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Thirteen species of fish have so far been caught in the inshore waters around the Vestfold Hills, including the Rauer Islands, in depths down to approximately 100 m. Species caught depend markedly on the type of fishing gear used, but three species are clearly dominant numerically. Pagonthenia bernacchii is most abundant in the shallower (less than 20 m deep) weedy and rocky habitats, while Chionodraco hamatus is dominant in the deeper (greater than 20 m deep) nearshore troughs and further offshore. Pagonthenia borchgrevinki occupies the specialised habitat associated with sea ice and close-inshore areas, including fjords and Burton Lake. The species list from the Vestfold Hills area is similar to lists from comparable locations in East Antarctica except for the major difference that C. hamatus has not yet been recorded from such shallow waters at the other locations, while P. bernacchi and P. hansoni are much more abundant in water deeper than 20 m at those sites than at Davis. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 239. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the URL given below. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
Data from fish captured by Erwin, Casey 1988. Includes fish size, weight, sex, reproductive stage data as well as quantitative stomach contents data and qualitative position data. Approximate locations where fish were caught are provided in the database. Additionally an approximate image map is also provided as a visual reference. These data are stored in an Access Database. Additionally, another Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the URL given below. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 1990-91 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Prydz Bay area, Antarctica in January and February 1991. The data contains the results from pelagic fish trawl surveys. The major species were Pleuragramma antarcticum, Channich thyid, Dacodraco hunteri and Neopagetopsis ionah. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. The objectives of the fish program were: to assess the distribution and abundance of pelagic fish in the Prydz Bay area; to re-sample bottom fish at sites on the continental shelf previously sampled with a small beam trawl, but using a large atter trawl to check the validity of the beam trawl's samples; to investigate the biology of the more important species. 177 midwater trawls were successfully completed at 59 stations. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains the results from an investigation of the fishery off Macquarie Island. The data were obtained from the Austral Leader, an 85m long stern trawler, between December 1994 and February 1995. The aim of the fishing voyage was to determine whether sufficient catches could be made to enable dedicated voyages to the area to be profitable, and if time allowed to search for other fishable areas. The Austral Leader had been granted a licence by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) to fish in Commonwealth controlled waters within the Australian EEZ around Macquarie Island. A previous voyage in November-December 1994 had made a preliminary survey of the grounds surrounding the island. 59 tows were made in the vicinity of the island, and all but 10 were made in an area west of the island. No worthwhile catches were made in any other areas. The main species caught were the Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Rats Tails (Macrourus carinatus). Basic biological data were collected on the catches where possible including: standard and total length, sex, gonad maturity, and stomach contents. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the URL given below. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains the data from Voyage 7.2 (HIMS) 1989-90 of the Aurora Australis. There were three objectives of the fish program: To assess the distribution and abundance of demersal fish on the shelf in the AFZ around Heard Island; to investigate the biology of the more important species; to take samples to determine by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis whether the Heard Island Champsocephalus gunnari are a genetically distinct stock from those around Kerguelen Islands. The observations were taken from around Heard Island between May and June 1990. The data contains temperature and salinity data from a CTD survey and the results from various trawl surveys. The major species were Dissostichus eleginoides, macrourus holotrachys, Champsocephalus gunnari and Notothenia squamifrons. Numbers, species identity, guts and gonad data were obtained. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 (FISHOG) 1991-92 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Heard Island area in January and February 1992. The data contains temperature and salinity data from a CTD survey and the results from demersal fish trawl surveys. The major species were Dissostichjus eleginoides, Channichthys rhinoceratus, Channichthys gunnari, Lepidonotothen squamifrons, Gymnoscopelus nicholsi and Paradiplospinus gracilis. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. The objectives of the fish program were: to assess the distribution and abundance of demersal fish on the shelf in the AFZ around Heard Island; to investigate the biology of the more important species. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains the data from Voyage 1 1993-94 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from around Heard Island between August and September 1993. The data contains temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrient data from a CTD survey and the results from various pelagic fish trawl surveys. The major species were Champsocephalus gunnari, Champsocephalus rhinoceratus, Lepidonotoften squamifrons and Dissostichus eleginoides. Numbers, species identity, guts and gonad data were obtained. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage Family
This dataset contains results from the First International BIOMASS Experiment (FIBEX) cruise of the Nella Dan. It is the first cruise in a series of six designed to assess the distribution and abundance of krill, Euphausia superba. The FIBEX was an international programme co-ordinating the activities of 12 ships from 11 nations in the Southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Australia was responsible for surveying an area of the southern Indian Ocean south of 60 degrees and between 60 degrees and 90 degrees east longitude. Surveys of krill and other zooplankton were taken off Antarctica in the Australian sector (Mawson to Davis region) and Prydz Bay in January and March 1981. Species identity and abundance data were obtained. The major species investigated were Euphausia superba, Euphausia frigidia, Euphausia crystallorophias and Thysanoessa marcuria. Other pteropods and cephalopods were also studied. Physical and chemical oceanography data and phytoplankton samples were also obtained, as well as results from hydroacoustic surveys of krill biomass. Several files are available for download at the provided URL. They include excel spreadsheets on summarised data, catch composition data and station lists. Furthermore a pdf document of the report produced from the cruise is also available for download. The fields in this dataset are: Date Time (GMT) Type of Trawl Species Weight Number Latitude Longitude Haul Number Towing Speed (knots) Water Depth (metres) Sea Temperature Target Levels Net Open Time Net Close Time Ice Station Number Flowmeter Reading Towed Distance (nautical miles) Catch Weight (grams) Fishing Start Time Fishing End Time Trajectory Depth Range Top Depth Range Bottom Comments These data are also available via the biodiversity database at the provided URL. 61 taxa and 1,115 observations are present in the biodiversity database collection.