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  • General description: The associated file contains sediment pigment data from the antFOCE project 4127. Units: all pigment data in ug/g, 0 = below detection limit of HPLC. Sample collection details: At the start and end of the antFOCE experiment, four sediment core samples were taken from inside and outside each chamber or open plot by divers. The top 1 cm of the cores was then removed and placed in the dark, first at -20ºC for 2 hours, then at -80ºC until analysis at the Australian Antarctic division. Pigment analysis Frozen samples were transported under liquid N2 to a freeze drier (Dynavac, model FD-5), in pre-chilled flasks with a small amount of liquid N2 added. Custom made plumbing fitted to the freeze drier enabled samples to be purged with N2 to prevent photo-oxidation up until solvent extraction. Prior to pigment extraction five 2 g stainless steel ball bearings were added to homogenise the freeze dried sediment. The samples were bead beaten for 1 minute (Biospec products). Subsamples (~0.05 g) were immediately transferred to cryotubes with 700 µl of dimethylformamide (DMF) for two hours. Samples were kept at -80ºC and under a safe light (IFORD 902) at all times. All pigment concentrations are standardised to sediment weight. Pigments were extracted with dimethylformamide (DMF 700 µl) over a two hour period at -20ºC. Zirconia beads, and 100 µl of Apo 8 and an internal standard were added to each sub-sample. After a two hour extraction, sub-samples were bead beaten for 20 seconds and then placed in a centrifuge with filter cartridge inserts for 14 minutes at 2500 rpm at -9ºC to separate the solvent from the sediment. The supernatant was transferred into to a vial and placed in a precooled rpHPLC autosampler. The rpHPLC system used is described in Hodgson et al. (1997). Pigment detection was at 435, 470 and 665 nm for all chlorophylls and carotenoids, with spectra from 300–700 nm being collected every 0.2 seconds. Pigment identification was carried out using a combination of rpHPLC and normal phase HPLC retention times, light absorbance spectra and reference standards (see Hodgson et al., 1997). These techniques assisted in the accurate identification of pigments and their derivatives to a molecular level and enabled several pigment derivatives to be analysed. The HPLC was previously calibrated with authentic standards and protocols outlined in SCOR (1988). Data set headers: (A)Treatment: Example code 4127_SOP7_6-1-15_PlotB_R1, = prodject code_Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) used to collect samples(see antFOCE parent file)_ Date_Chamber/plot(A,B,C,D)_replicate core within Chamber/plot(1,2,3) (B) BB carot= BB caroten, type of pigment detected by HPLC. See Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more details. (C) Chl c1 = Chlorophyll derivatives see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (D) Chl c2 = Chlorophyll derivatives see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (E) Chl c3 = Chlorophyll derivative see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (F) Chla = Chlorophyll a see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (G) Ddx =Diadinoxanthin see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information (H) dtx = Diatoxanthin pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information (I) epi = Chlorophyll epimer pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (j) Fuc = Fucoxanthin pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (k) Gyro2 = Gyroxanthin pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (L) Pras = Prasanthin pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (m) Zea = Zeaxanthin pigment. see Wright, S.W., Jeffrey, S.W. and Mantoura, R.F.C. eds., 2005. Phytoplankton pigments in oceanography: guidelines to modern methods. Unesco Pub for more information. (n) Date = Samples taken at the start of antFOCE experiment or at the end (o) chamber = The antFOCE chamber (A,B,C,D) (p) Treatment = The associated pH level in chambers (Acidified ~7.8, Control ~8.2) (Q) Position = Samples were taken within chambers and outside chambers (outside, inside) (r) rep= Subsamples were taken within each chamber/position (R1=replicate one, R1-R4) Spatial coordinates: 66.311500 S, 110.514216 E Dates: between 1/12/2014 and 1/3/2015 Timezone:UTC+11

  • This dataset contains chlorophyll a data collected by the Aurora Australis on Voyage 7 1992-93, taken in the Prydz Bay region between January and February 1993. These data were collected as part of ASAC project 40 (The role of antarctic marine protists in trophodynamics and global change and the impact of UV-B on these organisms).

  • This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 1990-91 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Prydz Bay area, Antarctica in January and February 1991. Taxonomic identity and abundance data were obtained, together with an extensive range of pigment analysis. Over 60 pigments are analysed (only the major ones are listed here). The major phytoplankton investigated were diatoms, dinoflagellates and flagellates. This dataset is a subset of the full cruise.

