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  • Synchrotron based FTIR macromolecule profiles of 5 diatom species from the AAS_4026 ocean acidification project. Data represent the peak areas for wavenumbers related to key macromolecules. For details on methods see Duncan et al. (2021) New Phytologist. Experimental design and mesocosm set up Mesocosm set up and conditions were as described previously (Deppeler et al., 2018; Hancock et al., 2018). Briefly, a near-shore, natural Antarctic microbial community was collected from an ice-free area among broken fast ice approximately 1km offshore from Davis Station, Antarctica (68° 35ʹ S, 77° 58ʹ E) on 19 November 2014. This community was incubated in 6 x 650L polyurethane tanks (mesocosms) across a gradient of fCO2 levels (343, 506, 634, 953, 1140 and 1641 μatm; denoted M1 – M6). These fCO2 levels corresponded to pH values ranging from 8.17 to 7.57. Temperature was maintained at 0.0 °C ± 0.5 °C and the mesocosms were stirred continuously by a central auger (15 r.p.m.) for gentle mixing and covered with an air-tight lid. Irradiance was initially kept low (0.8 ± 0.2 μmol photons m-2s-1), while cell physiology was left to acclimate to increasing fCO2 levels (over 5 days). When target fCO2 levels were reached in all six mesocosms, light was gradually increased (days 5-8) to 89 ± 16 μmol photons m-2s-1 on a 19 h:5 h light:dark cycle, to mimic current natural conditions. To generate the gradient in carbonate chemistry, filtered seawater saturated with CO2 was added to five of the mesocosms. Daily measurements were taken to monitor pH and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). For details of fCO2 manipulations, analytical procedures and calculations see Deppeler et al., (2018). Samples for physiological and macromolecular measurements in this study were taken on day 18, at the end of the incubation period (Deppeler et al., 2018). Cell volume Cell volume was determined for selected taxa from M1 and M6 via light microscopy. Cells were imaged on a calibrated microscope (Nikon Eclipse Ci-L, Japan) and length, width and height (24-77 cells per taxa) determined using ImageJ software (Schneider et al., 2012). Biovolume was then calculated according to the cell morphology and corresponding equations described by Hillebrand et al (1999). Macromolecular content by FTIR The macromolecular composition of the selected diatom taxa sampled from all six mesocosms on day 18 was determined using Synchrotron based FTIR microspectroscopy on formalin-fixed (2% v/v final concentration) cells. Measurements were made on hydrated cells and processed according to previous studies (Sackett et al. 2103; 2014; Sheehan et al. 2020). Briefly, fixed cells were loaded directly onto a micro-compression cell with a 0.3 mm thick CaF2 window. Spectral data of individual cells (between 15-49 cells per taxon per mesocosm) were collected in transmission mode, using the Infrared Microspectroscopy Beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, in November 2015. Spectra were acquired over the measurement range 4000− 800 cm−1 with a Vertex 80v FTIR spectrometer (Bruker Optics) in conjunction with an IR microscope (Hyperion 2000, Bruker) fitted with a mercury cadmium telluride detector cooled with liquid nitrogen. Co-added interferograms (n = 64) were collected at a wavenumber resolution of 6 cm−1s. To allow for measurements of individual cells, all measurements were made in transmission mode, using a measuring area aperture size of 5 × 5 µm. Spectral acquisition and instrument control were achieved using Opus 6.5 software (Bruker). Normalised spectra of biologically relevant regions revealed absorbance bands representative of key macromolecules were selected. Specifically, the amide II (~1540 cm-1), Free Amino Acid (~1452 cm-1), Carboxylates (~1375 cm-1), Ester carbonyl from lipids (~1745 cm-1) and Saturated Fatty Acids (~2920 cm-1) bands were selected. Infra-red spectral data were analysed using custom made scripts in R (R Development Core Team 2018). The regions of 3050-2800, 1770-1100 cm-1, which contain the major biological were selected for analysis. Spectral data were smoothed (4 pts either side) and second derivative (3rd order polynomial) transformed using the Savitzky-Golay algorithm from the prospectr package in R (Stevens and Ramirez-Lopez, 2014) and then normalised using the method of Single Normal Variate (SNV). Macromolecular content for individual taxon was estimated based on integrating the area under each assigned peak, providing metabolite content according to the Beer-Lambert Law, which assumes a direct relationship between absorbance and relative analyte concentration (Wagner et al., 2010). Integrated peak areas provide relative changes in macromolecular content between samples. Because of the differences in absorption properties of macromolecules, peak areas can only be used as relative measure within compounds.

