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  • This file contains a biology report Wilkes station in 1964. The data were collected by L.G. Murray in the Windmill Islands, at locations such as Lewis Island, Clarke Island, Frazier Islands (Islets), Ardery Island (Islet), Odbert Island and Petersen Island. The report also contains meteorological observations, bird-banding data, thermistor calibration data and hand-drawn maps. The observations were made of: Adelie penguins Emperor penguins South polar skuas Giant petrels Cape pigeons Silver-grey petrels Antarctic petrels Snow petrels Wilson's storm petrels Terns Ross seals Crabeater seals Elephant seals Weddell seals Leopard seals Killer whales. The hard copy of the file has been archived by the Australian Antarctic Division library.

  • This file contains a biology report Wilkes station in 1963. The data were collected in the Windmill Islands, at locations such as Lewis Island, Clarke Island, Frazier Islands (Islets), Ardery Island (Islet), Odbert Island and Petersen Island. The report also contains meteorological observations, bird-banding data, and hand-drawn maps. The observations were made of: Adelie penguins Emperor penguins South polar skuas Giant petrels Cape pigeons Silver-grey petrels Antarctic petrels Snow petrels Wilson's storm petrels Terns Ross seals Crabeater seals Elephant seals Wddell seals Leopard seals Killer whales. The hard copy of the map has been archived by the Australian Antarctic Division library.

  • This dataset contains the Voyage Data from voyage 202122050 undertaken by the RSV Nuyina between February 12th and March 27th 2022. The principal objectives of the voyage were to retrieve equipment and exchange personnel from Davis Station, and resupply Macquarie Island Station. The EK80 acoustic instruments, underway oceanographic instruments in the OceanPack system, the ice and wave radar, and meteorological instruments were all run during this voyage. Whole of voyage data from the RSV Nuyina underway instruments. Includes uncontaminated seawater, meteorological, and wave radar data interpolated to 1 minute measurements. Wherever possible, each parameter and its associated unit of measurement complies with the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table (Version 29) - “voyage_202122050\underway_merger\netcdf\