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  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2581 See the link below for public details on this project. The break-up of Antarctic ice shelves has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the dominant fracture processes occurring within the ice shelves and whether there is any link to climate variability. Using a combination of in-situ (GPS, seismic) and satellite (optical and radar imagery, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)) measurements and airborne ice radar measurements, we will quantify the deformation and fracture processes in different regions on the Amery Ice Shelf, leading to improved fracture mechanics models. GPS measurements were taken across large crevasses in the shear margins on the eastern side of the Amery Ice Shelf, north of Gillock Is. These measurements will give us an opportunity to measure the three dimensional deformation across active fracture zones, leading to a better understanding of fracture processes on ice shelves. Three GPS networks, each network consisting of 4 GPS units in a quadrilateral shape, were measured over the period 17-28 Jan, 2007. These data will be processed during 2007 to compute the deformation and strain across and within the crevassed areas.

  • GPS tag deployments on Snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) in 2011 from Bechervaise Island, Mawson Coast and Filla Island, Rauer Group, as part of AAS project 2722. Identifying potential threats from a changing environment on snow petrel populations requires understanding key ecological processes and their driving factors. This project focuses on determining driving factors for the species' at-sea distribution and foraging habitat. The data will be linked to spatio-temporally coincident data of biological and physical characteristics of the ecosystem to develop explanatory models and, where possible, predictive models to explore the outcomes of plausible scenarios of future environmental change on snow petrel populations. Tags were deployed on Snow Petrels in the Mawson and Davis areas for tracking purposes. The types of tags used were BAS (British Antarctic Survey) geolocators (Mk18) The GLS data are in hexadecimal format, and will need appropriate software to interpret them.

  • Raw GPS and ship motion data collected during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition 2016/2017. Waves in the Southern Ocean are the biggest on the planet. They exert extreme stresses on the coastline of the Sub-Antarctic Islands, which affects coastal morphology and the delicate natural environment that the coastline offers. In Antarctic waters, the sea ice cover reflects a large proportion of the wave energy, creating a complicated sea state close to the ice edge. The remaining proportion of the wave energy penetrates deep into the ice-covered ocean and breaks the ice into relatively small floes. Then, the waves herd the floes and cause them to collide and raft. There is a lack of field data in the Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Oceans. Thus, wave models are not well calibrated and perform poorly in these regions. Uncertainties relate to the difficulties to model the strong interactions between waves and currents (the Antarctic Circumpolar and tidal currents) and between waves and ice (reflected waves modify the incident field and ice floes affect transmission into the ice-covered ocean). Drawbacks in wave modelling undermine our understanding and ability to protect this delicate ocean and coastal environment. By installing a Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System (WaMoS II, a marine X-Band radar) on the research vessel Akademic Thresnikov and using the meteo-station and GPS on-board, this project has produced a large database of winds, waves and surface currents. Dara were collected during the Antarctic Circmumnavigaion Expedition, which took place from Dec. 2016 to Mar. 2017. The instrumentation operated in any weather and visibility conditions, and at night, monitoring the ocean continuously over the entire Circumnavigation. Records can support 1. the assessment of metocean conditions in the Southern Oceans; and 2. calibration and validation of wave and global circulation models. Data - AAS_4434_ACE_GPS contains basic metereological conditions acquired form the ship’s meteo-station, gepgraphical coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) from the ship’s GPS and ship motion data from the ship’s Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). These data are stored as time series with a sampling frequency of 1Hz.

  • Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements from a hull mounted 150 kHz narrow band ADCP unit were collected in the Southern Ocean from 1994 to 1999, on the following cruises: au9404, au9501, au9604, au9601, au9701, au9706, au9807 and au9901. The fields in this dataset are: Currents bottom depth cruise number ship speed time velocity GPS

  • AM01 borehole drilled January 2002 at a height of 65 metres above sea level. GPS data collected in two segments: over 3 days 'static' around 07-Jan-2002, and a short kinematic sequence on 23-Jan-2002. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