  • These data were generated by Raffaella Tolotti ( thanks to a scholarship founded by the Italian P.N.R.A. ‘TYTAN Project (PdR 14_00119): ‘Totten Glacier dYnamics and Southern Ocean circulation impact on deposiTional processes since the mid-lAte CeNozoic’ (Principal Investigator Dr. Donda Federica, Dr. Caburlotto A. - OGS, Trieste) and University of Genova (DISTAV - Prof. Corradi Nicola). These data are based on samples collected during research cruise IN2017_V01 of the RV Investigator, co-chief scientists, Leanne Armand and Phil O’Brien and were collected to provide paleoceanographic and bio/ stratigraphic information on Aurora Basin Antarctic margin evolution. The IN2017-V01post-cruise report is available through open access via the e-document portal through the ANU library. The document DOI: 10.4225/13/5acea64c48693 The preferred citation are: L.K. Armand, P.E. O’Brien and On-board Scientific Party. 2018. Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles (IN2017-V01): Post-survey report, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University: Canberra, Donda F., Leitchenkov, Brancolini G., Romeo R., De Santis L., Escutia C., O'Brien P., Armand L., Caburlotto, A., Cotterle, D., 2020. The influence of Totten Glacier on the Late Cenozoic sedimentary record. Antarctic Science, 1 -3; http://doi:10.1017/S0954102020000188 O’Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., Edwards, S., Martin, T., Carburlotto, A., Donda, F., Leitchenkov, G., Romero, R., Duffy, M., Evangelinos, D., Holder, L., Leventer, A., López-Quirós, A., Opdyke, B.N., and Armand, L.K. in press. Continental slope and rise geomorphology seaward of the Totten Glacier, East Antarctica (112°E-122°E). Marine Geology. Samples for diatom analysis were collected on board ship immediately after core recovery. Sub-samples were sent, according to the Australian standard procedures, to the DISTAV sedimentological laboratory in Genoa (Italy) and prepared for the micro-paleontological analysis according to the laboratory’s protocol (imported and tested from Salamanca University lab.; Referring Prof. Bárcena). Smear-slides and the qualitative-quantitative analyses were performed every 20 cm. Previous onboard smear slides analyses on PC03 highlighted notable variations from the other piston cores, containing some older diatom species. Moreover this core exceptionally did not exhibit a clear cyclicity like the others. It was so assumed to target a condensed sedimentary sequence giving access to older sediments. The further, more in-depth diatom biostratigraphic and quantitative analyses were performed in accordance with the international stratigraphic guide (, with the pluri-decennial DSDP and IODP Antarctic diatom biostratigraphic reports and specific papers (see References). Sample preparation, diatom species identification and counting were those described in Schrader and Gersonde (1978), Barde (1981 - modified) and Bodén (1991). Diatom analysis was performed with an immersion 1000x LM Reichert Jung-Polyvar microscope (Wien). Whenever possible, almost 300 diatom valves were counted per slide following the counting methodology presented in Schrader and Gersonde (1978). When diatom concentration proved too low or too concentrated, slides with modified concentrations have been prepared to optimize counting and identification while at least one hundred fields-of-view per poor concentration slide have been analyzed. For samples that were too diatom-poor, the over-concentration of material on the slides resulted in limiting resolution and taxonomic identification of the rare and mostly fragmented valves. Where diatom occurrence was rare only major fragments (>50%) or entire valves were counted. The file (.xls) contains 2 sheets: Sheet: PC03 diatoms dataset. The absolute diatom valve concentration (ADA= Absolute Valves Abundance) was then calculated following Abrantes et al. (2005), Warnock and Scherer (2014) and ADA in Taylor, Silva and Riesselmann (2018), taking in account initial weights, concentration of the samples and microscope’s characteristics, as the number of valves per gram of dry sediment. Diatoms were identified to species level following Crosta et al. (2005), Armand et al. (2005), Cefarelli et al. (2010) for modern assemblages. Older diatom taxa were