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  • A collation of known shipwrecks and vessels lost at sea from the year 1578 until 2013 containing information on year, vessel name, country, last known location, and purpose for the journey. And a collation of recent shipping incidents from 1991 until 2016 containing information on the year of the incident, vessel name, country where known, purpose of the journey and the cause of the incident. Location - listed as nearest land mass used where known. Country - Argentina = AR; Australia = AU; Bahamas = BS; Barbados = BB; Brazil = BR; China = CN; Falkland Islands = FK; France = FR; Germany = DE; Japan = JP; Korea = KR; Liberia = LR; Malta = MT; New Zealand = NZ; Norway = NO; Panama = PA; Peru = PE; Poland = PL; Russia = RU; Spain = ES; South Africa = ZA; Sweden = SE; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States of America Nationality of tourist companies are not all included as the company (principal and sub-chartered), and the ships used, are registered across different countries, some even changing within any given year. Flag state for that year is included where known. NB: vessels ran aground mainly due to severe weather conditions or inadequate hydrographic information Information was compiled for numerous references (Argentina and Chile, 2016; ASOC, 2012; Belgium, 2009; Brazil, 2012a; Brazil, 2012b; Headland, 2009; IAATO, 2000; IAATO, 2002; IAATO, 2003; IAATO, 2011a; IAATO, 2011b; Jones, 1973; Korea, 2011; New Zealand, 2007; New Zealand, 2012a; New Zealand, 2012b; New Zealand, 2015; New Zealand et al., 2011; Norway, 2007; Norway, 2008; People's Republic of China, 2013; Poland, 2016; Reich, 1980; Sweet et al., 2015; United Kingdom, 2008; United Kingdom, 2009).

  • This dataset contains webcam images from the three ship-board webcams that were present during the SIPEX II voyage to the sea ice North-East of Casey station, from Hobart in September to November 2012. The ship had webcams mounted on the bridge (facing foreward), the top of the helicopter hangar (facing aft), and the port-side bridge wing (facing portside). Images were taken from each camera every ten minutes. File names consist of which webcam the image was from, followed by an 8 digit date (YYYYMMDD), followed by a sequence number. The folder structure consists of {YEAR}/{WEEK_NUMBER}/{DAY}. The port-side webcam was enabled during the second ice station, so earlier images do not exist. The port side webcam does show a good overview of the activities at each ice station, as well as transits between ice stations. The aft camera recorded pictures of helicopter operations as well as the path of destruction that the ice breaker left in its wake. The fore camera shows a clear picture of ice conditions from the point of view of the bridge (in good weather). The webcams were set up and maintained by Matthew Longmire and Ian McClean of the AAD.

  • The British Australian (and) New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) was a research expedition into Antarctica between 1929 and 1931, involving two voyages over consecutive Austral summers. This document describes the ship's log and station list taken from Biological Organisation and Station List by T. Harvey Johnston, BANZARE Reports, Series B, Vol I, Part 1, pages 1-48 Data are stored in an Access database. The 5 tables are banzare_noon_log_1929_1930 and banzare_noon_log_1930_1931 noon positions from page 46-47 - assumed log_date is local noon, latitude and longitude in decimals. banzare_stations_1929_1930 and banzare_stations_1930_1931 odate is station date (no time is given) depth is echo depth (metres) latg and long is refined positions using Google Earth and Kerguelen map on page 14 full_speed_nets_1930_1931 log of full sped nets - see pages 40-44; time is possibly UTC distance is travel of ship when net is deployed depth is possible depth of net in fathoms tow_speed is ship speed in knots

