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  • This dataset contains the underway data collected during the Polar Bird Voyage 2 1998-99. This voyage visited Mawson, Prydz Bay, Casey and Macquarie Island, departing from and returning to Hobart. Underway data were logged from a fluorometer and thermosalinograph and are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL given below). For further information, see the Marine Science Support Voyage Report at the Related URL below.

  • At each CTD station the Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) was carried out onto the trawl deck and shackled (+ cable tie) to the winch cable. When the crew in the aft control room were ready the PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) cap was removed and the FRRF activated with the magnet. It was deployed at a rate of 0.3m/sec to 10m, stopped for 30sec, then the descent was continued to 100m at same rate where it was stopped for another 30 sec. The FRRF was then brought back up at 0.3m/sec to deck. Once on deck the FRRF was turned off, it was hosed down with hot fresh water and the PAR cap replaced. Underway data were collected from the flow-through system in the lab on all South/North transects. West to East legs were not surveyed. The FRRF data were downloaded after every Vertical Drop and at the end of the Underway legs. The post-processing and analysis of data will be carried out after the voyage. The Final dataset is in the form of a Binary file for each drop and Underway leg. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 2655 and 2679 (ASAC_2655, ASAC_2679).

  • FRRF deployments were conducted at 22 sites in conjunction with ship stop times when the CTD was deployed. See event log for locations. Some underway FRRF sampling was conducted on the return voyage. This work was conducted as part of the VMS (Voyage Marine Science) voyage of the Aurora Australis in the 2010-2011 season. A report providing further details about the FRRF work is available as part of the download file. The download file also contains a word document (also included in the download file for metadata record ASAC_1307) explaining the data columns in the excel spreadsheets.

  • Processed CTD instrument data - Corrected fluorescence profiles at the Southern Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. The fluorometer was calibrated through the regression of burst measurements against in situ chlorophyll a measured at the same depths and sites using high performance liquid chromatography (Wright et al. 2010). Zero chlorophyll a reference points were included in the regression and were obtained through averaging fluorometry data over 200-300 m bins. The resulting linear equation used to convert flourometry data was: chlorophyll = 0.262*fluorescence + 0.101. Column measurements (µg L-1) and integrated data (0-150 m, mg m-2) for each CTD station are provided.

  • Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard Aurora Australis cruise au1603, voyage 3 2015/2016, from 11th January to ~24th February 2016. The cruise commenced with the K-AXIS project, the major marine science component of the cruise. This was the Australian component (P.I.’s Andrew Constable, Steve Rintoul and others) of a combined biological and oceanographic study in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Axis. After conclusion of marine science work the ship went to Mawson for a resupply. During a storm on 24th February the ship broke free of its mooring lines and ran aground on the rocks at West Arm in Horseshoe Harbour, thus ending the cruise. Expeditioners were eventually taken to Casey on the Shirase, then flown home. Meanwhile the Aurora Australis was refloated and sailed to Fremantle, then on to Singapore for repairs. This report discusses the oceanographic data from CTD operations on the cruise. A total of 47 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise (Table 1). Over 850 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite and silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon (i.e. TCO2), alkalinity, POC and PN, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. A UVP particle counter/camera system was attached to the CTD package (P.I. Emmanuel Laurenceau). A separate trace metal rosette system was deployed from the trawl deck (P.I. Andrew Bowie). Upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP, and meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. Eight drifting floats were deployed over the course of the cruise. Processing/calibration and data quality for the main CTD data are described in this report. Underway sea surface temperature and salinity data are compared to near surface CTD data. CTD station positions are shown in Figure 1, while CTD station information is summarised in Table 1. Float deployments (5 x Argo/Apex, 2 x SOCCOM and 1 x Provor) are summarised in Table 10. Further cruise itinerary/summary details can be found in the voyage leader report (Australian Antarctic Division unpublished report: Voyage 3 2015-2016, RSV Aurora Australis, Voyage Leader’s report - see the metadata record "Aurora Australis Voyage 3 2015/16 Track and Underway Data" for access to the Voyage Report).

  • This dataset contains the underway data collected during the Aurora Australis Voyage 1 2000-01. This voyage departed Hobart for Port Arthur to carry out calibrations prior to travelling on to Davis, Mawson, Heard Island, the McDonald Islands and then Fremantle. Underway (meteorological, fluorometer and thermosalinograph) data are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL given below). For further information, see the Marine Science Support Data Quality Report at the Related URL below.

  • This dataset contains the underway data collected during the Aurora Australis Voyage 2 2001-02. This voyage went to Casey and Macquarie Island, leaving from and returning to Hobart. Underway (meteorological, fluorometer and thermosalinograph) data are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL given below). For further information, see the Marine Science Support Data Quality Report at the Related URL below.

  • This dataset contains the underway data from Voyage 4 1991-92 of the Aurora Australis. This was a non-marine science voyage that visited Mawson and Davis, departing from and returning to Hobart. Underway data have not been quality checked.

  • This is the CTD and Niskin bottle data set from the RV Tangaroa cruise tan0704, 7th Mar 2007 to 29th Mar 2007, along the Macquarie Ridge. This was the deployment cruise for the Macquarie Ridge mooring array. Dissolved oxygen data have been removed from this data set (oxygen bottle data never analysed). There were a total of 75 CTD casts on this cruise.

  • This dataset contains the underway data collected during the Aurora Australis Voyage 8 2001-02. This voyage visited Macquarie Island, departing from and returning to Hobart. Underway data are available online via the Australian Antarctic Division Data Centre web page (or via the Related URL section). For further information, see the Marine Science Support Data Quality Report at the Related URL section.