identified following Gersonde et Bárcena, 1998, Witkowski et al., 2014; Bohaty et al., 2011; Gombos, 1985; Gombos, 2007; Gersonde et al., 1990; Barron et al., 2004; Harwood et al., 2001; Harwood etal., 1992. Species were considered extinct when observed stratigraphically higher than extinction boundaries as identified by Cody et al. (2008) but the coexistence or the alternation in the stratigraphic sequence of taxa referring to different biostratigraphic age ranges were considered signs of reworking. Sheet: PC03 tephra dataset. During LM microscopic observations some volcanic glass shards were observed first in smear slides and then counted during the activities of microfossils count for diatoms. This allowed to obtain the number of glass shards/g. dry sed. useful to compare with diatom and sediment datasets. Core location: Station_core Longitude Latitude A006_PC03 115.043 -64.463 Depth: The core was taken at Site A006 that was chosen into an overbank deposit on the upper western side of a turbidite channel (Minang-a Canyon) (Fig. 39 – Armand et al., 2017; O’Brien et al., 2020). The setting is at 1862 m depth, shallower respect the other cores. A possible higher energy environment, with a lower sedimentation rate has been first supposed. Temporal coverage: Start date: 2017-01-14 - Stop date: 2018-11-30 References: Armand, L.K., X. Crosta, O. Romero, J. J. Pichon (2005). The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 1. Sea ice related species, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 223, 93-126. Cefarelli, A.O., M. E. Ferrario, G. O. Almandoz, A. G. Atencio, R. Akselman, M. Vernet (2010). Diversity of the diatom genus Fragilariopsis in the Argentine Sea and Antarctic waters: morphology, distribution and abundance, Polar Biology, 33(2), 1463-1484. Cody, R., R. H. Levy, D. M. Harwood, P. M. Sadler (2008). Thinking outside the zone: High-resolution quantitative diatom biochronology for the Antarctic Neogene, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 260, 92-121; doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.08.020 Crosta, X., O. Romero, L. K. Armand, J. Pichon (2005). The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 2. Open ocean related species, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 223, 66-92. Rebesco, M., E. Domack, F. Zgur, C. Lavoie, A. Leventer, S. Brachfeld, V. Willmott, G. Halverson, M. Truffer, T. Scambos, J. Smith, E. Pettit (2014). Boundary condition of grounding lines prior to collapse, Larsen-B Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Science, 345, 1354-1358. Warnock, J. P., R. P. Scherer (2014). A revised method for determining the absolute abundance of diatoms, J. Paleolimnol.; doi:10.1007/s10933-014-9808-0 Witkowski, J., Bohaty, S.M., McCartney, K., Harwood, D.M., (2012) . Enhanced siliceous plankton productivity in response to middle Eocene warming at Southern Ocean ODP Sites 748 and 749 Palaeogeog., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol., 326–328, 78–94; doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.02.006 Witkowski, J., Bohaty, S.M., Edgar, K.M., Harwood, D.M., (2014). Rapid fluctuations in mid-latitude siliceous plankton production during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (ODP Site 1051, Western North Atlantic). Mar. Micropal., 106, 110–129. Raffaella Tolotti unpublished data

  • Diatom and biogenic particle fluxes were investigated over a two-year and six-year periods at the Subantarctic and Polar Frontal Zones, respectively, in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Both sites were located along ~ 140 degrees E: station 47 degrees S was set on the abyssal plain of the central SAZ whereas station 54 degrees S was placed on a bathymetric high of the Southeast Indian Ridge in the PFZ. The data sets contain diatom species and biogeochemical flux data measured at 1000 m at the 47 degrees S site between 1999-2001 and at 800 m at the 54 degrees S site during six selected years between 1997-2007. All traps were MacLane Parflux sediment traps: conical in shape with a 0.5 m2 opening area and equipped with a carousel of 13 or 21 sampling cups. Shortest intervals corresponded with the austral summer and autumn ranging typically between 4.25 and 10 days, whereas the longest intervals were 