  • As part of Australian Antarctic Science project # 4298 and Antarctica New Zealand project K131A, a total number of 24 sea ice sites were sampled for bio-optical measurements along 2 transects on land-fast sea ice in McMurdo Sound (Antarctica) during November 2014. Measurements included hyperspectral surface irradiance measurements (TriOS ASS) as well as under-ice radiance measurements using a TriOS ARC (350 – 900 nm, 3.3 nm resolution) radiometer mounted to an L-arm. After completion of radiometric measurements, snow thickness was measured with a ruler and an ice core was collected directly above the radiometer location. Sea-ice freeboard (tape measure) and ice thickness (ice core length) were recorded. Ice core (9 cm internal diameter) bottom sections (lowermost 0.1 m of ice cores) were collected and were used for determination of algal pigment content (using HPLC) and spectral ice algal absorption coefficients (ap, ad, aph). Sea ice physical properties including vertical profiles of ice temperature and salinity profiles were collected at some specific locations along the transects, which were sampled near Little Razorback Island and near Cape Evans, McMurdo Sound.

  • Metadata record for data expected ASAC Project 2382 See the link below for public details on this project. This entry contains: Locations for sampling sites for ASAC project 2382 on voyage 3 of the Aurora Australis in the 2004/5 season, collected between December and February of 2004/5; CTD bottle-derived seawater viscosity data and CTD bottle-derived in vivo fluorescence data. There are four spreadsheet files in this download file. Each spreadsheet file contains several worksheets. 1) I9_Stations.xls: Transect 1 (CLIVAR I9 = 'I9') station and sampling details: CTD stations, CTD profiles, Surface samples. 2) PET_Stations.xls: Transect 2 (Kerguelen Plateau and Princess Elizabeth Trough = 'PET') station and sampling details: CTD stations, CTD profiles. 3) Viscosity.xls: Viscosity data. 4) Fluorescence.xls: In vivo fluorescence data. For all files -999 = missing data A word document details the sampling protocols for viscosity and in vivo fluorescence. Note: ASAC project 2382 operates in direct collaboration with ASAC project 2596 (Three-dimensional microscale distribution and production of plankton populations).

  • From the abstract of some of the papers: It has been suggested that increased springtime UVB radiation caused by stratospheric ozone depletion is likely to reduce primary production and induce changes in the species composition of Antarctic marine phytoplankton. Experiments conducted at Arthur Harbour in the Antarctic Peninsula revealed a reduction in primary productivity at both ambient and increased levels of UVB. Laboratory studies have shown that most species in culture are sensitive to high UVB levels, although the level at which either growth or photosynthesis is inhibited is variable. Stratospheric ozone depletion, with resultant increased springtime UVB irradiance, has been occurring with increasing severity since the late 1970's. Thus the phytoplankton community has already experienced about 20 years' exposure to increasing levels of UVB radiation. Here we present analyses of diatom assemblages from high-resolution stratigraphic sequences from anoxic basins in fjords of the Vestfold HIlls, Antarctica. We find that compositional changes in the diatom component of the phytoplankton community over the past 20 years cannot be distinguished from long-term natural variability, although there is some indication of a decline in the production of some sea-ice diatoms. We anticipate that our results are applicable to other Antarctic coastal regions, where thick ice cover and the timing of the phytoplankton bloom protect the phytoplankton from the effects of increased UVB radiation. Growth rate, survival, and stimulation of the production of UV-B (280 to 320 nm) absorbing compounds were investigated in cultures of five commonly occurring Antarctic marine diatoms exposed to a range of UV-B irradiances. Experimental UV-B exposures ranged from 20 to 650% of the measured peak surface irradiance at an Antarctic coastal site (0.533 J per square metre per second). The five diatom species (Nitzschia lecointei, Proboscia alata, P. inermis, Thalassiosira tumida and Stellarima microtrias) appear capable of surviving two to four times this irradiance. In contrast to Phaeocystis cf. pouchetti, another major component of the Antarctic phytoplankton, the concentrations of pigments with discrete UV absorption peaks in diatoms were low and did not change significantly under increasing UV-B irradiance. Absorbance of UV-B by cells from which pigments had been extracted commonly exceeded that of the pigments themselves. Most of this absorbance was due to oxidisable cell contents, with the frustule providing the remainder. Survival of diatoms did not correlate with absorption by either pigments, frustules or oxidisable cell contents, indicating that their survival under elevated UV-B irradiances results from processes other than screening mechanisms. Springtime UV-B levels have been increasing in Antarctic marine ecosystems since the 1970's. Effects on natural phytoplankton and sea-ice algal communities, however, remain unresolved. At the Marginal Ice Edge Zone, enhanced springtime UV-B levels coincide with a shallow, stratified water column and a major phytoplankton bloom. In these areas it is possible that phytoplankton growth and survival is adversely impacted by enhanced UV-B. In coastal areas, however, the sea ice, which attenuates most of the UV-B before it reaches the water column, remains until December/January, by which time UV-B levels have returned to long-term seasonal averages. Phytoplankton from these areas are unlikely to show long-term changes resulting from the hole in the ozone layer. Fjords of the Vestfold Hills, eastern Antarctica, have anoxic basins which contain high-resolution, unbioturbated sedimentary sequences. Diatom assemblages from these sequences reflect the diatom component of the phytoplankton and sea-ice algal assemblages at the time of deposition. Twenty-year records from these sequences show no consistent record of change in species composition, diversity or species richness. Six-hundred-year records from the same area also show changes in species abundance greater than those seen in the last 20 years. From these records it can be seen that recent changes in diatom abundances generally fall within the limits of natural variability and there is little evidence of recent changes that might be associated with UV-B-induced change.

  • Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2146 See the link below for public details on this project. From the abstracts of the referenced papers: Early season phytoplankton communities in both Omega and Taynaya Bays are characterised by diatoms sedimenting out of the overlying sea ice. Initial nitrate, phosphate and silicate levels are high and the bay waters are covered with ice and well mixed. In Taynaya Bay the ice cover is retained throughout the season while Omega Bay is free for 6-8 weeks. After ice break out in Omega Bay, the phytoplankton community changes from one dominated by diatoms to one dominated by the phtyoflagellates, Pyramimonas spp., Cryptomonas sp. and Gymnodinium sp. In Taynaya Bay the ice remained and even though phtyoflagellates became more common, diatoms still dominated. These differences in community composition result from differences in light climate, extent of stratification and nutrient levels. Sediment cores from Abel and Platcha Bays, in the Vestfold Hills, east Antarctica, contain evidence for a local late Holocene increase in fast ice extent and a possible ice cap retreat at approximately 1750 yr BP, a similar time to the Chelnock Glaciation. Prior to this time both bays experienced periods of isolation that lead to changes in their diatom flora, C:N ratio, percentage of biogenic silica and total organic carbon. Three new diatom indices are proposed; the fast ice index, based on the proportion of benthic taxa and the snow index, based on the proportion of Berkelaya adeliense and Thalassiosira australis. These indices show strong relationships with the percentage of biogenic silica, total organic carbon and percentage sand. A weak relationship exists between the fast ice index and delta 13 C and no relationship with the C:N ratio. The fields in these datasets are: Date Julian Day Sample Volume filtered (L) Acetone Volume (ml) Abs Chlorophyll Phytoplankton

