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This GIS dataset is the result of the interpolation of bathymetry from depth measurements made in Long and Tryne Fjords in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica (see Entry: VH_bathy_99). The Topogrid command within the ArcInfo GIS software, version 8.0.2, was used to do the interpolation. Coastline and spot height (heights above sea level) data, extracted from the Australian Antarctic Data Centre's Vestfold Hills topographic GIS dataset (see Entry: vest_hills_gis), was also used as input data to optimise the interpolation close to the coastline. See related URLs for a map showing the interpolated bathymetry.
This dataset includes Adelie penguin colonies and coastline digitised from Eric J. Woehler, G.W. Johnstone and Harry R. Burton, 'ANARE Research Notes 71, The distribution and abundance of Adelie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, in the Mawson area and at the Rookery Islands (Specially Protected Area 2), 1981 and 1988'. Copies of the maps as PDF and TIFF downloads are available through the SCAR Map Catalogue (see the links in the related links section). Map 1 [Mawson area, including the Rookery Islands SPA] Map 2 [Rookery Islands SPA] Map 3 [Islands near Mawson Station] Map 4 [Rookery Island 1] Map 5 [Rookery Island 2] Map 6 [Rookery Island 3] Map 7 [Rookery Island 3A] Map 8 [Rookery Island 4] Map 9 [Rookery Island 5] Map 10 [Rookery Island 6] Map 11 [Rookery Island 7] Map 13 [Rookery Island 9] Map 14 [Rookery Island 10 and 11] Map 15 [Giganteus Island] Map 16 [Rookery Island] Map 17 [Bechervaise Island] Map 18 [Verner Island] Map 19 [Petersen Island] Map 20 [Welch Island Sheet 1 of 2] Map 20 [Welch Island Sheet 2 of 2] Map 21 [Klung Island] Map 22 [Un-named island west of Klung Island] Map 23 [Gibbney Island] Map 24 [Un-named island west of Forbes Glacier] Map 25 [Islands surveyed in 1981-82 where Adelie penguin colonies were located]
These data were collected as part of project 4112 - Status and trends of Macquarie Island Albatrosses and Giant Petrels: management and conservation of threatened seabirds. These data constitute the data for nesting sites for the 2012-2013 season. The waypoints are provided for all accessible nests of albatross and northern giant petrels that form part of the long term population and demographic study on Macquarie Island. Refer to accompanying annual report for further context and details. For Southern Giant Petrels (which are susceptible to disturbance) the waypoint refers to the location used to census the colony remotely and approximates their actual position.
Flying bird breeding colonies on Macquarie Island. This is a polygon dataset stored in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Attributes include the species name and the time of the year during which breeding occurs. The species include Black-browed Albatross, Grey-headed albatross, Southern Giant-Petrel and Wandering Albatross.
CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) Statistical Reporting Subareas. GIS data representing the boundary (line) and centroid (point with the area name as an attribute) of each area. The southern boundary of the areas adjacent to Antarctica is the coastline of Antarctica. The coastline has not been included with this data. This dataset is no longer maintained by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre as the CCAMLR Statistical Reporting Subarea boundaries are now available from CCAMLR's Online GIS (see the Related URL).
This dataset represents extents of Antarctic sea ice derived from passive microwave data. It includes: maximum and minimum sea ice extent based on 1989 - 99 data; maximum sea ice extent by month for the period October - March based on 1973 - 98 data; mean sea ice extent by month based on 1973 - 1998 data; and maximum sea ice extent averaged over the period 1987 - 1998. The data referenced by this metadata record has been sourced from another metadata record in this catalogue. For more information on the dataset see: Antarctic CRC and Australian Antarctic Division Climate Data Set - Northern extent of Antarctic sea ice [climate_sea_ice].
A GPS survey of seabirds on Heard Island during the Australian Antarctic Program's 2003/04 expedition. This layer is stored as two datasets (point and polygon) in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Data represent flying bird and penguin colony extents and nesting sites.
Aerial photography (Linhof) of penguin colonies was acquired over the Windmill Islands (Eric Woehler). The penguin colonies were traced, then digitised (John Cox), and saved as DXF-files. Using the ArcView extension 'Register and Transform' (Tom Velthuis), The DXF-files were brought into a GIS and transformed to the appropriate islands. Data conforms to SCAR Feature Catalogue which can be searched (refer to link below).
This dataset represents Weddell Seal haulout and pupping sites in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. The data were sourced from a dataset compiled by Samantha Lake and described by the metadata record 'Distribution of Weddell seals pupping at the Vestfold Hills'. She used a reporting grid described by the metadata record 'Weddell seal reporting grid of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica' to show observations made over 24 years (pupping areas) and 28 years (non-breeding areas). The map Samantha produced of pupping areas is linked to the metadata record 'Distribution of Weddell seals pupping at the Vestfold Hills'. Polygons were generated by copying relevant grid rectangles from a digital version of the reporting grid, referring to the maps produced by Samantha; the grid rectangles used were those in which there had been greater than 20 observations (pupping), 17 observations (non-breeding). The data was used in an A3 map of the Vestfold Hills published by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre in October 2001 and which is available from a Related URL below. The data are included in the data available for download from a Related URL below. The data conform to the SCAR Feature Catalogue which includes data quality information. See a Related URL below. Data described by this metadata record has Dataset_id = 155. Each feature has a Qinfo number which, when entered at the 'Search datasets & quality' tab, provides data quality information for the feature.
Aerial photography (Linhof) of penguin colonies was acquired over the Holme Bay (Eric Woehler). The penguin colonies were traced, then digitised (John Cox), and saved as DXF-files. Using the ArcView extension 'Register and Transform' (Tom Velthuis), The DXF-files were brought into a GIS and transformed to the appropriate islands. Data conforms to SCAR Feature Catalogue which can be searched (refer to link below).