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Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1212. See the link below for public details on this project. ---- Public Summary from Project ---- This project aims to improve ship-based sea-ice thickness measurements made using an electromagnetic induction device by performing a theoretical analysis of the sensitivity of the electromagnetic instrument to factors such as instrument height and orientation, ice conductivity and thickness, and seawater conductivity. The results of the theoretical study will be used to assist the interpretation of an existing sea-ice thickness data set from the Mertz Glacier polynya cruise (V1, 1999/2000). The data set consists of the results of numerical modelling of the response of the EM31 electromagnetic instrument to typical one- and three-dimensional sea ice structures. One-dimensional model calculations were performed using software written specifically for the project. Three-dimensional model calculations were performed using Marco_air version 2.3, written by Z. Xiong and A. Raiche, CSIRO Mathematical Geophysics Group. Technical descriptions of this program are given in the preceding References section. The download file below contains some numerical output from the models, as well as a detailed description of the models used.
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 29 Mar 1993 - 30 Mar 1993 Observers: Tony Worby, Vicky Lytle, Rob Massom, Paul Scott, Kelvin Michael Summary of voyage track: Short transect south of the ice edge at approx 65S, along approx 140E. This voyage was cut short due to a medical emergency only one day after entering the pack ice. The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 22 Apr 1995 - 27 Apr 1995 Observers: Arne Sorenson Summary of voyage track: From Casey to the ice edge. The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 02 Oct 1997 - 26 Oct 1997 Observers: Michael Wall Summary of voyage track: 2/10 Ice edge at approx. 62S, 114E 2-5/10 Vessel steamed from ice edge to Casey 8-18/10 Vessel steamed from Casey to 66E 18-22/10 Vessel stopped in ice (rudder damage) 22-26/10 Vessel steamed east to Davis The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: United States Vessel: Kapitan Khlebnikov Dates in ice: 10 Nov 1995 - 22 Nov 1995 Observers: Steve Ackley Summary of voyage track: 10/11 At ice edge at approx. 60S, 44W 10-12/11 Heading east 13-17/11 Heading predominantly south along approx 10-15W 19-22/11 Heading north along approx same track as route south 22/11 Ice edge at approx. 60S, 27W The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 16 Oct 1990 - 10 Nov 1990 Observers: Rob Kiernan, Martin Higham, Smart, Smyth Summary of voyage track: 16/10 Ice edge at 61d07mS, 115d19mE 16-18/10 Vessel steamed from ice edge to Casey 20-30/10 Vessel steamed from Casey to Mawson 1-4/11 Vessel steamed from Mawson to Davis 8-10/11 Vessel steamed from Davis to ice edge at 61d10'S, 83d37mE The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 20 Mar 1999 - 26 Mar 1999 Observers: Petra Heil Summary of voyage track: 20/3 Ice edge at approx. 65S, 65E 20-21/3 Ice edge to Mawson 24-26/3 Mawson to Davis The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Polar Sea Dates in ice: 19 Dec 1998 - 01 Jan 1999 Observers: Tony Worby Summary of voyage track: 19/12 Ice edge at approx. 63S, 140E 19-21/12 From ice edge to coast 22-28/12 Steamed west to approx 177W 28/12 - 1/1 Steamed south into the Ross Sea The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: Australia Vessel: Aurora Australis Dates in ice: 22 Jul 1999 - 31 Aug 1999 Observers: Tony Worby, Ian Allison, Vicky Lytle, Rob Massom, Anton Rada, Matt Paget, Andrew Roberts Summary of voyage track: 22/7 Ice edge at approx. 62S, 143E 22/7 - 31/8 Complicated voyage track in and around the Mertz Glacier polynya CTD loops around the polynya region: Loop 1: 5-7/8 Loop 2: 12-14/8 Loop 3: 20-22/8 The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS
These data describe pack ice characteristics in the Antarctic sea ice zone. These data are in the ASPeCt format. National program: United States Vessel: Endurance Dates in ice: 17 Jan 1998 - 13 Feb 1998 Observers: Steve Ackley, Elizabeth Hunke Summary of voyage track: 17/1 Ice edge at approx. 57S, 31W 17-20/1 South along approx 30W 21/1-2/2 West in toward Antarctic peninsula 3-13/2 East along ice shelf to approx. 8W 13/3 North to ice edge at approx. 68S, 12W The fields in this dataset are: SEA ICE CONCENTRATION SEA ICE FLOE SIZE SEA ICE SNOW COVER SEA ICE THICKNESS SEA ICE TOPOGRAPHY SEA ICE TYPE RECORD DATE TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE OPEN WATER TRACK SNOW THICKNESS SNOW TYPE SEA TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE WIND VELOCITY WIND DIRECTION FILM COUNTER FRAME COUNTER FOR FILM VIDEO RECORDER COUNTER VISIBILITY CODE CLOUD WEATHER CODE COMMENTS