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  • The breeding population of the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophrys has increased at Heard Island since the first census data were obtained in 1947/1948. Four breeding localities are known, and all populations have increased in the period 1947/1948-2000/2001. The breeding population is estimated to have been approximately 200 pairs in 1947/1948. Based on 2000/2001 census data, the population has increased to a minimum of approximately 600 pairs over the 53 years. Two mechanisms, that of increased prey availability through scavenging discards from trawlers operating within their foraging range, and climatic amelioration, are proposed as hypotheses for this increase. The fields in this dataset are: Season Dates Location Numbers Nests Adults Chicks

  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1336 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Antarctica is considered the most remote ecosystem in the world and yet recent studies have discovered high infection rates for some common poultry diseases in penguins. Because of the increase in human presence in Antarctica from station personnel and tourism there is concern that humans are introducing the diseases to Antarctic wildlife. Alternatively, migratory birds such as the South Polar skua may act as the primary agent bringing exotic diseases to Antarctic penguins. This study will investigate the role of South Polar skuas in the introduction and transmission of diseases to Antarctic penguins. To do this we will assess the normal viral, bacterial and parasitic flora of skuas. In addition we will monitor the effects diseases have on the growth and survivorship of skua chicks. Finally, through radio tracking, we will investigate the local and migratory movements of skuas to determine the scope of their influence. By understanding the role that skuas play in the dynamics of diseases in Antarctica we will be able to define the role of humans more clearly. The download file attached to this metadata record contains a number of excel spreadsheets, and corresponding work documents. Each spreadsheet is paired with a word document (of the same name), which explains each column, etc in detail. This project is related to ASAC project 953 (ASAC_953), Investigations of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in Antarctic penguins, and the development of a standardised monitoring scheme. The fields in this dataset are: Skuas Adults Chicks Disease Date Mate Band number Weight Length Blood Haematology Latitude Longtiude Cloacal swabs Head Tarsus Culmen Bill South Polar Skua Adelie Penguin Viral swab bacterial swab