60 days and corresponded with winter. Total fluxes of particulates at both traps were highly seasonal, with maxima registered during the austral spring and summer and very low fluxes during winter. Seasonality was more pronounced in the 54 degrees S site. Biogenic silica (SiO2) was the dominant bulk component in the PFZ while carbonate (CaCO3) dominated the particle fluxes at the SAZ. POC export was relatively similar between sites despite significant differences in the total diatom flux. Diatom frustules from 94 taxa were identified over the entire experiment. The dominant species of the diatom assemblage was Fragilariopsis kerguelensis at both sites, representing 43% and 59% of the integrated diatom assemblage at the 47 degrees S and 54 degrees S sites, respectively. Secondary contributors to the diatom assemblage at the 47 degrees S were Azpeitia tabularis, Thalassiosira sp. 1, Nitzschia bicapitata, resting spores of Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira oestrupii var. oestrupii, Hemidiscus cuneiformis and Roperia tesselata. Subordinate contributions to the diatom assemblage correspond to Pseudo-nitzschia lineola cf. lineola, Pseudo-nitzschia heimii, Thalassiosira gracilis group and Fragilariopsis pseudonana, Fragilariopsis rhombica and Thalassiosira lentiginosa. Data available: two excel files containing sampling dates and depths, raw counts, relative abundance and fluxes (valves m-2 d-1) of the diatom species, and biogenic particle fluxes measured at 1000 m and 800 m depth at the 47 degrees S and 54 degrees S sites, respectively. Each file contains four spreadsheets: raw diatom valve counts, relative abundance of diatom species and valve flux of diatom species and biogenic particle composition and fluxes. Detailed information of the column headings is provided below. Cup - Cup (=sample) number Depth - vertical location of the sediment trap in meters below the surface Mid-point date - Mid date of the sampling interval Length (days) - number of days the cup was open Girdle bands instead of valves were counted for Dactyliosolen antarcticus Castracane. Therefore, D. antarcticus girdles counts were not included in relative abundance calculations. Dates of data collection: 47 degrees S site: July 1999 - October 2001 (two-year record) 54 degrees S site: September 1997 - February 1998, July 1999 - August 2000, November 2002 - October 2004 and December 2005 - October 2007 (six-year record).

  • Major element analyses of sediment in cores IN2017-V01-A005-PC01 and IN2017-V01-C012-PC05 collected using an Avaatech XRF scanner. Analyses taken every 50 mm. Piston cores were collected from the continental slope off the Sabrina Coast, seaward of the Totten Glacier. Cores were split, described and sampled for grain size, diatom assemblages and age dating. The archive half was then scammed using the Avaatech XRF scanner at Australian National University. The scanner works by analysing a spot every 5 cm down core for major elements using Xray Florescence to give an estimate of element abundance in counts per second. This can be converted into weight percent by analysing a calibration set of samples using other techniques (e.g. ICPMS) or to display the relative change in element abundances down core. The full suite of elements are obtained by 3 runs using different source energy levels. The files are labelled according to the energy level (in kv -kilovolts) of the source for 3 runs. Elements analysed in each run are: 10kv - Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Rh 30kv - Cu, Zn, Ga, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Pb, Bi 50kv - Ag, Cd, Sn, Te, Ba.

  • This dataset was collected as part of an honours project by Jessica Wilks at Macquarie University (submitted May 2012). The samples analysed were taken from an expedition conducted by Dr Leanne Armand in 2011 as part of the KEOPS2 mission (KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water). During this mission 7 locations (A3-1, A3-2, E1-3, E14W2, NPF-L, R2 and TEW) around the Kerguelen Plateau were sampled for seafloor sediment. This study involved identification of over 50 species of diatoms as part of a species assemblage/ distribution study. A photograph of each diatom encountered in this study is included in the attached plates.

