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This dataset is derived from sediment trap records collected by Thomas Trull as part of the multidisciplinary SAZ Project initiated in 1997 by the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC) (Trull et al 2001b). The current submission provides data not included in Wilks et al. (submitted) 'Biogeochemical flux and phytoplankton assemblage variability: A unique year-long sediment trap record in the Australian Sector of the Subantarctic Zone.' This dataset contains three parts: Supplementary Table 1 describes sediment trap deployment information and current speed measured during deployment. Supplementary tables 2a and 2b are raw diatom counts of every species encountered at the site, at every sampling cup. Table 2a contains the 500 m trap depth record, while table 2b is for the 2000 m trap depth record. Supplementary table 3 contains environmental data (chlorophyll-a, photosynthetically active radiation, and sea surface temperature) for each cup record.
Metadata record AAS_4127_antFOCE_EnvironmentalData contains seafloor Ambient Light and ambient Seawater Temperature data sets collected at the antFOCE site during the experiment. Ambient Light data was collected using Photosynthetically Active Radiation sensors (Odyssey Dataflow 392 photo diode light meters) distributed around the antFOCE site as well as several inside the experimental chambers and open plots. Seawater Temperature data were collected using Onset Hoboware Tidbit v2 (UTBI-001) temperature loggers attached to the outside of various pieces of the underwater experimental infrastructure across the antFOCE site. Refer to antFOCE report section 2.3 for deployment, sampling and on-station analysis details. Background The antFOCE experimental system was deployed in O'Brien Bay, approximately 5 kilometres south of Casey station, East Antarctica, in the austral summer of 2014/15. Surface and sub-surface (in water below the sea ice) infrastructure allowed controlled manipulation of seawater pH levels (reduced by 0.4 pH units below ambient) in 2 chambers placed on the sea floor over natural benthic communities. Two control chambers (no pH manipulation) and two open plots (no chambers, no pH manipulation) were also sampled to compare to the pH manipulated (acidified) treatment chambers. Details of the antFOCE experiment can be found in the report – "antFOCE 2014/15 – Experimental System, Deployment, Sampling and Analysis". This report and a diagram indicating how the various antFOCE data sets relate to each other are available at:
Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard Aurora Australis cruise au1603, voyage 3 2015/2016, from 11th January to ~24th February 2016. The cruise commenced with the K-AXIS project, the major marine science component of the cruise. This was the Australian component (P.I.’s Andrew Constable, Steve Rintoul and others) of a combined biological and oceanographic study in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Axis. After conclusion of marine science work the ship went to Mawson for a resupply. During a storm on 24th February the ship broke free of its mooring lines and ran aground on the rocks at West Arm in Horseshoe Harbour, thus ending the cruise. Expeditioners were eventually taken to Casey on the Shirase, then flown home. Meanwhile the Aurora Australis was refloated and sailed to Fremantle, then on to Singapore for repairs. This report discusses the oceanographic data from CTD operations on the cruise. A total of 47 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise (Table 1). Over 850 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite and silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon (i.e. TCO2), alkalinity, POC and PN, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. A UVP particle counter/camera system was attached to the CTD package (P.I. Emmanuel Laurenceau). A separate trace metal rosette system was deployed from the trawl deck (P.I. Andrew Bowie). Upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP, and meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. Eight drifting floats were deployed over the course of the cruise. Processing/calibration and data quality for the main CTD data are described in this report. Underway sea surface temperature and salinity data are compared to near surface CTD data. CTD station positions are shown in Figure 1, while CTD station information is summarised in Table 1. Float deployments (5 x Argo/Apex, 2 x SOCCOM and 1 x Provor) are summarised in Table 10. Further cruise itinerary/summary details can be found in the voyage leader report (Australian Antarctic Division unpublished report: Voyage 3 2015-2016, RSV Aurora Australis, Voyage Leader’s report - see the metadata record "Aurora Australis Voyage 3 2015/16 Track and Underway Data" for access to the Voyage Report).
