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During the ADBEX III voyage, many samples were taken of the sea ice and snow. These samples were analysed to determine water density, with the results recorded in a physical note book that is archived at the Australian Antarctic Division. Logbook(s): - Glaciology ADBEX III Water Density Results - Glaciology ADBEX III Oxygen Isotope Sample Record
Water density and salinity readings from Davis during the under-ice diving program in 1982. The written logs are archived at the Australian Antarctic Division.
---- Public Summary from Project ---- This project is designed to provide an understanding of the interactions between krill, other zooplankton, the physical environment and the predators dependent on krill. This will directly address a number of pressing problems facing CCAMLR (the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) in its attempts to manage the krill fishery using an 'ecosystem approach'. Expected outcomes: As a result of logistic operations (i.e. diversion to Casey) the 29 days on site allocated to this work was reduced to 10 days. Hence only a fraction of the intended program of work was conducted. Acoustics: Acoustics data (for 38, 120, 200kHz) was collected for the top 250m of the water column for nine and a half of the planned 13 transects in our 60 x 60 nautical mile survey region.
These data have been extracted from an Australian Antarctic Data Centre application, "Sea ice measurements database". The application has now been discontinued. The download file contains the extracted data, plus a sample data entry form. The extracted data are simply database tables that have been converted to csv format. Taken from the main page of the application: This archive contains in-situ measurements of Antarctic sea ice and snow cover properties, collected by many national programs over the past several decades. The data include physical, biological and biogeochemical measurements on ice cores and snow pit samples, as well as ice and snow thickness measurements from drilled transects across ice floes. The data are from all regions of the Antarctic pack ice in many different months of the year. Data can be submitted online using a standard proforma that can be downloaded from this site. The development of this site was a key recommendation from the International Workshop on Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness, held in Hobart, Australia in July 2006.