  • Diatom data from IN2017_V01: These data were generated by Amy Leventer ( and undergraduate students at Colgate University, including Isabel Dove, Meghan Duffy, and Meaghan Kendall. All questions regarding the specifics of these data should be directed to Amy Leventer. These data are based on samples collected during research cruise IN2017_V01 of the RV Investigator, co-chief scientists, Leanne Armand and Phil O’Brien. The IN2017-V01post-cruise report is available through open access via the e-document portal through the ANU library. The document DOI: 10.4225/13/5acea64c48693 The preferred citation is: L.K. Armand, P.E. O’Brien and On-board Scientific Party. 2018. Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles (IN2017-V01): Post-survey report, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University: Canberra, Samples for diatom analysis were collected on board ship immediately after core recovery. Samples were dried in an oven at 50 degrees C prior to analytical work. Quantitative diatom slides were prepared according to the settling technique of Warnock and Scherer (2014). Cover slips were adhered to the slides using Norland Optical Adhesive #61. Slides were observed under Olympus CX31, BX50 and BX60, and Zeiss Primo Star light microscopes, using a 100X oil immersion objective for a total magnification of 1000X. A minimum of 400 valves or 10 transects was counted for each slide, depending on the absolute diatom abundance. Interglacial samples were relatively diatom-rich, consequently counts of 400 specimens were possible. However, most glacial samples were diatom-poor, making it very difficult and time-consuming to count 400 specimens. Under these conditions, 10 transects were counted, as has been done in previous studies of sediments with very low diatom concentrations (Rebesco et al., 2014). Valves were only counted if greaster than 50% complete. Diatoms were identified to species level when possible (Crosta et al., 2005; Armand et al., 2005; Cefarelli et al., 2010). Occurrences of biostratigraphic markers were noted and tallied concurrently. Species were considered extinct when observed stratigraphically higher than extinction boundaries as identified by Cody et al. (2008). Station_core Longitude Latitude A005_KC02_PC01 115.623 -64.471 A006_KC03 115.043 -64.463 A042_KC14 116.6403 -64.5387 C012_KC04_PC05 119.3012 -64.675 C013_KC05 119.0183 -64.6538 C015_KC06 118.696 -64.729 C018_KC07 118.498 -64.401 C020_KC08 119.739 -64.794 C022_KC11 120.049 -65.1313 C025_KC12_PC08 120.8635 -64.9538 C038_KC13 119.1035 -64.4828 Armand, L.K., X. Crosta, O. Romero, J. J. Pichon (2005), The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 1. Sea ice related species, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 223, 93-126. Cefarelli, A.O., M. E. Ferrario, G. O. Almandoz, A. G. Atencio, R. Akselman, M. Vernet (2010), Diversity of the diatom genus Fragilariopsis in the Argentine Sea and Antarctic waters: morphology, distribution and abundance, Polar Biology, 33(2), 1463-1484. Cody, R., R. H. Levy, D. M. Harwood, P. M. Sadler (2008), Thinking outside the zone: High-resolution quantitative diatom biochronology for the Antarctic Neogene, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 260, 92-121, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.08.020 Crosta, X., O. Romero, L. K. Armand, J. Pichon (2005), The biogeography of major diatom taxa in Southern Ocean sediments: 2. Open ocean related species, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 223, 66-92. Rebesco, M., E. Domack, F. Zgur, C. Lavoie, A. Leventer, S. Brachfeld, V. Willmott, G. Halverson, M. Truffer, T. Scambos, J. Smith, E. Pettit (2014), Boundary condition of grounding lines prior to collapse, Larson-B Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Science, 345, 1354-1358. Warnock, J. P., R. P. Scherer (2014), A revised method for determining the absolute abundance of diatoms, J. Paleolimnol., doi:10.1007/s10933-014-9808-0 These data were collected to provide paleoceanographic and biostratigraphic information. Amy Leventer, Isabel Dove, Meghan Duffy, and Meaghan Kendall unpublished data

  • Diatom and biogenic particle fluxes were investigated over a one-year period (2001-02) at the southern Antarctic Zone in the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Two vertically moored sediment traps were deployed at 60 degrees 44.43'S 139 degrees 53.97' E at 2000 and 3800 m below sea-level. In these data sets we present the results on the temporal and vertical variability of total diatom flux, species composition and biogenic particle fluxes during a year. A detailed description of the field experiment, sample processing and counting methods can be found in Rigual-Hernandez et al. (2015). Total fluxes of particulates at both traps were highly seasonal, with maxima registered during the austral summer (up to 1151 mg m-2 d-1 at 2000 m and 1157 mg m-2 d-1 at 3700 m) and almost negligible fluxes during winter (up to 42 mg m-2 d-1 at 2000 m and below detection limits at 3700 m). Particulate fluxes were slightly higher at 2000 m than at 3700 m (deployment average = 261 and 216 mg m-2 d-1, respectively). Biogenic silica (SiO2) was the dominant bulk