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3 litres of seawater were collected every 2nd CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) cast on every CTD transect of the BROKE-West voyage. 7 CTD transects were completed on the BROKE-West voyage, all on southwards legs. Samples were collected at 6 depths in the top 200 m of the water column using niskin bottles. 2 litres were filtered through polycarbonate filters and 1 litre was filtered through a fibreglass filter. Chemical digestion of the polycarbonate filter enabled us to determine the particulate silicon concentration for each sample (using the nutrient autoanalyser onboard the Aurora Australis, see hydrochemistry section), fibreglass filters have been dried and stored for CHN analysis back on shore. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 2655 and 2679 (ASAC_2655, ASAC_2679).
Marine sediment samples were obtained from box corer, Smith-MacIntyre and Van Veen grabs. Samples were named by: 1. CEAMARC site (e.g. 16) 2. Instrument (e.g. box corer = BC; Smith-MacIntyre = GRSM; Van Veen = GRVV) 3. Sequence of sample at each site (e.g. first sample = 01; second sample = 02) So 16BC02 is the second sample at CEAMARC site 16, using the box corer. From each successful sample, a sub-sample was obtained: 1. 200 g surface scrape (labelled A) 2. short (20 cm) push core (labelled B) 3. bulk (labelled Bulk) 4. rocks-only (labelled Rocks) e.g. 16BC02A is a 200 g surface scrape subsample from 16BC02. 16BC02B is a push core subsample from 16BC02 16BC02Bulk is a bulk sediment subsample from 16BC02. 16BC02Rocks is a rocks-only subsample from 16BC02. Post-cruise analyses: 1. Grain size 2. Total organic carbon 3. Total organic nitrogen 4. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes 5. Biogenic silica and carbonate 6. Physical properties of cores 7. Zircon dating 8. X-rays for infauna and sedimentary structures Added by Alix Post - March 2010: Seabed samples were collected from 52 sites across the George V Shelf. Most samples were collected with a box corer (BC), though more gravelly sediments required a Smith-McIntyre (GRSM) or Van-Veen grab (GRVV) as indicated by the station name in the spreadsheet. A small volume of sediment was frozen following collection and later analysed for organic carbon and nitrogen content, in addition to carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Organic carbon and nitrogen values are express as percent of the total sediment, and have been corrected back to the total sediment volume. Isotopic values are expressed as values per mil. Where sufficient volume of sediment was collected, a mini-core was pushed into the sediment to provide a depth profile of the sample, and a bulk surface sample was also taken. Surface sediment samples analysed for sieve grainsize, calcium carbonate and biogenic silica content. All values are expressed as percentage values. The naming convention of the samples describes the type of gear used and the nature of the sediment analysed: e.g. 01BC01Bulk is a bulk sediment sample collected with a box core; 38GRVV02B/0-1 is a slice taken from 0 to 1 cm at the top of a van veen grab.