  • This metadata record covers ASAC projects 113, 191 and 625. (ASAC_113, ASAC_191, ASAC_625). The total lipid, fatty acid, sterol and pigment composition of water column particulates collected near the Australian Antarctic Base, Davis Station, were analysed over five summer seasons (1988-93) using capillary GC, GC-MS, TLC-FID and HPLC. Polar lipids were the dominant lipid class. Maximum lipid concentrations usually occurred in samples collected in December and January and corresponded with increased algal biomass. Both lipid profiles and microscopic observations showed significant variation in algal biomass and community structure in the water column during each season and on an interannual basis. During the period of diatom blooms (predominantly Nitzschia species) the dominant sterol and fatty acid were trans-22-dehydrocholesterol and 20:5w3, accompanied by a high 16:1w7 to 16:0 ratio. Very high polyunsaturated fatty acid and total lipid concentrations were associated with diatom blooms in the area. Bacterial markers increased late in all seasons after the summer algal blooms. Long chain C30 sterols also increased during the latter half of all seasons. Fjord samples collected in the area reflected greater biomass and diversity in algal and bacterial makers than coastal sites. Signature lipids for the alga Phaeocystis pouchetii, thought to be a major alga in Antarctic waters, were identified in field samples over the five summer seasons studied. Methods Study site Davis Base is situated on the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica and incorporates numerous lakes and fjords (Fig. 1). Samples of water column particulate matter were collected during five summer seasons (1988-93), 500 meters off-shore from Magnetic Island, situated 5 km NW of Davis. Three other sampling areas were situated in the fjords of the Vestfold hills and include two sites in Ellis Fjord, one midway along Ellis Fjord and one near Ellis Fjord mouth and one sample midway along Long Fjord (Fig. 1). These fjords are protected from the marine environment, but are both marine fjords. Davis Station and Magnetic Island were used for the weekly sample sites. The mouth of Long Fjord, the mouth of Ellis Fjord, midway down Long Fjord, the deep basin in Ellis Fjord, O'Gorman Rocks and Hawker island (ocean side) were used for monthly samples. Field collection There was an initial pilot season in 1988-89, which was followed by two more detailed studies in the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. Four samples was also analysed from the 1991-92 and five from the 1992-93 summer seasons. During the initial pilot study at Magnetic Island in the 1988-89 summer, three water column particle samples were taken for lipid analyses. The 1989-90 and 1990-91 summer field seasons incorporated weekly sampling of the water column particulates at Magnetic Island. The phytoplankton in the fjords were studied during the summers of 1989-90 and 1990-91. The three sites that were chosen were all sampled three times in each season. Samples were also collected during the 1989-90 and 1990-91 seasons from the Magnetic Island and Fjord site s for pigment analyses. Three and five samples were collected respectively in the 1991-92 and 1992-93 seasons. Samples were also taken for microscopic analyses. For lipid analyses 30-40 liter water column particulate samples were collected at a depth of 10 m. A Seastar or INFILTREX water sampler was used in situ to filter the water through a 14.2 cm Schleicher and Schuell glass fibre filter over a three to four hour period. All filters used during sampling were preheated in a muffle furnace at 500 degrees C overnight to minimise contamination. For pigment analyses 2 to 4 litres were filtered through glass fibre filters (4.7 cm GF/F, nominal pore size 0.7 micro meters). The samples were frozen at -20 degrees C until extraction.

  • Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the South Indian Ocean sector during the southern summer of 2002/2003 on Aurora Australis voyage au0304, V4 2002/2003. A total of 64 vertical CTD stations were taken, in a krill survey area in the vicinity of Mawson, and approximately following WOCE I08 meridional transect passing up the western flank of the Kerguelen Plateau and then continuing south across the Princess Elizabeth Trough to the Antarctic continental shelf. Over 1050 Niskin bottle samples were collected using a SeaBird 24 bottle rosette sampler, with samples collected for the analysis of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and biological parameters. Full-depth current profile data were collected by either 1 or 2 lowered acoustic Doppler profilers (LADCP) attached to the CTD rosette package. Near surface current data were also collected using a ship mounted ADCP. An array of 8 moorings comprising current meters and thermosalinographs were deployed along the western flank of the Kerguelen Plateau, for the Deep Western Boundary Current Experiment. Ship's underway data, (including bathymetry, met. sensors and sea surface salinity/temperature/fluorescence) are included in the cruise data set; an offset correction was applied to the underway sea surface salinity and temperature data, derived from comparison with near surface CTD data. A summary of all data and important data quality information is presented in the data report. Note that LADCP data are not included here. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 1250 and 2312. Models of climate change project a decrease in the global ocean overturning circulation, significantly impacting climate and ocean ecosystems. The Deep Western Boundary Current experiment commenced on this voyage aims to measure the northward transport of Antarctic Bottom Water east of the Kerguelen Plateau so that future change in this component of the global thermohaline circulation can be detected.

  • Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the vicinity of the Amery Ice Shelf on two cruises, during the southern summers of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. A CTD transect parallel to the front of the Amery Ice Shelf was occupied on both cruises, including repeat occupations on each cruise. A total of 100 CTD vertical profile stations were taken near the ice shelf, most to within 20 m of the bottom, and over 1150 Niskin bottle water samples were collected for the measurement of salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, helium, tritium, oxygen 18 and biological parameters, using a 12 bottle rosette sampler mounted on either a 24 or 12 bottle frame. On the first cruise, an additional 39 CTD stations were occupied around an experimental krill survey area in the vicinity of Mawson. Additional CTD stations were taken at the end of each cruise for calibration of CTD instrumentation from borehole sites on the Amery Ice Shelf. Near surface current data were collected on both cruises using a ship mounted ADCP. An array of 9 moorings comprising current meters, thermosalinographs and upward looking sonars were deployed along the ice shelf front in February 2001 during the first cruise, and retrieved on the second cruise in February 2002. A summary of all data and data quality is presented in the data report.