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  • Krill, salps and pteropods were collected with an RMT8 net during the K-Axis cruise. Specimens were removed from the samples, measured and frozen at -20C until ready for analysis in Hobart. Individuals of known species were dried at -60C, ground to a fine powder, encapsulated into tin cups and analysed with an ICP-MS in the Central Science Laboratories, University of Tasmania. Samples were analysed for delta15N and delta13C. The salp was the common Southern Ocean species Salpa thompsoni and the krill were Euphausia superba, E. triacantha, E. frigida and Thysanoessa macrura. A small number (2) of the siphonphore Diphyes antarctica were also analysed. Pteropods analysed included both shelled (thecosomes) and naked (gymnosomes) pteropods. Columns E-O in the Pteropods worksheet in the spreadsheet are expressed as ratios.

  • Water samples were collected from the seawater line on the Aurora Australis during the K-Axis voyage. They were filtered so that two fractions of each sample were collected: a fraction that was between 1.2 and 210 um and a fraction that was between 210 and 1000 um. A 47 mm diameter 1000 um mesh was placed upstream of all samples, and this prevented larger particles (e.g. zooplankton) from entering the samples. The underway water was taken from the pCO2 rig at 1.4 to 1.5 atmospheres. All samples were collected on 25 mm diameter 1.2um Sterlitech silver membrane filters. The greater than 210 samples were collected on mesh and refiltered onto silver filters. The filters were stored frozen until they were processed in Hobart. Subsamples of the filters were analysed at the Central Science Laboratories, University of Tasmania to determine elemental N and C. The remainder of the filters were analysed by ANSTO (NSW) to determine delta15N and delta13C. Volumes are in litres, and the values for the nitrogen isotopes are presented as ratios.