component, regardless of the sampling period or depth (deployment average = 76% at 2000 and 78% at 3700 m). Highest relative contribution of opal was registered from the end of summer through early-autumn at both depths. Secondary contributors were carbonate (CaCO3) (7% at 2000 m and 9% at 3700 m) and particulate organic carbon (POC) (1.4% at 2000 m and 1.2% at 3700 m). The relative concentration of carbonate and POC was at its highest in austral spring and summer. Diatom frustules from 61 taxa were identified over the entire experiment. The dominant species of the diatom assemblage was Fragilariopsis kerguelensis with a mean flux between 53 x 106 and 60 x 106 valves m-2 day-1 at 2000 m (annualized mean and deployment average, respectively). Secondary contributors to the diatom assemblage at 2000 and 3700 m were Thalassiosira lentiginosa, Thalassiosira gracilis var. gracilis, Fragilariopsis separanda, Fragilariopsis pseudonana, Fragilariopsis rhombica, Fragilariopsis curta and Azpeitia tabularis. Data available: two excel files containing sampling dates and depths, raw counts, relative abundance and fluxes (valves m-2 d-1) of the diatom species, and biogenic particle fluxes found at 2000 m and 3700 m depth. Each file contains four spreadsheets: raw diatom valve counts, relative abundance of diatom species and valve flux of diatom species and biogenic particle composition and fluxes. Detailed information of the column headings is provided below. Cup - Cup (=sample) number Depth - vertical location of the sediment trap in meters below the surface Mid-point date - Mid date of the sampling interval Length (days) - number of days the cup was open Girdle bands instead of valves were counted for Dactyliosolen antarcticus Castracane. Therefore, D. antarcticus girdles counts were not included in relative abundance calculations

  • This dataset was collected as part of an honours project by Jessica Wilks at Macquarie University (submitted May 2012). The samples analysed were taken from an expedition conducted by Dr Leanne Armand in 2011 as part of the KEOPS2 mission (KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water). During this mission 7 locations (A3-1, A3-2, E1-3, E14W2, NPF-L, R2 and TEW) around the Kerguelen Plateau were sampled for seafloor sediment. Each attached spreadsheet represents the data from one of these locations. Three tubes of sediment were taken for each location. The data within each spreadsheet is separate for the three tubes. After the tubes of seafloor sediment were processed to remove organic material and carbonates (leaving nothing but siliceous material, primarily diatoms) slides were made with a small amount of material, three slides per tube of sediment. Diatoms were identified using a light microscope at 40x magnification. Approximately 400 frustules were counter per tube (ie per set of 3 slides) in order to represent the diversity of the species present. The number of each species or subspecies of diatom are tallied in the spreadsheets attached. Species identifications follow Armand et al 2008. Other information in the attached spreadsheets includes the seafloor depth at the point of sampling, the distance from the Kerguelen shoreline at the point of sampling, the amount of suspended material used on each slide, the number of field of view (at 40X) viewed to count the quota of 400 diatom frustules, and the calculated number of frustules/ gram of dry sediment weight. Counting protocol: centric frustules were counted only when 1) more than half of the frustule was intact; and 2) the frustule was clearly identifiable. If 1) but not 2) then the frustule was counted as "unidentified centric". For Rhizosolenia spp, frustules were couned if the apex was present and identifiable, otherwise it was counted as "R. unknown". Thalassiothrix and Tricotoxon were only counted if one end was present and identifiable. The number was later divided by 2, to give the number of complete frustules. Abbreviations: A. spp= Actinocyclus As. spp= Asteromphalus Az. spp= Azpeita Ch. spp= Chaetoceros Co. spp= Coscinodiscus C. spp= Cocconeis D. spp= Dactyliosen E. spp= Eucampia F. spp= Fragilariopsis O. spp= Odontella P. spp= Paralia Po. spp= Porosira R. spp= Rhizosolenia Th. spp= Thalassionema T. spp= Thalassiosira Locations A3-1, Kerguelen Plateau: -50.65333 S, 72.04 E A3-2, Kerguelen Plateau: -50.64722 S, 72.07 E E1-3, Kerguelen Plateau: -48.11667 S, 71.96667 E E14W2, Kerguelen Plateau: -48.7775 S, 71.43833 E NPF-L, Kerguelen Plateau: -48.62417 S, 74.81222 E R2, Kerguelen Plateau: -50.39389 S, 66.69944 E TEW, Kerguelen Plateau: -49.16083 S, 69.83389 E

  • From the abstract of the referenced paper: Spring phytoplankton communities in the water column of Ellis Fjord are characterised by diatoms originating from the bottom sea-ice strand community. Upon ice break-out in early summer, these are replaced by blooms of the phytoflagellates, Phaeocystis puchetii, Cryptomonas cryophila, Pyramimonas gelidicola, silicoflagellates and dinoflagellates. The narrow entrance of the fjord and the development of summer stratification is probably limiting the availability of nutrients and containing the magnitude of the small bloom (maximum 2.8 million cells per litre).

