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  • This dataset is a document describing the 66 species of Hydromedusae found in the Southern Ocean. It lists all the known species, and with illustrated diagrams provides a guide to their taxonomic identification. It also includes general information about Hydromedusae and collection and preservation. The document is available for download as a pdf from the provided URL.

  • This dataset is a document describing the Scyphomedusae of the Southern Ocean. It lists all the known species and with illustrated diagrams provides a guide to their taxonomic identification. Distribution maps are given for each species. The document is available for download as a pdf from the provided URL.

  • This spreadsheet provides the sequences counts for the DNA groups found in the scats of black-browed albatross at New Island and Steeple Jason Island, Falkland Islands; Diego Ramírez and Albatross Islet, Chile; Bird Island, South Georgia; Canyon des Sourcils Noirs, Kerguelen Archipelago, France; Macquarie Island, Australia; and Campbell albatross at Campbell Island, NZ. Scat samples were collected in 2013/14 and 2014/15 at New Island, Steeple Jason Island, Macquarie Island, Campbell Island and Bird Island; in 2013/14 and 2015/16 at Kerguelen; in 2014/15 and 2015/16 at Albatross Islet and in 2013/14 at Diego Ramírez. Samples were collected during Incubation (Oct-Nov), early chick-rearing (Dec-Jan) or late-chick rearing (Feb-Mar). Due to the availability of birds at the colony, samples were predominantly collected from adults during incubation and early chick-rearing and chicks during late chick rearing. Samples sizes were too low during this study to directly compare dietary differences between chicks and adults; however, dietary comparisons between breeding stages were examined for sites where samples were collected during multiple breeding stages. Samples were PCR amplified with a universal metazoan primer set that is highly conserved and amplifies a region of the nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA gene (18S rDNA). Details of the molecular methods and synthesis of this data can be found in: McInnes, J.C., Alderman, R., Raymond, B., Lea, M-A., Deagle, B., Catry, P., Gras, M., Phillip, R.A., Stanworth, A., Suazo, C., Thompson, D., Weimerskirch, H., Gras. M., and Jarman, S.N. High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology.

  • SAZ photos of sediment trap samples Sediment traps are cones which intercept and store falling marine particles in collection cups. The particles consist of a range of material including phytoplankton, zooplankton, faecal pellets, and dust. Each trap collects a time series of samples. The sediment traps are from deep moorings in the Southern Ocean, typically at 47S, 54S, and 61S and at around 140 degrees East. Each mooring typically has 2-3 traps between 800m and 3800m below sea-level. The samples are size fractionated into less than 1mm and greater than 1mm fractions using a 1mm sieve. Various chemical analyses and observations have been made on the less than 1mm fraction. These are photos are of greater than 1mm fraction, mainly showing 'swimmers.' Photos are mostly taken on the sieve, so the grid is 1mm for scale. Sample identification is in the file name, and also in a label in the photo. The file name format is: Typical example s02_54_800_04.jpg 1) s02: s is for SAZ. Collection season number is first year of collection season. So s02 is from SAZ 2002-2003. 2) 54: Nominal latitude. 3) 800: Nominal depth, m. 4) 04: Cup number, typically 1-21 or 1-13, single digit numbers padded with a zero to help operating systems display files in order. 5) .jpg: All photos are in jpeg format Some files have additional information at end, examples below: * FP: faecal pellet * begin and end: beginning and end of sieving process. Mostly to show faecal pellets at start that are rinsed through sieve. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 1156 (ASAC_1156). See also the metadata record 'Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) Sediment Trap Moorings' (SAZOTS).

  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2388 See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- The HIMI Ecosystem Project is aimed at examining key predators based on Heard Island, including albatross, penguins and seals, and their interactions with prey, the ocean and benthic environment and commercial fisheries. Work will include examining the diet of the animals, tracking them to determine where they feed, and examining prey available in the feeding areas. Scientists from a variety of backgrounds including bird and mammal biologists, marine biologists, oceanographers and marine geologists will be involved. These data were collected on Aurora Australis voyage 4 2004 ('HIPPIES'). The data are stored in a Microsoft Access 97 file. The data includes sampling information for trawls using an IYGPT (International Young Gadoid Pelagic Trawl) Net and RMT 8 (8 square meter Rectangular Midwater Trawl) Nets. Sampling data, including location and time, are stored in the 'Hauls' table. Data from the analysis of the contents of each trawl, including species identifications, mass and counts of each taxon of mesopelagic fish and zooplankton are stored in the 'Bycatch' table. Weights, lengths and other biological data collected from individual mesopelagic fish are stored in the 'Fish Data' table. On opening the file the Haul form launches automatically giving access to the data. The fields in this dataset are: Latitude Longitude Species Date Haul Number Time Depth (m) Tow distance Wire out Tow Speed (knots) Headline height (m) Headline width (m) Gear Comments Fishing Ground Fishery Traps Line Hooks Magazines Fish length Otoliths Scale sample Fish Weight Stomach Gonads Stomach contents