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Oceanographic measurements were collected aboard Aurora Australis cruise au1203, voyage 3 2011/2012, from 5th January to 12th February 2012. The cruise commenced with opportunistic CTD's in the region of the Adelie Depression and the former Mertz Glacier ice tongue, followed by a full south to north occupation of the CLIVAR/WOCE meridional section I9S. A total of 95 CTD vertical profile stations were taken on the cruise, most to within 15 metres of the bottom. Over 1500 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite and silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon (i.e. TCO2), alkalinity, pH, barium (dissolved), and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Full depth current profiles were collected by an LADCP attached to the CTD package, while upper water column current profile data were collected by a ship mounted ADCP. Meteorological and water property data were collected by the array of ship's underway sensors. An array of 5 current meter moorings was recovered from the Antarctic continental slope at the south end of the I9S transect.
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania in September 1997. 5 sediment trap moorings were deployed, and a total of 10 CTD vertical profiles were taken. Over 90 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity and nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate). The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation
Oceanographic measurements were conducted from Tasmania to Antarctica, and then primarily in the Prydz Bay region, from January 1991 to March 1991. A total of 159 CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), chlorofluorocarbons, helium, tritium, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, dissolved organic carbon, dimethyl sulphide/dimethyl sulphoniopropionate, iodate/iodide, oxygen 18, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Unfortunately, only salinity data from the bottle samples is available due to poor data quality of the nutrient and dissolved oxygen data. CTD salinity data have been calibrated against bottle samples, and are accurate to approximately 0.005 (PSS78). Measurement and data processing techniques are described, and a summary of the data are presented in graphical and tabular form. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation niskin bottle number
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along a series of meridional and zonal sections along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope region between 80 and 150 deg.E, from January to March 1996 during the BROKE cruise of the Aurora Australis. A total of 147 CTD vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Over 2450 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), chlorofluorocarbons, oxygen 18, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Near surface current data were collected using a ship mounted ADCP. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data are presented in graphical and tabular form. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation
Oceanographic measurements were conducted between Tasmania and Heard Island, and then around Heard and McDonald Islands from May to July 1990. A total of 96 CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. No Niskin bottle water data are available unfortunately (for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, primary productivity, and biological parameters. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data are presented in graphical and tabular form. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation
Oceanographic measurements were conducted on a cruise of the Aurora Australis to the Southern Ocean in April and May of 1998. A total of 97 CTD vertical profiles were taken. Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, dissolved organic carbon, N2O isotopes, pH, oxygen-18, barium, nitrogen-15, arsenic, ammonia, DMS/P, bacteria, silicon-32, particulate silicon, productivity, ETS, pigments, species counts, cytometry, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, urea, copper and iron, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. These data have been recovered by the AADC - as such this is a generic metadata record. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica from August to September 1996. A total of 71 CTD vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Over 1500 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Measurement and data processing techniques are summarised, and a summary of the data are presented in graphical and tabular form. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation
Oceanographic measurements were conducted north of Heard Island from August 1993 to October 1993. A total of 58 CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) vertical profile stations were taken, most to near bottom. Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), chlorofluorocarbons, helium, tritium, dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, dissolved organic carbon, dimethyl sulphide/dimethyl sulphoniopropionate, iodate/iodide, oxygen 18, primary productivity, and biological parameters, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. CTD salinity data have been calibrated against bottle samples. Upcast CTD burst data were no longer available, however comparison of bottle samples to CTD data from the equivalent downcast pressures gives a salinity accuracy of approximately 0.005 (PSS78). The bottle data file contains salinities and dissolved oxygens. Nutrient data exist only in files output from the laboratory analysis program 'DAPA', and are contained on floppy disks held by Andrew Forbes (CSIRO). Measurement and data processing techniques are described, and a summary of the data are presented in graphical and tabular form. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation niskin bottle number
This dataset contains the Voyage Data from voyage 202122050 undertaken by the RSV Nuyina between February 12th and March 27th 2022. The principal objectives of the voyage were to retrieve equipment and exchange personnel from Davis Station, and resupply Macquarie Island Station. The EK80 acoustic instruments, underway oceanographic instruments in the OceanPack system, the ice and wave radar, and meteorological instruments were all run during this voyage. Whole of voyage data from the RSV Nuyina underway instruments. Includes uncontaminated seawater, meteorological, and wave radar data interpolated to 1 minute measurements. Wherever possible, each parameter and its associated unit of measurement complies with the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table (Version 29) - “voyage_202122050\underway_merger\netcdf\
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania in March 1998. A total of 97 CTD vertical profiles were taken. Over 800 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients (phosphate, nitrate+nitrite, silicate), dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, carbon isotopes, dissolved organic carbon, N2O isotopes, pH, oxygen-18, barium, nitrogen-15, arsenic, ammonia, DMS/P, bacteria, silicon-32, particulate silicon, productivity, ETS, pigments, species counts, cytometry, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, urea, copper and iron, using a 24 bottle rosette sampler. Four sediment trap moorings were recovered, and two were redeployed. The fields in this dataset are: oceanography ship station number date start time bottom time finish time cruise start position bottom position finish position maximum position bottom depth pressure temperature (T-90) salinity sigma-T specific volume anomaly geopotential anomaly dissolved oxygen fluorescence photosynthetically active radiation