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  • Flying bird breeding colonies on Macquarie Island. This is a polygon dataset stored in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Attributes include the species name and the time of the year during which breeding occurs. The species include Black-browed Albatross, Grey-headed albatross, Southern Giant-Petrel and Wandering Albatross.

  • This dataset represents Weddell Seal haulout and pupping sites in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. The data were sourced from a dataset compiled by Samantha Lake and described by the metadata record 'Distribution of Weddell seals pupping at the Vestfold Hills'. She used a reporting grid described by the metadata record 'Weddell seal reporting grid of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica' to show observations made over 24 years (pupping areas) and 28 years (non-breeding areas). The map Samantha produced of pupping areas is linked to the metadata record 'Distribution of Weddell seals pupping at the Vestfold Hills'. Polygons were generated by copying relevant grid rectangles from a digital version of the reporting grid, referring to the maps produced by Samantha; the grid rectangles used were those in which there had been greater than 20 observations (pupping), 17 observations (non-breeding). The data was used in an A3 map of the Vestfold Hills published by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre in October 2001 and which is available from a Related URL below. The data are included in the data available for download from a Related URL below. The data conform to the SCAR Feature Catalogue which includes data quality information. See a Related URL below. Data described by this metadata record has Dataset_id = 155. Each feature has a Qinfo number which, when entered at the 'Search datasets & quality' tab, provides data quality information for the feature.

  • This dataset contains the outdated and redundant bathymetric contour data for some of the lakes of the Vestfold Hills. Lake data for Burton Lake, Deep lake and Ellis Fjord.

  • The RAN Australian Hydrographic Service conducted hydrographic survey HI514 at Mawson, February to March 2012. The areas surveyed were the entrance to Horseshoe Harbour and the western side of West Arm. There is also a single line of soundings east of Evans Island. The survey dataset, which includes the Report of Survey, was provided to the Australian Antarctic Data Centre by the Australian Hydrographic Office and is available for download (see a Related URL). The vertical datum of the soundings is Lowest Astronomical Tide, 0.83 metres below Mean Sea Level. The survey was lead by LT C.E.Diplock. The data are not suitable for navigation.

  • This data set contains locations of sample sites for Ellis Fjord (1989), Organic Lake (1985) and Deep Lake (1975, 1975) in the Vestfold Hills. Unfortunately little is known as to what samples were collected. It is believed that water samples were taken at all locations, and that bottom sediment samples were taken at least at Deep Lake. When questioned in 2009, the investigating scientist was unable to remember exactly what work was done. The original maps may provide some clues.

  • Ice shelf surface elevation data from an oversnow ground-based traverse along the centre of the Amery Ice Shelf from A509 (69.06 S, 72.15 E) to T4 (71.22 S, 69.48 E), including two transverse arms; between G1 (69.49 S, 71.72 E) and A119 (69.81 S, 73.28 E); and between T3 (70.79 S, 68.89 E) and T2 (71.00 S, 70.75 E) during the 1968 spring-summer season. More information can be found at the BEDMAP website. The fields in this dataset are: Mission ID Latitude Longitude Ice Thickness Surface Elevation Water Column Thickness Bed Elevation

  • This layer is stored as two datasets (point and polygon)in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Points represent landing areas, mammal, flying bird and penguin data. Polygons represent the horizontal flight limits of helicopters and areas set aside for specific management purposes.

  • Personnel: B.A.Murphy (1985), I.P.Kaczerepa (1984-85), R.A.Sheridan (1984-85, 1985-86), E.W.MacGibbon. The primary aim of the 1984-85 summer surveying program was to continue with the establishment of the vertical control network on Long, Broad and Mule Peninsulas which would enable periodic and accurate monitoring of water level fluctuations of specified fresh and saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills. Other work completed included Davis magnetic and gravity stations, Department of Housing and Construction site surveys, coordination of RAN Miniranger sites, deployment of tide gauges and horizontal control station surveys. During the 1985-86 summer survey program two major tasks were to be undertaken. The first was to complete loop closures of vertical control networks on Long, Broad and Mule Peninsulas and the second to coordinate Dr Gallagher's long/cross section origin points along the length of Ellis Fjord. Miscellaneous other survey tasks were also carried out including deployment of a tide gauge.

  • In July 1989 a circular was distributed calling for applicants for survey duties in the Antarctic over the 1989-90 summer season. The aim of this survey was to carry out a number of survey tasks in the Vestfold Hills, Larsemann Hills, Mawson and the Southern Prince Charles Mountains. It soon became apparent that for logistic reasons deployment in the PCMs would be difficult and this part of the survey was deleted. Job reports for this survey season : Larsemann Hills Photo control; SPOT Image control Rauer Group; Law Base; Russian tide gauge conn. Russian Primary Mark connection; Russian ice runway; Blundell Peak; Vestfold Hills; GPS baselines; Ancient Marine terraces, Lake water levels, Over Ice route markers, Mawson Pageos connection. Includes text, tables, aerial photographs and diagrams.

  • This dataset represents the collected work arising from ASAC projects 263, 351, 497 and 716 (ASAC_263, ASAC_351, ASAC_497, ASAC_716). The data are pooled together into a single excel file, and presented by year. Descriptions/explanations of acronyms used are given at the bottom of each spreadsheet. One worksheet also details all publications arising from (and related to) the four ASAC projects. The full titles of the four ASAC projects are: ASAC 263: Metamorphic Evolution and Tectonic Setting of Granulites from Eastern Prydz Bay ASAC 351: The Role of Partial Melting in the Genesis of Mafic Migmatites and Orthogenesis within the Rauer islands ASAC 497: Structural and Chemical Processes in Granulite Metamorphism: the Rauer Group and Brattstrand Bluffs Region, Prydz Bay ASAC 716: Archaean Crustal Accretion Histories and Significance for Geological Correlations Between the Vestfold Block and Rauer Group The fields in this dataset are: Archive Collector Sample Number Location Location Code Latitude Longitude Field description Collected for Reported in Comments Type Grid reference Worker