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  • The survey was completed as part of ASAC project 1219 (ASAC_1219) during 2001/02 summer at Casey. GPS data were collected for all snow petrel nests and wilson's storm petrel nests located during intensive searches of ice-free areas in the Windmill Islands. Approximately 20% of the ice-free areas were surveyed in this manner. Public summary for project 1219: This project provides population data on Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds that permit assessments to be made of natural population trends at local to regional scales, so that changes in populations due to to human disturbance, such as station activities and helicopter operations can be identified. The data file includes two shapefiles, one with snow petrel nest sites and the other with wilson storm petrel nest sites. The metadata records linked at the provided URLs describe the collection of locations of snow petrel nests at Casey in 1998/99 and 1999/2000.

  • The survey was completed as part of ASAC project 1219 (ASAC_1219) during February 2000 at Casey. Differentially corrected GPS data were collected for all snow petrel nests located during intensive searches of ice-free areas in the Casey station extended recreation area. Public summary for project 1219: This project provides population data on Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds that permit assessments to be made of natural population trends at local to regional scales, so that changes in populations due to to human disturbance, such as station activities and helicopter operations can be identified.

  • Long term data sets are useful for identifying temporal changes in the abundance of breeding populations of Antarctic seabirds. This data set is one of only two long term data sets existing for Snow Petrels. The data set comprises records of snow petrel activity for up to 109 nests clearly marked on the colony of Reeve Hill (near Casey station)between 1984 and 2003. A map of the exact nests locations is available as Arcview shapefile. In the database, the following information was recorded in an Excel worksheet: - For each colony check: observer(s) name(s), date and time of the nests check, weather before and during observations - For each nest: 1/nests condition (whether filled with ice/snow or (partially) accessible) 2/activity level in the nests: presence/absence of birds, what sex if known, other signs of activity (footprints, guano, stomach oil) 3/presence of an egg or chick, live or failed 4/presence of old remnants in the nest(egg, chicks) 5/Any specific comments No data are available for years 1987-1988 and 1988-1989. Data are only available for the early part of the breeding season for 1991-1992, 1992-1993 and 1999-2000. The fields in this dataset are: Field Season Date Type of Observation Time start Nest Number Nest condition Old Remnants Activity Egg/Chick Comments