  • WAMOS (marine radar) data collected during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE,, from December 2016 to March 2017. Waves in the Southern Ocean are the biggest on the planet. They exert extreme stresses on the coastline of the Sub-Antarctic Islands, which affects coastal morphology and the delicate natural environment that the coastline offers. In Antarctic waters, the sea ice cover reflects a large proportion of the wave energy, creating a complicated sea state close to the ice edge. The remaining proportion of the wave energy penetrates deep into the ice-covered ocean and breaks the ice into relatively small floes. Then, the waves herd the floes and cause them to collide and raft. There is a lack of field data in the Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Oceans. Thus, wave models are not well calibrated and perform poorly in these regions. Uncertainties relate to the difficulties to model the strong interactions between waves and currents (the Antarctic Circumpolar and tidal currents) and between waves and ice (reflected waves modify the incident field and ice floes affect transmission into the ice-covered ocean). Drawbacks in wave modelling undermine our understanding and ability to protect this delicate ocean and coastal environment. By installing a Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System (WaMoS II, a marine X-Band radar) on the research vessel Akademic Thresnikov and using the meteo-station and GPS on-board, this project has produced a large database of winds, waves and surface currents. Dara were collected during the Antarctic Circmumnavigaion Expedition, which took place from Dec. 2016 to Mar. 2017. The instrumentation operated in any weather and visibility conditions, and at night, monitoring the ocean continuously over the entire Circumnavigation. Records can support 1. the assessment of metocean conditions in the Southern Oceans; and 2. calibration and validation of wave and global circulation models. Data - AAS_4434_ACE_WAMOS contains sea state conditions monitored continuously with a Wave and Surface Current Monitoring System (WaMoS II), a wave devise based on the marine X-Band radar (see Hessner, K. G., Nieto-Borge, J. C., and Bell, P. S., 2007, Nautical Radar Measurements in Europe: Applications of WaMoS II as a Sensor for Sea State, Current and Bathymetry. In V. Barale, and M. Gade, Sensing of the European Seas, pp. 435-446, Springer). Sea state consists of the directional wave energy spectrum, angular frequency and direction of propagation. Basic parameters such as the significant wave height (a representative measure of the average wave height), the dominant period, wavelength, mean wave direction, etc… were inferred from the wave spectrum. Surface current speed and the concurrent direction were also detected. Post processed data are available anytime the X-Band radar was operated in a range of 1.5NM; a full spectrum was generally obtained evert 20 minutes. Data are subdivided in: - WaMoS II frequency spectrum (1-D spectra) - WaMoS II wave number spectrum (2-D spectra) - WaMoS II frequency direction spectrum (2-D spectra) Data are quality controlled. ************************************************************************************************************** File informations Path to the spectra: \RESULTS\YYYY\MM\DD\HH\ : Year, month, day, hour. space\ : spatial mean results. single\ : raw spectra. mean\ : time averaged files. Header of the spectra: Additional information that might be needed for data analysis is stored in the headers. The output results generated using different WaMoS II software modules are separated by comment lines starting with ‘CC’. All headers are subdivided into: 1) Polar Header: including data acquisition parameters. 2) Car Header: including Cartesian transformation parameters. 3) Wave-Current Analysis Header: including wave and current analysis related parameters. There is a keyword of maximum 5 characters in each line of the header followed by some values and a comment, after the comment marker ‘CC’, describing the keyword. Values of missing parameters are set to -9, -9.0, -99.0, etc. depending on the data type. The 'end of header' keyword 'EOH', indicated the last line of the header section. ******************************************************************* WaMoS II frequency spectrum (1-D spectra): File Name: YYYY : Year. MM : Month. DD : Day. HH : Hour. MM : Minute. SS : Second. rigID : WaMoS II platform’s ID code (3 letters) Suffix: ’*.D1S’ : spatial mean of the spectra (that pass the WaMoS II internal quality control) averaged over WaMoS II analysis areas (up to 9) placed within the radar field of view. ‘*.D1M’ : temporal average spectra calculated using all spectra collected during the past dt=30 minutes of the time specified in the file. Time reference: CPU clock. Data Content: Frequency (f - Hz). Spectral energy (S(f) - m*m/Hz). Mean Wave Direction (MDIR(f) - deg), ���coming from’. Directional Spreading (SPR(f) - deg/Hz). ******************************************************************* WaMoS II wave number spectrum (2-D spectra): File Name: YYYY : Year. MM : Month. DD : Day. HH : Hour. MM : Minute. SS : Second. rigID : WaMoS II platform’s ID code (3 letters) Suffix: ’*.D2S’ : spatial mean of the spectra (that pass the WaMoS II internal quality control) averaged over WaMoS II analysis areas (up to 9) placed within the radar field of view. ‘*.D2M’ : temporal average spectra calculated using all spectra collected during the past dt=30 minutes of the time specified in the file. Time reference: CPU clock. Data Content: Spectral energy (S(kx,ky) - m*m/(Hz*rad)) as a function of wave number (kx and ky - rad/m). Data related header information MATRIX: Size of Matrix. DKX: Spectral resolution in Kx direction (2*Pi/m). DKY: Spectral resolution in Ky direction (2*Pi/m). ******************************************************************* WaMoS II frequency direction spectrum (2-D spectra): File Name: YYYY : Year. MM : Month. DD : Day. HH : Hour. MM : Minute. SS : Second. rigID : WaMoS II platform’s ID code (3 letters) Suffix: ‘*.FTH’ : spatial mean of the spectra (that pass the WaMoS II internal quality control) averaged over WaMoS II analysis areas (up to 9) placed within the radar field of view. ’*.FTM’ : temporal average spectra calculated using all spectra collected during the past dt=30 minutes of the time specified in the file. Time reference: CPU clock. Data Content: Spectral energy (S(f,θ) - m*m/(Hz*rad)) as a function of frequency (f – Hz) and direction (θ - deg). Data information Mf : number of frequency sampling points. Mth : number of direction sampling points. Data Matrix: Row 1 frequency sampling points, Column 1 direction sampling points. The dataset download also includes a file, "Available_Measurements", which is a general calendar that provides the list (day and time) of available measurements.

