Ocean acidification
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Total carbon dioxide and total alkalinity analysis of niskin bottle samples collected on CTD casts. All data have been stored in a single excel file. Measurements were made on the CEAMARC voyage of the Aurora Australis - voyage 3 of the 2008-2008 summer season. See other CEAMARC metadata records for more information.
AAV30708 Biogeochemistry PCO2 Data Collected on the CEAMARC Cruise of the Aurora Australis 2007-2008
Continuous underway measurements of sea surface (7 metres depth)and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Data format .txt extension comma delimited files. 1 file per 24 hours. Naming similar to AA03607_001-0000 (voyage_julian day_HH:MM). Excel readable format. 58 columns of data. Measurements were made on the CEAMARC voyage of the Aurora Australis - voyage 3 of the 2008-2008 summer season.
The Southern Ocean is one the most significant regions on earth for regulating the build up of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere, and the capacity for carbon uptake in the region could be altered by climate change. The project aims to establish a time series of anthropogenic carbon accumulation. The work will be used to identify processes regulating the CO2 uptake and to test models that predict future uptake. These data were collected on the VMS voyage of the Aurora Australis in the 2010-2011 field season. Data include pH, carbon dioxide, alkalinity and spectrometer data.
Thermosalinograph data - one text file per day has been collected. Data include date, time, temperature, conductivity, salinity, location. Measurements were made on the CEAMARC voyage of the Aurora Australis - voyage 3 of the 2008-2008 summer season. See other CEAMARC metadata records for more information.
Continuous underway measurements of sea surface (7 metres depth)dissolved gasses (co2, o2, argon, nitrogen)by quadrupole mass spectrometry (Electron Impact Mass Spectrometry - EIMS). ASCII encoded. 1 file per 24 hours. Naming convention: YYMMDD. Excel readable format. Column data (0/0 refers to ion mass, 7 ION masses detected in total): Cycle Date Time RelTime[s] '0/0' '0/1' '0/2' '0/3' '0/4' '0/5' '0/6' '0/7' '1/0' '2/0' '2/1' '2/2' '2/3' '2/4' '2/5' '2/6' '2/7' Measurements were made on the CEAMARC voyage of the Aurora Australis - voyage 3 of the 2008-2008 summer season.
Public Ocean acidification and warming are global phenomena that will impact marine biota through the 21st century. This project will provide urgently needed predictive information on the likely survivorship of benthic invertebrates in near shore Antarctic environments that is crucial for risk assessment of potential future changes to oceans. As oceans acidify carbonate saturation decreases, reducing the material required to produce marine skeletons. By examining the effects of increased ocean temperature and acidification on planktonic and benthic life stages of both calcifying and non-calcifying ecologically important organisms, predictions can be made on the potential vulnerability of marine biota to climatic change. Project Objectives: This project aims to deliver one of the first assessments of the impacts that ocean warming and acidification through rising CO2 levels will have on Antarctic benthic marine invertebrates and of the adaptive capacity of common Antarctic biota to climate change. The developmental success of species that have a skeleton will be compared to those that do not under controlled conditions of increased sea water temperature and CO2. A comparison of the responses and sensitivity of developmental stages of calcifiers (echinoids, bivalves) and non-calcifiers (asteroids) to elevated CO2 and temperature will generate much needed empirical data for assessment of risk and adaptive capacity of Antarctica's marine biota and will enable predictions of how benthic invertebrates will fare with respect to climate change scenarios. This dataset addresses objective 3, and part of objective 5: 3 - compare the dynamics of biomineralisation with respect to the elemental composition in response to increased temperature and CO2 in species with aragonite and calcite exoskeletons (bivalves) and porous high magnesium calcite endoskeletons (echinoids) to assess the potential for an in-built adaptive response in calcification 5 - compare biomineralisation and elemental signatures in skeletons in larvae of Antarctic molluscs and echinoderms under climate change scenarios with that determined for related species at lower latitudes to assess the relative sensitivity and vulnerability of Antarctic biota. These data are XRD - x-ray diffractometry of the skeleton to provide data on the element content of the calcite mineral. The Mg2+ level is of interest because the higher the Mg content the more vulnerable the skeleton is to ocean acidification. Wt% MgCO3 in the calcite sample - for each category; test (- "shell"); Spines (-= lg primary spines) and secondary spines
Chlorophyll data was used to measure growth rates of sea ice algae in CO2 incubations. Sea ice brine microalgae was collected from sackholes. Replicate samples were incubated in ambient air (~0.04% CO2), 0.1% CO2, 1.0% CO2 and 2.0% CO2 concentrations. AT the end of the incubations the 50 ml samples were filtered through a 25 mm GF/F filter using vacuum filtration. The filters were placed in 15 ml plastic falcon tubes containing 10 ml of methanol, covered in aluminium foil and kept in the dark at 4 degrees C for 12 hours. Chl a concentration was measured using a 10AU Turner fluorometer following the acidification method of Strickland and Parsons (1972). Data in spread sheet shows the extracted chl + phaeophytin, phaeophytin and chlorophyll concentrations (micro grams l-1) for each of the three experiments. Data were collected at SIPEX Ice Stations 1-8 and SIPEX CTD stations 2-5