  • This indicator is no longer maintained, and is considered OBSOLETE. INDICATOR DEFINITION The quantity of fuel used by ships travelling to Australian Antarctic stations and on Marine Science voyages as measured on a monthly basis and reported in the monthly reports from the Voyage Leaders to the Kingston (Head Office) Logistics Section. TYPE OF INDICATOR There are three types of indicators used in this report: 1.Describes the CONDITION of important elements of a system; 2.Show the extent of the major PRESSURES exerted on a system; 3.Determine RESPONSES to either condition or changes in the condition of a system. This indicator is one of: PRESSURE RATIONALE FOR INDICATOR SELECTION The amount of fuel used on ships travelling to Antarctica and on Marine Science voyages, for propulsion and power generation, is proportional to environmental impact due to the emissions released. Marine Gas Oil (MGO), is a marine version of normal diesel and is used on the vessels to power the main engines and generator sets, to provide propulsion and general services to the vessels such as power and heating. IFO 40 (RMC 10) is a light grade fuel oil used by some of the vessels by the Antarctic Division. This fuel is used for the main engines, and in some cases the generators. DESIGN AND STRATEGY FOR INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAM Spatial scale: Southern Ocean. Frequency: Monthly reports Measurement technique: The figures are obtained by sounding the fuel tanks on the ship and/or a reading from the fuel usage meter. RESEARCH ISSUES Depending on the vessels used by the Antarctic division, future collection of this data may be automated. LINKS TO OTHER INDICATORS SOE Indicator 1 - Monthly mean air temperatures at Australian Antarctic stations. SOE Indicator 2 - Highest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations SOE Indicator 3 - Lowest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations SOE Indicator 4 - Monthly mean lower stratospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic Stations SOE Indicator 7 - Monthly mean of three-hourly wind speeds (m/s) SOE Indicator 48 - Station and ship person days SOE Indicator 57 - Monthly total of fuel used by station incinerators SOE Indicator 58 - Monthly total of fuel used by station vehicles SOE Indicator 59 - Monthly electricity usage SOE Indicator 60 - Total helicopter hours SOE Indicator 61 - Total potable water consumption SOE Indicator 65 - Station footprint for Australian Antarctic stations

  • In July 1989 a circular was distributed calling for applicants for survey duties in the Antarctic over the 1989-90 summer season. The aim of this survey was to carry out a number of survey tasks in the Vestfold Hills, Larsemann Hills, Mawson and the Southern Prince Charles Mountains. It soon became apparent that for logistic reasons deployment in the PCMs would be difficult and this part of the survey was deleted. Job reports for this survey season : Larsemann Hills Photo control; SPOT Image control Rauer Group; Law Base; Russian tide gauge conn. Russian Primary Mark connection; Russian ice runway; Blundell Peak; Vestfold Hills; GPS baselines; Ancient Marine terraces, Lake water levels, Over Ice route markers, Mawson Pageos connection. Includes text, tables, aerial photographs and diagrams.

  • Personnel: B.A.Murphy (1985), I.P.Kaczerepa (1984-85), R.A.Sheridan (1984-85, 1985-86), E.W.MacGibbon. The primary aim of the 1984-85 summer surveying program was to continue with the establishment of the vertical control network on Long, Broad and Mule Peninsulas which would enable periodic and accurate monitoring of water level fluctuations of specified fresh and saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills. Other work completed included Davis magnetic and gravity stations, Department of Housing and Construction site surveys, coordination of RAN Miniranger sites, deployment of tide gauges and horizontal control station surveys. During the 1985-86 summer survey program two major tasks were to be undertaken. The first was to complete loop closures of vertical control networks on Long, Broad and Mule Peninsulas and the second to coordinate Dr Gallagher's long/cross section origin points along the length of Ellis Fjord. Miscellaneous other survey tasks were also carried out including deployment of a tide gauge.

  • This study aimed to quantify the effects of helicopter operations on Antarctic wildlife, with an emphasis on determining minimum safe over-flight altitudes and landing distances for a range of species. An experimental approach was adopted whereby wildlife were exposed to helicopters either over-flying or landing at specific altitudes or distances while the behaviour, and in some cases physiology, of individual animals were recorded. Two types of helicopters were used in the study: a Sikorsky S-76 (twin engine) and a Squirrel AS350 (single engine). This metadata record relates to the responses of Adelie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) over a number of phases of their breeding cycle. The fields in this dataset are: Time Action Date