  • AM01b borehole site, drilled at a height of 65 metres above sea level. Small amount of static GPS data at each of four sites in a 500 m x 500 m square strain grid. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

  • Taken from sections of the report: This report has been prepared as a supplement to the 1997/98 Survey Report by John Hyslop and contains solely comments and recommendations as seen from the perspective of the volunteer survey student. It is hoped this report may be of some use in the future planning and operation of Surveying and Mapping expeditions to Antarctica. The report has been divided according to each area visited and discusses the work achieved and highlights any possible improvements either in the actual surveys undertaken or the execution of the program as a whole. Typical issues include helicopter operations, aerial photography, the oblique mount, collaboration with other field parties, transportation and so on. VOYAGE SOUTH The voyage south provided the ideal opportunity to begin the detailed planning of the work to come. Flight planning for the photography was started and locations for photo control throughout the offshore islands at Mawson were determined. It was important to prioritize which work was to be undertaken first throughout the offshore islands at Mawson. This was to ensure the most important work was completed before the sea ice deteriorated and prevented travel on quads. The voyage to Mawson went via Casey where the surveyors were required to undertake a small amount of work during the stop over. Ice conditions prevented the Aurora reaching Casey. John and I were unable to make it to Casey due to the long fly off and limited time. Ian Sutherland (Station Leader at Casey) informed us that snow conditions over the station would have prevented most survey work anyway. This was the perfect example that survey work in Antarctica is totally dependent on current weather conditions in addition to the 'A' factor. This highlighted the fact that all plans for work in the Antarctic are required to be 'dynamic' and hence the various priorities listed in the brief were appreciated. It was quite frustrating spending close to 4 weeks on the Aurora before arriving on the continent and beginning the work proper. The frustration culminated in the problem with the Aurora's rudder and expeditioners being told we may be returning to Australia even though we were within fly-off distance to Mawson.