  • The collection aims to showcase the range of Southern Ocean diatom species found in the major hydrological provinces of the Australian Sector of the Southern Ocean along the 140 degrees E. The collection includes specimens collected in the Sub-Antarctic Zone (SAZ), Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) and Antarctic Zone (AZ). Samples were collected with McLane Parflux time series sediment traps placed at several depths in the SAZ (47 degrees S site), PFZ (54 degrees S site) and AZ and (61 degrees S site) during the decade 1997-2007. The shortest sampling intervals were eight days and corresponded with the austral summer and autumn, whereas the longest interval was 60 days and corresponded with austral winter. Split aliquots were obtained for taxonomic analysis via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For improved taxonomic imaging, samples were treated with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide to remove carbonates and organic matter, respectively. A micropipette was used to transfer the suspension of selected samples to a round-glass cover slip following standard decantation method outlined by Barcena and Abrantes (1998). Samples were air-dried and coated with gold for SEM analysis. SEM analysis was carried out using a JEOL 6480LV scanning electron microscope. Taxonomy Diatoms include all algae from the Class Bacillariophyceae and follow the standardised taxonomy of World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Order Asterolamprales Family Asterolampraceae Asteromphalus hookeri Ehrenberg Asteromphalus hyalinus Karsten Order Achnanthales Family Cocconeidaceae Cocconeis sp. Order Bacillariales Family Bacillariaceae Fragilariopsis curta (Van Heurck) Hustedt Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) Krieger Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O'Meara) Hustedt Fragilariopsis pseudonana (Hasle) Hasle Fragilariopsis rhombica (O'Meara) Hustedt Fragilariopsis separanda Hustedt Nitzschia bicapitata Cleve Nitzschia kolaczeckii Grunow Nitzschia sicula (Castracane) Husted var. bicuneata (Grunow) Hasle Nitzschia sicula (Castracane) Husted var. rostrata Hustedt Pseudo-nitzschia heimii Manguin Pseudo-nitzschia lineola (Cleve) Hasle Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides Hasle Order Chaetocerotanae incertae sedis Family Chaetoceraceae Chaetoceros aequatorialis var. antarcticus Cleve Chaetoceros atlanticus Cleve Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg Chaetoceros peruvianus Brightwell Chaetoceros sp. Order Corethrales Family Corethraceae Corethron spp. Order Coscinodiscales Family Coscinodiscaceae Stellarima stellaris (Roper) Hasle et Sims Family Hemidiscaceae Actinocyclus sp. Azpeitia tabularis (Grunow) Fryxell et Sims Hemidiscus cuneiformis Wallich Roperia tesselata (Roper) Grunow Order Hemiaulales Family Hemiaulaceae Eucampia antarctica (Castracane) Mangin Order Naviculales Family Plagiotropidaceae Tropidoneis group Family Naviculaceae Navicula directa (Smith) Ralfs Family Pleurosigmataceae Pleurosigma sp. Order Rhizosoleniales Family Rhizosoleniaceae Dactyliosolen antarcticus Castracane Rhizosolenia antennata f. semispina Sundstrom Rhizosolenia antennata (Ehrenberg) Brown f. antennata Rhizosolenia cf. costata Gersonde Rhizosolenia polydactyla Castracane f. polydactyla Rhizosolenia simplex Karsten Proboscia alata (Brightwell) Sundstrom Proboscia inermis (Castracane) Jordan Ligowski Order Thalassiosirales Family Thalassiosiraceae Porosira pseudodenticulata (Hustedt) Jouse Thalassiosira ferelineata Hasle et Fryxell Thalassiosira gracilis (Karsten) Hustedt Thalassiosira lentiginosa (Janisch) Fryxell Thalassiosira oestrupii (Ostenfeld) Hasle var. oestrupii Fryxell et Hasle Thalassiosira oliveriana (O'Meara) Makarova et Nikolaev Thalassiosira tumida (Janisch) Hasle Order Thalassionematales Family Thalassionemataceae Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolatum Grunow Thalassiothrix antarctica Schimper ex Karsten Data available: 73 SEM images of the most abundant diatom species found at the three sampling sites. Samples were collected by several sediment traps placed at different depths in the Subantarctic Zone (47 degrees S site), Polar Frontal Zone (54 degrees S site) and Antarctic Zone (61 degrees S site) during the decade 1997-2007. The collection site and date for each species image can be found in Table 1 (see the word document in the download file).