interdisciplinary team working on the SIPEX project (AAS 3026) in the East Antarctic sector in September/October 2007. Data include Chlorophyll a, salinity, temperature, sea-ice thickness, ice texture analysis, macro-nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate), oxygen stable isotopes, POC and DOC, EPS, iron. This work was completed as part of AAS (ASAC) project 3026. See the parent metadata record (ASAC_3026) for more information.
Metadata record for data from AAS (ASAC) project 3026. Public This project will assess the importance of the trace micro-nutrient element iron to Antarctic sea-ice algal communities during the International Polar Year (2007-2009). We will investigate the biogeochemistry of iron, including a comprehensive examination of its distribution, speciation, cycling and role in fuelling ice-edge phytoplankton blooms. A significant part of this research will concentrate on the the influence of organic exopolysaccharides on iron solubility, complexation and bioavailability, both within the ice and in surrounding snow and surface seawater. This innovative research will improve our understanding of key processes that control the productivity of the climatically-important Antarctic sea-ice zone. Project objectives: This project will assess the importance of the trace element iron (Fe) as a micro-nutrient to seasonal sea-ice algal communities in the Australian sector of Antarctica during the International Polar Year (2007-09). We will investigate the biogeochemistry of Fe, including a comprehensive examination of its distribution, speciation, cycling and role in fuelling ice-edge phytoplankton blooms. A significant part of this research will concentrate on the influence of organic exopolysaccharides (EPS) on Fe solubility and complexation (and hence bioavailability), both within the ice and in surrounding surface waters. This innovative research will improve our understanding of key processes that control the productivity of the climatically-important Antarctic sea-ice zone. Specifically, in this project: - The biogeochemical behaviour of Fe in sea-ice with regards to EPS complexation, and key physicochemical and biological data will be evaluated. - The bioavailability of Fe for phytoplankton growth during sea-ice melt will be investigated through laboratory-based experiments designed to mimic spring conditions. - The distribution of other bioactive trace elements in the Antarctic sea-ice environment will be examined as a means of fingerprinting the source(s) of Fe, as well as indicating their biological requirement. Taken from the 2008-2009 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: In the last twelve months we achieved all the objectives planned for the shore-based sample processing and analysis from the SIPEX voyage (fieldwork September-October 2007). An extensive and unique seasonal and spatial data set was put together including parameters such as ice texture, salinity, temperature, Chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), macro-nutrients (silicate, phosphate and nitrate), and exoplysaccharides (EPS, using both alcian blue and PSA methods). Dissolved iron (dFe) and total dissolvable iron (TDFe) were analysed by flow injection - chemiluminescence (FIA-CL) analysis in Hobart. Polycarbonate (PC) filters (Nuclepore 0.2 micron pore size) retaining particulate metals were digested in a mixture of strong, ultrapure acids (750 micro litre 12N HCl, 250 micro litre 40% HF, 250 micro litre 14N HNO3) on a hotplate at 125 degrees C for 8 h. The procedure was successfully applied to plankton, estuarine and river sediment reference materials to verify the recovery of the digestion treatment. The concentrations of particulate iron (PFe) were determined by high resolution ICP-MS at the Central Science Laboratory at UTAS. This data has been quality-controlled, analysed, interpreted and published (see below). Due to the fact that logistical support was not possible for 2008/09 (insufficient berths at Casey Station) despite approval of our project, the field component of the project was delayed. Taken from the 2009-2010 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: Monthly Milestones of PhD student Pier van der Merwe: Successful Antarctic research expedition occurred in Oct-Dec 2009 at Casey Station Antarctica with logistical support from AAS project #3026 (flight on FA02 and berths at Casey station as well as field support of personnel). OCT-DEC 2009 - Antarctic time series data collection and processing successful. Data analysis scheduled for Jan - Mar. Write up of last paper(s) scheduled for Mar-June. Final completion of thesis due in August. DEC - Chlorophyll a data analysed JAN - FIA and CLECSV analyses start simultaneously FEB - Finish FIA analyses and attend Ocean science meeting in Portland Oregon. MAR - Finish CLECSV analyses and run POC and PFe digestions and analyses. Scheduled with Thomas Rodemann and Ashley Townsend at the CSL, UTAS. APR - MAY Data analysis and write up of 3rd paper, and possibly 4th based on field work at Casey station Oct-Dec 2009. See the child metadata records for more information about the data.