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This in situ temperature data was collected from HOBO pendent loggers at Cayo Mario and Cayo Enrique, La Parguera, Puerto Rico, from 06/30/2017 to 06/20/2019. The loggers were placed at different depths around the reefs, and the goal was to compare the in situ temperature to satellite SST to see how representative the satellite SST was of the temperature at the depth of the corals.
Temperature loggers have been deployed at a range of sites statewide in waters ranging between 6 and 22m depth. From 2012, 27 sites around Tasmania are being monitored. This record shows data collected from 2004 up to December 2020. Data is still being collected (April 2023) and will be added to this collection as it becomes available.
Fixed position oxygen and water temperature logger data from the Macquarie Harbour World Heritage Area (WHA). Two Hobo oxygen data loggers are positioned at approximately 15 m depth at different sites within the WHA, with the intent of monitoring representative mid-bottom water oxygen values in the WHA as these were identified in previous studies to be naturally low due to limited seawater exchange at the harbour entrance, and thus likely to be most susceptible to anthropogenic factors that may increase oxygen demand and alter WHA conservation values. These values include core habitat of the Maugean Skate, a listed threatened species. This work is funded by WHA advisory board via the Nature Conservation Branch of DPIPWE and is part of a larger study being conducted by IMAS undertaking a biological baseline study of the biodiversity of the Macquarie Harbour WHA. This data spans 08/11/14 to present (most recent update 02/02/17).