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This dataset contains data on the habitats, distribution and numbers of Adelie Penguins (Pygoscellis adeliae) along the Vestfold Hills coast (including colonies on the mainland and offshore islands) during November 1973. The data are obtained from counts at the colonies and black and white photographs. Some aerial photographs were taken at Davis in 1981-82 and 1987-88, and will be compared to the results of this survey. The results are listed in the documentation. A total of 174178 26127 breeding pairs were counted. An increase in Adelie penguin population was found at most locations in East Antarctica. Data from this record has been incorporated into a larger Adelie penguin dataset described by the metadata record - Annual population counts at selected Adelie Penguin colonies within the AAT (SOE_seabird_candidate_sp_AP). It also falls under ASAC project 1219 (ASAC_1219).
This dataset contains sporadic shore based observations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) from Macquarie Island from 1989 to 1998 (inclusive). The following data are included in the dataset: Date and time of observation (Australian Eastern Standard Time) The name of the observer The location of the observation (the beach or bay from which the observation was made). The latitude and longitude of the sighted animal (WGS84). The sex of the animal (M=Male, F=Female) (where available). Lifestage of the animal (where available). The observed individual count. Extra notes relating to the observation.
This dataset contains the results from studies of the Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina) at Macquarie Island. Results from branding surveys and photographs between 1950 and 1965 are reported. Numbers, life stage, sex, moult stage and migration patterns have been reported.
This database is a compendium of histories of known age seals (leopard) from observations across the Southern Ocean but primarily focussed on Macquarie Island. Although the following information pertains to Elephant Seals, it is assumed similar procedures were undertaken with the Leopard Seals between 1957 and 1999: "At Macquarie Island 1000 seals were weighed per annum between 1993-2003 at birth and individually marked with two plastic flipper tags in the inter-digital webbing of their hind flippers. These tagged seals were weighed again at weaning, when length, girth, fat depth, and flipper measurements were made. Three weeks after weaning 2000 seals were permanently and individually marked by hot-iron branding. Recaptures and re-weighings of these known aged individuals were used to calculate growth and age-specific survival of the seals. Similar data were collected from elephant seals between 1950 and 1965 when seals were individually marked by hot-iron branding. Mark-recapture data from these cohorts were used to assess the demography of the declining population. Length and mass data were also collected for these cohorts and were used, for the first time, to assess the growth of individual seals without killing them." The database was held by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre, but was taken offline due to maintenance problems. A snapshot of the database was taken in June 2018 and stored in an access database. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 90.
This database is a compendium of histories of known age seals (Weddell) from observations across the Southern Ocean but focussed on the Windmill Islands, Mawson and the Vestfold Hills. Although the following information pertains to Elephant Seals, it is assumed similar procedures were undertaken with the Weddell Seals between 1973 and 2006: At Macquarie Island 1000 seals were weighed per annum between 1993-2003 at birth and individually marked with two plastic flipper tags in the inter-digital webbing of their hind flippers. These tagged seals were weighed again at weaning, when length, girth, fat depth, and flipper measurements were made. Three weeks after weaning 2000 seals were permanently and individually marked by hot-iron branding. Recaptures and re-weighings of these known aged individuals were used to calculate growth and age-specific survival of the seals. Similar data were collected from elephant seals between 1950 and 1965 when seals were individually marked by hot-iron branding. Mark-recapture data from these cohorts were used to assess the demography of the declining population. Length and mass data were also collected for these cohorts and were used, for the first time, to assess the growth of individual seals without killing them. The database was held by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre, but was taken offline due to maintenance problems. A snapshot of the database was taken in June 2018 and stored in an access database. This work was completed as part of ASAC project 90.
Observations of Royal Penguins at North Head, Macquarie Island were made to 2 purposes. First, general observations of the whole rookery, with counting birds, noting times of laying, hatching, changing of guard over the nests and habits of the penguins. Second, the detailed observation of marked nests for the determination of hatching periods, size of clutches and variations in the dimensions of the eggs. Census data from field report by Z Soucek (now deceased), lodged in the AAD archives.
Season whale catch records for austral summers from 1931/32 to 1979/80. Data have been aggregated into one degree cells centered on the reported position. The dataset covers five whale species - Blue, Fin, Sei, Minke and Humpback. These data have been exposed as an OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) resource via DiGIR (Distributed Generic Information Retrieval (DiGIR)).
This dataset contains the results from studies of the Weddell Seal (Lepotonychotes weddellii) in the Vestfold Hills region, Antarctica. Results from tagging surveys, photographs and aerial surveys since 1973 are reported. Numbers, life stage, sex, moult stage and migration patterns have been reported. Fecal samples have been collected and from the otoliths, vertebrae, cephalopod beaks and crustacean remains, the diets and feeding habits have been investigated. Many of the results are reported in the document. This metadata record encompasses ASAC projects 89, 95 and 199 (ASAC_89, ASAC_95, ASAC_199).
Adelie penguin census November - December 1999 by Jim and Yvonne Claypole following their winter at Cape Denison. A shapefile with the colony boundaries is available but counts are not available. On 2 March 2016 David Smith of the Australian Antarctic Data Centre contacted Jim Claypole to see if he and Yvonne still had a copy of the counts as the Australian Antarctic Data Centre does not have a copy of the counts. Jim and Yvonne recall emailing the results of their survey to the Australian Antarctic Division soon after returning to Australia after wintering at Cape Denison in 1999. On 11 April 2016 Jim Claypole advised David that unfortunately they had not been able to find any record of their survey and they didn't have emails from that time.
Penguin counts conducted between 25 November and 2 December 1997. The census covered the following areas and rookeries in the Cape Dension area: rookeries north of Gadget Hut, outside Greenholm Hut and both sides of harbour, Penguin Knob, Azimuth Hill, Memorial Hill, Lands End Ridge, below Sorensen's Hut, east of Sorensen's Hut. A total of 24542 penguins were censused for the Cape Denison area, excluding McKellar Island Rookeries. The fields in this dataset are: Area Rookery locations Number