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The data sets consist of static GPS data collected on the Amery Ice Shelf using Leica CRS1000 receivers. Additional data at Landing Bluff, Dalton Corner and Beaver Lake were collected by ANU (see ASAC project 1112). All data are provided in UNIX Z compressed RINEX (Receiver INdependent EXchange) format, as described in the IGS standards - see http://www.igs.org/products The standard RINEX file naming convention is used, i.e., an eight digit file name as bbbbddds.yyt, where bbbb refers to a four digit station name, ddd refers to the day number of the year, s refers to a session number and yyt is the file extension number where yy refers to the year and t defines the file type (o for observation file and n for navigation file). All files are compressed using the UNIX Z compression scheme, as shown by the extension .Z. For example, base0010.00o.Z and base0010.00n.Z. The files are set out in the following directories on the ftp site: season1999_2000 \amery \land \raw Data are also available for download from the Australian Antarctic Data Centre at the provided URL. Raw data, where available, is stored in the aw directory in standard Leica LB2 Binary format. Conversion routines are available: http://www.unavco.org/software/software.html GPS data collected at the permanent stations at Casey, Davis and Mawson are available from Geoscience Australia (previously AUSLIG) - see http://www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/antarc/antgps.jsp The fields in this dataset are: GPS marker number marker name observer/agency approximate position antenna wavelength interval
The data sets consist of static and kinematic GPS data collected on the mery Ice Shelf using Leica 399 receivers. Additional GPS data were collected at Beaver Lake, Hamm Peak, Moushino Is., New Year Nunataks, Jetty Peninsula, and Else Platform. Most data are provided in UNIX Z compressed RINEX (Receiver INdependent EXchange) format, as described in the IGS standards - see http://www.igs.org/products Some data are compressed using the RINEX Hatanaka compression scheme. The standard RINEX file naming convention is used, i.e., an eight digit file name as bbbbddds.yyt, where bbbb refers to a four digit station name, ddd refers to the day number of the year, s refers to a session number and yyt is the file extension number where yy refers to the year and t defines the file type (o for observation file and n for navigation file. d indicates an observation file compressed using the Hatanaka compression scheme). All files are compressed using the UNIX Z compression scheme, as shown by the extension .Z. For example, base0010.98o.Z, base0010.98n.Z, base0010.98d.Z. The files are set out in the following directories on the submitted CD: season1998_1999 \amery \amery\camp \beaver GPS data collected at the permanent stations at Casey, Davis and Mawson are available from Geoscience Australia - see http://www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/antarc/antgps.jsp The fields in this dataset are: marker number marker name observer/agency approx position antenna wavelength GPS Amery ice shelf