  • Taken from sections of the report: Introduction This report details the survey work carried out in Antarctica and Heard Island from December of 1996 to March of 1997 by AUSLIG on behalf of Australian Antarctic Divisions Mapping Program. The principle aim of this work was to acquire aerial photography of; the coastal areas west of Mawson, Scullin and Murray Monoliths, the immediate area around Davis station, Gaussberg and Heard Island. A number of other tasks were also carried out. In the following pages each task will be dealt with in terms of the technique employed and the results achieved and coordinates will be quoted as appropriate to the topic being discussed. Where these coordinates have been derived from GPS observations a detailed report on the processing of each baseline can be found at Appendix C. These result files have also been supplied in digital form. The survey work was carried out by the following people : Paul Digney Antarctic Division Volunteer Roger Handsworth Platypus Engineering Noel Ward AUSLIG This report does not cover the specifics of the work carried out by Roger Handsworth, that being the subject of separate reports to be submitted by him. Time Frame The survey field party departed Hobart at 5pm on Monday 9 December 1996 aboard RV Aurora Australis, Voyage 4 of the Antarctic re-supply season. Voyage 4 commenced cargo operations at Mawson on 22 December 1996. The survey party returned to Australia via Heard island from Davis Station departing Davis on 15 March 1997 aboard RV Aurora Australis, Voyage 5. Voyage 5 returned to Hobart on Saturday 29 March 1997. All passengers disembarked at about 5pm that day. The movements of the Survey party between operational areas whilst within Antarctica are as follows : 22 December 1996 - The Stillwell Hills field party, including the survey party, departed for the Stillwell Hills directly from RV Aurora Australis, 10 January 1997 - The Stillwell Hills field party, including the survey party moved to Kemp Peak depot, Stillwell Hills 11 January 1997 - The Survey party move to Mawson by S76 helicopter 29 January 1997 - Move to Davis Station via Sansom Island, by S76 helicopter, 13 February 1997 - 'Day trip' to Gaussberg ex. Davis by S76 helicopter. Aim and Project Brief Work was undertaken by AUSLIG for Antarctic Division in a number of operational areas this season. The principle areas of activity Mawson Station and the coastal areas west to Kloa Point, Davis Station and the Vestfold Hills, Gaussberg and Heard Island. The actual tasks to be carried out and the prioritisation of those tasks, at each location defined by Australian Antarctic Division and were detailed in their Brief to Surveyors(see Appendix A). As the season progressed variations both in the scope of the work programme and the relative priorities of tasks within the programme occurred. Such changes were forwarded from the Mapping Officer if originating in Kingston; or if originating in Antarctica were discussed with the Mapping Officer, if operational circumstances allowed, before implementation. At each location the major task was the acquisition of aerial photography and then establishment of ground control for that photography. Other significant tasks included vertical connections between tide gauge bench marks and the ARGN GPS sites.

  • Taken from sections of the report: The aim of the survey and mapping program on V5.1 was to carry out various surveying tasks at Mawson and Casey as listed later in this report. The vessel used in Voyage 5.1 was The Polar Queen. Voyage 5.1 left Capetown on Thursday 18th February and arrived Fremantle Friday 19th. March. Depart Capetown Thursday 18th February Arrive Mawson Sunday 28th February Depart Mawson Tuesday 2nd March Arrive Davis Thursday 4th March Depart Davis Thursday 4th March Arrive Casey Monday 8th March Depart Casey Thursday 11th March Arrive Fremantle Thursday 18th March The survey team was: Henk Brolsma Australian Antarctic Division - surveyor. John Hyslop Australian Antarctic Division - volunteer surveyor. The surveying at Mawson and Casey included bringing the data representing the station infrastructure up to date. The station infrastructure data is available for download in GIS format (shapefiles) from Related URLs below. The data resulting from this survey has a Dataset_id of 15. The data is formatted according to the SCAR Feature Catalogue. For data quality information about a particular feature use the Qinfo number of the feature to search for information using the 'Search datasets and quality' tab at a Related URL below. Matt King, Rachel Manson and Lee Palfrey assisted with survey work at Casey. They carried out GPS surveys for aerial photo control, Casey and Wilkes, tide gauge bench marks at Casey, buildings detail at Wilkes and route markers around the station. Their work is not covered in this report.