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  • As part of Australian Antarctic Science project # 4298 and Antarctica New Zealand project K131A, integrated biological and physical observations were conducted including these series of CTD measurements. The objective of these measurements is to quantify the oceanographic conditions at our field camp off Davis Station in November-December 2015. In situ CTD measurements at the thermistor and the ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) sites were deployed using a Seabird-37SMP-ODO MicroCat CTD. Logistics and environmental constraints permitted measurements for seven casts during our deployment at Davis in 2015. The location of the thermistor site is at (-68.57272 degrees N; 77.93273 degrees E), and the ROV site had its origin (x=0, y=0) at (-68.568904 degrees N,+77.945439 degrees E). The software used was the standard SeatermV2 2.4.1.