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  • Data are the MSLP (Mean Sea Level Pressure) field of the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) ( available to download via Data are 45km resolution for the domain d001 (lower left lat/lon = -24.72209 N, 38.30463 E, upper right lat/lon = -21.82868 N, -144.07805 E). Data are 3-hourly forecasts (t=0 to t=120) made every 12 hours using the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Data has been converted from grib to nc, 45km resolution polar stereographic to a 0.5 degree resolution latlon grid and concatenated into a single continuous dataset using the first 4 forecasts from each 12-hours. Where data was missing forecasts from the previous 12-hours are used. Data available: 28/10/2008 to 31/12/2012. Data were processed in this manner to be usable by the Melbourne University cyclone tracking scheme (Murray, R. J., and I. Simmonds (1991) A numerical scheme for tracking cyclone centres from digital data. Part I: Development and operation of the scheme, Australian Meteorological Magazine, 39, 155-166.) to investigate Antarctic polar lows. Data are 3-hourly forecasts (from t=0 to t=120) made every 12 hours, which have been processed into a continuous 3-hourly dataset using the first 4 forecasts of every 12 hours. Missing data are filled by previous forecasts.