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GEBCO’s (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) gridded bathymetric data set, the GEBCO_2019 Grid, is a global terrain model for ocean and land, providing elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid. The GEBCO 2019 grid is reformatted as a Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF suitable for online requests and republished for use primarily by software development. Original GEBCO grid was obtained from https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/gebco_2019/gebco_2019_info.html
This dataset is an annual reconstruction of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), a decadal-scale mode of variability in the Pacific Ocean which has climate impacts across the Pacific Basin. This data is a time series spanning CE 1-2011 inclusive (ie, the Common Era). The time series is reconstructed from three primary annually-resolved proxy series from the Law Dome ice core. These three series are the log-transformed seasonal sea salt concentration for the cool season (June to November), the log-transformed seasonal sea salt concentration for the warm season (December to May) and the annual snowfall accumulation rate. The reconstruction uses a Gaussian kernel correlation reconstruction method (Roberts et al., 2019) with 2000 ensemble members, which provides a mean IPO index value for each year, as well as upper and lower quartiles. The reconstruction target time series was the observed Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation spanning 1870-2020, which had been smoothed using a Gaussian window of 13 years. This Gaussian kernel correlation reconstruction is an evolution/replacement of the method and reconstruction presented in Vance et al., (2015) to reconstruct the IPO. This is now our preferred dataset for the Law Dome IPO reconstruction, and supersedes that published by Vance et al., (2015). The time series (dataset) consists of three columns with column headings as follows: Year – where year is the year from the beginning of the Common Era, ie, ‘436.0’ means the year CE 436, and ‘2009.0’ means the year 2009. IPO (mean) – the mean of the IPO reconstruction index value Std Dev) – the standard deviation of the index value for each year.
The GEBCO_2021 Grid provides global coverage of elevation data in meters on a 15 arc-second grid of 43200 rows x 86400 columns, giving 3,732,480,000 data points. The GEBCO 2021 grid is reformatted as a Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF suitable for online requests and republished for use by science software. Original GEBCO grid was obtained from https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/gebco_2021/
From the parent record held in the GCMD: The data sets in the CDC archive called "Reynolds SST' and "Reconstructed Reynolds SST" were discontinued on 1 April 2003. A new OI SST data set is available as described here, which includes a new analysis for the historical data and updates into the future. NCEP will not provide new data for the "Reynolds SST" after December 2002 and CDC will remove the "Reynolds SST" data set on 1 April 2003. TO SEE THE NEW DATASET, PLEASE SEARCH THE GLOBAL CHANGE MASTER DIRECTORY FOR MORE INFORMATION. REFER TO THE METADATA RECORD (LINKED BELOW): REYNOLDS_SST ############# This metadata record is a modified child record of an original parent record registered at the Global Change Master Directory. (The Entry ID of the parent record is REYNOLDS_SST, and can be found on the GCMD website - see the provided URL). The data described here are a subset of the original dataset. This metadata record has been created for the express use of Australian Government Antarctic Division employees. Reproduced from: http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/research/cmb/sst_analysis/ Analysis Description and Recent Reanalysis The optimum interpolation (OI) sea surface temperature (SST) analysis is produced weekly on a one-degree grid. The analysis uses in situ and satellite SSTs plus SSTs simulated by sea ice cover. Before the analysis is computed, the satellite data are adjusted for biases using the method of Reynolds (1988) and Reynolds and Marsico (1993). A description of the OI analysis can be found in Reynolds and Smith (1994). The bias correction improves the large scale accuracy of the OI. In November 2001, the OI fields were recomputed for late 1981 onward. The new version will be referred to as OI.v2. The most significant change for the OI.v2 is the improved simulation of SST obs from sea ice data following a technique developed at the UK Met Office. This change has reduced biases in the OI SST at higher latitudes. Also, the update and extension of COADS has provided us with improved ship data coverage through 1997, reducing the residual satellite biases in otherwise data sparse regions. The data are available in the following formats: Net CDF Flat binary files Text
