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Surveys were conducted at the eastern and western ends of Heard Island during the 1987/1988 season. Burrow densities in different habitat types (vegetated and unvegetated) were determined from fixed width transects. Extensive areas at both ends of the island were surveyed and detailed information was obtained on distribution and abundance on 4 species of burrowing petrels. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 451 (ASAC_451). This work also falls under the umbrella project, ASAC 1219 (ASAC_1219).
Distribution and abundance of breeding seabirds at Heard I and the McDonald Is. This dataset comprises a broad range of component datasets derived from ground surveys aerial photography and oblique photography. Since the data have also been derived from old station logs for the 1947-54 period, and from published and unpublished records for the 1947-present day period. Aerial and oblique photography has been used to obtain supplementary information on distribution and abundance of seabirds in the region. Recent surveys, 2000/01 onwards, have made use of GPS for more precise geographic information on seabird nests and colonies. At present there are a number of child metadata records attached to this record. See the link above for details.