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  • This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 1990-91 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Prydz Bay area, Antarctica in January and February 1991. Taxonomic identity and abundance data were obtained, together with an extensive range of pigment analysis. Over 60 pigments are analysed (only the major ones are listed here). The major phytoplankton investigated were diatoms, dinoflagellates and flagellates. This dataset is a subset of the full cruise.

  • This data set was collected from two minicosm experiments conducted at Davis Station, Antarctica. 1. Variance experiment - 2013/14 summer season 2. Ocean acidification experiment - 2014/15 summer season It includes: - description of methods for all data collection and analyses. - environmental data logged throughout the experiment; nutrients, temperature, light climate. - flow cytometry counts; autotrophic cells, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and prokaryotes. - FlowCam counts; individual phytoplankton species data. - microscopy counts; individual phytoplankton species data.

  • This dataset comprises of an excel spreadsheet of data collected on the CLIVAR-SR3 cruise in November to December 2001. The spreadsheet contains plankton and carbon data. From the abstract of the referenced publication: Variations of phytoplankton assemblages were studied in November-December 2001, in surface waters of the Southern Ocean along a transect between the Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ) and the Seasonal Ice Zone (SIZ; 46.9-64.9 degrees S; 142-143 degrees E; CLIVAR-SR3 cruise). Two regions had characteristic but different phytoplankton assemblages. Nanoflagellates (less than 20 microns) and pico-plankton (~2 microns) occurred in similar concentrations along the transect, but were dominant in the SAZ, Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF), Polar Front Zone (PFZ) and the Inter-Polar Front Zone (IPFZ), (46.9-56.9 degrees S). Along the entire transect their average cell numbers in the upper 70 m of water column, varied from 300,000 to 1,100,000 cells per litre. Larger cells (greater than 20 microns), diatoms and dinoflagellates, were more abundant in the Antarctic Zone-South (AZ-S) and the SIZ (60.9-64.9 degrees S). In AZ-S and SIZ diatoms ranged between 270,000 and 1,200,000 cells per litre, dinoflagellates from 31,000 to 102,000 cells per litre. A diatom bloom was in progress in the AZ-S showing a peak of 1,800,000 cells per litre. Diatoms were dominated by Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Fragilariopsis spp., and Chaetoceros spp. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. outnumbered other diatoms in the AZ-S. Fragilariopsis spp. were most numerous in the SIZ. Dinoflagellates contained autotrophs (eg Prorocentrum) and heterotrophs (Gyrodinium/Gymnodinium, Protoperidinium). Diatoms and dinoflagellates contributed most to the cellular carbon: 11-25 and 17-124 micrograms of carbon per litre, respectively. Small cells dominated in the northern region characterised by the lowest N-uptake and new production of the transect. Larger diatom cells were prevalent in the southern area with higher values of N-uptake and new production. Diatom and nanoflagellate cellular carbon contents were highly correlated with one another, with primary production, and productivity related parameters. They contributed up to 75% to the total autotrophic C biomass. Diatom carbon content was significantly correlated to nitrate uptake and particle export, but not to ammonium uptake, while flagellate carbon was well correlated to ammonium uptake, but not to export. Diatoms have contributed highly to particle export along the latitudinal transect, while flagellates played a minor role in the export. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 1343 (ASAC_1343). The fields in this dataset are: Station (depth, position, date, comments) Species Cells per millilitre cell carbon - micrograms per litre

  • This dataset contains results from the Second International BIOMASS Experiment II (SIBEX II) cruise of the Nella Dan, taken in January 1985. This cruise was the fourth cruise in a series of six. Phytoplankton samples were taken off Antarctica in the Australian sector (Mawson to Davis region) and Prydz Bay in January 1985. Taxonomic identity, distribution and abundance data were obtained, together with an extensive range of pigment analysis, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Over 60 pigments were analysed (only the major ones are listed here). The major phytoplankton investigated were diatoms, dinoflagellates and flagellates. This dataset is a subset of the full cruise. An excel spreadsheet containing the full pigment analysis obtained from the cruise is available for download from the URL given below. The spreadsheet is a digital version of the data presented in ANARE Research Notes 58, which was a report written based on this dataset. There are three worksheets to the spreadsheet: 1) Abbrev. - details the abbreviations used in worksheets 2 and 3. 2) Table 3 - Table 3 data entered from ANARE Research Notes 58. 3) Transposed Table 3 - The same data as worksheet 2, but arranged differently. A pdf copy of ANARE Research Notes 58 is also available for download at the URL given below. A paper written in 2006 about pigments in microalgae, which provides some up-to-date explanations about pigmentation, is also available for download, but owing to copyright restrictions, is only available for download by Australian Antarctic Division personnel. The fields in this dataset are: Date Time (GMT) Latitude Longitude Depth (metres) Pigment concentration (nanograms per litre) chlorophyllide a chlorophyll c methyl chlorophyllide a phaeophorbide a peridinin 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin fucoxanthin 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin Neoxanthin Prasinoxanthin Violaxanthin Diadinoxanthin Alloxanthin diatoxanthin Zeaxanthin Canthaxanthin Unknown Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll a allomer Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a epimer Phaeophytin a derivative Phaeophytin b Phaeophytin a Chlorophyll a total % Degradation Pigment total This work was completed as part of ASAC project 40 (ASAC_40).