The variation in the phytoplankton biomass over a decadal time scale, and its relationship with the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (ACW) and climate change, has been poorly interpreted because of the limited satellite chlorophylla (chl a) data compared with the physical parameters from satellite. We analysed a long-term chl a dataset along the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) cruise tracks since 1965 to investigate inter-annual variation of phytoplankton biomass. In the Southern Ocean, increasing trends of chl a and the spreading of higher chl a area to the north with 3-7 year cycles were found. Although relationships between the decadal change in chl a and climate change such as variation of sea ice extent and the El Nino are still obscure, large variation of primary production in proportion to the chl a is implied. The chl a concentration of sea surface water has been measured routinely on board the icebreakers Fuji and Shirase during almost every cruise of the JARE. The download file contains chlorophyll a data collected from ship tracks on JARE voyages between 1965 and 2002. The field in this dataset are: Date (local time) Year Latitude Longitude Corrected Chlorophyll a See the attached paper for more details. The publications on the data collected during the 1965-1976 and 1988-1993 cruises are listed in Fukuchi [1980] and Suzuki and Fukuchi [1997], respectively. For data on the 1977-1985 and 1994-1997 cruises, see [Kanda and Fukuchi, 1979; Fukuchi and Tamura, 1982; Tanimura, 1981; Watanabe and Nakajima, 1983; Ino and Fukuchi, 1984; Sasaki, 1984; Hamada et al., 1985; Fukuda et al., 1986; Hattori and Fukuchi, 1988; Midorikawa et al., 2000]. Data post 1998-2002 cruises is in Hirawake and Fukuchi [2004]. Data from the 1986-1987 will be published in the JARE data report of digital media, including all cruise data. Auxiliary Material for paper 2004GL021394 Long-term variation of surface phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the Southern Ocean during 1965-2002. Toru Hirawake, Tsuneo Odate and Mitsuo Fukuchi (National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo) Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol (Num), doi:10.1029/2004GL021394 All of the chl a data have been reported in the publications of the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR).
This spreadsheet contains species lists and counts from four sediment trap records. The sediment traps were deployed for ~1 year north and south of the Chatham Rise, New Zealand, between 1996 and 1997. Sheets 1a and 1b refer to North Chatham Rise (NCR). 1a = the 300m trap. 1b = the 1000m trap. Sheets 2a and 2b are for the South Chatham Rise traps (SCR). 2a= 300m, 2b= 1000m. Counting was undertaken on 1/16th splits. Material was cleaned of organics before diatom counting under light microscopy. Coccolith counting on uncleaned material was only undertaken at the 300m traps. Radiolarians and silicoflagellates were counted but not identified. Diatoms and coccoliths were counted along non-overlapping transects until 300 specimens had been counted per sample, or until 10 transects had been made. This dataset includes counts of diatom, coccolithophores, radiolarians and silicoflagellates for four sediment trap records- North Chatham Rise (NCR) and South Chatham Rise (SCR) at two trap depths each (300 m and 1000 m). It is intended as supplementary material to Wilks et al. 2018 (submitted) "Diatom and coccolithophore assemblages from archival sediment trap samples of the Subtropical and Subantarctic Southwest Pacific." Numbers are raw count per sample cup. Authorities are given. Coordinates of traps given in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2295 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- Longline fisheries represent a serious threat to the survival of Southern Ocean albatrosses and petrels. During line setting operations seabirds become entangled with baited hooks and are drawn underwater and drown. In the past 10-20 years populations of some species have decreased at an alarming rate and some species are considered to be threatened with extinction. The Antarctic Divisions seabird by-catch program is attempting to minimise mortality in longline fisheries by a multi-faceted approach involving mitigation research on fishing vessels, research on seabirds and initiatives of a semi-political nature. We chartered F/V Assassin for three days to trial a series of line weighting regimes under