Oceanographic measurements were conducted on and around the Antarctic shelf in the vicinity of the Mertz Glacier during the southern summer of 2007/2008, on Aurora Australis voyage au0803, V3 2007/2008. Data were collected as part of the CASO (oceanography) and CEAMARC (fishing) programs. The CASO program included occupation of the southern portion of the SR3 transect, plus additional transects down the slope. A total of (130) CTD vertical profile stations were taken, most to within 15 m of the bottom. Over (1400) Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, CFCs, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, oxygen-18, germanium, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by a lowered acoustic Doppler profiler (LADCP) attached to the rosette package, while near surface current data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP. Additional CTD profiles were taken at 2 subantarctic sites on the transit south. An array of 4 current meter and thermosalinograph moorings were deployed across a basin outflowing from the Mertz Polynya region.
Taken from the accompanying report: Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard the Aurora Australis on cruise au0806 (voyage 6 2007/2008, 22nd March 2008 to 17th April 2008). This cruise completed the CASO oceanographic program begun on the CEAMARC cruise (au0803, voyage 3 2007/2008), with a full occupation of the SR3 transect between Antarctica and Tasmania. CASO program objectives were: 1. to measure changes in water mass properties and inventories throughout the full ocean depth between Australia and Antarctica along 140oE (the CLIVAR/WOCE repeat section SR3), as part of a multi-national International Polar Year program to obtain a circumpolar snapshot of the Southern Ocean in austral summer 2007-8; 2. to estimate the transport of mass, heat and other properties south of Australia, and to compare results to previous occupations of the SR3 line and other sections in the Australian sector; 3. to deploy moorings near the Adelie Depression (142-145oE) as part of a joint Australia-France-Italy program to monitor changes in the properties and flow of Adelie Land Bottom Water; 4. to identify mechanisms responsible for variability in ocean climate south of Australia. The CASO program (with a full occupation of the SR3 transect) was originally scheduled for a single cruise. The shipping schedule was re-arranged following an unexpected period in drydock, due to a problem with the ship's thrusters, and as a result the CASO program was split over the two cruises. Several of the southern stations occupied on the first cruise au0803 were repeated on the second cruise au0806, to minimise the impact on the data set of the time gap between the cruises. A total of 131 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on au0803, and 73 CTD station were taken on au0806, most to within 20 metres of the bottom. During the 2 cruises, over 2900 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite and silicate), 18O, CFC's, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, 14C, dissolved organic carbon, density (i.e. analysis of the effect of water composition on water density), germanium/silica/boron isotopes, trace metals, neodymium, chlorophyll-a, cell counts, pigments, genetic analyses, and other biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package, while upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP. Data were also collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. This report describes the processing/calibration of the CTD data, and details the data quality. An offset correction is derived for the underway sea surface temperature and salinity data, by comparison with near surface CTD data. CTD station positions are shown in Figures 1 and 2, while CTD station information is summarised in Table 1. Mooring and drifter deployments/recoveries are summarised in Table 14. Mooring data from the Adelie Depression deployments are discussed in the mooring data reports Rosenberg (unpublished report, 2009) and Meijers (unpublished report, 2009). Further cruise itinerary/summary details can be found in the voyage leader reports (Australian Antarctic Division unpublished reports: Riddle, V3 2007/08 VL report; Rintoul, V6 2007/08 VL report). Hydrochemistry and CFC cruise reports are in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. Details about the data are available in a readme file and a full report in the download file.
Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard RV Investigator cruise in1805 (CSIRO voyage designation in2018_v05) from 16th October to 16th November 2018, along a number of transects across a standing meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current between 148o and 156oE. A total of 77 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise, most to within 12 metres of the bottom. Over 1900 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate, ammonium and nitrite), chlorophyll, POC and DOC, and for incubation experiments, using a 36 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package. Upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP (75 kHz and 150 kHz). Data coverage was increased by additional transects towing a Triaxus towed CTD system. A microstructure profiler was deployed at many of the CTD stations. Meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. An oceanographic mooring was deployed at 55o 32.544’S , 150o 52.332’E, and a series of floats and drifters were deployed. Bathymetry was collected by the ship’s multibeam system. The data set contains CTD 2dbar averaged data, and Niskin bottle data (core hydrochemistry of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients), in text and matlab formats, and a full data report. A WOCE (CCHDO) 'exchange' format version of the data is also available on request.
Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard RV Investigator cruise in1801 (CSIRO voyage designation in2018_v01) from 11th January to 22nd February 2018, along CLIVAR Southern Ocean repeat meridional section SR3, followed by Adelie land shelf stations, small meridional sections along 150E (the south end of CLIVAR section P11S) and 132E, and several stations along CLIVAR zonal section S4. A total of 108 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise, most to within 14 metres of the bottom. Over 2800 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate, ammonia and nitrite), CFC's plus tracers (CFC-11, CFC-12, SF6 and N2O), dissolved inorganic carbon (i.e. TCO2), alkalinity, pH, C13/C14, genomics, HPLC, POC, chlorophyll, radiogenic isotopes, helium, ice nucleation, and Ca/Mg, using a 36 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package. Upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP (75 kHz). Trace metal rosette and in situ pump deployments were done at some of the CTD stations. Meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. A large assortment of 29 drifting floats was deployed throughout the cruise. A detailed data report is included with the data set, with summary of all CTD data and important data quality information. The data set contains CTD 2dbar averaged data, and Niskin bottle data (core hydrochemistry of salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients, plus CFC-11, CFC-12, SF6 and N2O), in text and matlab formats. A WOCE (CCHDO) 'exchange' format version of the data is also available from the CCHDO data centre.
Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard Aurora Australis cruise au1602, voyage 2 2016/2017, from 8th December 2016 to 21st January 2017. The cruise commenced with a Casey resupply, followed by work around the Dalton Polynya/Moscow University Iceshelf, then the Mertz Glacier region, and then around the Ninnis Polynya. 14 stations at the southern end of the SR3 transect were also completed. Ice conditions prevented access to the front of the Totten Glacier. A total of 73 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise, most to within 12 metres of the bottom (Table 1). Over 800 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate, ammonia and nitrite), dissolved inorganic carbon (i.e. TCO2), alkalinity, Th-234, POC, Chla, PAM, HPLC, Nd, Po-210/Pb-210, bacteria, O-18, caesium, and Teflon pollutants, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package. Upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP. Meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. 8 Argo floats were also deployed (Table 13) on the transit from Hobart to Casey. The data set contains CTD dbar data and Niskin bottle data (i.e. core hydrochemistry only - salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients). A detailed data report is included, with a description of the data and important data quality information.
Data collected from O'Gorman rocks near Davis Station between February 2004 to January 2005. Data were collected using a Yellow Science Industries 6600 Sonde. Vertical profiles of Temperature, Salinity, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Photosynthetically Active Radiation were collected. Each Sampling date/time and depths were recorded. The data are stored in spreadsheet form, and saved as a comma separated values text file. This work was carried out as part of ASAC project 40. The fields in this dataset are: Date Time Temperature Conductivity Salinity Dissolved Oxygen Depth Photosynthetically Active Radiation
This dataset contains the Voyage Data from voyage 202122050 undertaken by the RSV Nuyina between February 12th and March 27th 2022. The principal objectives of the voyage were to retrieve equipment and exchange personnel from Davis Station, and resupply Macquarie Island Station. The EK80 acoustic instruments, underway oceanographic instruments in the OceanPack system, the ice and wave radar, and meteorological instruments were all run during this voyage. Whole of voyage data from the RSV Nuyina underway instruments. Includes uncontaminated seawater, meteorological, and wave radar data interpolated to 1 minute measurements. Wherever possible, each parameter and its associated unit of measurement complies with the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table (Version 29) - “voyage_202122050\underway_merger\netcdf\