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  • The GEBCO_2021 Grid provides global coverage of elevation data in meters on a 15 arc-second grid of 43200 rows x 86400 columns, giving 3,732,480,000 data points. The GEBCO 2021 grid is reformatted as a Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF suitable for online requests and republished for use by science software. Original GEBCO grid was obtained from

  • This dataset comprises Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of varying resolutions for the George V and Terre Adelie continental margin, derived by incorporating all available singlebeam and multibeam point depth data into ESRI ArcGIS grids. The purpose was to provide revised DEMs for Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) researchers who required accurate, high-resolution depth models for correlating seabed biota data against the physical environment. The DEM processing method utilised all individual multibeam and singlebeam depth points converted to geographic xyz (long/lat/depth) ASCII files. In addition, an ArcGIS line shapefile of the East Antarctic coastline showing the grounding lines of coastal glaciers and floating ice shelves, was converted to a xyz ASCII file with 0 m as the depth value. Land elevation data utilised the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMP) 200 m DEM data converted to xyz ASCII data. All depth, land and coastline ASCII files were input to Fledermaus 3DEditor visualisation software for removal of noisy data. The cleaned point data were then binned into a gridded surface using Fledermaus DMagic software, resulting in a 0.001-arcdegree (~100 m) resolution DEM with holes where no input data exists. ArcGIS Topogrid software was used to interpolate across the holes to output a full-coverage DEM. ArcGIS was used to produce the additional 0.0025-arcdegree (~250 m) and 0.005-arcdegree (~500 m) resolution grids. Full processing details can be viewed in: Beaman, R.J., O'Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., De Santis, L., 2011. A new high-resolution bathymetry model for the Terre Adelie and George V continental margin, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science 23(1), 95-103. doi:10.1017/S095410201000074X

  • This layer is stored as two datasets (point and polygon)in the Geographical Information System (GIS). Points represent landing areas, mammal, flying bird and penguin data. Polygons represent the horizontal flight limits of helicopters and areas set aside for specific management purposes.

  • This dataset contains the coastline of Macquarie Island and adjacent islands in WGS84 lat/long coordinates. The coastline was constructed from a variety of sources including SPOT satellite imagery, the Royal Australian Navy's AUS604 hydrographic chart, and photogrammetry using aerial photographs.

  • The Thala Valley Tip Site GIS dataset mapped from January 2001 aerial photography. The dataset includes watercourse, waterhole, breakline, spot height, contour, embankment, rock, sea ice, snow, tide crack and contaminated site features.

  • The Australian Antarctic Division holds a collection of approximately 5,500 maps and charts. A catalogue of its holdings can be searched in detail and viewed in the SCAR Antarctic Map Catalogue. The Map Catalogue includes many historical maps dating back to the mid 1800's, thematic maps such as geological, vegetation and bathymetry maps, hydrographic charts, topographical maps, satellite image maps and orthophoto maps. Maps for work purposes are provided to Antarctic Expeditioners and AAD staff free of charge. Members of the public may be directed to mapping sales outlets. Contact the technical officer (below) for details. Many maps in the catalogue are digital maps available for download. These maps are provided free of charge. The Data Centre employs a Map Curator for adding, updating and correcting map references. The Map Curator is also responsible for storing and manageing the physical copies of maps in the Data Centre Map store. If there are any errors, please advise the Data Centre using the links on the Map Catalogue page.

  • Taken from sections of the report: In recent years, Geoscience Australia (GA) has increased its capability on the Antarctic continent with the installation of Continuous Global Positioning System (CGPS) sites in the Prince Charles Mountains and Grove Mountains. Over the course of the 2006/07 Antarctic summer, Alex Woods and Nick Brown from Geoscience Australia (GA) collaborated with Dan Zwartz of the Australian National University (ANU) to install new CGPS sites at the Bunger Hills and Richardson Lake and perform maintenance of the CGPS sites at the Grove Mountains, Wilson Bluff, Daltons Corner and Beaver Lake. The primary aim of the CGPS sites is to provide a reference frame for Antarctica, which is used to determine the long-term movement of the Antarctic plate. Data from Casey, Mawson and Davis is supplied to the International GPS Service (IGS) and in turn used in the derivation of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The sites also open up opportunities for research into post-glacial rebound and plate tectonics. In many respects CGPS sites in Antarctica are still in their infancy. Since the mid 1990's Geoscience Australia and the Australian National University have been testing new technology and various methods to determine the most effective way of running a CGPS site in Antarctica. A more detailed review of Australia's involvement in Antarctic GPS work can be found in (Corvino, 2004) In addition, a reconnaissance survey was undertaken at Syowa Station to determine whether a local tie survey could be performed on the Syowa VLBI antenna in the future. Upgrades were made to the Davis and Mawson CGPS stations and geodetic survey tasks such as reference mark surveys, tide gauge benchmark levelling and GPS surveys were performed at both Davis and Mawson stations. In addition, work requested by Geoscience Australia's Nuclear Monitoring Project, the Australian Government Antarctic Division (AGAD) and the University of Tasmania (UTAS) were completed. The 2006/07 Geoscience Australia Antarctic expedition proved to be one of the most successful Antarctic seasons by geodetic surveyors from Geoscience Australia. All intended field locations were visited and all work tasks were completed. Background The primary aim of the CGPS sites is to provide a reference frame for Antarctica, which is used to determine the long-term movement of the Antarctic plate. Data from Casey, Mawson and Davis is supplied to the International GPS Service (IGS) and in turn used in the derivation of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The sites also open up opportunities for research into post-glacial rebound and plate tectonics. In many respects CGPS sites in Antarctica are still in their infancy. Since the mid 1990's Geoscience Australia and the Australian National University have been testing new technology and various methods to determine the most effective way of running a CGPS site in Antarctica. Dr John Gibson from The University of Tasmania requested that Alex Woods and Nick Brown collect moss samples from any locations visited during the Antarctic summer field season. While working in the field only a few moss specimens were found. No moss or lichen specimens were observed at locations such as Wilson Bluff, Dalton Corner, Beaver Lake or the Grove Mountains. Moss samples were collected at Richardson Lake and Mawson Station and these samples were frozen after collection and returned to Australia. This work contributed towards AAS (ASAC) project 1159.