  • Taken from the report: This document describes the results of the use of the APPLS (Aerial Photography Pyrometer LiDAR System) during underway science (sea ice) on the way to Davis, and later at Davis during resupply 2010/2011 (November 16 to 20, 2010). This document is primarily for Science Technical Support use. Portions of the report can be used to provide information on the results obtained to other parts of AAD. Some of this aerial photography has also been conducted in support of various AAS projects: AAS 3012 (ASAC_3012) AAS 3113 (ASAC_3113) AAS 2205 (ASAC_2205) AAS 2425 (ASAC_2425) AAS 3154 (ASAC_3154) AAS 3189 (ASAC_3189) A short list of the work carried out: - 3012, 3113 This activity involved long duration over water/sea ice flights for the purposes of "Investigation of physical and biological processes in the Antarctic sea ice zone during spring using in-situ, aircraft and underwater observations". This activity was scheduled for prior to Davis, over pack ice far from shore. Two science specific flights were made, and one opportunistic (sea ice reconnaissance), for a total of 5 hours 19 minutes of data collection for dedicated science - 2205 Priority 1 - Adelie Penguin Census Survey on the Islands in the Davis vicinity This task was a repeat of aerial census of Adelie penguins, conducted in 2009/2010 with coordinated ground counts of specific islands/colonies on Gardner, Magnetic, Lugg and Turner Islands. The ground counts were performed at the same time as the aerial survey, to compare aerial versus ground counts. Personnel from the CEMP Penguin Monitoring Program (Colin Southwell, Barbara Wienecke) performed ground counts coordinated with the flying on two days. The Flight lines were initially done on 2010/11/18 in bright sunlight, and then repeated on 2010/11/20 during overcast weather to compare the different image quality due to lack of shadows cast by the penguins. Priority 2 - Aerial photographic survey of the Svenner Group Islands Flights over Adelie Penguin colonies were performed at 750m, using 150mm lens, and then only over the islands known to host Adelie colonies. Flying time total = 5 hours, 51 minutes - 2425 This task was to survey the Woop Woop Skiway, over an area of 320 square kilometres. Due to time constraints, only every 2nd line was flown after consultation with AAD Air-operations (Steve Daw and Matt Filipowski). Flying time total = 4 hours 25 minutes - 3154 This task was to capture an aerial photograph of a Hawker Island Giant Petrel colony, being monitored by nest cameras. A run was conducted on 2010/11/19 in bright sunlight and also repeated on 2010/11/20 in flat light. Flying time total = 22 minutes - 3189 This task was to survey potential sites, in the Vestfold Hills near Davis, for a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty monitoring installation. Flying time total = 29 minutes

  • A register of all voyages that contribute to the science of the Australian Antarctic Programme. It includes voyages that opportunistically collect marine data while underway. Details have been gleaned from historic paper records, publications, voyage situation reports and reports from marine science cruises. Products linked to each voyage include a map, voyage schedule and a list of any science related activities on the voyage. The application links to various external resources within the Antarctic Division such as daily shipping reports, passenger lists and various sets of data. NOTE - Support for this application was put "on hold" after the 2013/2014 season. Hence, only voyages up until that season are included in the database. This decision may be revisited at some time in the future.

  • High resolution digital aerial photography of Adelie penguin colonies, Davis Station, Heidemann Valley, and other various areas, LIDAR scanning of portions of the Vestfold Hills, Rauer Islands and sea ice in front of the Amery Ice Shelf, conducted from 2009/11/17 to 2009/11/23. Some of the aerial photography has been conducted in support of various AAS projects: AAS 3012 (ASAC_3012) AAS 2722 (ASAC_2722) AAS 1034 (ASAC_1034) AAS 3130 (ASAC_3130) A short list of the work carried out: - Long duration over water/sea ice flights for the purposes of "Investigation of physical and biological processes in the Antarctic sea ice zone during spring using in situ, aircraft and underwater observations". - Over-flights at 750m over specific islands in the Vestfold Hills and Rauer Islands known to hold Adelie colonies. - Transects of flights were performed over Davis station, at 500m altitude, taking photos and LIDAR measurements. - The evaluation of the APPLS equipment (camera, LIDAR, electronics, software) was performed and in parallel to the other tasks. - Production a digital elevation model of the Heidemann Bay Area. - Aerial photography / LIDAR of moss beds in the Vestfold Hills area. - The Marine Plain area, south east of Davis, was mapped using LIDAR and aerial imagery for the purposes of general Antarctic information. - The Vestfold Lakes, particularly Lake Druzby, Watts Lake, Lake Nicholson and Crooked Lake provide interesting aerial imagery. - The opportunity was taken to visit the plateau skiway (at 'Woop woop') and estimate the effort in opening the skiway later in the season. - Fly over and photograph the length of the resupply fuel hose from the AA to the shore. - The Russian 'Progress 1 and 2', and Chinese Zhong Shan stations were over flown and aerial imagery collected. Taken from the report: This document describes the results of the use of the APPLS (Aerial Photographic Pyrometer Laser System) at Davis during resupply 2009/2010 (November 17 to 24, 2009). This document is primarily for Science Technical Support use. Portions of the report can be used to provide information on the results obtained to other parts of AAD.