This metadata record is the parent umbrella under which data from the 2008/09, 2013/14 and 2014/15 summer will be housed. See the child records for access to the data. Manmade CO2 has increased ocean acidity by 30% and it is projected to rise 300% by 2100. Antarctic waters will be amongst the earliest and most severely affected by this increase. Microbes are the base of the marine food chain and primary drivers of the biological pump. This project will incubate natural communities of Antarctic marine microbes in minicosms at a range of CO2 concentrations to quantify changes in their structure and function, the physiological responses that drive these changes, and provide input to models that predict effects on biogeochemical cycles and Antarctic food webs
These data describe the locations, dates, time, etc where biogeochemistry data were collected on the CEAMARC-CASO cruise in the 2007/2008 Antarctic season. See the CEAMARC-CASO events metadata record for further information. Sample codes are not descriptive. CEMARC/CASO column have underway data (no link to group site) as well as the CEAMARC and CASO sampling locations. Events are recorded by number and the associated type of sample taken. CTD - 0.4 um filtered water sample. Box corer - diatom scrape. Beam Trawl AAD - sponge sample. PHY - phytoplankton sample taken from inline surface seawater system. Van Veen grab - sediment scrape. WAT - surface water sample passed through 0.4 um filter. Description column explains the samples in more detail - eg information on what size fraction the phytoplankton were filtered at. Litres column describes the volume of water that was filtered. Depth is in metres. Time is local time. Temperature is degrees C. Storage location was for shipboard use only. The "other" column details any extra information that may be useful to the sample for example #2153 refers to a sample id code that the French CEAMARC group was using to code for their samples. Our aim for this voyage was to collect surface phytoplankton and water samples across a transect of the Southern Ocean, and to collect benthic sponge and coral samples in Antarctica, to (i) measure the Ge/Si and Si isotope composition to construct a nutrient profile across the Southern Ocean, and to test and calibrate these parameters as proxies for silica utilisation; and (ii) measure the B isotope composition to test the potential of biogenic silica to be used as a seawater pH proxy. We collected phytoplankton, sponges, diatom sediment scrapes and water samples at strategic locations to ensure that the entire water column was surveyed. The data that were collected were used in collaboration with palaeoenvironmental data from sediment cores and experimental culture experiments on diatoms and sponges to gain a better understanding of historical distributions of Silicon and pH in the Southern Ocean.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 133 See the link below for public details on this project. Surface carbon dioxide (CO2) observations are integral to understanding the role of the Southern Ocean in the global carbon cycle, and to developing reliable predictions of biogeochemical responses to altered climatic conditions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) observations made in surface waters of the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean between the years 1991 and 2002 were used to estimate the seasonal variability in the fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) and net air-sea carbon fluxes. The results showed a net annual uptake of CO2 by the surface ocean over the entire region. The greatest seasonal uptake and lowest fCO2 values were observed in Spring/Summer in the sub-Antarctic zone (SAZ: 44 degrees S-50 degrees S) and in the Seasonal Sea-ice Zone (SIZ: south of 62 degrees S). The seasonal maximum in uptake for these regions is consistent with increased phytoplankton biomass and shoaling mixed layers over the Spring/Summer period. The High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll waters between 50 degrees S and 62 degrees S, also had maximum uptake in summer, but less compared to the SAZ and SIZ regions. Winter surface waters were close to or slightly above equilibrium, with respect to atmospheric CO2. The reduced uptake in winter appeared due to deeper mixing, lower biomass, and air-sea CO2 exchange. The highest fCO2 values in Winter were observed under or near the seasonal sea-ice where entrainment of deeper CO2-rich waters and ice cover would maintain high surface fCO2 values. The smallest seasonal amplitude in the surface fCO2 and net air-sea fluxes was found from 51 degrees S to 54 degrees S, a region on the southern edge of the SAZ and between the North sub-Antarctic Front and North Polar Front. The uptake estimates derived from the data were in good agreement with the CO2 flux climatology of Takahashi (2002), except in the SAZ and SIZ where we observed greater and less uptake, respectively. Data for this project are available for download - the dataset consists of a data files, and some excel files, which provide further information about each data file (cruise, dates, etc). Furthermore, the column headings used in the data files are as follows: Cruise - name of the cruise which collected the data Date - UTC Time - in UTC Latitude - decimal Longitude - decimal Sst - Sea Surface Temperature in degrees C Teq - Temperature of surface water at which the CO2 measurement is made. Sal - Salinity Patm - atmospheric pressure in hectopascals Shipspd - ship speed in knots Windspd - wind speed in knots Winddir - wind direction in degrees xCO2 - Mole fraction of CO2 in air (dry) equilibrated with surface water and at equilibrator water temperature xCO2air - Mole fraction of CO2 in atmosphere, dry pCO2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface water