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Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 2179 See the link below for public details on this project. Taken from a progress report of the project written in 1998: 60 terrestrial sediments have been taken from Wilkes and Thala Valley tip, with control sites at Robinsons Ridge and Jacks Donga. 50 marine sediments have been taken from the bay offshore from Thala Valley tip. 116 fresh and marine waters have been taken from the fresh water stream flowing through the Thala Valley tip, the tip/sea interface, and the nearshore marine offshore from Thala Valley tip and control sites. Formal integration of these data into a GIS is underway. These data have not been archived until 2012, hence the only data available were sourced from publications arising from the project.
The impact of freeze-thaw cycling on a ZVI and inert medium was assessed using duplicated Darcy boxes subjected to 42 freeze-thaw cycles. This dataset consists of particle sizing during the decommissioning process of the experiment. Two custom built Perspex Darcy boxes of bed dimensions: length 362 mm, width 60 mm and height 194 mm were filled with a mixture of 5 wt% Peerless iron (Peerless Metal Powders and Abrasive, cast iron aggregate 8-50 US sieve) and 95 wt% glass ballotini ground glass (Potters Industries Inc. 25-40 US sieve). This ratio of media was selected to ensure that most aqueous contaminant measurements were above the analytical limit of quantification (LOQ) for feed solutions at a realistic maximum Antarctic metal contaminant concentration at a realistic field water flow rate. All solutions were pumped into and out of the Darcy boxes using peristaltic pumps and acid washed Masterflex FDA vitron tubing. Dry media was weighed in 1 kg batches and homogenised by shaking and turning end over end in a ziplock bag for 1 minute. To ensure that the media was always saturated, known amounts of Milli-Q water followed by the homogenised media were added to each box in approximately 1 cm layers. 20 mm of space was left at the top of the boxes to allow for frost heave and other particle rearrangement processes. On completion of freeze-thaw cycling and solution flow (refer to Statham 2014), an additional series of assessments was conducted. The media from between the entry weir and the first sample port was removed in five approximately 400 g samples of increasing depth. This procedure was repeated between the last sample port and the exit weir. These samples were left to dry in a fume cabinet before duplicated particle sizing using a Endcotts minor sieve shaker.
The present data set corresponds to the genotypes for seven microsatellite markers for three Antarctic sea urchin species of the genus Abatus. Sea urchin individuals were collected in five sites separated by up to 5 km in the near-shore area surrounding Davis Station in the Vestfold Hills Region, East Antarctica. For each microsatellite loci, the size of each allele was scored (in base pairs) using the CEQ 8000 Genetic Analysis System software v.8.0. Fragments were separated on an automated sequencer (CEQ 8000, Beckman Coulter) in the Central Science Laboratory at University of Tasmania.
Metadata record for data from ASAC Project 1005 Metal and organic contaminants in marine invertebrates from Antarctica, field study of their concentrations, laboratory study of their toxicities. See the link below for public details on this project. Data from this project are now unrecoverable. Several publications arising from the work are attached to this metadata record, and are available to AAD staff only. Taken from the referenced publications: Bioaccumulation of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in the Antarctic gammaridean amphipod Paramoera walkeri was investigated at Casey station. The main goals were to provide information on accumulation strategies of the organisms tested and to verify toxicokinetic models as a predictive tool. The organisms accumulated metals upon exposure and it was possible to estimate significant model parameters of two compartment and hyperbolic models. These models were successfully verified in a second toxicokinetic study. However, the application of hyperbolic models appears to be more promising as a predictive tool for metals in amphipods compared to compartment models, which have failed to adequately predict metal accumulation in experiments with increasing external exposures in previous studies. The following kinetic bioconcentration factors (BCFs) for the theoretical equilibrium were determined: 150-630 (Cd), 1600-7000 (Pb), 1700-3800 (Cu) and 670-2400 (Zn). We find decreasing BCFs with increasing external metal dosing but similar results for treatments with and without natural UV radiation and for the combined effect of different exposure regimes (single versus multiple metal exposure) and/or the amphipod collective involved (Beall versus Denison Island). A tentative estimation showed the following sequence if sensitivity of P. walkeri to an increase of soluble metal exposure: 0.2-3.0 micrograms Cd per litre, 0.12-0.25 micrograms Pb per litre, 0.9-3.0 micrograms Cu per litre and 9-26 micrograms Zn per litre. Thus, the amphipod investigated proved to be more sensitive as biomonitor compared to gammarids from German coastal waters (with the exception of Cd) and to copepods from the Weddell Sea inferred from literature data. ####### This study provides information on LC50 toxicity tests and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the nearshore Antarctic gammarid, Paramoera walkeri. The 4 day LC50 values were 970 micrograms per litre for copper and 670 micrograms per litre for cadmium. Net uptake rates and bioconcentration factors of these elements were determined under laboratory conditions. After 12 days of exposure to 30 micrograms per litre, the net uptake rates were 5.2 and 0.78 micrograms per gram per day and the bioconcentration factors were 2080 and 311 for copper and cadmium respectively. The body concentrations of copper were significantly correlated with the concentrations of this element in the water. Accumulation of copper and cadmium continued for the entire exposure suggesting that heavy metals concentrations were not regulated to constant concentrations in the body. Using literature data about two compartments (water-animal) first-order kinetic models, a very good agreement was found between body concentrations observed after exposure and model predicted. Exposure of P. walkeri to mixtures of copper and cadmium showed that accumulation of these elements can be assessed by addition of results obtained from single exposure, with only a small degree of uncertainty. The study provides information on the sensitivity of one Antarctic species towards contaminants, and the results were compared with data of similar species from lower latitudes. An important finding is that sensitivity to toxic chemicals and toxicokinetic parameters in the species investigated are comparable with those of non-polar species. The characteristics of bioaccumulation demonstrate that P. walkeri is a circumpolar species with the potential to be a standard biological indicator for use in monitoring programmes of Antarctic nearshore ecosystems. the use of model prediction provide further support to utilise these organisms for biomonitoring. ####### Heavy-metal concentrations were determined in tissues of different species of benthic invertebrates collected in the Casey region where an old waste-disposal tip site is a source of contamination. the species studied included the bivalve Laternula elliptica, starfish Notasterias armata, heart urchins Abatus nimrodi and A. ingens and gammaridean amphipod Paramoera walkeri. The specimens were collected at both reference and contaminated locations where lead was the priority element and copper was the next most important in terms of increased concentrations. The strong association between a gradient of contamination and concentrations in all species tested indicated that they are reflecting well the environmental changes, and that they appear as appropriate biological indicators of heavy-metal contamination. Aspects of the biology of species with different functional roles in the marine ecosystem are discussed in relation to their suitability for wider use in Antarctic monitoring programmes. For example, in terms of heavy-metal bioaccumulation, the bivalve appears as the most sensitive species to detect contamination; the starfish provides information on the transfer of metals through the food web while the heart urchin and gammarid gave indications of the spatial and temporal patterns of the environmental contamination. The information gathered about processes of contaminant uptake and partitioning among different tissues and species could be used in later studies to investigate the behaviour and the source of contaminants.
This dataset contains the results of experiments that measured the total hydrocarbon content (THC) in water accommodated fractions (WAF) of fuel in seawater. The three fuel types were: Special Antarctic Blend diesel (SAB), Marine Gas Oil diesel (MGO) and an intermediate grade (180) of marine bunker Fuel Oil (IFO). These tests were performed under conditions which conformed to protocols used in Project 3054 toxicity tests conducted on Antarctic and subantarctic marine invertebrates. These hydrocarbon data show measured concentrations of THC in WAFs over time. From these data exposure concentrations of THC can be derived for analysis of sensitivities of marine invertebrates exposed to these WAFs in bioassays of Antarctic and subantarctic marine invertebrates. The integrated exposure concentrations calculated from these data are held in datasets AAS_3054_THC_WAF_integ_ conc_ 09_10 and AAS_3054_THC_WAF_integ_ conc_10_11_12. Fuels were experimentally mixed by slow stir of fuel and seawater in temperature controlled cabinets at 0 degrees C and 5 degrees C to prepare a mixture of fuel hydrocarbons in filtered seawater (FSW). WAF was produced by adding fuel to seawater in 10 L glass bottles. Mixtures were stirred at slow speed with minimal vortex. The freshly decanted WAFs were sampled and an additional set of time series experiments sampled the THC in dilutions of decanted WAFs in open containers, to show the loss of hydrocarbons over time at 0 degrees C and 5 degrees C. WAF samples were extracted and THC in micrograms per litre was measured using gas-chromatograph flame ionising detection (GC_FID) analysis. The dataset consists of an Excel spreadsheet. The first worksheet 'Test description' gives details of test setup and conditions, and explanation of acronyms. The following worksheets show the THC in test samples, with a separate worksheet for each test. Two worksheets 'Raw data' show the data from GC_FID analysis.
These are the scanned electronic copies of field and lab books used at Casey Station between 1997 and 2012 as part of ASAC (AAS) project 2385 - Development and application of DGT devices for passive sampling of contaminated waters in the Antarctic environment.
This is a scanned copy of the vertebrate biology report from Macquarie Island by David Slip. The report was split into two documents, and has been scanned as such. The topics covered in the report include: - Elephant seal census - Elephant seal tagging program - Resights of tagged seals - Electrophoretic studies - Blood chemistry - Time depth recorders and satellite telemetry deployment - Pup and weaner weights - Calculation of body fat - Anesthetics - Examination of diet through stomach lavaging - Leopard seals - Survey of marine debris
Live O. orensanzi were found in the AAD's Marine Research Facility emerging from sediments during feeding on 3 July 2014. It is likely that live specimens were included in samples collected for another species, Antarctonemertes sp. from intertidal rocky areas at Beall Island near Casey station (66 30.4265 degree S, 110 45.851 degrees E), East Antarctica in January and February 2014. It is also possible that the O. orensanzi were collected from southeast Newcomb Bay, adjacent to Casey station on 2 and 3 of February 2012 (Figure 4), and survived in the Marine Research Facility's aquarium, but this is considered less likely. Experiments were conducted at the AAD's quarantine facility in Kingston, Tasmania, between 19 July and 2 September 2014. This metadata record contains the results from bioassays conducted to show the response of Antarctic Polychaetes Ophryotrocha orensanzi to contamination from combinations if IFO 180 fuel and the fuel dispersants Ardrox 6129, Slickgone LTSW and Slickgone NS. Test solutions were prepared following the methods of Singer et al. (2000) with modifications by Barron and Ka'aihue (2003) and others. Water accommodated fractions of fuel in water (WAF) were produced using a 1:25 (v/v) fuel to FSW ratio in accordance with studies by Payne et al. (2014) and Brown et al., (2016) to facilitate comparability of results. Chemically enhanced water accommodated fractions (CEWAF) were made following a lower 1:100 (v/v) fuel to FSW ratio. A 1:20 (v/v) dispersant to fuel ratio was used for all three dispersants, an application rate of 1:20 dispersant to fuel rate was used both because this is the standard default application rate used in the field and to increase comparability to previous studies. Dispersant only mixes were made according to CEWAF specifications, substituting FSW for fuel. Test mixes were prepared in dark temperature-controlled cabinets at 0 plus or minus 1 degree C. Mixes were made in two L or five L glass aspirator bottles using a magnetic stirrer. Mix preparation followed the pre-vortex method in which a 20 - 25 % vortex was achieved in 0 plus or minus 1 degree C FSW before addition of the test materials. Once added, fuel was allowed to cool for a further 10 minutes before subsequent addition of dispersants during CEWAF preparation. Mixes were stirred for a total of 42 h with an additional settling time of 6 h following the recommendations determined as part of the hydrocarbon chemistry component of this project (Kotzakoulakis, unpublished data). The mixture was subsequently serially diluted to achieve the desired concentrations. Test concentrations were 100%, 50%, 20% and 10% for WAF and 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1% for CEWAF. Concentrations for dispersant only treatments mimicked CEWAF in order to be directly comparable. Test solutions were kept in sealed glass bottles with minimal headspace at 0 plus or minus 1 degree C for a maximum of 3 h before use. Test dilutions were remade each four day period to replenish hydrocarbons lost through evaporation and absorption to simulate a repeated pulse exposure to the contaminant. Ninety percent of the test solution volume was replaced for each beaker during each water change by gently tipping out the solution with minimal disturbance to the test organisms. Replacement solutions were chilled to the correct temperature and replenished immediately to avoid any temperature shock to test animals. Beakers were topped up with deionized water between water changes to maintain water quality and solution volume. Bioassays were conducted in cold temperature cabinets at 0 plus or minus 1 degree C and light regimes were set to 18 h light and 6 h dark to mimic Antarctic conditions used by Brown et al. (2017). Exposure vessels were 100 ml glass beakers containing 80 ml of test solution. Beakers were left open to allow for the evaporation of lighter fuel components. Each experiment consisted of four replicates per treatment concentration, with eight to 10 individuals per replicate (8 each for Slickgone NS, 10 each for Ardrox and LTSW). Experiments ran for 12 days with observations at 24 h, 48 h, 96 h, 7 d, 8 d, 10 d and 12 d. Mortality was assessed at each observation using a Leica MZ7.5 dissecting microscope. Mortality was determined by the absence of response to stimuli, specifically lack of movement in the maxillae or mandibles. No food was added during experiments to avoid inclusion of an additional exposure pathway. Aliquots of each test concentration were taken at the beginning and end of each experiment, as well as before and after each water change to analyse the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content. Duplicate 25 ml samples were taken for each test dilution and immediately extracted with a mixture of Dichloromethane spiked with an internal standard of BrC20 (1-bromoeicosane) and cyclooctane. Extractions were analysed using Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionisation Detection (GC-FID) and Gas Chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The measured concentrations were integrated following the methods of Payne et al. (2014) to obtain a profile of hydrocarbon content over each 12 d test period.
This study assessed the performance of diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) with a binding resin that used Chelex-100 (iminodiacetic acid functional groups) to measure cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc contaminants in Antarctic marine conditions. To do this, three sets of experiments were done: (I) the uptake of metals to DGT samplers was assessed over time when deployed to three metal mixtures of known concentrations (DGT performance page). This allowed for the determination of metal diffusion coefficients in Antarctic marine conditions and demonstrated when metal competition for binding sites were likely to occur. (II) the DGT were deployed in the presence of the microalga Phaeocystis antarctica at a concentration of 1000-3000 cells/mL to investigate how environmentally realistic concentrations of an Antarctic marine microalgae affect the uptake of metals (DGT uptake with algae page). Finally, the DGT-labile concentrations from part (II) were used in reference toxicity mixture models to predict toxicity to the microalgae so they could be compared to a previous study that investigated the toxicity of metal mixtures to Phaeocystis antarctica and Cryothecomonas armigera (DGT toxicity modelling page).
Marine debris records from beaches on Heard and Macquarie Islands and floating debris spotted on voyages. Data were collected by observers surveying beaches either methodically or opportunistically, and by observers spotting debris as it floated past ships. The data were originally collated into a searchable database, but the application is no longer supported by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre. An extract of the data is attached to this metadata record. The extract is in Excel format, and each worksheet is a copy of a database table.