fishing conditions experienced in the east coast tuna fishery. Sink rates of lines with 52 combinations of swivel weight, bait type and bottom length were recorded. In Mooloolaba they don't use leaded swivels. Therefore it is an unweighted snood. Files Tuncurry_order_of_sets.xls Assassin TDR metadata.xls indicate the factors tested in the experiment, and the order in which they were undertaken. The Tuncurry_order_of_sets.xls file is the order in which the snoods (numbered by regime code) were put out during each line set. Should be read in conjunction with the metadata file. The D1, D2, D3 numbers denote the end of a working day when we downloaded the data from the day's line sets (4 on day 1, 6 on day 2, 5 on day 3). Files assassin summary means.xls assassin summary seconds to depth for analysis.xls assassin_means_to_depth.xls Assassin_time_to_depth_graphs.xls are files summarising the sink rates. The folder Final_data_files contains all the raw time depth recorder files. The fields in these datasets are: Bait type YT - yellowtail, SM - slimy mackerel, SQ - squid, SA - Saury, LYT - Live Yellow Tail, LSM - Live Slimy Mackerel, DYT - Dead Yellowtail, DSM - Dead Slimy Mackerel, DSQ - Dead Squid, DSQ + light/Sau - Dead Squid plus lightstik/Saury, DSQ + light - Dead Squid plus lightstik Bait life status (D - dead, L - live) Swivel weight (grams) Bottom length (metres) Number (n) Standard Deviation Time to depth (seconds) Light stik Side (SB - Starboard, P - Port) Day Replicate Regime (codes are the number of the snood (just a way to keep a track of the treatments)) Depth (metres) TDR Time Depth Recorder (number in each shot represent the individual time depth recorder number that was attached to the snood just near the hook) Taken from the 2008-2009 Progress Report: Progress against objectives: We have consolidated two research streams for pelagic longline fisheries. One is to conduct "conventional" mitigation research, principally focusing on methods to expedite gear sink rates, and the other is to develop an underwater bait delivery system for tuna and swordfish gear. Both streams are dealt with below. The conventional research focuses on operational aspects of gear, and at this stage does not involve seabird avoidance research (this will come later). In the last 12 months I have a) completed a designed experiment on a chartered tuna vessel off Mooloolaba, Queensland, examining the effect of mainline tension (created by use of a line shooter) on the sink rate of baited hooks in the shallow depth ranges; b) a designed experiment in Coquimbo, Chile (as part of Birdlife Internationals Albatross Task Force) examining the effect on initial sink rates of the five branch line deployment methods used by tuna vessels in the southern hemisphere, and c) completed five weeks in Mooloolaba with a chartered fishing vessel and in collaboration with DeBrett's Seafoods and Amerro Engineering, on the R and D of the underwater setting machine. Taken from the 2009/2010 Progress Report: In the past 12 months research work has focused on: a) the development of the underwater bait setting capsule, b) the effects of propeller turbulence on the sink rates of baited tuna hooks, c) the effect of improved line weighting on the catch rates of fish taxa. We have made considerable progress with the underwater setting machine and are intending to complete a "proof-of-concept" experiment with the device in Uruguay this winter/spring. Project "b" was completed on two vessels (one in Chile and one in Australia, as opportunities arose) and a paper was submitted to the Seabird Bycatch Working Group meeting of ACAP in April 2010. Part "c" above was completed in January 2010 and has morphed into a second trial that may show more promise that the first. When that trial has been completed the work will be written up for publication. Taken from the 2010/2011 Progress Report: Public summary of the season progress: Line weighting trials: A trial was completed on the effects of seabird friendly (fast sinking) tuna branch lines on the catch rates of target and non-target fish. No effects on catch rates were detected, clearing the way for test on effectiveness in deterring seabirds. Out of this trial grew a second study, involving weights placed at the hook. This trial probably has more promise than the first, and is currently underway in the Australian tuna fishery. Underwater setter: A prototype version was tested experimentally off Uruguay in the spring of 2010. The experiment revealed the potential of underwater setting to near-eliminate seabird interactions. We are currently finessing the technology with a view to returning to Uruguay (with the finished product) in autumn 2012 to complete the experiment.