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Data are automatically and manually collected from a range of sensors on board Australian Antarctic Program vessels. From the 2021-2022 season onwards, this typically means the RSV Nuyina. The RSV Nuyina presently has approximately 90 instruments available to produce data. The instruments that contribute data to a specific dataset can be found in that voyages instrument coverage document. In addition the data from the instruments, the RSV Nuyina can also record data from spaces on the ship such as the containerised laboratories or the Wet Well. The RSV Nuyina also has a science tender which includes four instruments as well. Previous datasets from the Aurora Australis generally comprised only "underway data" - such as weather data, water temperatures, and so on. Data from the Nuyina are much broader in scope and more detailed. For full details for each dataset, see the associated child record. Oceanographic instruments that typically record data continuously throughout RSV Nuyina voyages include the Eco fluorometer, LISST-200X particle size analyser, Phytoflash flurometer, SeaFET pH sensor, SBE38 thermometer, SBE45 thermosalinograph, SBE63 oxygen sensor and the PC02 system. Oceanographic and mapping instruments that typically record data intermittently throughout voyages include the ADCP38, ADCP150, EK80 hull system, EK80 dropkeel system, Hydrophones dropkeel system, MS70 fisheries sonar, Multibeam EM712, Multibeam EM122, TOPAS sub-bottom profiler, SH90 fish finding sonar, sound velocity sensors, Ice Wave Radar and the ISAR infrared sea surface temperature system. Meteorological instruments that typically record data continuously throughout voyages include the WMT700 ultrasonic anemometers, UVB radiometer, CGR3 pyrgeometer, CMP3 global solar radiometer, CUV5 broadband UV radiometer, PQS1 photosynthetically active radiometer, CL31 Ceilometer, HMP155 air temperature and humidity sensor, PWD22 present weather and visibility sensor, PTB330 digital barometer and the all sky imager. Deployable instruments that typically record data intermittently throughout voyages include the XBT, RBR concerto CTD, sound velocity profiler, NUTTS instruments and CTD instruments. Operational and positioning instruments that record data continuously throughout voyages include the Gyro compass, GPS compass, IPMS alarm system and webcams. Operational and positioning instruments that record data intermittently throughout voyages include the winches, USBL, Hydrophones hull system, draught sensor, speedlog, echosounder 50 KHz, echosounder 200 KHz, seapath380 systems, acoustic net monitors, Arc-X radar and the hull stress and ice load monitor.
This dataset contains the Voyage Data from Voyage 2 2021-22 collected during RSV Nuyina’s maiden voyage to Antarctica. This purpose of this voyage was a combination of commissioning trials, ice trials and a resupply voyage. The voyage departed Hobart and visited Davis station, Casey station, and the Vanderford Glacier before returning to Hobart. Throughout the voyage, operations related to ice trials and commissioning the science systems were conducted. As the instruments were commissioned, the data produced was included in the Voyage Dataset. It should be noted that many of the instruments were uncalibrated and, therefore, data recorded from these instruments may be erroneous. Oceanographic instruments that recorded data continuously throughout RSV Nuyina voyages include the Eco fluorometer, LISST-200X particle size analyser, Phytoflash flurometer, SeaFET pH sensor, SBE38 thermometer, SBE45 thermosalinograph and the SBE63 oxygen sensor. Oceanographic and mapping instruments that recorded data intermittently throughout the voyage include the ADCP38, ADCP150, EK80 hull system, EK80 dropkeel system, hydrophones dropkeel system, MS70 fisheries sonar, multibeam EM712, multibeam EM122, TOPAS sub-bottom profiler and the sound velocity sensor drop keel system. Meteorological instruments that record data continuously throughout the voyage include the WMT700 ultrasonic anemometers, UVB radiometer, CGR3 pyrgeometer, CMP3 global solar radiometer, CUV5 broadband UV radiometer, PQS1 photosynthetically active radiometer, CL31 Ceilometer, HMP155 air temperature and humidity sensor, PWD22 present weather and visibility sensor, PTB330 digital barometer and the all sky imager. Deployable instruments that recorded data throughout the voyage include the XBT, RBR concerto CTD, sound velocity profiler, NUTTS instruments and CTD instruments. Operational and positioning instruments that recorded data continuously through the voyage include the gyro compass, IPMS alarm system and webcams. Operational and positioning instruments that recorded data intermittently throughout the voyage include the winches, USBL, hydrophones hull system, draught sensor, speedlog, echosounder 50 kHz, echosounder 200 kHz and seapath380 systems. A list of the instruments used on the voyage is available in the file, "instrument_coverage_202122020.pdf" at the top level of the dataset. To find information on the science systems themselves and the headers for the data please refer to "voyage_202122020_data_description.pdf".